Tree in the Moonlight - Tree Swipe Technique: Amazing Acrylic Pouring Tree Swipe

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hello and welcome back to my channel my name is maida and you're watching made of pores um i am an acrylic pouring fluid artist here on youtube and thank you so much for joining us today and watching this video so today's idea is a ghost tree swipe i have been seeing these all over in various facebook groups that i'm in i think they're beautiful um i watched julian pour your heart out do an example of one and i know that she referenced somebody who kind of came up or not came up with the idea but at least like kind of popularized it and i am not sure who that is so if you know who originally pop your popularized i can talk today i swear it's still morning i can talk still um this idea or this type of pour i would really love to hear it in the comments um so i could give them credit in the description maybe afterwards because i just don't know who it is um okay so i'm gonna start by going over my palette uh first i'm going to put this black this is artists low acrylic black this is going to be my base coat so i'm going to flood the canvas in this first and then i have amsterdam titanium white and that's going to be like the ghost trunk that goes in the middle i have golden fluid acrylic um in payne's gray not too much just a little bit i have artist loft metallic cobalt blue um i think i have the most of this color so like the swipe is gonna definitely have a dominance of this color i'm hoping um and i love this color i haven't used it in forever so artist love flow acrylic i mix the same way i mix liquitex which is one part paint to two parts flow troll and then water to thin this is golden fluid fluid acrylic iridescent pearl fine um just a little bit i just love this color i think it blends everything really nicely and golden fluid acrylic i mix i don't have an exact ratio i only i put probably like two ounces of floetrol and just a generous squeeze of the paint not even a full half ounce of paint you really don't need to use that much paint with uh when you're working with gold and fluid acrylics which is why i love it this is liquitex basics silver right here uh one part paint two parts flow troll water to thin although it still feels thicker than my other paints because it's that silver metallic but i did add a lot of water to that and finally we have golden fluid acrylic iridescent fine here so all right there we go that is my palette there i'm gonna move all this out of the way and i am gonna flood my canvas with the black first i do speed this part up so enjoy okay i know you saw that in fast forward in motion but i felt like that canvas gave me some problems but i got it flooded i got it covered i'm just going to pop any bubbles that are in here with my rusty hook and torch just get all those bubbles popped kind of check and see if there's i feel like i see a little piece of lint in there so i'm gonna grab it out with my tweezers that i always like to have on hand if you see schmutz grab schmutz that's a good rule of thumb okay so here we go i'm going to start with my ghost layer back here it's going to turn into the tree so we pour the white down and it seems like a good generous amount of white because you know you want to pick it up you want to be able to swipe it up so nice generous line of light there i'm going to like tilt it out just a little bit spread it out there just a little okay that's going to be the trunk i'm actually going to start with my gold because i want to kind of well the idea is i want to see it um kind of emerge from the tree and then go into the dark so i'm gonna start with the gold and use some silver two and a little bit of iridescent pearl sort of in between there if i can do it i'm trying to cover the white completely so when i swipe it out i don't want to swipe the white out i want to swipe all the paint over the whiteout okay and then we're gonna go here with my metallic cobalt blue this has always been i haven't used this color in a long time when i first started pouring i used it in almost like everything which is probably why i kind of stopped for a while you know you get like tired of using your favorite color like but then you always come back to it so i'm coming back to it here and i'm going to go ahead and put just some payne's gray along that metallic and i'm gonna put a tiny little strip down the middle there and i did wanna just sort of finish the iridescent pearl off on the very side i don't know that might this might all get i don't know how i don't know how well you'll see this we'll see we'll see how this looks okay all right i've got a lot of silver left i've got some metallic left metallic cobalt but i'm not gonna put it on here so i have my caking icer my caking icer my cake icer um i didn't buy i have never used this dice cakes um this came with my most recent spinner i purchased i have another in my actual kitchen i have a cake icing thing just like this but i wouldn't use it for painting i try to keep my cooking utensils and my painting utensils separate i think that's a good course of thumb so right up here at the top i'm gonna pick up a little bit of that paint gray and just swipe it across okay i'm gonna wipe right there and let's just keep going down here i'm like nervous i feel like my hand's shaking i'm nervous okay and slow and steady swipe it out that's pretty i'm definitely picking up that gold i wanted to pick up hopefully it works out and swipe okay i'm going to swipe again right here i want to pick up that okay let's smooth it out here definitely getting some lacing and it's pretty i'm so nervous i'm gonna mess it up and not perfect but i mean some imperfections kind of neat you need some imperfections in something like this right right okay and [Music] okay i got a lot of empty black space right there let's try to switch that out it's like i don't want to scrape the canvas so i'm being like really cautious but i want it to be a smooth okay that's pretty trying to keep the whole side of the icing it's like i'm lifting up the end which is why i'm leaving those spaces and i'm trying really hard to like focus on keeping it flat but not pressing not like pressing it into the canvas and i'm also trying not to press too hard i want to leave that white underneath so i can pick it up okay that is pretty it's a lovely background for the next step here oh it's getting me just popping bubbles okay and i'm going to tilt it a little bit i'm going to stretch it out just a smidge i don't want to stretch it too too too too much but i do like the lacing and stuff that's sort of happening in little pieces and i want to try to stretch that out just a little bit and okay leave it like that so there should still be a lot of white hiding under there and now we're gonna find it we're gonna find the light so i think i'm gonna use this one now i'm trying to think so now from your perspective this is gonna be the right way but i'm gonna keep this is for me this is my top and this is my bottom but i'm gonna have this be the like the trunk of the tree and then swipe out through here because i feel like it's easier for me to swipe down than it's for me to swipe up okay so that's that's how i'm going to do that so i'm going to start right here let's hope i get this wide up i'm going to start with the first swipe of the trunk okay yeah see how that white showing through and i'm gonna pull over here i'm gonna do the same thing i don't want to scrape my canvas trying to be careful okay and you know this doesn't have to be perfect this is this is abstract right so you know you don't have to worry about making your trunk perfect i'm picking up this new tool and i'm gonna just swipe swipe out create that trunk or sorry that limb that branch swipe out to make that true that branch why am i calling them all trunks some are branches made of they're not it's on all part of the trunk some of this is part of the branch okay i'm so nervous okay all right i didn't really pick up the white in that but i did okay there we go there we go and i'm gonna wipe off the paint a little bit better okay so those are sort of our main branches here i think i'm gonna do one more coming up this side okay now i'm going to come in with some a popsicle stick this paint is dry don't worry it looks blue but it's dry and i'm just gonna kind of do some smaller branches coming off these big guys and i'm just kind of feeling the flow here not thinking about this too much just kind of going for it i'm going to go ahead and coming back in with my popsicle stick i like using popsicle sticks as uh tools with fluid art painting they've always been kind of like my go-to i feel like i guess i don't mind just touching the canvas with a popsicle stick it never like creates a gap um it always lets the paint kind of come back in so i just stress out less with popsicle sticks all right do you see it do you see the tree okay so i definitely see the tree but i want to come in with some of my white here grabbing another popsicle stick that this was my titanium white i'm just going to kind of define some of these branches my likes wispy branches because i want them to show when this painting dries i really like those wispy branches so we're gonna go ahead use my crusty popsicle stick and if you get a little too much you can just sort of swipe it back in i find popsicle sticks very forgiving trying to wipe off my paint not doing the greatest job because i'm getting a little bit in this cup that's okay sacrificing i'm just going over mostly because i want to see it really kind of brighten up and sort of come to life that's what i feel like i'm doing right now a little bit there we're gonna bring this swipe it in there this is just fun too it's always okay to add little details don't be afraid to add little details um it's you know it's your painting it's your art anything you see online or in a facebook group the way i see it is like that's inspiration you're never gonna recreate something exactly never be afraid to put your own twist on it and never think you did it wrong because it didn't come out exactly like someone else's you saw because maybe it didn't come out the way you imagined but that doesn't mean it came out bad or you know sometimes i feel like we i know that i'm my own worst critic when it comes to painting um i have a hard time i look at other people's paintings and i see beauty i look at my own paintings and i immediately see where i you know i don't know what i had imagined versus what i created does that make sense and very very rarely did i does what i imagine versus what i created come out exactly the same you know what i mean so i'm going to get a few more wispies over here oh this is a strong wispy that's okay we're going to sort of pull that back in to the into the group there and again kind of go i should be coming out versus in but it's okay it's all fine i should stop now but i'm gonna do one more famous last words right all right now i feel like my branches are like so much more defined and i i'm just hoping that i i still want to see when it dries i'm going to go ahead and take this white pull it along right into there just wanted to define that a little bit more just i'm just sort of lightly tapping it so it there we go okay that is my ghost crease white and i think it came out lovely and i hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching please do hit that like button and if you enjoy watching videos like this consider subscribing because this is what we do here and i'm going to go ahead and bring in for a close-up thanks so much for watching i'll see you next time all right so here is my ghost tree swipe i love how this sort of lacing and cells are coming out from behind the trunk here and i love how the gold um kind of like shines through and that is what i was going for it kind of reminds me of like the moon shining through the trees um i love the background i think it's pretty and this turned out pretty well for my first time here i like i'm glad that i went back in with that popsicle stick to kind of define those branches out a little bit more um but yeah thank you so much for watching i will see you again next time
Channel: Meta Pours Fluid Art
Views: 40,239
Rating: 4.9630141 out of 5
Keywords: tree swipe technique, amazing acrylic tree swipe, tree swipe, ghost tree swipe, ghost swipe, acrylic paint pouring, abstract art, tree in the moonlight, paint pouring, paint pouring for beginners, acrylic paint pouring for beginners, fluid art, acrylic pour tree swipe, Acrylic pour tree swipe technique, acrylic paint pouring techniques, abstract artists at work, fluid art for beginners, paint pouring art for beginners, acrylic pouring, acrylic painting, fluid painting
Id: I1CtUGgbPdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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