(345) Modified Bloom ~ A Technique You've Gotta See ~ Acrylic Pouring

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in this video i'll be showing you how to do a modified bloom coming up [Music] hi my name is susan king and if this is your first visit to my channel welcome and thanks for stopping by so i will be showing you today how to do a modified bloom which was inspired by acrylic pouring with cindy van der veen van der veen so keep watching hi and welcome back so i'll show you what uh paints i have in my cupboard today i have rush prussian blue by amsterdam i have joe sanya burgundy i have azo orange by amsterdam and this is permanent uh permanent blue violet yes by amsterdam permanent sorry permanent blue violet and this is permanent red violet by amsterdam and i'm using rust-oleum metallic accents it's white pearl white pearl metallic rust-oleum i'm gonna put that on top and then i'm gonna put the black cell activator um on top of that and it's black amsterdam oxide black that's my cell activator so um okay i'm about to begin here and i'm so excited because i have never tried this technique before it's called modified bloom and the creator is her channel is acrylic pouring with cindy van der veen i hope i pronounced that properly um yeah she does these modified blooms that i think are amazing i just watched a few of them the other day and i want to try it uh it starts out like a normal bloom as we go i will show you what the difference is between that and a regular bloom okay so i will begin by putting down a pillow okay i might have to actually this is a little awkward i've got a big huge can here and it's difficult to just tip over i don't want to get any air bubbles so i'm just going to spoon it on all right i think that's enough for now after i blow it out i'm going to come back and add some more to the corners so i'm just going to move my can over i'm gonna pop any air bubbles that might be on here because i just stirred the pillow paint okay so i'm gonna begin with phthalo not phthalo blue i'm gonna begin with prussian blue kind of looks like phthalo blue i could have labeled it wrong um anyway it's a gorgeous blue so okay then i'm gonna go for the burgundy joe sonia burgundy and this is how she adds her paint she um doesn't just plop them down in the middle like with a regular bloom she might do that with a couple but then she goes around the outside so that separates the color a little bit and they're not all blended into each other so i'm gonna try it the same way okay that was amsterdam azo azo ezo orange okay then i'm gonna go for the violet that's the permanent blue violet amsterdam again and then i did the orange i'm gonna do the red permanent red violet by amsterdam i'm gonna go like that maybe just a tiny bit in the middle i think i'm putting too much paint on because i don't think she puts very much on and then she usually uses uh i think it's deco art enamel pearl enamel or something like that i forget that i forget what it is but i'm going to be using rust-oleum white pearl i'm not going to use a whole lot and i'm using a black cell activator which is australian flow troll and oxide black amsterdam oxide black right i might have to put a bit more black on because that's already disappeared all right just a little bit i'm going to gently blow so minutes i think i'm going to leave that maybe blow that a little bit out or just blowing the ends out a bit very gently all right okay i'm gonna leave that and i will bring the camera back okay so here's where here's where it gets different i i'm gonna add some more paint around the edges oops all right hmm oops can't go that way so i really gotta put my paint in a smaller container all right i think that's good all right so now with one of these little skewers i am going to just run it through a couple of spots like that actually that's not exactly how i wanted it i want the line to be bigger so then i wipe it off each time hmm okay i'm wiping the stick off each time okay i'm gonna leave it at that for now and then i'm gonna tilt i have to take it off my spinner so where do i want to tilt first and i'm just going to barely go over the corners now i'm going to go back it's going to get very messy okay now i'm gonna go back i think i could have added a little bit more paint on this but might be okay i didn't get enough cell action that i wanted but this is my first time doing this i have a feeling my cell activator is not quite it's old i've had it for a little bit so it might not be working that great okay so now i'm coming back i will flip this around so you can see i wish i got a little bit more cells but it's kind of nice in the middle i really like this technique if you get a chance go over to her channel again it's as i try and see hold on it's acrylic pouring with cindy van der veen on youtube and she does a lot of these okay this is going very slow all right i don't know if i want to stretch that out anymore so i'm going to come back i think that is good now just hold on while i find some more paper towel oh ah oh no i just let the paper towel go over top of the painting right here so i'm gonna have to i don't know if i can fix that i'll just have to modify it more on that's the corner so it doesn't look like i accidentally ruined it cells in here are quite cool it's cool looking here too all right so now i'm gonna modify it some more okay oops a little bump there okay all right um i think i'm gonna bring it all the way in okay what else can i do something needs to be done over here maybe um okay i need to do something over here needs something to go up okay what else do i need to do i'm gonna leave the middle i'm gonna break up this line i don't like just the line going through by itself so what can i do just need something little here i think that's good as i keep going i just think i just a couple of spots i did nothing over here so i think i need to do is do a couple of things over here oh yeah i was gonna fix it this wasn't i okay so if i i don't know if that looks any good or not yeah i should have done this all right i think that's it if i do anymore it's going to look too busy so i'm going to you know what i have to do one more thing here a couple more things fussy on this area here so i'm just going to do that all right i'm going to show you a close-up i'm going to try and lift it up i think it'd be better just to bring the camera down can't seem to lift it up right now all right i like it modified bloom it's not a whole lot of cells just in the middle there's more cells but i love it maybe i'll get more cells with my next one so i am going to let this dry and show you how it dried at the end so come back to join me so stay tuned for the dried results okay i came back um it's mostly dry it's wet in the middle a little bit so i'm not going to touch it i just wanted to show you it's drawing the same hasn't changed there's no cracking or anything happening on the edges it's very nice i'll bring you down for a close-up and hopefully i won't shake okay so um again this was inspired by acrylic pouring with cindy van der veen a youtube she has a youtube channel she does these modified a lot of these modified pores are called our modified blooms they're called actually i think they're so beautiful i love them thank you for watching my video i hope you enjoyed it if you did please subscribe and hit the like button and come back for some more um if you still want to watch some more of mine right now there should be some video links popping up on the screen there are some of my playlists so hope you enjoy them and see you in my next video for sure i'll be doing a lot more of these bye for now have a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: Art By Susan King
Views: 63,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Modified Bloom ~ A Technique You've Gotta See ~ Acrylic Pouring, modified bloom, a technique you've gotta see, acrylic pouring, acrylic fluid art, acrylic painting, acrylic, fluid, art, artist, fluid painting, fluid painting acrylic, art by Susan king, susan king, acrylic pouring with Cindy vanderveen, Cindy vanderveen, acrylic pour, pour pouring, pour, floetrol, pouring medium, acrylic pcint, acrylic fluid painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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