I Joined the First Skyblock SMP! | Skyblock Kingdoms

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sunzu once said the best way to have fun with your friends is to play Sky Block together and honestly I agree so welcome to Sky Block kingdoms the first Sky Block smpp a statement which is one unresearched two made up on the spot and three almost definitely false but I'm saying it anyway how will we all shape this empty void into a thriving World well um we'll just have to find out welcome to episode one oh hi hello wait can we get oh gosh oh okay um um a this is a win yes this is a mass win are you serious yeah all we have to do is get down there and we're going to have so much good stuff in this server there are nine kingdoms each kingdom consists of two people with their own unique biome and wood type which no one else can grow this means that each wood type is kind of like a unique Monopoly you know each person gets to sell it and trade it and everything and also there are some unique challenges it's nothing serious I mean there's one right now it's who can get to the center Island first and me and my teammate Avid we want to get that well um let's get to work then first we should cut down our tree put the dirt on the bottom level uh so that we get as much I need you to to make a cobblestone generator no please don't make me do this all right so I've got a design for a double cobblestone generator is this a is this a patented duid design here I've come up with this on the spot oh God who's ready okay yeah that scared me that's scary okay and then now where do we stand good question all right let's do this doid let's do this yeah we've gotten a bunch of cobblestone we should be good to start going to the middle but it also appears that uh Ruby might also be heading to the middle so they can't beat us there's no way there's no way I don't know if they can see it either so we just have to bridge to xal Z which is about 80 Blocks so actually could you mine Cobblestone a bit for me uh I can't yes yes yeah yes sir it's not like anything's okay Aid you know what we're going to be the the best players on the server because we're going to get the best stuff so quickly yeah all right so true we're going to have like full diamond people are going to be so jealous but we need to get this oak wood first okay we need to get to the center de now while it is just like a cool challenge there are two reasons for us to want to get to the central island one is Oak Wood the only Universal Wood meaning everyone can grow it but we want it first and two apparently there was a special prize there yeah we had no idea what it was I can't see anything so okay all right duid all right all right I'm about to uh hold on all right I'll switch to it once you're done no well welcome to Sky Block Avid well this is but I think we're here actually who avid's sacrifice was not in vain let's see what this thing has to offer and we're here all right so we have the oak tree which is very unconventional but what o aan aan aan I fell with the gift aan aan aan I know what the gift is the gift I found what it is the the reward doid what is wrong with you doid I uh Viking hey Viking um I'm a I'm a monkey where we have the Jungle Island I hi hi I don't worry don't worry I'm embracing it you know what now I know I don't really want to fall in the void cuz I don't want to be a monkey through some series of events when Avid fell in the void and everything he turned into a monkey I don't know either man but people turning into monkeys out of the way we decided it was time to to head to the ancient city I'm going to take our water source for now yep yep yep and we just AR that far off of it no right Evan ready this is a terrible idea place that water down you're above it you're good you're [Applause] [Music] good krix hey hey what's up this is quite a place to meet you know yeah yeah it's it's f SW so so so let's let let's be civil here all right let's split this ancient city loot between us two all right all right so there are uh two shers so do we want to check out some more do you want to head back for now uh give me everything and I'll put it in the chat no we should head back we got to go Viking I mean I'm so sorry I'm so used to it being Viking saving me doid well hey uh act act one over yeah that's well is it do you you want to go back in there uh not right now I see them hiding from the [Laughter] warden wall short our trip to the ancient city had provided us with two incredibly useful things one it gave us a connection to our neighbors kit and trog who lived in the ACAA Kingdom but it also gave us one of the most useful tools for us in Sky Block a diamond hoe the you'll see why in a second all right well um we do not seem to have made our saplings back from that tree uh I don't think jungle we did not get four no but but there is a solution you pointed out at it I have a hoe I found you got a fortune three ho I forgot yeah I got it I got it down there I was excited uh but I didn't really read the enchantments cuz I was scared all right so what we need to do is we need to grow another big tree all right and then we mine all of the leaves with that we you're going to get so many saplings it's unreal really the hoe works on leaves yes all right watch this plant those saplings I'm on it oh we're cooking now baby and guess what it's time to cut down another tree me too I just got a sapling by the way awesome I got another sapling this tree might I just got I just got two saplings three saplings okay this tree did pay for itself cuz I already have one can the fortune is worth it the fortune is worth it okay good for some reason in Minecraft jungle trees just have a lower chance of dropping saplings so being able to have this hoe basically saved us from losing our wood a fate which I have unfortunately succumbed to in my regular Sky Block World okay David are you ready for me to don't look don't look I'm sorry sorry sorry I spoiled you got a presentation like a slideshow I uh it's with one slide yes I do all right I'll turn around okay these are our goals for today episode goal number one already achieved reach the center baby yeah we're champ W number two number two explore there there explore there there right right there's pumpkins up there that's that's another Resource number three number three make make a deasa jar jar Bix nice to meet you no not jar Italian not Italian yeah totally totally of course definitely you're the worst I I kind of was doing a bit of prototyping um and I have a bit of a a list of things um that we need for it a Avid what did you Avid Aid here's the deal I've already secured some of the things in this list some of them but we are going to need maybe four stacks of Spruce logs why why along with a few other things Aid had procured a list of stuff we would need to build our base in which was a bunch of foreign Wood meaning we would have to meet with another one of the kingdoms and somehow get four stacks of logs from them but first we wanted to do some exploration so we went to that Pillager Outpost this is crazy like I I can't believe I'm doing this this fast hello hey how's it going good all right so you ready to bridge over there no you know the first time I went to a Pillager Outpost in my Sky Block World I died and lost half of my things oh that's encouraging okay you know what take these and half that I'm speed bridging okay go go go go go for the content for the content for the for the horn okay he is aiming at you now or me that was Flawless went perfect yeah that was that was great buddy you nailed it I did so good there we go we're in we're in up the stair we got Aid the chest oh wait wait wait wait for me I want to see it too ah let's Rob him blind look at look at these resources we have now we have so much stuff okay we have Birch open it together three two two one one yes yes yes what I don't what did you see it's so good yes we got the horn we got the horn and so successfully looting the Pillager Outpost we collected a horn and we ready to move on to our third third and final task for the day to build our base but oh yeah if you're wondering if there's any like connotations to AV it just being a monkey now well sunzu once said the best thing to do when your friend turns into a monkey is to completely ignore it I think that's pretty good advice honestly but all that was left for us to do was to head to the spruce Kingdom cuz they have what we needed to build our house Spruce Wood and Moss I have not been to this of the world yet this is fun me either this is impressive this uh Bridge here hello hello hello hello ding ding ding d d ding ding it's nice it's nice to be over here this is like the exact opposite side of the the world from us oh of course you're so organized in everything over here it's amazing uh-huh okay well first all right we have a one toone log trade so we have our six stacks of jungle logs if you have your six stacks of SP LS okay one 2 3 4 5 6 count them look good 1 2 3 4 5 then did you pick one up anra I picked one up as well I got and then after a little bit of bartering we were able to get our moss on one condition like we can make a promise we will not attempt to usurp your Moss trade we just need it for ourselves we will not sell any of our Moss mhm oh okay I think that's reason and so we left happily with moss and Spruce Wood in hand all that was left was to you know actually build our house so um let's do that [Music] this thing took hours to build I think the total time was like 4 and A2 I mean everything you've seen in this video was recorded on day one of the server so hey this is our starter base all right buddy we did it I think we've been we've been building this house for like four or 5 hours now yep yep but this establishes jungle Kingdom as the superior Kingdom the the first official finished Kingdom for now at least first official finished starter base you're ready to place your campfire yep all right the build is officially complete woo wo yeah let's go we did it we did it I'm jumping off the house oh no that's and I can't end this video without saying that there is so much more that happened that I just didn't include in this video so please go check out what everyone else is doing could be videos it could be twitch streams it could be anything just just check out everyone else but I I do know one way to end the video sunzo once said the best way to kill a joke is to do it three times [Music]
Channel: Doovid
Views: 174,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doovid, Doovid_, doovid, doovid_, dovid, dovid_, Skyblock, skyblock, Chunklock, chunklock, 1.19, 1.20, Minecraft, Skyblock Kingdoms
Id: m_BbHOJifLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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