I spent 300 HOURS making this

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welcome to BM sculptures I'm Blake and today we're going to be making a life-sized alligator Who Rose to fame and stardom for a very specific reason more on that in a little bit for now let's get right into the build [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the sculpture is commissioned by Zirk who hosts and sponsors the Zurich Classic PGA tour at TPC Louisiana and if you're a golf fan you've probably already seen him this is tripod the famous three-legged alligator who frequently roams the course I am honored to be able to sculpt tripod and be sure to check him out because this sculpture will be at the tournament in April [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] here he is after a couple days you can see that the shape is really roughed out now it's time to thin them out and refine the details foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I thought it was going to be a good idea to carve in the scales and the bumps on the alligators back but I quickly realized I carved off way too much there's this big dip here between the neck and the back and I actually want this much more straight across so I carved off way too much but luckily it's just a quick fix I do a bunch of spray foam on there to beef them back up and then carve off the excess foreign [Music] [Music] now that the head and the body are the proportions that I want it's time to start on the tail now I'm doing the tail separately because I think I can conserve a lot more foam by cutting individual circles and then gluing them up and to attach all these foam circles together I'm going to be using a steel rod that is bent and that I basically just try and shove throughout the body of this alligator which turned out to be much more difficult than I originally anticipated [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for the finer details on this sculpture I'll end up using a hand rasp or these carving Burrs made by Cuts all these are the same Burrs that I used to carve my wooden epoxy sculptures and these things work surprisingly good on foam as well if you're interested in these or any other tools that I use throughout this project be sure to check out my description I will have links to everything used [Music] thank you now it's time to weld on the steel Armature and this is not so much for strength of the sculpture this whole thing is going to get fiberglass so it's going to be plenty strong this steel is basically going to give me support to permanently fix it to the pedestal foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and now I have to cover every square inch of this sculpture using aluminum foil tape the resin from fiberglassing will actually eat away this pink foam so the aluminum acts as a resin barrier it also looks pretty cool all chromed out what do you think [Music] now the tripod is out for fiberglassing it's time to start thinking about this pedestal now I am no mathematician and I would have no clue how to get perfectly minored joints on all these complicated angles so I brought in my buddy Alex to figure everything out for me I basically held the measuring tape pointed at a couple things and even made one cut while Alex put everything together [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the pedestal is done and when I say in no time I mean more like four or five full days working on nothing but this pedestal this tank took a really long time but I'm really happy with how it turned out now the only thing left to do is put on the artificial turf on top of that the client requested and this is going to tie in really well with the golf course thank you [Music] [Music] ever since I started making these Tire sculptures I've always wanted to do an alligator so this is really a dream come true for me I think all the different tire Treads are going to depict the alligators scales and bumps really really well [Music] oh [Music] as I'm fabricating the teeth I have all these sparks flying down on my leg at the exact same spot which eventually causes a rip this got me thinking I wonder if metal fabricators or even blue collar workers with jobs that involve Sparks or Machinery started these fashion trends this brought me down a deep dive foreign [Music] you guys check out these jeans and check out that price tag why the hell am I making sculptures when I could be a fashion icon just ripping jeans in the meantime let's just throw some duct tape on here so my leg doesn't get burnt ah much better now this also got me thinking what about duct tape jeans really all right I guess everything's already been thought of already so let's go ahead and get back to these teeth in this sculpture [Music] [Music] I've been working with tires long enough to develop a couple of cool little tricks and this has got to be one of my favorites I'll actually heat up the bird that way it will melt through the Rubber and then also cut through the fiberglass underneath it's a really good trick especially for something like installing these teeth [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] now that all the teeth were installed there was only one more thing left to do mama said that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth but no toothbrushes wow and just like that all the teeth are clean and done and now it's time to start working on the tires for the face [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] one of the most tedious parts of these sculptures is touching up the thousands of Staples and screws but it is directly related to one of my favorite Parts which is when someone sees my sculpture for the first time they get the biggest sense of wonderment in how the tires are attached I love to see bystanders try and figure it out and work out different scenarios in their head it is by far one of my favorite things to witness after a month and a half of working on this thing it is finally time to install it on the pedestal and bring it in for its final photo shoot [Music] Believe It or Not filming and editing these videos take almost the same amount of time as it does to create the actual sculpture so if you like this video please consider supporting my channel by hitting that subscription button okay let's get right into the big reveal [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: BM Sculptures
Views: 2,233,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, chainsaw carving, resin art, wood carving art, woodworking projects, woodcarving asmr, woodworking tools, epoxy resin, epoxy art, wood carving, woodworking art, how to make, woodworking ideas, epoxy pour, power carve, epoxy resin art for beginners, epoxy, resin, deep pour, carving, sculpting, chainsaw, asmr, bmsculptures, blakemcfarland, blacktailstudio, woodworking, oceanresin, epoxyresin, howto, sculpture, woodworkingart, diy, tools, woodworking asmr, viral video, viral video today
Id: ETd5izCJMik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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