the most SHOCKING villager hunt I've ever done

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yesterday i logged on deli had a thought bubble i was like okay bye another day another sleigh we got rid of another monkey the villagers that we have left to kick out are violet right cat i'm sorry cobb and monty so we have those to kick out and i have a list of dreamies in the description but punchy is the number number one dreaming that i'm looking for so really crossing my fingers and my toes and like whatever else i can cross um that we get punchy today let's get to it so we have 200 tickets to start off with today i have a feeling i just have a feeling that we're gonna need this and more so i'm a little scared okay first ticket of the day who is it it's a bunny i didn't i didn't bring a vaulting pole okay we gotta go we gotta go back home for that uh that's something that we kind of need a little bit there's this oh my goodness this is hilarious okay okay so i think we were walking out of a grocery store my boyfriend and i and we were talking about like how eggos like blew up because of stranger things and oh no we were inside of target okay we were inside target we're talking about that walking down the aisle and i see the eggos like in the in like an aisle across and i go like i like kind of like jokingly run to them i'm like oh my god eggos from stranger things and i say it like super loud because i thought it was just my boyfriend next to me and i was just like trying to be like funny there's this lady that like i didn't see there and she just passes by me and my boyfriend was like that lady just made a face like oh my god i can't believe that girl just said that and i was like stop like she thought i was being serious but i was just i was just being funny okay honestly like i'm used to embarrassing myself in front of people as i do on a weekly basis so i was just like whatever i'll never see that person again it's worse on live streams because you guys come back every single week okay anyway second ticket imagine it's punchy or imagine there's no one there oh no who is that oh my goodness it's this mouse that i love bella right she's so cool i love her i don't care what anyone says i love her the other day my husband put a bread tag on the edge of my drink like a garnish oh my goodness that is so funny i need to i need to start doing that like instead of a little lemon wedge it's just like a little green bread tag like ooh make my drink all fancy oh we have a bird okay i waited on this island for so long for nothing for nothing okay so we have this there cool come on they're always hiding from me oh that one oh bottle though i'll take that oh oh wow we have sasha all right if you like sasha and you want me to take sasha close your eyes don't don't look please [Music] and man oh my goodness thank you guys so much i'm trying to find like a quick moment to do a hydration trick real quick uh kena thank you so much for the super chat contribution for the super chat boom thank you so much what hold on excuse me excuse me excuse me i'm just sitting here for five years trying to read super chats and manz is just chilling walks into frame like it's nothing i thought he was gonna be the hardest man to find i thought he was gonna be the hardest man to find yeah here we are here we are what the heck literally what the heck i'm literally in shock what the heck he just shows up he's just like hey literally what the heck literally what the heck literally what the heck i thought i thought this was gonna be like a korramura lolly hunt like thousands upon thousands of tickets but here we are wow well okay well okay then okay let me check how many tickets that was because that was that was something that was literally seven tickets that was seven tickets what the heck i could try kicking someone out but you know last time it took me like literally half an hour so i'm kind of scared to do that if you guys want me to try and kick somebody else out i'll try it all right look i'll kick someone else out for you guys but i'm warning you right now i'm extremely bad at doing it and it might take us half an hour okay i'm just just saying just so you are expect yours your expectations are correct okay [Music] campsite okay okay help help me breathe we got this okay let's see who it is i'm so scared what if it's somebody what if it is and the last two dreamies in like 40 minutes oh it's a horse wait a second okay she's actually really cute on elise i was kind of thinking about getting another horse for winnie like to have two horses but i don't know if it's on a lease that i want to get exactly she's like ellie's b-tier at least b-tier yeah i'm thinking maybe poppy or maybe elmer i think i would pick either one of those over annalise let's see oh my goodness violet was in the plaza why don't you have a bubble come on we were so close so many people in the plaza oh we have a bubble i don't want it on you though why is he just there that was so creepy this is why i'm kicking him out oh my goodness standing next to my house ominously do i know about glee i thought she meant like the show i'm like what i added pop culture references into animal crossing she's like what's your favorite season i'm like i don't know oh what come on animal crossing come i don't want to see this ah press a anyway please they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get okay um so campsite means no bubble right oh all right i'll take it i'll take it bye cat sorry cat stands i know everyone was telling me to keep cat oh no you should go oh sorry cat so so sorry to see you go oh no oh i'm so sad just got like a spam text that feels very real and i taught i downloaded the taco bell app and it's been sending me like so many deals i always want to get taco bell loki low-key taco is kind of expensive for lunch the other day three supreme crunchy tacos with chicken substituted for beef i got like two things i got a doritos locos taco like a regular one supreme and i got like a bean burrito and it's like 20 dollars like 22 like over 20. like what i thought taco bell was supposed to be like dirt cheap like honestly at this point like mcdonald's is cheaper like why is taco bell so expensive okay first ticket of our hunt part two it's a i almost said a moose hello it's a what are you a hip-hop oh cute doggy okay bye okay let's see who we got it's oh it's uh you you oh my goodness daisy i knew i knew that i should get ava maybe maybe i was thinking about but i also feel like goose would be the perfect chicken oh oh little baby boy a little baby boy so small he looks like a he looks like a delicious gummy oh he looks like a delicious red and yellow gummy like okay i'm gonna i'm gonna leave i'm so hungry right now our first frog our first frog of the hunt oh my goodness and holly thank you for the super chat drink only hot dog water forever or merry chops i mean honestly since i've actually drank the hot dog water i'm gonna have to go with merry chops it's it's really gross like at least the marrying marrying chops doesn't affect like my taste buds and like what i have to eat you know people get married and sleep in separate rooms all the time get him a separate house yeah exactly get him like a little uh little barn just like a little fence just needs like a little fence out in the yard you know like a little square put some mud he's fine i give him like the trash scraps occasionally um we have genji yeah we can divorce him right or we just wait it out maybe he has a fortune and he conveniently like slips on a banana peel and bashes his head in and then oh i'm the grieving widow and i get to inherit his fortune the lawyer tells me like ma'am i'm sorry to say this but all your husband all the all your husband's assets were bred tags that was his fortune oh my goodness look at this man nice and colorful all right cool good to see you um i will see you at my birthday party later bye how can you leave him every respectable farm as a clown ah yes the farm clowns okay we have another sheep two sheeps in a row don't want you though goodbye oh we have a cow okay oh yes oh actually no actually no it's here it's a bird i don't want a bird and we have a mouse bree i don't mind brie i don't mind there's a cat that has been visiting pepper and peach and we don't know his name so we just call him jared like just jared and now like that's like his name to us and we're going to be so sad whenever we find out was it what his actual name is and it's going to be like something like normal oh we have a pig who's this wait you're pretty farm core curly i'm gonna leave for now but i'm gonna think about him oh my goodness wait do we do we take him i was like maybe considering getting him to go with winnie should we take him or should we try to find somebody else here what a poll you guys can decide so far keep looking is winning elmer's not bad what's with all the roasting like what's wrong with elmer he's just a regular horse you guys are coming for his long throat since the majority of you voted to keep going we're gonna keep going i guess oh it's a bear goodbye we have two two okay uh bye-bye oh it's zucker oh yay actually you know what zucker he's looking he's looking real delicious right now i'm so hungry uh penguin okay cool he's got a frog shirt he's got a frog shirt i want it to be a goal before i die that i see every single seat like i want to like be in every single state and like see something there you know like at least a little bit one mountain one waterfall one stray cat something when i was like in oh my goodness like probably early high school i was like thank goodness i never did this i was like you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get a tattoo on my back of line like a line work like like line art of the us states and i was like and then every time i visit a stay i'll get it like filled in with a color okay i wanted it like huge on my back why did i want that why did i want that and then imagine i don't even end up going to all of them listen this is when i didn't have any tattoos and i was just like oh yeah just get it out too like it's it's so easy just get a huge piece on my back okay i feel like i could have make a whole video about the tattoos that i wanted when i was like in middle and high school oh it's dumb oh he's so cute okay i am also considering him but i'm not sure i haven't decided on a sheep i haven't decided so i'm gonna leave him like oh my goodness i wanted you know what else i wanted rainbow like just dots i just wanted rainbow dots i forget if it was on my actual knuckles i just wanted like little like colorful rainbow dots i feel like they would fade so fast like just one little tiny dot of color anka okay wow we're getting lucky with cats right now cool bye oh my goodness i also used to i think i've said this before i used to beg beg my mom to let me get snake bites like piercings here i'm so loud she kept telling me no i'm so glad because i do not want them now like i think they look really cool but like for me personally i i don't want them anymore okay we have another wolf it's that one that has like the little preppy little sweater oh my goodness it's leonardo [Music] that's crazy wow oh my goodness wow i'm gonna leave now okay we have just like a dumb little lion we're gonna leave i'm not sure if we'll find someone today i mean we had our luck with punchy the luck may be running out uh we're getting we're getting hamsters we're getting hamsters so i'm gonna keep going i for some reason thankfully have not seen chops at happy home paradise like like dodged a bullet will we get lucky on this island i mean kind of i really like ally i feel like i never see anyone with ally pepper has been on this never-ending quest of just like playing with my squishmallows like my little ones he just carries them around in his mouth all around the house cries with them in his mouth i'm like my dude what do you what do you want from me okay we found julian that's so exciting actually i love julian but i have to leave i must i must go okay let's see who we got it's leonardo once again all right bye tad i guess tad is the next number one dreamy since we freaking found punchy okay more hippos no four more tickets i'm gonna do four more tickets and i'm gonna go eat see oh it's another pig i think this is boris right yes oh my goodness i feel like we found so many wolves who is this this is freya yeah what is this angle well freya thanks thanks a lot thanks for nothing oh it's bill wait bill yes it's bill [Music] okay wait so a silent voice is not the one about the one where there's like a guy who played plays piano or like a girl who plays piano or like they do something with instruments which one is that one it's about a deaf girl in her belief i don't think i have seen that then okay you're lying april okay okay okay got it got it got it instruments you're lying april got it a silent voice like that's so iconic right like everyone's heard of that apparently not me though okay no i don't remember this i've never seen this what i'm just getting the titles mixed up i'm just getting the tattles mixed up which one is the other one with the girl with the with the little red um ribbon yes this is your name thank you we have a silent voice on blu-ray but she refuses to watch it because she doesn't want to get sad i'm still dancing being part of your fans i'm sorry okay i got it i'm sorry like he has him on blu-ray okay he he loves them he is exposing me oh it's just his job um who is this oh it's goose oh my goodness well okay and this was our last ticket that i was gonna do before leaving for dinner okay perfect oh my goodness what is with this like we're getting two dreamies in our hands we're getting like two at a time what the heck i'm gonna i'm snatching him up you know what i'm gonna snatch him up like a little chicken wing it's like i'm picking up my ubereats order from kfc come train on my island ah he's a jock we did it oh my goodness our farm court island is like coming together what the heck so the last ones we gotta kick out are the final three the final three cobb monty and violet violet is really sticking it out on this island and i am [Music] losing my patience with her hopefully hopefully we get a thought bubble on her too all right i'm gonna get going because i'm hungies i'll i'll see you guys later [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: froggycrossing
Views: 678,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh builds, acnh inspo, froggycrossing, animal crossing kidcore, acnh kidcre, acnh city, acnh custom designs
Id: UIs2w4uO1wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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