Can I build an $8000 house for 4 Sims? (The Sims 4)

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today we're going to be using a random number generator to figure out what kind of house we're going to build so i saw a little simsie do this quite a while ago with budget she did a random generation between 1 and 40 000 to get a budget for the build which we are going gonna do and then i'm additionally gonna do a randomization between one and eight to figure out how many sims the house is gonna be for so between one and forty thousand for example this is just a tester twenty four thousand dollars eight hundred forty one would be our budget this one is for real here we go oh okay 89.95 that might be okay if we don't have to build it for too many sims so 8995. now between one and eight sims this is a test three that's pretty good though i feel like the next one could be bad this is for real oh that's all right that's all right well it's not all right we need to build a house of four sims with a budget of eight thousand 8995 simoleons which i mean it's no easy task i think am i going to include the lot value in this maybe should we i guess well the question is how much first of all how much is a room because 2 700 we can get this all right well as for beds i think bunk beds first of all have been added to the game thankfully second of all are not too expensive 600 for two beds which actually what is it what is one of those beds worth oh actually it is literally just price of two okay so you don't save any money i thought maybe we'd get a discounted rate but we don't 1300 no okay we're gonna have to use these ones so let's figure this out so we can get this is basically gonna be a cabin like a when you go on like a camp or something okay so four sims done i'm gonna bring the walls down a bit too okay let's get some lights in here because it is a little sad i guess we should get windows i need a cheap a cheap light mind you oh thankfully yeah i forgot they made these cheap but these used to be 150 so they're a lot cheaper now that's good so gonna put one light there so we're about half of our budget and we're done okay so i really cannot add much to this i'm going to add well we need a bathroom so i'm going to add that maybe like this could be okay we need the cheapest doors so 50 simoleons yeah so all the cheaper stores are all 50 so i think the seasons one is quite good uh and i actually quite like the tiny living one that's quite a nice looking door how much is a wall like this 240 hmm how much are half walls so half wall is only 120 literally half the price but we can have it look like a full wall it just means when you put the walls down it'll stay up but that's not such a big deal my idea is we do that oh and archway is more expensive than a door well this one's 50. maybe we just do a hole and let's let's try get uh yeah and we'll try to do like a nice looking place preferably like we can because the roofs are free which is a nice little feature we don't have to worry about those too much um i don't think this will look too bad like it'll just look like a nice little house except for if i want to do columns that'll cost money actually how much flooring is free right like this this is free yeah cool so we don't have to worry about that i'm going to put this here because that just means when we look like this it has a ceiling which is nice uh i guess can i afford columns you know what let me buy all the essentials first then we'll work on looks we might have to strip this place back a little bit all right kitchen uh we need at least one counter fridge uh the mini fridge is actually more expensive than this fridge so we're gonna use this one oh boy look at this place can can i make this place look good is that possible the green fridge is kind of fun but is it is it fun or is it just gross maybe pink oh this counter is so ugly wait so this is 100 150 for the better looking version of it this one's only 160. i'm gonna keep the cheap fridge for now and then stove wise uh i think we have to use this one for 200 bucks man it's so dirty it's just so dirty all right that's good we're getting another light in here because i've separated with a wall and one in there we've got about three thousand dollars left all right so we can use the ambassador i might actually have to move that door i put the door in the middle because i thought it looked nice but it's really taking up too much space so it's gonna go there actually that makes more sense anyway because it's in line with the bunk beds so we've got a toilet we need a shower and a sink so this one is definitely one of the cheapest i think this i think this actually all works if you put it in like this like i i'll test that we'll play test it but i think that should work otherwise we can sort of just move stuff around i'm not using move objects at the moment but we'll fiddle with that in a minute i just want to try and get everything placed and then we can sort of move stuff around i mean we kind of have everything you need i know there's no sink in the kitchen but i typically don't do that in cheap builds because there's no money for it we do need a bin though so i'll grab that well this is zero dollars so i'm gonna use this a trash shoot which call it cheating if you will but it's in the game and i have not entered any cheats so there you go it's free for some reason i don't know why this this other one's also free why are these free i don't know i'm not complaining can i make this kitchen a little nicer how much are these 175 these are not nice these these cabinets are just no aren't they they're just like man the country kitchen ones go actually pretty well with this but they're so expensive i get some plates there i could have like this and i could have like this isn't that fun but i really like no money we might be able to do this let's uh let's see a range hood that's 300 bucks for that oh this is super low because normally you'd place them a little higher on the wall like they'd sit up here but these are actually a little lower than normal actually i've just moved that one up so maybe we'll do that yeah that gives us a bit more space now why do i look a little cramped down there all right we need wallpapers i haven't done that yet either two dollars actually pretty cheap yeah that's fun some tiles behind it i feel like this is like i said kind of cabiny so maybe should we have wood in here or should i try and make it look a little like kind of nice inside you know like if i use that wallpaper that's not too bad and then we could do like a wood backing or something to this so it's like a little wallet put up only two dollars it's kind of fun is it is that fun or is it not fun maybe that one the bathroom can we do the same yeah we'll do the same in the bathroom as a kitchen quite like the dark wood flooring though it's a very small place so i don't know if that's a good idea and then i guess i'll change the door maybe it's pretty nice you know i kind of like that the wall stays up because then you see the kitchen cabinets which you never normally see if you put the walls down it's not too bad so this is fully functional i do need windows though so how much are these oh windows windows are an odd thing in this game because at one point they used to be super duper expensive like you look down here and some of these are well maybe not super duper expensive but you know 180 uh 230 for that one 325 you know they get quite expensive but all the new ones are like super cheap so we can like get these and they're like real and actually it's the same thing with the uh eco lifestyle doors all of these like look how cheap they are there's only 180 for this door i could put i could literally put this door oh actually that was the trash suit i could put that door on the front of this it's really cheap it could be like a little granny flat that's kind of fun i don't know if i want that giant door though i don't know if i want this door either i think i want to change this a little bit i would like to have the ability maybe to push this out here because then i will put a front door in this section yeah so it's like a little indent there and then it means i can use this space hopefully as like a little living area like really little living area like 180 simoleon couch living area can i afford a tv 500 bucks maybe not we can afford that it's pretty good uh i do need to paint the exterior and get windows though so let's maybe look into some of that now i think like sort of a paneling could be a good idea or maybe like a little a tiny little brick house how much are bricks 100 bucks does that even look good though what if i do this section in bricks and maybe this little bathroom and then this section like a wood paneling kind of thing i don't know if these were the right bricks to use because i don't maybe these ones let's get a column here because i think i can afford this now maybe maybe i can afford that i'm not sure we got seven four four two the budget was eight thousand nine hundred and ninety five so we're still on budget i mean it's not a bad looking little box on the outside this i will recolor to be there's a lot of color choices but i'm actually not really into any of them i'll just maybe leave it default for now all right windows back to windows because i got a little distracted so these i like these but i kind of wish it was just a clear window how much are the these are 30 bucks man window prices are cheap i like these but is that like too small of a window you know although it kind of suits the size of the house you know i feel like the top should maybe be different like this little section so i might cut that off and put that that may be too many conflicting patterns now though maybe just blank no maybe it was fine as it was i think i think i ruined it okay let's leave it like that okay so we've got a little window on the front that's all right uh then i definitely want a window for the bedroom we can maybe use this one because it's going to be 25 bucks we've got a huge window right here in between whoops here maybe just move it down a little bit so it doesn't cut the molding and we can get maybe another window over here just so it like matches on the outside a little bit bring that down there those windows too big maybe they look a little silly on this house yeah they kind of do all right nevermind maybe i should just use these just like that yeah that's all right uh and can we can we afford a back door like i could just do this door's 50 and then i was gonna say we could probably because i think it's free to nope not that that is free but i meant to say this it's free for foundation i believe because flooring is free right so then we could easily do a little actually can i do a curve is there a smaller curve than that i want like a one it feels like a one tile curve i don't think there is though is there no it'll probably look silly anyway so let's not worry about that and i don't even need to buy stairs because it is only one step so they can easily walk down that so i can do a little tile there maybe that instead i don't know if i like that this is supposed to be gravel it doesn't really look like ground it's way too uniform to be gravel like a terracotta terracotta just there and then maybe i'll just do terrain paint here so i can save money anyway now around the back similarly i can just do a little deck area for free and actually is this what is this this is all free we could just use this you know what i should really just leave it as it is around the back it probably looks uh it does actually look a bit blank never mind maybe we'll do that cost a little bit of money but it looks alright you know probably use a window back here too oh look at that that's actually quite nice i quite like this it's really not a bad little build so we got a little living space at the bedrooms which i mean we can change these bears they don't have to be all the same because the problem is it changes all the framing when you do this that one can be that one this can be maybe that one then the bottom one may be different there you go four different shapes isn't that nice all right so we got those beds there the bathroom which i do still have to test we've got enough lighting everywhere we've got the bin over there kitchen we have a sink in the bathroom i know there's no sink or anything in the in the kitchen space but whatever that's fine uh we've got a little bit of money left so i guess maybe a little bit of landscaping i would like to do a nice little pathway like maybe a pebble pathway like that i guess how much is fencing why pick a fence 25 that is quite the price also it doesn't you know what that does it makes the house look smaller because the fence is so big all right let's get rid of that oh this one's also 25 i get this might be all right if we use this one that's better yeah we could do that but then can i go on the side as well or is that that's too much that looks like too much fencing though you know let's go hidden objects because what i would like to do is use some free items for decorating the garden so we don't have to waste any money is this cheating i guess technically yes because i put in a cheat but it's in the game so what can i say oh i need to do show live edit objects as well because i want some of those all righty here we go let's go down a little bit all right now we're in all oh no not yet now we're in all the debug stuff which is free look at this now we get this beautiful little hedge one over here is this too much though i i guess i gotta be careful of not like making a house look too small that's probably better actually making the fence a bit smaller a nice little flower bush maybe one of these over here is that weird you know i kind of like these you know just having a few little flowers and stuff around the place down this side of the house i feel like we could use something maybe just like a little shrub and scale that down oh no that looks really shadowy then get one of these there you go i mean it's not too much like i'm not going overboard with it i just wanted a few little things all right now i do still have a bit of we got about a thousand dollars left let's actually decorate the inside so we have a couch but nothing to do like they can sit there but it's kind of like what's the point so we can actually we could have spent it on the tv maybe it's better we get a book case it's way more practical because the question is where do i put it let me turn move objects up so i can actually see where i can put it not many places maybe i need a smaller one maybe i just need a set of books because you can use this as a bookcase there you go bookcase i mean a computer would actually be useful i'm gonna get rid of that coffee table because i feel like that's actually not that useful considering we're not putting anything on it why don't we get a desk maybe not that how about how that's 385 maybe not a desk oh i'm also only filtering by base game whoops we get this one for 300 put it this way can these go oh yeah so we can put the books at the top so i mean not ideal but technically still a bookcase up there let's get a really cheap chair 30 bucks i guess i want this place to look okay yeah we got pink over there and then this maybe just that uh can we afford a laptop or a thousand this computer is 800. oh we are three dollars over budget with that computer i guess i'm gonna not get a computer because that's just gonna blow the budget out and i would like to do a little bit more decorating oh i love these handcrafted um plants and stuff little planters get one there maybe because these kind of just add a little bit of a little bit of pizzazz a little bit of penny you know i don't can seems walk under these or more importantly can they sit under these i don't know we'll find out i love this but i don't think have anywhere to put this thing oh the two that's kind of cool but i mean am i just wasting money on plants now yeah yeah i am all right well we've got a few like plants in here that's all right can we get maybe a rug would be nice how much are rugs well these ones are free oh sand circle these crafted ones kind of seems like hang on i should move maybe i think it makes more sense if i move these out of the way put the desk over this side oh no this is in the way wait what is in the way here i don't know it doesn't seem to really like that corner i'll put the catch over this side because then it's against the wall not just sticking out into the hallway these hanging plants seem kind of random now but well i mean they seem kind of random before too but i like them i don't even know if you can sit under these but they're going to go there all right well that makes a bit more sense so now the couch isn't like in the middle of the room we could even do i love these textures i wish i would have put more colors on these two textures do like that one i think i need to change the fridge because we've got the pink cabinets maybe a blue fridge this fridge is so ugly can i wait can i afford a better one 800 not really i could maybe get this one and get rid of that yeah we're still in budget with this one so we've got a slightly better fridge i'll maybe do it's just something like that's all right i mean we got a nice little living space now and then we have a few dollars left can we get like a really cheapo chair i should get this chair it's not even cheaper it's just good you put it here have like a really little living space i think they can still use all this i have to test that but that is in budget and works which i didn't think i would actually be able to do that what about this well how much do i have left 117 so i could actually get this i wonder can i i guess i could put an end table in here couldn't i 117 wow i got a lot of money actually so we could put this in it doesn't match any of the wood tones in here maybe not that one hang on maybe this it kind of almost looks more practical i should do one another rug considering they're free considering they're free maybe we should get some more of them does that look silly that rug in there i don't know i just have window keep disappearing except that i don't like this end table it's really not working yeah let me try a different one oh i love this but this just does not fit this is a really nice piece it could be a really good hallway piece but i mean i could put it there but i don't know that someone can get past that and even if they can it's a little ridiculous oh i love this too wait how much is this oh that's way too much very nice salvadorada maybe um i guess this one is kind of it's more practical because it looks like it's got a lot a lot of extra storage and stuff and i guess maybe just white the problem is my rug is white and i don't want it to be yellow maybe we just don't put a rug here or we get a different rug i've got a few dollars left can i get one of these oh these are only 35. it's also a lot bigger than i thought it was do that one eight nine six eight okay i can get maybe one more thing thirty dollars this is actually too much money to get this oh wait no it's not oh no it is by three simoleons again eight nine nine eight this is three simoleons too expensive i get something for 27. are any of these any good are these all just junk i kind of want this but i'd have to sell something else 35 okay these are already too expensive again i have 27 so i get this for 25. i can get this for 25. that means i have two simoleons left in the budget i don't know if there's anything that's two oh i guess like a flooring or wallpaper oh wait these are all starting at four oh wait there's only actually an order hang on i have to go by category i think there's no flooring that only costs two okay so that's not an option i think wallpapers have some that cost two though yeah but now where could i put it they don't have any extra walls i actually kind of like that that actually looks kind of nice hmm i kind of like that as a wall nice contrast just on that wall not on the other ones but i think that's kind of nice all right fine i'm going to leave it eight nine nine nine three now let me do a little bit of terrain painting and like landscaping and stuff they're just you know a little bit of dirt and stuff under the plants because we like to do that and just a little bit in general on the lot and sometimes we like to have a little bit of faded grass like it's being used maybe just a little bit over this pathway make it not so perfect to like kind of maybe spread a little bit because it's supposed to be like pebbles and like gravel and stuff so i feel like it it would not be like this neat but i don't know that it is really that easy to make it look like it kind of spread a bit does that just look messy i think it kind of does if i just add some dirt in it'll be okay it's a heavily used pathway okay now i do realize that um we don't have an outdoor bin we have an interior bin though i don't think you ever need to empty this though do you because i think the trash chute is just that's where the garbage goes do we need an outdoor bin ah thankfully these are all zero dollars thankfully these are cheap um oh we could do like one of these ones or these a bit much that's a bit much maybe just maybe just the classic uh if i did want an outdoor bin 155 i don't think we need it though i don't know and look to be honest i'm not gonna do it because there's a bin just over here anyway so if you live here you can just go to that bit but i don't think we need it there you go uh this is a house for four sims under nine thousand dollars new obviously if you move in and then i think move out it'll actually be cheaper because as soon as your sims live here everything loses value but i think it's fully functional i mean it has everything you need i will just quickly test this so i'm just going to grab four random sims from the gallery because this is a four sim house so we're gonna test it with four sims now keeping in mind this house is definitely not appropriate for toddlers or pets as long as you have like i guess teens are older you should be okay look at this eight nine nine three what a bargain oh man what is this weather come on all right well let's see let's test if you can go cook grilled cheese party size does that they're all scared as well because of the storm that's so annoying well at least they're all going to be inside let's go we'll see if this works okay so you try and cook and then let's see if we can use this bathroom you go shower okay so far so good i think i don't know they just enjoy oh jeez okay you shout okay shower is working you go relax in that bed and you go relax in this bed so we can just test these two things okay i think you shout fine use the toilet maybe toilet is working beds look fine to me you are scared that's okay no no why if you're scared would you run outside that makes no sense what are you doing get inside hey also make oh oh no okay i thought my column deleted at some point and the valuation was wrong we're good we're good all right so that works can you sit on this side are you coming to sit as well hang on are you sitting here oh she's reading a book so the bookcase works can you get there at the same time the good news is actually for four sims we actually have four seats too so you can now grab a set uh can you wash your hands i just want to see if the sink works please smells good in here grab a serving please after you uh do that and you grab a serving and uh you're reading a book i guess we have that one i mean it appears to work you can totally have four sims oh my gosh this lightning storm i apologize for the weather okay the whole bathroom is functioning which is fantastic i'm actually really happy about that and actually all of the living room works and the kitchen you know what i'm genuinely surprised by this so now hang on if you clean this up will you just take the bathroom sink yeah i want to see about garbage though if i say clean up will you scoop that out into the bin and if so oh no she doesn't okay well i need them to put something in the trash cause i want to see that work what could we put into the trash oh a quick meal let's get some chips wait no do they even have trash in this no it's just a bowl damn it that was like sims 2. what about you having what makes trash in this game how do you get trash maybe a sack lunch veggie and hummus sandwich go make that okay we gotta have a sack throw away now we can throw that away will it go in here and if it does which it is do we then have to empty it no we do not so we do not need an outdoor bin there you go oh god apologies for the weather but uh that is it a fully functional house for four sims under 8 995 simoleons including the lot value without the lot it's actually only like 7 500 ish i think yeah a little bit less than that so it's actually pretty cheap and it actually surprisingly that worked really well uh if you want to download this i guess the link is below otherwise you can search for me on the gallery under james turner yt but make sure to leave your comments and suggestions down below thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time and have an awesome day
Channel: James Turner
Views: 640,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house building, house, build, building, home, houses, speed build, home build, house build, house builds, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 house, the sims 4 home, sims 4 house, sims 4 home, sims house, sims home, sims building, sims 4 building, the sims 4 building, build mode, time lapse, challenge, tiny, tiny home
Id: bU-knIS1TFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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