I tried the Carnivore Diet for a week...

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[Music] oh oh you okay where is it where's what man I should know what you're talking about let me ask you again where's what where is it man I don't know hey you know what to do okay okay okay spill don't don't hurt him don't him he was on the counter it was a Boston cream extra filled what am I supposed to do okay since you've taken Karma's way from us we take carbs away from you you have seven days to commute the carnivore diet or never see Lily again Ali's gonna be okay [Music] what is going on guys will here welcome to the video as you guys can tell by the title we're going to be trying the carnivore diet for the next seven days well what on earth is the carnivore diet the carnivore diet is one of the most restrictive diets that you can do that contains only animal products so no veggies no fruit no grains you guys get the idea let me just wait for the vegans to leave the room so why try the carnivore diet so the cart of our diet supposedly supposed to help in weight loss mood issues blood sugar regulation and so much more so we are gonna see what happens to me my physique my butthole my toilet that poor thing so without further ado let's get this video started [Music] whoo okay so I was driving home last night and I hit a rock food and I was like you know what breakfast is served so we have a 14-ounce wrap I'm kiddin guys I didn't actually take the rock even home so I'm kidding again no raccoon made contact with my vehicle so what we actually have in this cannibalistic serial killer looking meal is a 14 ounce flank steak only seasoned with salt and pepper you can only use salt and pepper to season your food at least that's all that I know I've looked online I haven't seen anything else about other stuff alongside sparkling water so you can only drink water sparkling water and bone broth some people who do the carnivore dies say you cannot coffee but I'm not even gonna test it because I don't wanna get any hate in the comments so I'm gonna do it as strict in as serious as humanly possible so I'm gonna try and take this 14 ounce flank steak down and let's go [Music] breakfast check dry hyper tree for the year check I significantly under cooked that steak like it was still mooing going down my throat which was kind of unsettling but overall 14 ounces of flank steak at 9:30 in the morning is quite heavy so I'm pretty confident I won't be hungry for a long long time see you in a bit update I am in a moving automobile right now on my way for dinner so the last time I ate was around 2:30 I had a pound of ground turkey and four whole eggs ever since then I've been stuffed I've even thought about food for the entire day and it is going on 7:30 so safe to say I would be in a calorie deficit for the day I'm going to a steak house tonight because I feel like a steak house is like the only appropriate thing to do for a carnivore person because try going to a normal restaurant and ordering a meal within and say excuse me can you remove the sides and just put no seasoning on the meat and say it with a straight face the server will probably take your order and then proceed to pull the fire alarm and then evacuate the building so we're gonna stick with the steak houses this week as far as the washroom situation goes nothing growl I mean guess I guess ass breaking to report so yeah that's that morning of day number two and I feel interesting like I have this mental clarity focus alertness I have not experienced in a long time like if you gave me chopsticks I could probably catch a fly like mr. Miyagi and the Karate Kid but other than that I actually feel quite sick like I feel like I'm on the cusp of throwing up every minute which is not a nice feeling and my stomach is really sore like I already know the protein parts are ready to make their debut which is quite worrisome because it's only the morning of day number 2 and I still have all day today and then 5 more days but anyway on to breakfast so nothing like the nice 60 now strip loin steak drenched in butter I feel like it's gonna be really hard for me to like hit my calories especially my maintenance calories during this challenge because like the thought of eating is like I'm already put off of it and I know I still have five more days so probably not to resort to fattier cuts of meat so probably not head out get maybe like a ribeye like ground beef like the 80/20 stuff or even if there's even like 5050 I'll probably do that [Music] drinking some bone broth right now so bone broth and stalk are actually not the same thing many people think that they are but bone broth is simmered significantly longer than just traditional stock and there's many health benefits to bone broth one being as very rich in vitamins and minerals it's very good for your skin hair joints nails bones everything supposed to help aid in weight loss your sleep inflammation gut health antioxidants the whole shebang and to be quite honest with you it's like the only warm drink that I can drink this entire challenge and it's like the only thing that has the most resemblance to coffee so that's pretty much why I am drinking it it is getting late I'm not remotely hungry but I got dinner and it is little past at 9:30 been feeling like crap all day very lethargic haven't really wanted to do much even getting my 10,000 steps was extremely difficult so other than the steak I had a nice carnivore salad consisting of chicken thighs and bacon and for dinner we were having some abstract food so at first glance it looks like vomit but then if you squint your eyes and tilt your head 60 degrees to the left we actually have some ground beef and whole eggs so the ground beef that I am using is just 8020 simply would never have that usually go with the extra lean ground beef but on this diet they recommend the higher fat cuts of meat as I mentioned earlier today just do the calories in they also recommend you have organ meat why because the organ meat is the most nutrient-dense part of the animal very rich in B vitamins and minerals so if you didn't know that now you do so we're gonna eat this and then I'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] I never thought I'd say this but I'm so put off food right now and I'm so happy that this is done like I don't even when I think about food now I don't want to eat tomorrow [Music] [Music] so it is day number three and I just finished my first workout on the carnivore diet but before I talk about that I wanna talk a little bit about the washroom situation because I've had some interesting occurrences so first one being is sometimes I need to put like my headphones on to list it's like Slipknot to get some motivation to like push one out because I'm like so backed up and then I have other moments where like I have to like clench my butt cheeks and beeline to the washroom because it's gonna probably come out before I have to get my pants off and it's basically like bathroom Hiroshima and I'm that's like not even scratching the descriptive surface of what I mean so back to the workout I was extremely tired like after like the first exercise the bench press my energies went boom obviously because of the low carbs not used to it that doesn't mean that you can't be like a good body builder on the carnivore diet there's many elite level athletes who use a carnivore diet specifically Shaun Baker he's like a very big advocate of the carnivore diet he's 50 years old he's like a world-record-holding like indoor roller and he like deadlifts over 700 pounds and there's been many people like documenting the fact that after like around 30 days in the carnivore diet they feel like was stronger than ever so it's definitely something to get used to over time that was just my experience today [Music] I can't even begin to explain you guys how I feel right now like I don't like I'm not even trying to be dramatic but I don't I don't actually don't feel like myself right now like I feel super lethargic I have like no motivation to go to the gym my head hurts like tremendously like severe headaches I'm a very on edge and like I get advocated very easily like if someone does something and it's my even like what pissed me off normally I'm just getting like like angry inside and it I just want to snap so I'm kind of like staying away from people right now and it sucks like it's such a bad feeling and like I'm seeing like mirages of like fruit and like other carbohydrates I got I'm like craving carbs right now like nothing I've ever had before in my life I got tried many other diets like the Oh mad I tried the keto just a bunch of other stuff but this one like it's a whole new ball game I got if I wasn't doing a youtube video no chance I'd be doing this right now but anyway first meal of the day on day number 4 I'm not like ground beef and just beef red meat I'm so turned off of right now not a chance I'm having it for breakfast so I just have a couple whole eggs with some cheese inside so you can't have some dairy on this diet you can have usually it's hard cheese and like heavy creams and stuff like that um you can if you want to have like yogurts milk soft cheeses but is not advised so I mean hopefully I'm like I'm hoping by like days like six like I can start to feel a little bit like myself again but I'm not I'm not that hopeful I'm definitely going to that like kind of like withdrawal moment right now but it's it's challenging I know a few hours ago I said I can't even bear the thought of having more red meat but I had so much red meat in my fridge I just have to use it really want to waste it so with that said for lunch I'm having beef two ways in its minced form and then in its flank steak form at this point like eating is not even fun anymore I'm like a big foodie I get excited to eat but I have no more excitement towards food at all like this is just like eating it for the sake of just living these meals also just looking extremely sad and like bland like I'm pretty sure 90 to 100 meals I've eaten so far this week have a baby looked at it they probably cry so I can see why people lose weight on those diet cuz your willingness to eat just like drops dramatically it is the end of the day and nothing has changed from this morning still feeling like absolute trash I'm at six thousand five hundred and fifty three steps and if you guys know me I usually at twelve to fifteen thousand steps a day easily I didn't go to the gym today as well that's just how tired I'm feeling but I'm about to start watching that movie called my friend Dahmer it is the Jeffrey Dahmer documentary I I feel like it just makes sense to start watching it at this very moment in my life I mean I just feel like a cannibal this week also for the first time on this challenge I actually feel hungry usually just my like appetite has just been like suppressed the whole entire day but I am feeling hungry but there's nothing really to snack on on this diet like I really really really want some fruit right now but obviously I can't have it and nothing is that I can't just go upstairs and go like grab a freaking bison steak out of the fridge and start eating it as a snack everything just seems too heavy to eat as a snack sometimes you just wanna have a snack and just like as a refreshing kind of thing to eat while you watch a show but I got nothing to eat which which sucks so I'm not going to eat sick [Music] as day 5 came around it felt no different than day number 4 I just felt terrible I felt lethargic the whole entire time and I just felt constantly on edge by the morning of day number 6 I actually felt great I had no headaches I didn't feel lethargic so I must have passed that adaptation phase of the diet I guess the only thing that did change was the bathroom situation had just got worse and let's just say it kept me on my toes day number 7 I did not think this day would come I I'm so happy I'm feeling actually good today feeling like myself which is kind of nice I don't really know if the struggles I was going through the first couple days was due to the diet or the fact that I had no caffeine at all I pretty much done two challenges in one week so I'm super proud of myself for even getting to this point in terms of the weight loss I don't think I've lost weight I mean I haven't stepped on the scale yet I will tomorrow morning but don't think I've lost that much weight than the first day days 2 2 now I've just been having high fatty meats and like it's a lot that's like very small volume but a lot of calories like this plate here of sausages for breakfast is 250 calories per sausage to a thousand calories just for this so I mean it's very easy to get the calories in so don't expect too much weight loss [Music] so throughout this challenge I've been having the exact same supplements that normally would have in my typical diet and that includes five grams of creatine monohydrate every single day I then take two capsules of cod liver oil pretty much the same thing as just regular fish oil the reason I take this specifically as for my skin condition known as keratosis pilaris this is apparently the best thing for it I also take vitamin D so on this dive we are pretty much getting all of your iron and zinc from the red meat you're getting your vitamin D from the dairy products that you would have but the one thing that's missing that specialist said that you must supplement with is vitamin C which we typically get with our fruits and veggies but obviously we're not like fruits and vegetables on this diet so I've been having 500 milligrams every single morning if I was doing this long term I'd definitely add in a multivitamin probably a gest of enzyme because your digestive system just gets mangled fast and final meal of this challenge we are finishing exactly where we started I cannot wait to wake up in the morning and have some fruit and vegetables like my god like I want to do some r-rated things system fruit and veg right now as the days have gone by like the bathroom situation has just gotten extremely sketchy like when Joe Rogan says he hasn't had a safe fart in like weeks like I could totally sympathize with him but anyway for dinner the last meal we have for bison steaks so quite a lot of meat I think one of the only pros of this challenge so far is I know how to cook a pretty damn good steak now and that's pretty much [Music] okay guys well that is gonna do it for the carnivore diet challenge I wish I could say it was bittersweet that it's done but it's not as just sweet like that was a disgusting about me and I'm probably go vegan for a week to balance the [ __ ] out if anyway I am gonna go to bed soon so I'll see you guys in the morning for the final weigh-in it is the next day which means I am human again so I came downstairs had an apple and got excited something else got excited too I mean the way this week was going I thought it was permanently damaged if you know what I'm saying so I stepped on the scale and I was a hundred and seventy 6.4 pounds started the challenge off at 177 point two pounds so I only lost a total of point eight of a pound so not even a pound not much changed like I said very little volume of food for the amount of calories especially when you're having high fat cuts of meat it was just very easy from Nathe calories and I don't know why someone would want to do this diet unless you have like very serious health conditions where you absolutely need to do it I mean it doesn't make sense to me why someone would want to do this the eating is such a social aspect of our lives we always go out with friends and family it's like restaurants and stuff and to be so restricted to one food grip just blows my mind and I feel like I must not be healthy I don't know there definitely has been enough research long-term about the carnivore diet but I just feel like balance with all micronutrients protein carbs and fat is the best way to go in terms of health in my opinion so I'm gonna wrap up the video here if you guys enjoyed this video give it a like subscribe to the channel if you're new and I'll see you hang on one sec Ollie Hey
Channel: Will Tennyson
Views: 1,369,752
Rating: 4.8998251 out of 5
Keywords: carnivore diet, i tried the carnivore diet for a week, carnivore diet results, keto diet, carnivore, joe rogan, joe rogan carnivore diet, jordan peterson, jordan peterson interview, shawn baker, will tennyson, only eating meat, meat, no caffeine for a week, no caffeine, caffeine, coffee, fad diets, fad diet, nutrition, weight loss, 1 week challenge, weight loss challenge, fat loss results, plant based, inflammation, vlog, week in my life, upper body workout, fdoe, what i eat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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