I Quit Carbs & Sugar For 7 DAYS | My Experience

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it doesn't take a genius to know that sugar is bad you'll most often see doesn't add an ingredient in our favorite snacks and our supposedly healthy foods like yogurt granola salad dressings and smoothies it's seemingly unavoidable not only is it one of the main causes of obesity around the world but it also poses many other serious health risks such as increased risk of type 2 diabetes decreasing your metabolic rate increased risk of liver and kidney damage inflammation of the skin joint pain and even your ability to have an erection which is exactly why I'm filming this so for the next seven days I decided to completely eliminate all carbs and sugar from my diet well why on earth would you do that fantastic question well I don't think eating sugar and carbs in moderation is inherently bad I do suspect that after eating them every single day I built up some sort of dependency towards them by making this drastic change to my diet I'm gonna be very interested to see if there's any change in my quality of sleep energy levels hunger body composition and overall mood so will I be a miserable wreck going through carbon sugar withdrawal well I guess we'll find out in this video so it's the morning of the amber one and I'm a hundred and seventy eight point eight pounds total body water is sixty three point one percent the reason why I'm looking at total body water is because on keto there's no carbs so I might lose a lot of water weight so there'll be a good indication of if it's fat or water this is not a weight loss challenge that's not really my goal I don't want to lose weight but it'll be interesting to see if anything changes though I'm about to dig into the first meal of this challenge I bought this gargantuan omelet and a full avocado this dish alone has over 60 grams of fat TIPA things into perspective I generally have 70 to 75 grams of fat for the entire day so this diet mainly consists of really any meats that I want fish chicken beef eggs I kind of avocados and non starchy green vegetables also oils butters knots no sugar added peanut butter stuff like that probably have to do some research online for sure I can't really think of many snack options I don't wanna be really walking around chicken breasts and stuff like that I'm gonna dig into this I have a really good feeling that this is gonna fill me up for a long time this is a lot of fat in one sitting but it looks really good he's just after 8 o'clock on day number 1 and I'm about to dive into my dinner so I prepared bake sheet of peppers and avocado oil then I tried making some zucchini noodle concoction of ground beef and cheese honestly you can't tell the difference between this in regular spaghetti it's pretty good hope you guys sense that sarcasm there but it's actually pretty good interesting enough I haven't been hungry all day since the omelet that's kept me really full like right now I don't even need to eat this it's just eating it to get the calories in usually on my normal diet I do get kind of hungry like one or two times throughout the day before dinner so it's kind of interesting to see how my body is already like feeling kind of like different with the fats and stuff so if you're someone who's on a diet trying to lose weight and you get hungry throughout the day this diet could be for you Marnie I'm dating amber too and I'm not gonna lie I feel pretty agitated right now like I want to fight anyone who crosses my path I'd probably be down to fight them like my dog is to barking right now and I want to just go down there and just you know definitely because I'm going through some sort of sugar detoxification like the night before I started this challenge I had a big big big piece of peach pie and ice cream probably not the best idea so I think it's that that leaving my body right now so I'm not feeling too hot I feel like I'm gonna probably feel like this for the entire unfortunately so I'm not to be a pleasant boy to be around without this for sure but hopefully it subsides by tomorrow I hope day number two's a rap and I felt like dirt the entire day I didn't really want to do much so I kind of just sat for the entire day I is that way out for dinner which wasn't planned I didn't really think there would be a lot of options for me eating out so I thought I just eat at home for the majority at the time but I was pleasantly surprised there was a lot of options for me he's actually easier for me to find an option on this diet than my regular diet really any restaurant has like high fat meats like salmon steak chicken stuff like that and all you do is just substitute out the starch for double vegetables which is exactly what I did for my appetizer I ended up getting chicken wings and I put the sauce on the side because the server did say there was honey in the sauce and then for my main course I got a 10 ounce strip loin steak and it came with mashed potatoes which I substituted out for double vegetables which was roasted Brussels sprouts so all in all is very good I'm very full right now I have noticed that the food is actually very tasty on this diet high fat food tastes good obviously the volume of the actual meals are a lot smaller than what I'm used to I usually like to eat for volume I made a normal diet because I have a lot of veggies a lot of low fat meats a lot low fat carbs so that's quite the change but yeah I'm kind of missing my little diet that's for sure it's the middle of day number three and I just wrapped up my workout that was my first workout on the low-carb diet and I felt amazing like I felt so focused the best way to describe it was I had tunnel vision and I was just focused on lifting the weight focused on the task at hand sometimes my mind would wander back when I was on my normal diet I'd kind of just start going on my phone and stuff but I really just wanted to just lift and I had so much energy when the workout was done I kind of wanted to do more and I did more so I was kind of worried about my workout to be honest with you the pump was good which I was surprised about usually pumps are a lot to do with how much carbs you have in your body and I have no carbs but I felt good everything felt good woke up today feeling a little bit light so I decided to step on the scale and I weighed 170 7.2 pounds which is nearly 2 pounds lighter than what I started out interestingly enough my body fat went down and my water weight went up I thought for this challenge isn't a losing mostly water weight because I'm basically flushing out all the carbs from my system carbs hold water Natalie explain how why that is happening but I do definitely look leaner just as strong as I have been in the gym otherwise so yeah I feel great energy is high much better than yesterday so hopefully gonna ride it out for the rest of the challenge I've been snacking on ants on a log - the ants ants are raisins fYI the celery the log play on words anyway actually quite good as long as you have equal thickness celery - peanut butter makes it kind of manageable this snack honestly reminds me of like a delish article that you defined on Facebook and I'd be like hey do you guys like donuts but are you trying to lose weight and you're like yeah what if I told you there's just low-carb alternative that tastes exactly like Donuts so it's gonna feel like you're having Donuts every single day and you click on it and it's this it's not the same morning of day number 4 and my alarm Oh Pleasant Lee woke me up so nothing groundbreaking to report about my sleep just yet I slept I dreamt I drunk - any 24 oh boy dream of may be slightly more often focused so I'll keep that to myself yesterday after that workout that felt so good it just all went downhill after that as I had used every drop of energy for the day and that one hour workout I usually go on walks at night I still went but it was it was hard by my feet were my feet were dragging for sure so there's gonna be much more caffeine on today's menu day 5 the sugar and carb cravings have been so real it is not even funny I have spent the past hour - just scrolling through Instagram looking at pictures of donuts pizza oh my god I would offer coffee with my buddies - he got a doughnut and I was infatuated watching him eat that doughnut he was just eating it now I was just staring at him like he has some serious conversation I kind of as I do just shut up for one sec tell me about this doughnut how sweet is it how soft is it just like I felt like I'd be in that TLC show my strange addictions my name is Will Tennyson and I get turned on by watching people eat carbohydrates I'll just walk into a bakery and I find this spot in the corner and I can just sit there all day just watching people eat hey I lose myself I know I'm just going through some weird phase right now because of the situation that I'm in and I know that once I go back to my regular diet it will go away I hope so I'm preparing my last breakfast of this challenge and guys gonna be honest with you here I'm gonna be taking a long hiatus from eggs I can't even almost stomach them at this point I've had over three dozen eggs in this past week it's quite disgusting I know honestly if I had to keep this diet up for the rest of my life I'd probably have to invest in a chicken coop in my backyard probably an avocado tree as well it is four o'clock on day number seven which means we are almost done this challenge and I honestly could not be happier last night we the extended family come over for a Mexican fiesta themed party we won't show you guys any clips because who the hell knows who I may offend these days was not a fiesta for me that is for sure I can't really think of a word to describe my Inayat everyone was kind of sitting around eating marker not eating margaritas drinking margaritas drinking Coronas eating homemade guacamole with Tostitos chips fairly positive there hint of lime which made it that much harder stay away from them but I did I stayed strong everyone brings something for the party like we all kind of contribute to the meal and I couldn't eat anything that anyone brought because everything kind of had carbs in it so I could only eat what I made I made this like Mexican flank steak thing so I basically just had steak last night so very very limited which sucked my grandma came up to me ray when she saw me and she's like William you lost some weight I can see in your face are you eating then again what grandmother doesn't want their grandchildren to be clinically obese so I will take that with a grain of salt so I'm gonna go finish my walk now and then I will see you guys tomorrow morning and we will talk about my overall opinion on this diet and how I felt I did it if you came up to me and asked me if I do a low carb diet before I did this challenge I would probably say no if you asked me after doing this challenge for one week I'd probably still say you know I just don't think it's sustainable for myself personally in the long term I can't really imagine completely cutting out an entire food group for the rest of my life however I do think it is a good tool in the toolbox to have if you want to kind of lose weight for some sort of event and you have to maybe like one or a couple weeks to do it I also think it's a good thing to do to clean up your diet because essentially cutting out all carbs and sugar you're basically cutting out anything artificial in a box anything processed now let's talk about the four things sleep overall mood energy levels hunger and body composition that's five sleep didn't really notice much maybe I got into a little bit of a deeper sleep because by the end of the day I was a lot more beat up maybe he didn't have as much energy overall mood I was a piece of work if I was a girl it was my time of the month let me just say that I feel like I got a lot more annoying on this diet which my parents promptly responded how is that even possible I just felt like I was non-stop talking about it like I was a vegan or a crossfitter like I would just go out to people who I didn't even know I'd be like hey man I'm will by the way did you know I was keto I don't eat carbs energy levels were not that great I'd say I had very good workouts on this diet my focus was there but after that one hour it was just I was just done hunger this is really the most interesting one as this is the one that impacted me the most by far I felt very say she ated for the entire day I did not get hungry did not get any hunger spikes at all it made me a lot more in tuned with my hunger and what I mean by that is a lot of times you feel hungry and you just go and you grab something from a box like a protein bar you make grab like an apple or something and start eating it without even thinking about if you're actually hungry and that's kind of what I noticed on this diet you don't you there's nothing really quick that you can grab it's a lot of preparing so it kind of made me think if I'm actually hungry if I really want to prepare the food and a lot of times I just I was just thirsty instead and last but not least probably what all you guys been waiting my body composition did my body change did I lose any weight and here are the results so by the end of this challenge was 177 pounds flat which is a 1.8 pound difference my body fat one from thirteen point eight percent down to thirteen point six percent and my total body water went up from sixty three point one percent two sixty three point three percent which means I lost mainly all body fat in my opinion I definitely look a lot leaner as you guys can see you can see a lot more definition in my obliques my abs and I even got a lot of comments I got two today at the gym about my face really kind of thinning out I only did this challenge for seven days and I know the first seven days are probably the toughest as your body's adjusting to a new diet I'm very well aware if I followed this for 60 or even 90 days I'd probably start to reap the benefits of what I was doing but this was just a seven day video and this is my experience with it so if you guys enjoyed it please give it a like and if you're new subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Will Tennyson
Views: 1,627,154
Rating: 4.912806 out of 5
Keywords: no carbs, no sugar, no carbs no sugar diet, jlo diet, keto diet, keto diet for 7 days, keto diet challenge, 7 day challenge, no carb no sugar diet results, no carb challenge, 10 day challenge, jennifer lopez 10 day challenge, how to lose weight fast, no carbs for a week, no carb no sugar recipes, no carb recipes, no sugar for a week, lose weight in 1 week, how to lose 5lbs in 5 days, keto diet for a week, keto diet for weight loss, keto recipes, low carb, keto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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