I tried the OMAD Diet for a week | ONE MEAL A DAY diet results

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[Music] [Music] are you doing the intro this is my video man this is my channel what is going on guys will here welcome to the video so for the next seven days I'm gonna be trying out the Oh mad diet unfortunately it does not stand for only me and donuts it stands for one meal a day and it is the most aggressive form of intermittent fasting that you can do so it consists of a 23 hour fasting period with a 1-hour eating window where you get your days calories in that one hour so apparently it is the key to fat loss and has many other health benefits such as mental clarity focus even dietary freedom and I'm pretty sure this is what the hunter and gatherers used to do like the squadra head out with like their Spears and sticks and [ __ ] and then find a caribou and just mangle it and then eat it raw like that and then fast again until they find another caribou so kind of like that style the except gonna be getting my food at a grocery store so I'm gonna be doing that I don't have any specific goals at the moment like cutting or bulking and I know like specifically with this diet people are like oh you don't only need to track calories so I'm not gonna track the calories until when I start editing this video see many calories I get in seemi calories I can actually stomach so I actually went on the scale because I was interested to see where my weight go up my weight go down when I stay the same that's probably yeah that's what we all can do and then we will see at the end of seven days what happens okay guys so it is 609 I am so hungry you guys have no idea so we run into pole' and we get the most epic Chipotle ball of all time so always like I do it's a tray of Turkey on the side that's how big apologize it's going to be overflowing [Music] here we go all right so we got meal two all stirred up I had this massive pool I don't even know the calories of this thing and then I also got a tortilla on the side why because then you also have a bowl then once you get to the end of the bowl then you also got a burrito so this thing looks quite intimidating not gonna lie I feel like I'm probably gonna like [ __ ] myself after I have this actually factual evidence [ __ ] myself after I have this but I will enjoy it all [Music] [Music] so I'm home from Chipotle now guys and I have not moved from the couch since I've gotten home also feeling like I'm lift child after that meal good news is I haven't [ __ ] myself yet but the night is still young definitely do not hit my maintenance calories today there's no way that Bowl was anywhere close to 3000 calories but I feel super gross I definitely force-fed myself I do not like eating past the point discomfort but I just I did it anyway because I knew I only had the hour to eat so hopefully tomorrow I can make up some of the calories and do a little bit better of a job at getting my food in so yeah [Music] okay chest back and arms workout complete to me honestly you guys the one meal a day diet hasn't really affected my workouts at all I typically do train fasted I trained around 11 a.m. every morning I guess the only difference is now is that the gap between when I work out to when I eat is super long I break my fast this week at around 6 to 7 o'clock whereas typically be around 3 p.m. so it's not really ideal for muscle but I feel like my performance is actually better maybe because I have more food later in the day and I sleep and I still have all that food for the workout the one thing I am noticing though is that after I do my workout at 11 a.m. and I still fasted and then I do my orange the earlier on for 3545 fasted I'm completely gassed and action on day number one I had to leave the class altogether so I'm sure that's just something out to get used to overtime on this diet but right now it's it's pretty tough alright guys so for meal three we have a full entire rotisserie chicken it's kind of unsettling I have a whole entire animal on my plate but gotta maintain that muscle mass somehow I am withering away also on the side here we got a mound of Brussels sprouts with a ton of olive oil mixed in with salt and pepper and a massive purple yam and that is meal number three [Music] [Music] day number four guys in this [ __ ] does not get easier like I woke up at 6:00 a.m. this morning and it is now 3:45 so I've been fasted for a hot minute now and this wok is in pretty interesting like I never thought I'd look at a squirrel and find it appetizing until now so there's definitely a first for everything but what I've been doing is the moment I feel like I'm hungry at home I get up go for a walk for our coffee so my caffeine consumption the past four days has gone from a concerning amount to the point where I should probably be institutionalized so that's probably not good but I just feel like you have to stay busy you just have to be out of the house and doing something getting your mind off food because if you're at home and doing really nothing and you're kind of bored all you're gonna think about is food and there's no chance you're gonna make it to your fasting window and you're just screwed it is 6:30 now guys and I've pretty much been fasted for 12 hours my body is screaming for nutrients it's pretty crazy I've been going to bed than most full ever been in my life but then I wake up and go through my day feeling super hungry you know when you're gonna die and you under eat and then the next day you feel hungry you feel the effects of eating lower calorie that's pretty much what I'm going through right now I feel starving all day that I eat till the point I feel like I'm gonna like throw up at night so it's kind of like throwing off my body's like natural whatever you call it so the plan now is to do something little bit different because I have middle of the stomach a lock of one thing I like variety variety is the spice of life so I'm going to do a bunch of different stuff do you like horse it out a little bit so for course number one I'm just gonna do a fried rice get some chicken and get some eggs I need the protein and then also gonna do some turkey bratwurst sausages so I'm not to cook that up right now and then we'll see how I feel after that and then I'll cook up some more [ __ ] and then see I feel after that and then cook up some more [ __ ] and then see how I feel after that you guys get the idea alright guys so here we go here's of course number one the fried rice and the sausages is quite the big plate that rice took forever to cook I was almost considering at one point just eating it raw because I just I got to eat and I got to shut up right now so yeah of course number two is a Moroccan salad with kale grapes raisins pomegranate carrots a little bit of quinoa and walnuts with a vinaigrette dressing I get those micros in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I have 35 minutes left in my eating window luckily she only lives 3 minutes away hi where are they [Music] this is like the one good thing about the whole night diet the gill levels at zero as days five and six went by things start to become so much easier I was able to distinguish between actual hunger and habitual hunger I feel like a lot of us and get hungry at the same times every single day and that's because we train our bodies to eat at those specific times every single day and I notice that throughout this challenge when I was hungry I was actually just thirsty and when I had my water with like salt and baking soda or my black coffee immediately my hunger went away [Music] so I just want to show you guys what I've been drinking during my fast now I know what you drink during a fast is very controversial and I know there's gonna be some fasting experts out there they're gonna be like okay guys you know what this is just what I do you don't have to do it so one of the first things I do have is I have water and I mix it in baking soda and pink Himalayan salt this is more beneficial for extended fasts if you're fasting for 16 or 18 hours you don't really need to do this but when you're fasting and drinking lots of water what you should be doing you're gonna be peeing a lot and losing a lot of electrolytes so by adding in the soda and salt you'll be replenishing yourself with electrolytes so also I have black coffee of course and then I have some eye Kerbal tea like green tea I've also been liking this like ginger peach tea which is really good zero calories another alternative to water is just sparkling water and then I've been adding apple cider vinegar to my sparkling water tastes good tastes like kombucha if there's one thing that's been blunting my appetite it has been the one ounce of apple cider vinegar with the sparkling water so if you guys are fasting and you find yourself getting hungry give this a shot it is magic as far as diet sodas go I haven't been having them I don't really know I feel like some people do some people don't I feel like I may cause an insulin spike I don't know so I just been staying away from them and it's also not that good for you so that is pretty much all I've been drinking okay guys day number seven this is the last meal it's crazy to think that I've only had seven meals this entire week also I actually ended up fasting over 23 hours today got 24 hours fasted so things did get easier day 5 6 & 7 so we got a lot of food going on here so right here I have a massive smoothie of strawberries bananas coconut oil protein powder and cashew milk here I have 1 cup of oatmeal with more protein powder and then here this is the main event it is a massive warm root vegetable salad I toss it with coconut oil also have 12 ounces of chicken in here with a bunch of tahini guys if you guys are bulking and trying to gain weight tahini will put on the pounds for you also here have two pitas to wrap up this stuff in there and that was day number seven and I'm hungry all right guys last sip of the challenge that wasn't a sip scratch that last sip of the challenge [Music] so the old man died for seven days is over and I ain't mad about it so let's talk loaded about it's talked about my experience with it overall was not that great not gonna lie it was just too extreme and I just didn't find it to be very sustainable for myself probably not for a lot of people I typically break my fast on 3 o'clock in the afternoon which is late for a lot of people and once it hit 3 o'clock it got hard as hell all I thought about the entire time was food the best way to describe my feeling was like I felt like I was a bowl off the rodeo have my balls tied I was in a cage and got the guy on me about to get let loose that's how I felt at 3 and I had to wait till 6:00 for the with like eating window so I was just watching the clock from 3 to 6 like and then once it hits 6 I just like the cage opened I just started flailing that was like me in the kitchen I just wanted to bench that wasn't a good feeling also you do something this extreme you realize how much food plays a part of our lives is such a social aspect of our lives and a lot of times this week surprisingly my friends were like max does you mean like hey when I grab lunch or I grab breakfast and I was just like can we get coffee instead guys on the plus side what this did teach me is to focus on eating the good foods if you guys do actually end up trying this diet and I should do it the right way and don't break your fast with a bunch of [ __ ] and actually focus on getting like a quality protein of complex carb fruits and veggies it is very hard to overeat like I was struggling to get in 2500 calories for the day and I know for a fact I could probably eat 10,000 calories of donuts in a day video idea so that's why there's such a problem with obesity around the world people are just eating such processed foods full of sugar fast food is just so easy to put down the calories so if you focus on getting proteins and fiber you will be so good and you'll hit your fitness goals you will lose the weight so if you guys enjoyed this video smash that like button if you did subscribe to the channel if you are new and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Will Tennyson
Views: 1,518,400
Rating: 4.9173145 out of 5
Keywords: omad diet, omad, one meal a day, one meal a day diet, intermittent fasting, one meal a day results, omad diet results, omad before and after, thomas delauer, weight loss, fat loss diet, water fast, intermittent fasting drinks, day of eating, 7 day challenge, full day of eating, what i eat in a day, fasting, how to, how to do intermittent fasting, omad weight loss, chest workout, vlog, vlogger, family friendly, extended fasting, keto, apple cider vinegar, how to build muscle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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