I Tried Stopping at Every Tokyo Station in a Day

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[Music] Tokyo it never really seems like there's enough time to see it all but what if there was I've always wondered if I had a spare day lying around and I was feeling a little bit mad how would I do it how would I try and see as much of the city as possible and I've come up with two solutions to this problem number one drink as much coffee as you can in this case the disgusting bitter taste of Wonder morning shot coffee oh God and number two a train more specifically a train line that stops at more stations and more places than any other train line in all of Tokyo the yamot line we're going to ride it 30 stops in one day God forbid the amote line is Tokyo's most important train line a giant Loop of 30 stations roded by over 5 million people every single day and featuring no less than four of the top 10 busiest train stations on the planet one Loop takes 64 minutes to complete but given we plan to find one unique thing to do at each and every stop today it'll take us closer to 12 hours from hectic Mega stations to tranquil Uncharted neighborhoods that most Travelers Miss we visit shops markets Gardens and temples discovering along the way what makes Tokyo the ultimate city of contrast and perhaps nowhere better encapsulates that than our first stop when it comes to stations in Tokyo it doesn't get better than Tokyo Station the beautiful red brick facade it's not the busiest though that award goes to Shinjuku which will be begrudgingly passing through later today I still get lost after 10 years I don't know where I'm going but TK station about half million people pass through it every single day and I've actually gone through it more than any other station in the country probably just because when you're catching the shingan send bullet train to North Japan or down to Kyoto this is your first Port of Call this is where you'll come in and I got one pro tip for you when you come to TK station when you're passing through and you get your eeky Ben like the eky benu don't get the ones near the railway platform they're always very old and made a few days ago you need like a [ __ ] pickaxe to break through the rice not good there's a food court though on the Marin Southside where the food is fresh and delicious and that's usually the first place I stop off when I'm on my way through too and wash it down of course with the Wonder morning [ __ ] coffee I don't know what about this makes it the morning shop you know it says it's the signature canned coffee with perfect taste for the morning if your favorite taste is just a bucket of sugar there's nothing good about there anyway enough about the Wonder coffee let's go to cond station stop number 10 [Music] the next is so K I wouldn't normally stop here but we're stopping everywhere today does have one cool thing going on though KRA has Jim Boro which is this District that's kind of like akih habara but for books the next stop is actually akih habara with all the Retro Electronics but here the whole street has over 150 bookstores and somebody getting killed in a car crash there's over 150 bookstores on this street though and it's a really nice Vibe people picking them up having a read going inside and before I leave here I want to get a book for myself could get a Japanese book practice how to read n something with pictures lot of pictures cool little book on Japanese festivals that there's so many like crazy festivals nobody hears about let's buy this book yeah Japanese festival well hey got my Festival book and they've wrapped up in this nice paper map of jimoo itself but now onwards to station number three akih habara got to get something in akiabara whether it's a broken electronic item or something L smaller like a gash Pond that'll be ideal the people travel from all over the world to buy broken cameras from akih habara this store right they just sell like old cameras for massive prices cool shop though I must admit I was tempted by the uh purple looking camera that looked like it came in a purse look kind of cool maybe as a present to Charlotte but then it was 26,000 Yen which seemed a little little bit pricey for what it was so yeah cool shop though if you're ever Naka bar check it out all the cameras are operational and batteries in so you can like test them out so this store has like over a thousand gashing machines in right and this one here has caught my eye it says a pan dead bread zombies collectively known as pan dead literally dead bread it's exactly what charot would want I know and that Pokémon nonsense when you've got Pand de I can resist I've got to see this oh cheeky little Rask it's just like a moldy piece of bread who thought this are I love gacha anyway that concludes our akiabara segment onwards to the next station whatever it is our next stop is okachimachi station and okachi Machi is not only Japan's most rhyming station name but it also book ends one side of the thriving em orature Market tucked beneath the ra tracks of the yamot line one thing I love about amoko Market is it's a real lived in Market you know it's not like just for tourists it's here the locals come here and there's like lots of little temples and shrines dotted throughout but there's one hidden above here I always like to visit really nice Market really cool place and it's usually open till about 3:00 p.m. then at night it becomes like a nightlife Hot Spot couldn't resist got some uh beautiful grapes get vitamin C and then batter it in Sugar pretty good actually once you've bitten through the sugary out to Shell the the fruit is actually quite fresh but don't let me pretend that this is a healthy thing all right brunch done next up aeno staion so the other end of Amoro Market packed full of uh grapes stren and sugar you get a weno station and the amote line train and rather than buy more sweets and books and items and trinkets you come to wo there's lots of things to do like parks and museums but just coming up here and getting a view of the city this is a really nice spot just up here across the road from the station you can see the amorol market the train tracks Sky Tree one of my favorite photo spots in Tokyo onwards to the next station and I don't know what it's called ooie something something or well we've made it through one of the first busy sections of the amonate line but after concrete crowds and sugar thankfully it's time for a much needed change of [Music] scenery aui Sudani aui Sudani UI Sudani 12 years and I still can't pronounce that damn train station name probably the hardest train station name to say in Tokyo but anyway next to the GU sidani is one of my favorite spots in all of Tokyo yanuka Cemetery right and you might think well Cemetery bit Grim bit depressing but actually this Cemetery it really is stunning it's kind of like a moment of calm in the middle of the city I mean there's like a game of thrones-esque tree right here Alex be but I did have one slightly traumatic experience here a few years ago uh in in cats believe it or not the scale of yanica cemetery is genuinely breathtaking with over 25 acres and 7,000 Graves amidst the cemetery it's rare to run into fellow human Travelers but if you're lucky you might spot the odd feral cat napping quietly on an ancient tomb so 8 years ago I did a documentary called Cat Nation covering Japan's wacky cat culture right and they made me come here the director really nice guy called Tim was like oh yeah mate there's local cemetery and there's lots of feral cats running around we get and see what we can find and I was like do we have to and we spent 3 hours walking through the cemetery trying to find cats we found a cat and I tried to stroke it and it wasn't happy the cats hated me I wasn't overly en thrilled to meet them either and uh it was one of the one of the not so good scenes of many in that documentary but whenever I come here I think about life death and Cat Nation the three big things you have to think about and it looks like we're not escaping the cats just yet nipi station is home to one of the most retro shopping districts in all of Tokyo yanaka Ginza with its distinctive 1960s style neighborhood where you can eat and drink from the many food stores under the watchful eye of the many cat statues in fact yanak Ginza is often referred to as cat Town due to the area's sizable population of stray cats who've become a beloved part of the neighborhood I do love yanak Kinser and it's kind of retro style aesthetic shops selling souvenirs and trinkets some selling snacks and food there's one over here I've just spoiled as well selling so and I might go and uh indulge with the 10 minutes I've got left in [Music] Yak good God they gave me all the nioni normally you have like a little bit in a cup that's like let's get drunk Speed Run oh my God bloody hell that's really good I I will admit when it came out and I was like oh pink sck oh yeah that's not something you normally get excited about usually not a sign that it's going to be good but like Fruity It's Kind like craft Saka 10% though this isn't good at nend well is it I'll admit also every time I come to yanak kinza and I walk down here I've always wanted to stand here just drink Sake and now that dream has come true yanak kinza I'm sold oh boy after drinking a whole glass of sake on a practically empty stomach let's just hope I make it to the next stop in one piece well hello it's future far more sober Chris here you know you fine with the mood of a video it's not necessarily the footage but the audio and the soundtrack that kind of sets the tone and it's been clear today that each station in Tokyo has a completely different vibe whether it's the chaos of amarure or the layback atmosphere of yanak Kinser so for our stroll through yanak Kinser I found a soul inspired soundtrack that fits the 1960s aesthetic of the neighborhood a track called whiskey saved my soul ironic really as in this case it was actually Sak that saved my soul then over in amoko amidst the Restless chaos of the streets I wanted a track that was more frenetic and found dreaming of lot which described itself as heavy and ponderous capturing that sensation of being lost and out of your depth in a brand new environment like amoca Market but so many folks ask where do we get the music and sound effects from and it's all pretty much from the same place I'm delighted to say that they're today's sponsor epidemic sound is the best online library for creators to use I love them for two reasons number one their music speaks for itself I've used well over a 100 tracks in the 10 years I've been using them many of which you can find in the 1980s inspired playlist I have over on their site but you know sound effects are just as important case in point today when we're filming in amorol Market the audio was pretty damn bad you know a big noisy messy blur thankfully epidemic has an entire section on Japanese Train sound effects alone one of which I was able to download and pop in alongside the soundtrack and bring you guys closer to the action make you feel like you're there beneath the noisy train tracks in aeno the second reason I love epidemic sound though is in 10 years of downloading music from their service I never had a single copyright strike ever on YouTube which is so damn bloody important right so I'm delighted to say that you guys can get your own free trial of epidemic sound down in the link in the description box below honestly it's never been cheaper or easier to be a Creator or filmmaker and epidemic sound are a big reason why be sure to check them [Music] out well with the next few stops for official in Uncharted Territory and I've been tipped off about the Magnificent and Luscious nezu Shrine tucked away near Nishi station perhaps the most beautiful Shrine that I've somehow never heard of what I love about this trip is discovering new places and finally we've discovered somewhere new the nezu shrine dating back to 1705 beautiful place luscious forests ponds and something very special over here in a minute I'll show you but you wouldn't really know we're in Tokyo when you take a look around it's so well kind of concealed by the forest and every year they have a big aelia Festival as well for the garden apparently they're they're big fans of Australian pop star igy aelia over here as well got's [Music] wife who needs Fushimi andari shrining Kyoto we've got it at home got it here in Tokyo had no idea there was one this good you know and also there's nobody here unlike the one in K so you can actually kind of enjoy it really beautiful definitely one of the highlights of the day so far how have I never come to this Shrine [Music] [Music] before so here we are at Tabata station never been here before not many people know about it but it is actually the closest Stop on the yote line to the sun it's so hot what the dick is but also taba station has the award of being the cheapest stop on the entire yote line is 88,000 Yen on average here for an apartment it's about $550 month which is a steal if you're in Tokyo so check it out if you're moving here on a budget place to be Taber but now onwards to the next station K I think all this dashing between stations and trains is thirsty business fortunately for our next stop at K's Serene nugan Gardens amidst the picturesque ponds and stone Bridges lies a small chesit Tea House serving up fresh matcha green tea just the [Music] ticket nice beautiful cold cup of matcha green overlooking the stunning lugen Garden fun fact a few years ago when I finished teaching in 2015 and I moved to Sendai there was a small period of time I actually kind of spent a month living in Tokyo I never talked about before and I ended up here in K living at a friend's place and whenever I told Japanese friends I'm staying at come they were like wow I don't know what that is because it's not a very famous station in Autumn they do really nice illuminations here and that's the first and only time I came here like 78 years ago and it was built by the lord of the carago domain back in the 18th century and there's 88 scenes here depicting famous moments from ancient Waka poetry funny isn't it some Lords die in battle get slaughtered on a field others get to build their favorite garden swings of roundabouts being a lord in [Music] Japan well it's been a pleasant few stops through the more peaceful neighborhoods of the amot line but as we arrive in suore we find ourselves thrown into one of North Tokyo's most thriving Street Markets well sort of so here we are Sugo jalori Street kind of Cally known as granny harage it's a shopping street bustling with elderly people I don't know why it Cates to elderly I guess there's lots of cloes shops or something it's living true to its word though everyone here is at least over a 100 years old I'm a sort of odd one out a minute ago I walked past the shop called straight off the boat from C and I was like Kobe beef Count Me In alas it was like clothes and fabric I found this place serving cheese COK or cheese fish cakes look at that bad boy so heavy T pretty good this Qui taste kamoko it's a bit like fish sticks but cuz it's got trees in it how could I not let's face it really cool street again haven't seen a single tourist here I'm feel like the odd one out and also I'm feel very young for once so that's good you want to feel young get yourself to G oror [Music] Street so Oscar station's name for two things number one it's one of the few playes in Tokyo that has a tram and what a lovely tram it is and the second thing it's for is this shop onigiri Bongo they actually make the oniri fresh to order here you sit down you choose your fillings and they make it right before your eyes and I think Conor went recently and he said oh insane there some food and some rice is delicious I hear it's good and I would go in however there's a hefty queue across the street people have to key for hours to get on AI weird really it's quite hard to get like a fresh on AI in Tokyo unless you go to Every convenience store ever oh look and here's the tram yay all right away we go our first of many mega coming up ikuko chaos Beyond Compare luckily there's a place and Oasis in the city not too far from here if we make it through these [Music] crowds over 2 and A2 million passengers pass through ibukuro station every single day making it Japan's thirdd busiest stop but the real Jewel in ibukuro Crown is perhaps the city's best known shopping wall a staple of North Tokyo since 1978 Sunshine City so ikuko has Sunshine City a massive multi-story complex with the Pokémon Center so it's kind of like Pokémon Mecca here Charlotte always comes here so I feel like I should buy her something what represents her the best Pokémon wise hey I would buy this but uh she's not Charizard yet is she maybe next [Music] year so here we are at maal station there's not a whole lot going on here it's quite residential and there's a university called gashin University a very prestigious private place where kind of members of the royal family go there's a review here saying it's a boring station with nothing to do and a bad view well I say actually it's got a very good view check this out an unobstructed view of the OTE line a rare thing in Tokyo and here it comes right now he hey from ikuk onwards to our next stop which is called the station that I know definitely for sure it's called takan obaba definitely yeah [Music] oh thank God for the miracle of picari sweat but we're here guys at takada no Baba station which I love and I love it for two reasons number one it actually marks the halfway point of our entire Journey this is station number 15 we've made it halfway only another 15 stations to go oh my God kill me and the second reason that I love takoba station is it's home to the greatest retro Amusement arcade in all of Tokyo Paka no Baba Mardo let's go in let's go take a trip back in time man you guys are in for a real treat I can't wait to take you inside I'll wait so I went in and I was rejected because look it says here if your body odor is unclean and smells bad it will be a nuisance to other customers we will refuse entry and that dear years is why I wasn't allowed it terrible shame that we didn't get film permission in advance bear that in mind if you want to film p well after the absolute fail that was takad and or Baba it's time to turn those fortunes around with the stop on the amote line I've been looking forward to the most oh yes it's chicken top I think if you got off the train at shoko came out you'd be like wait a minute I'm not in Japan anymore I'm in Korea because this is Korea Town and it has more chicken per capita than just about any other place in the country which is why it's probably one of my favorite stops in Tokyo also in STK contrast to otka Granny Harajuku everyone here looks about 14 years old so I suddenly feel very very old indeed anyway let's go grab some chicken chicken drenched in cheese the perfect D cheese chicken kimchi what a potent combo they said it couldn't be done the family Mark chicken couldn't be topped well I said that but I was wrong Korean chicken is on a whole another level the batter is so crispy with Sweet Sticky spicy sauce Perfection if you want to tried the very best fried chicken in Japan go to Career Town [Music] cool Shinjuku station the world's busiest station I've got lost in the jungles of okara and the forest of Hokkaido but I've never got so lost as I am right now in shinuki station 12 years living here I still haven't a bloody clue where I'm going and at the moment they're renovating it so it's especially confusing let's go out of here I do like Shinjuku I just hate this station so damn confusing but got a really cool view lined up if and when I eventually find my way out so we've escaped the chaos of Shinjuku station to arrive here on this rusted foot bridge but it's the view right check this out Shinjuku the train line the lights at night this is one of my favorite spots in all Tokyo the shots you get here from this bridge are incredible and even during the day is kind of cool as well but not only do you get the view of Shinjuku that way check this out over here this is the Shinjuku skyscraper district and this is my favorite skyscraper in Tokyo the soo building built in 1976 like the way it sort of tapers off at the bottom it kind of looks very futuristic and I love it anyway enough gping at skyscrapers onwards to your [Music] York I'll admit traveling through two of the world's busiest train stations almost back to back has practically broken me so thank God for our next stop as we swap skyscrapers for serenity oh man after the crazy chaos of Shinjuku and all the other stations I needed this I needed the nature and the forests of major jingu Shrine look at that beautiful if you get off at Yogi station you get the sneaky secret back entrance to Major jingu Shrine the park which I highly recommend because the main entrance over at haraji is chaos absolute chaos While y Yogi station offers the secret entrance to Mei jingu confusingly the station isn't near yogi park itself it's the next stop on the amote Harajuku which is actually at the entrance to the park so bear that in mind if like me you plan to visit the park and read your favorite book about a festival look at this Festival there's a dragon at the festival isn't that lovely I'm sitting here chilling beneath this tree in yogi park reading the festival book I bought earlier this morning and just look at this Vibe I love yogi park you see aside Tokyo here you don't normally see anywhere else people having fun just chilling relaxing underneath the trees with their friends drinking dancing singing It's A vibe here that's to find anywhere else and I kind of wish I could sit here all day and read this book about Creepy festivals alas we've still got a few more stations to go onwards to the big one shaba [Music] station I realized we haven't bought any souvenirs since akih habara thankfully though Tokyo's shopping mecca shabuya is our next stop and I know just the place to go shopping for our next item Tower Records the best store in all of shabuya of course I bought something normally I come here I buy LPS A lot of people in Japan still buy cassettes and records and CDs and things like that it's pretty cool that physically owning music is still a big thing in Japan and I got not an LP but a cassette because cassettes are coming back they're actually quite popular at the moment and I got tatso Mas one of my favorite City poop artists on cassette only problem is I don't have a cassette player so maybe we can buy one at a future stop anyway much to epis u station home to not only sapo brewery's iconic eisu beer brand but also one of my favorite restaurants in Tokyo and wouldn't you know it but we've arrived just in time for me to be hungry again what a miracle Henry's Burger my favorite burger restaurant North Tokyo here in evu simple fresh Waggy Burgers you can see them being made literally around the back the essence of Henry's Burger is Simplicity there's a single a double a triple and also a maniacal crazy burger if you feel like ruining your cholesterol levels as I've done today on this trip but uh yeah very simple lettuce tomato cheese it's all about that rich buttery wagy Patty though oh that's everything a good bag it should be oh oh God it's going everywhere though oh oh no oh God there's a hole in the bag and it's leaking like fluid oh oh no this is the one thing we didn't want to happen there's no two ways about it Henry's Burger the best burger in Tokyo but also the messus God forbid come with napkins bring all the napkins having desecrated the streets of Tokyo with burger sauce it's time to burn off that rich buttery wagy with a stroll and thankfully our next stop of megaro has one of the most scenic stretches of river in the city so this is the megaro river and it might look quite unassuming today but these are all cherry trees and in late March this is probably the greatest cherry blossom viewing spot in the entire city it's so busy if you happen to be in Tokyo around late March early April swing by here and you won't regret it and when you're done looking at the cherry trees of course head over to the Castle Hotel the finest love hotel in the megro district Al be careful they're having a renovation in the year two 2007 according to the banner on the side of the castle so if you come around here in 2007 just be aware of that they're renovating [Music] all shrines are equal but some shrines are more equal than others and here at our next stop of Gander you'll find one of Tokyo's most intriguingly placed shrines curiously hidden beneath an office building so we're here in Gander famous for having a nightlife District amongst other things and the other thing it's famous for is kiji Shrine now kiji shrine's been here in some way shape or form for 300 years and the form it's in now is underneath a massive office building because Tokyo is very good at building in and around religious sites while trying to maintain them and it's done an interesting job here cuz it sort of ouds the temple but also there is a space in the sky above the temple so you can have that contact with God right it's about having that space there so they were mindful when they were building this office block to have that space there but if you're into your quirky temples and shrines put kidy Shrine on your list there's nowhere else in Tokyo quite like [Music] him hey osaki state now I'm feeling rather peckish cuz we haven't eaten at least two or three stations and I know just the place right the corner even on the other side of the world you're never that far from Good Old British fishing chips and here in osaki at the foot Nick British pub I'm able to fuel myself back up on the fine Taste of the UK the fine taste indeed look at that frast fish and chips it's uh looks a bit bit pale not going to lie but don't judge a book by its cover don't judge a fish by its dodgy looking color all right it's not quite British quality if there is such a thing but uh yeah the batter is a bit flaccid is that is that the word it's not the word is it but I'm enjoying today not only because I have my British Fish and Chips but also some real actual cider Magnus cider beautiful stuff I can't screw that up that's bloody good I actually realized today though this isn't the first time I've gone around the m t line two years ago I did the yamot marathon and you go around the whole line with some friends I think you have to complete it in about 12 hours which we did with about 20 minutes to spare it's very intense and I highly recommend it actually but when I recommend the fishing chips here probably not because they made one cardinal sin wedges who has wedges with fish and chips not real chips unbelievable going to wash this atrocity down with this Magnus there's time to hit the road cuz I've got a bone to pick with Sony which we're going to visit at our next stop so here we are shinagawa station usually the fifth busiest stop on the amote line and for most people in West Tokyo this is your portal to the the other side of Japan this is where the bullet trains go to Osaka and Kyoto the first stop is Tokyo second stop shinagawa then onwards to the other side of Japan and whenever they show Japanese commuter and TV shows and things it's typically a shot of here but overhead of all the crowds walking along the terminal so you might have seen it before but I'm here on other business business with Sony so another thing sh G is home to is Sony's Global headquarters right there and we are using Sony right now to film this video I love them I do have one bone to pick with them though and that is they make my favorite headphones the Sony wh1000 MX5 to the power of three squar - 6 why can't they just call it the Sony Wonder headphones the Sony 1 the Sony 5 just keep it simple why does Sony why do you have to complicate it it's somebody listening anyway love Sony but for the love of God sort out the name of those headphones I can't remember what they're called [Music] our next stop wins the coveted most underwhelming station award opened just four years ago while the architecture of takenow Gateway station is undeniably nice the name itself proves so unpopular that an unsuccessful petition was launched to change the name so taken our Gateway the latest addition to the amote line built in 2020 in fact the last Station built before that was 1971 so it's kind of a big deal but what is there to do in taken our Gateway well my case I bought some barari sweat because as's [ __ ] all else to do here nice station though but uh yeah you don't need to come here it's built to alleviate congestion on the amot line that's that's all you need [Music] today so just got off at tamachi station and I wasn't really looking forward to this station much I didn't know what was here but then I got out my map and I was like wait a minute isn't this right next to the rainbow Crossing like the big rainbow bridge and sure enough check this out we're right underneath it and all of a sudden it's become one of my favorite stops on the entire trip apparently there's a park over here and there should be an amazing view of the bridge and the Fuji telby building over across the bay in or IA of the many great views we've had today I think this just about steals the show check this out Rainbow Bridge Ora the futuristic Island development of the '90s and the iconic Fuji television building built in 1996 at Great expense cost over a billion dollars that sphere there is actually an observation deck and you can go inside it and get a pretty good view of Tokyo but I love the design after the naan capsule Tower may it rest in peace probably my favorite building in Tokyo but it is very windy and we've got a lot more train stations to go I think four onwards to wherever we're going next H [Music] Mata so if you think the last view is good Hammer mat station is next to the iconic zor Georgie Temple which has the trifecta of Excellence we've got the Ancient Temple itself then we've got Tokyo Tower kind modernism right and then behind that we've got hyper super duper crazy modernism aab buai Hills 325 m still not as tall as Tokyo Tower thankfully I'm glad about that cuz Tokyo Tower for me is like the OG of towers right so lit up at night unbeatable way better than the Tokyo Sky Tree let no one else tell you otherwise Tokyo Tower is where it's at although I'm a little bit biased because that's where he finished the cycle back in April had like a massive like ending that was crazy and epic and I'll never forget that so for me Tokyo Tower always have a special place in my heart I do recommend coming here during the daytime though it is a lot nicer during the day but given we've been traveling for 300 years around the amot line beggar can't be choosers but we've only got two stations left so let's get on it next up shimbashi [Music] [Music] station oh we there yet make it start make it end class we are here in shim mashi one more stop to go after this and I do love shim mashi it's a bit like Shinjuku all the lights all the chaos but not as kind of stressful cuz you don't have to pass through shinuk station so I like to come here and do nighttime photography probably my favorite spot in the city to be honest and I really enjoyed coming here with Pete when Pete and I did our Tokyo in a day video where we walked all the way from aaka across to shabuya go and check out that video after this one if you want to see another perspective on Tokyo but yeah shim Mash if you're into your nighttime photography this is the place to do it and now one last stop youo and then we're back at Tokyo Station I can't bloody believe it what a day yes youo one stop away from the finish line now udaka is kind of a shopping district so I'm thinking what can I do here what can I buy and earlier today we did buy a cassette the first cassette I bought in 25 years the only problem is I don't have a cassette player but look there's a big camera just behind me one of the biggest bestest baddest electronic stores in Tokyo let's see if we can find a cassette player I don't actually know if they exist so it should be kind of interesting yes we found the cassette players look at this the cheapest one 5,400 Yen the most expensive 21,000 made of like titanium and excitement I kind of want the expensive one but given I've only got one cassette and I don't think I'll be buying any more I might go for but the cheap one where's the Sony Walkman if they had that I'd get that the Sony xm34 to the power of two squared wman or whatever it's called now kko kko get the job done don't they oh it's also got a radio built in the future's [Music] arrived this is it guys end of the line our last ride on the train about 1 minute to Tokyo station with my cassette player and a few the trinkets from our journey and with that we're about to complete our journey 30 stops around the yamot line never done before [Music] probably the do on the left side yeah 30 stops a million years let's never do this again ever ever again what a day what a day what a journey I never want to ride the amote line again well guys many thanks for joining me on our 30 station Odyssey around the Tokyo yamot line and now as we arrive at Tokyo Station at the finish line there's only one thing left to do this is it the first time in 25 years I'm going to put a cassette on but what a day guys we're here at Tokyo Station I can't believe it thank you so much for making it this far into the video just to watch me fail to open a cassette player but inevitably the big questions which was my favorite and least favorite stop today I think the most surprising and wonderful stop was Nish nii where we got to go to the nezu shrine with the Tory Gates and the koi cars splashing around I enjoyed the granny Harajuku in otka again never been there before that was really fun having the old cheese kamle fish stick my least favorite station that we passed through today was shinuki as always cuz I get lost I don't know what I'm doing but my favorite moment of the day was probably going to yanek ginson just standing there having some pink sake I wish I could have stood around there all day trying different types of sake brace yourselves the radio now I remember why I don't listen to radio now unfortunately this cassette tat Master king of City poop He is very much he doesn't like his music going on YouTube or anywhere and that's why it's incredibly difficult to find his music so I have to listen to it with headphones on and um just sort of leing really so I'm going to listen to this and um you can't so that's that's a shame that's copyright we going by his album it's a good one see you guys later it's very uh very low quality is that supposed to sound like that is that what cassettes were like is that what we got rid of cassette see you [Applause] later but we got one one station left and my voice is getting lower and I've got no [Music] energy industrial size popup pirate actually quite [Music] scary uhoh stff there they filming for you I don't you can film me this is Maj jingu Shrine with a Boeing Tri 7 jet going overhead very loudly why did they make the flight path go over your Yan C Mai station you probably never heard of it book ends I love it I just wish I could sit
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 1,083,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, abroad in japan, tokyo, travel tokyo, chris broad, trash taste
Id: 4HvZJndiBlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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