We Tried to Complete the Spartan Race

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we're here at chba Spartan Race let's go yeah how you feeling bit hungry where's what time is Joey coming well hello there I thought I'd take a leaf out of junk food Japan's page and record myself reacting to some of the obstacles because I might give some better insight and who likes uh react content more than YouTube so I'm going to be reacting to my own content let's go it's also midnight 5 6 3 2 [Music] 1s now or later now you actually have zins are you recording yes uh no [Music] we got a worldwide YouTube here oh my God all right guys who's ready we're going to run and we're not going to die I think we're going to drink so much alcohol come me my who am I I'm 3 2 1 [Music] go yeah oh I had a sandwich before I I think it's digested oh god oh dude yeah we p over need the toilet I drank all the parari sweat idiot I got the piss bottle that's that's the third challenge oh God there's so many people back there do you run much uh I'm not in Japan yeah me more cyclist myself H dude I used to love running why I hate it I don't know I think I get the runers high or something I never did the Run [ __ ] depression You Are I Am salary man W okay it gets so much W wo wo you okay [ __ ] me oh thank God I got it on filing thank God hard to go down the enough yeah obstacle number one get all over a wall uh very straightforward no issues with that monkey man showing his skill second wol much higher also no [Music] issues also with me Ramer pyro cynical editor Connor and Chris and uh is that that guy just did a csgo bukari sweat flip let's go got it oh you got it yeah nice to wheel oh thank you you most confident then we ran for like a couple hundred more MERS to obstacle number two uh jumping again but this was a bit more sketchier cuz uh the things we had to jump over were kind of in like a diamond sh shape like it wasn't flat so it was just annoying to grab them but also nothing too hard I'm not going to lie I'm naking already my heart rate is 157 what 162 oh [ __ ] your heart hurts yeah when I get to this high that is not good I realized when I run in the gym I never put on incline the moment Hill I was like oh God my heart's like damn the air is getting thin how high are we also on is here with junk food in Japan they have one of the biggest groups running this place and also they were a bit behind cuz it was the biggest group and also she was making content you know shooting a video and streaming at the same time Jesus Christ yeah gir is there that's insane yo this goes fast bro look at those muscles what the hell man those go crazy sh whoa some little parkour do you have the Heartbreak monitor as well no I don't want to know my how about we Sprint 100 m walk 100 m that sounds horrible this is too too easy can we what do you mean you're going to hit the wall and fall down where let me get to an obstacle dude you were struggling I saw you [Music] bro our first water stop also our last we really didn't expect that to be the last as well wait you got it you got it I heard Indian frood last night I regret that what is up Chad today what's up gam we're running the Spartan Race not very Spartan like it us we had the water station been break that's what the how they us have water in Sparta no they didn't they used to drink the the piss out of the snake like bad grills that the only way they had water got what's this oh God this again oh didn't we do this already next obstacle get over a wall under a wall and through a wall instead of you know flipping myself around like Ramer I I just did like a little plank or something didn't want to get myself dirty you know got to show up presentable afterwards and then next obstacle we had to carry I think it was 20 kilos a barrel of 20 kilos maybe 30 I'm pretty sure it's 20 damn Chris your bicep man that's [Music] huge get the shot [Music] yeah all right one of the things that looked a bit sketchy was we had to do wall climbing or I guess bouldering is the correct word too easy yeah you any grip strength at all you didn't have to like grab the wall you're like no you could just walking through it incline wall this was also much easier than I thought cuz even if you don't grab you know straight up like Corner the madlad you there's like slits for your hands so it's really easy to get a hold of it just getting over is a bit sketchier but nothing too hard yet and now we just get like obstacles back to back this one was surprisingly much harder than I thought all right Mo down let's do together all right someone take that back you ready okay I started pulling it and it didn't really move and I was I was like what I was really surprised it seems like whenever it comes to moving weight that is not my weight uh it it's kind of difficult for me but it's not really the easiest [ __ ] slow and steady man this felt like deadlifting a bit cuz my like legs and lower back was demolished after this this is so [ __ ] for the back holy do like a squat yeah okay this was actually bad 10K this morning and the next one well you you just have to pull like a bag a heavy bag up and again I wasn't expecting it Conor had no issues he just stood straight just pull it down without any problem I tried pulling it it didn't move I had to use my entire body weight just to get it down I don't know how it was so easy for [Music] him I wasn't exactly struggling but it was just more like mentally annoying that he could do it so easily and I you know I couldn't I had to put effort into it next obstacle just get over the wall technically you're supposed to Sprint as far as you can but we thought our shoes were too slippery turns out they they weren't oh okay wait wait wait wait you got this this is also quite I didn't expect you know I thought we were just going to go over Al I almost fell cuz I wasn't ready that there was going to be bars back there also got some uh fans loving my S man outfit maybe reminding them of their job there you go there you go go there you go keep yeah there we go there we go halfway halfway halfway you got it keep going we got you sadly ooh okay that was a bad fall sadly uh Chris couldn't do it this was I think his first failed exercise but he almost made it to end that was really good right and of course Conor showing off his inner monkey here straight up monkey [Applause] man honestly I love these sorts of exercises that use your upper body and nothing else just upper body that's really especially if it's your own weight oh coming and if you fail an exercise you have to do 30 uh whatever those are called I I forgot uh but since you're a team you can split it among yourself so we all did five and Chris did 10 he's powering up KN is going to hit hard got to prepare power all of us YouTuber it's me it's my channel now mine mine mine wake up would you recommend doing like over the neck with this one um I do I all right and now sandbags literally the same thing as with the barrel carrying I think it's the same weight as well but it's just a different type of carry cuz the the weight isn't evenly split amongst like one solid piece what's the difference between Kar and Kat G is actually I don't know stronger uh you put it on your oh [ __ ] it's [ __ ] don't do that yeah do you think it's hard now this yeah Spartan Race I mean I'm tired but I wouldn't say it's like difficult there's been a point where I'm like I can't do this but definitely if I was like generally not a person to exercise it' be tough yeah not my most flattering angle give me your best side man we're just missing like the uh the arbitrary gun fire might be broken oh he Isen oh God there's the first signs of Chris being broken first signs of Chris beinging broad can get up boy you got a boss F hell yeah I wonder if my backpack is going to survive sh no it's high enough you'll be fine this was like the first actually annoying exercise cuz I wanted to get a clean run and up on this up until here I had like no dirt on me but this this messed me up cuz there's like no shot of not getting yourself dirty at first first I even tried to avoid it as much as possible I was like not even on the ground pushing with my legs but like like kind of like half planking but yeah no this this one really low to the ground hey what the [ __ ] is this Jesus also it's it's kind of annoying that there's like a lot of people in the ways it's like insane congestion which is the main problem here and it also went for a very long time but it wasn't it wasn't the worst here's where teamwork also came into play cuz uh my B got stuck at the very end at the very last one [ __ ] I got stuck but can you help his butt got caught in the so this one that I did had like a bar in the middle I this just feels go monkey dude Bing helps shoulder strength and grip strength this is nothing man and now we see Nick's team pulling up they're like slightly Bel behind us not too bad some more climbing also nothing too bad they have like crash mats down below so no fall damage no fall damage on this man all right you should go first all right CU if you do it I'll feel inspired to have to do it that's and if I don't do it you feel like you will have to R up me I will have to up yeah this is literally the worst exercise here like I didn't expect to struggle this much with this but this almost broke me this was the only exercise that I felt like weak doing and I'm I'm fairly decent at climbing up a rope but it's just something with this rope it's like too thin or something like I can't grab it properly and even if I grab it I like I start slipping so it was it was pretty bad I had to try to get like the the food technique down but it's kind of bad trying to learn it while you're also doing it but still made [Music] it of course Connor just straight up going only with his hands no problem control your feet nice holy [ __ ] there two ways of feeling alive Fentanyl and [Music] what did you say javelin throw Connor who actually has thrown Javelin professionally pretty much for years mred it [ __ ] loser okay it's it's almost really difficult especially considering you wait in line for like 20 minutes because this is the most congested out of everything and then you have one shot you cannot practice you cannot do anything you just have one shot to do it and you have 20 more people waiting behind you also I did not fail this but there's also no footage of this technically Conor has the footage but uh I don't have his GoPro footage and I think somebody else recorded on a phone but again I'm not going to it's [ __ ] almost 1:00 a.m. at this point I'm not going to ask some people up like yo can you send me your phone for actually you know I let me see if Corners yeah nope all right you want to go for it ti What kind of TI next Atlas Stones I think this is supposed to 50 kg but I don't think it's that much it felt more like maybe 40 maybe 30 I I think it's like 30 40 I don't believe it's 50 I thought it was supposed to be 50 if it is then it felt really light holy hell man then we have to run some more and this is pretty much it we we're done with the running next os are just going to be back to back up until the very end God I hate this music so much I don't know why it pisses me off it's like insulting it's like you're in the club you're having a good no I'm not having a good time where's the classical Spartan music [ __ ] men on drums you know I'm taking it easy oh is that the end yeah all right guys the last one and now we run through the fire what happen at work yeah well good luck thank you cool no hands no hands go first all [Music] [Applause] right okay we go there we'll meet you oh no and as you can see the final jump you know the final run up to the Finish is Through Fire almost caught on flames you know businessman suit not built for this but has still made it this is not the same without a cheering Army we also got a metal really nice one but it's it's kind of a weird cuz it's like it has like a separate piece so I think uh you have to do all three races to like complete the ultimate medal or something uh I'm good with this though for now you know I'm I'm yeah look at this it's it's pretty nice I like it it says words on it we got some free merch look at this look at this Sprint wait what's the Spartan 5 km 20 obstacles what's the SP okay this is fine ah yeah look at the fit look at the fit what's this what's this o crap yeah okay okay oh also protein this is insane this was so good it was cold just nice protein shakes we got the chocolate one that was good we got the strawberry one a bit more you know um chemical but also fine and then we got the Amino Energy I didn't read the text I was just like oh let's go purple protein I'm I'm good to go with it turns out no it's like Amino Amino stuff and it has 100 Mig of caffeine in one shot Mig of caffeine we just Dr wait what yeah what [ __ ] oh no mean to take that I didn't want to drink that much two coffee all right well uh Spartan Race really fun recommend too easy too actually was only there was a harder version I could do but I wouldn't I wouldn't know if only it was 20 km check sure is UN tucked oh no oh no hell yeah we're getting ready for business you can edit anywhere time oh you're disgusting popy but drunken right all the calories you just burned in one cup gone yeah this was the Spartan Race honestly it was really fun I like doing it I feel like there wasn't enough running though that's kind of my fault I didn't know that was a 10 K kilm one I would have definitely done more uh maybe in September we're going to do 21 km in nigata but that that should be fun either way hope you enjoyed seeing behind the scenes of uh me Ramer Chris Connor and other YouTubers are running doing jumping stuff uh bye-bye you're actually pretty clean though I thought this would be like destroy shirts man I'm telling you they make good good shirts and these are the stretch ones perfect Su Factory
Channel: Mudan
Views: 142,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mudan, japan, tokyo, cdawgva, chris, abroad in japan, spartan race, ramsker
Id: 4xZSLQp76-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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