I Tried Starting A Dropshipping Business With $100 (Insane Results)

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my name's tan and over the last three years i've managed to make over four million dollars from shopify drop shipping but the same question keeps haunting me what if i lost it all all the money all the connections and had to restart from the same spot i was at just three years ago completely broke well today i say goodbye i'm gonna be restarting my entire drop shipping career but this time with just 100 to my name the goal is to turn it into a six-figure business and document the entire journey on this channel and if i fail i'm gonna be giving away 500 to a few of the viewers who dropped a like and commented on this video but if i do succeed then i'm gonna give this store out to one of the lucky viewers of this video the only issue is that the challenge starts now alright so you guys heard the deal i'm going to be starting a brand new shopify business with only 100 to my name so the plan is to document this entire challenge and leave it up as an ongoing series throughout this channel but before we start i want to go over the rules so everyone understands how this challenge is going to go down all right so rule number one means i can't use my personal brand or any connections that i have which means any suppliers or influencers i know i need to throw in the trash and completely start over and then rule number two i need to start a brand new shopify store and that includes selling a product that i have never sold before and then rule number three so obviously i only have 100 dollars to spend but any sales that do come in i'm not gonna wait for them to deposit in my bank i'm gonna use those funds right away and we're gonna count them as unrealized gains so now that you understand how this challenge is going to go down let's get started alright guys so we might have just gotten really lucky i was browsing on my phone and something came up in the explore page so i want you guys to check this out it's this page called dollhub and basically i was scrolling through their page and check this out there's 1300 likes on this photo but if we check the other photos out there's only like 60 likes on this one and then if we go down there's 9 300 likes on this product which is just absolutely nuts so for some reason i have a hunch that this is a really viral product and i was looking it up on aliexpress and amazon and so far i haven't seen too much data on it so i have a hunch that this might be a really good product for us to get off the ground so i'm gonna get to work do a little bit more research and maybe we're gonna run with this product all right guys so it's been a few days since we found those swagged up drip glasses and i created a website made a logo for it contacted some influencers and then we actually started to run into some issues i was looking to promote this on instagram and honestly i couldn't find too many influencers that i thought would be a good fit for this product and the ones that i did contact just didn't reply back to us so i don't want to waste our budget on a guessing game which sadly means we're going to be dropping this product and going back to the drawing board but the good news is after a little bit of product research magic we found this product over here and i saw another store that's scaling this product like crazy all right guys so after a very difficult decision i've decided not to reveal the domain name and a few important details of this store i'm planning on releasing a couple parts to this challenge and i know if i show you guys the domain right now then hundreds of you guys are gonna rush to sell the exact same product so with that being said thanks for understanding and i hope you guys enjoy the rest of this video so the new plan is to create a store around this moon product over here and do some micro budget testing on facebook to hopefully hit the profits so i've been trying to strategize on what to call this store i decided just to call them i can't really think of anything else so we're gonna run with that so now i'm gonna get to work on creating the logo and the website and i'll check back in with you guys all right guys so i just knocked the logo out it took me about 10 minutes i think it looks pretty decent let me know what you guys think and i just started on the store so i'm gonna finish this up and i'll be back with you guys in a minute all right guys so here's the website i just knocked it out i used the beautify theme on this and i made it pretty clean i just did a couple image and text sections over here luckily there was tons of high quality graphics and everything looks pretty good and then i just did a little product page over here that you could purchase it from and for the product page i kept it pretty simple i used lots of good graphics over here and then just made a pretty simple product description alright so now that our store is ready we need to launch up those juicy facebook ads the competitor i saw originally advertising this product was using this clever meme style ad and usually i would test out a few different ad creations but our budget is so small on this that even one misstep could completely wipe us out so essentially my plan is to just recreate this image so i'll be back in a few minutes after that's done so here's the ad we actually created i think it's looking pretty identical so now my plan is to launch these facebook ads up targeting mostly space lovers so i'll be back after that's done all right guys so the ads have been published and the five different audiences we targeted were space exploration nasa solar system moon and galaxy so now we just need to wait till these get approved and we're gonna see how these ads perform all right guys so the ads got approved last night and last night and this morning we got no sales but just a few hours ago we started to actually get some traction so i want to show you guys this all right so if you see that right there guys we have three total orders and if we come down over here you can see that we actually sold three orders so i'm super pumped up and if we go over to facebook ads for some reason facebook didn't track the purchases on here but anyways that 46 dollars has generated us 99 which means that we're just over like a 2.2 row as which is pretty decent that means that all in all our product cost on this is roughly 36 dollars so we've managed to make like 26 which is pretty excited because now our total gross is 125 dollars so i'm hoping we get a few more sales today and hopefully it just keeps growing at this 25 margin so i'm gonna update you after tomorrow or the next day sales and we'll see where we're at guys i am so frustrated so yesterday i showed you the results we got but it even got juicier we ended up finishing the day off with 150 in sales and keep in mind guys this was off a very small ad budget all we spent yesterday was about 49 which meant that our roast was 3x which equaled out to about a 40 profit margin and all in all yesterday we took home around 40 profit so that's the good part but the bad part is today i woke up the ads were running for a little bit and then they got disapproved so we have absolutely no sales today and i've been rushing off to contact my facebook rep and now it's in a manual review process so i'm honestly really bummed out right now but i guess i'm gonna have to wait and see when these ads get approved if they get approved and i'm just crossing my fingers hoping they do so i'll check back with you guys in maybe a day or two once this gets sorted out [Music] all right guys so it's been a few days since our ad got disapproved and initially when i put it into the review phase it actually declined but i submitted it once more and finally it got approved again so i'm super excited to share with you guys the results that have went down over the last few days honestly i'm a little bit blown away with the result so let's go over everything together alright so our ads were shut down for two whole days but they got activated again on september 25th and we managed to make just one sale for 65 but the next state is where things get a little bit juicy on september 26 we managed to clear 339 dollars and then on the 27th things went absolutely nuts and we managed to hit 489 and then for the next two days our sales averaged at around 300 until today it's absolutely nuts currently it's only 323 and we're already at 625 in sales so i'm really excited to say but we just broke 2100 in sales on this store now i'm sure you guys are ready to hear all the expenses so let's go over everything right now so we spent 14 on the domain 924 on the facebook advertisement and then we had a three percent processing fee so it's about 70 on that and then the last expense is product cost but here's where we got tripped up a little bit we ended up paying 918 to fulfill all the orders up to this second but that's because we chose the more expensive us shipping option we could have chose the chinese shipping option and we would have managed to make about 300 more profit but i wanted to stick to the faster shipping so our total profit right now is 277 and i know that's not a crazy number it could have easily been about 600 right now but customers are always first so my plan is after we get a little bit more capital i'm gonna order these products in bulk and i'm gonna fulfill them from the united states so we can take home more of that profit but all in all after all expenses we've managed to turn that 100 into a whopping 364. which is still pretty nuts we've almost four times our money and it's only been a week or so right now so the plan is to just continue this so i'm going to update you guys in maybe a few days i'm really hoping we can break that 1k sales goal either today or tomorrow so i'll keep you guys updated all right guys so it's been a few days since our last check-in and our sales have been averaging around 500 to 700 per day but right now the goal is to really scale this past 1k per day so i launched a ton of new campaigns yesterday and i'm also going to be placing our first paid video at everything we've done since this point has been off a single image ad so now it's time to spice things up and i'm gonna start testing a variety of different ads hopefully getting us that 1k per day and in addition to scale this company up i actually just brought in a customer service rep and right now they're getting paid about four dollars an hour and they're working roughly two hours per day so that's about eight dollars i'm spending on customer service which is gonna be great because we're gonna be able to delegate all of our time on growing the business so i'll check back in with you guys after our video ads actually delivered and we're going to launch him up and hopefully get to that 1k per day all right guys so i got the video ad back from fiverr yesterday and i'm so disappointing the ad looks absolutely terrible so i actually had to file to get a refund and in the meantime i've been looking for a good seller where we can actually get a really solid ad from now obviously i didn't want this to kill the scaling process for me so i decided to create a couple new campaigns and i tested some new image ads and it's primarily just photos of the product just like these ones right here and so far they've been doing pretty well but unfortunately our goal of 1k per day has still not been hit yet and the reason that is is because facebook has capped our ad spend out at 250 dollars daily which usually happens to new ad account so i had to go through this whole tedious process of contacting facebook and trying to get them to raise the ad budget up and thankfully after a few days the ad budget was finally risen yesterday so now i'm gonna be attempting to scale the ads we already have and finally once we get this video ad we'll be able to scale to one or even 2k per day so i'm really excited to see where things go so i'll update you guys in a few days all right guys so the last few weeks has been an absolute roller coaster we finally got the video out across that we've been trying to get and let me tell you it was an absolute banger here's a few seconds of what the video ad actually looked like this is gorgeous and the video ad was actually so successful we managed to scale that ad to almost 2 000 per day in ad spend so obviously that means we broke our 1k per day sales goal and actually we even topped out to almost 5 000 per day but here's where things get a little bit crazy basically what happened i was chilling out in miami for my 23rd birthday enjoying the weather everything seemed amazing we're doing three almost four thousand dollars per day in sales which meant that we're actually on trajectory to hit over 100 000 in sales in one single month which is absolutely nuts and then i got a message from our customer service rep she was trying to get onto our website and she was not able to get in so i rushed home went on to the website and let me tell you it was not working so i couldn't even get onto the admin dashboard so i reached out to shopify as quickly as i could and now it's been over five days and i haven't heard anything back and the website's just unaccessible [Music] alright guys so it's been three days since our last update and i am beyond frustrated right now i've been trying to get in contact with shopify and get our store back and let me tell you they just keep sending us the same email about getting us to a risk analyst that's only going to take 24 to 48 hours to get us a reply but we haven't heard anything back so i've actually started to do my own research to see if other users were facing a similar issue and i stumbled upon this thread right here and there's dozens of people saying that their store got deleted and it sounds exactly like what happened to my store so i really don't know what's going on right now but this is just such a bummer considering how much time we put into this store so i don't know if this store is going to get reinstated unfortunately i don't have the total sales in front of you but i still want to go into the facebook ad manager and i want to kind of show you where we're at right now and how much we actually spent on ads up until this second all right so we're in the ad manager right now and if we check the lifetime spend of this ad account out we can see that there's over 17 000 spent and facebook tracked just shy of 33 000 in sales this was quite a bit more because it's showing a little bit less than a 2.0 row as and i know overall we had like a 2.2 row as so i think maybe 3 000 or 4 thousand dollars got missed in this tracking and if we actually come back to october we can see that on some of our best days we were spending something like 2 000 on ads so that's the 17th on the 16th i believe we spent something similar 1700 and you can see that our cost per purchase was about 20 to 30 so i'm really glad i at least have the facebook ads to show you guys this stuff is legit unfortunately i don't even know how much profit we made so i'm just gonna keep bugging shopify and just really hope we get this store back and if i don't get the store back by next week i'm just gonna send it and start a whole new store i might sell the same product i'm actually not sure yet but what i do know is i'm probably not gonna be using shopify i've used them for years on all my e-commerce businesses this is just absolute bs i spent so much time on this store and even if i did get it back right now i just lost so much momentum and i'm honestly super bummed out that i didn't get a total track of the profit we're at like screw the store the challenge is what was really important and it seems like i've almost failed the challenge i was actually kind of hesitant on putting this video up because obviously we went through so many trials and tribulations but i got to keep it real with the channel so this is kind of where we're at right now i'm really crossing our fingers that by next video i'll have the store up and launched or another store that's doing as well so we're gonna have to sit back and see where this actually plays out but with that being said i really hope you guys did enjoy this video and i'll see you guys soon in part two
Channel: Tan Choudhury
Views: 362,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, shopify 2020, shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, drop shipping, shopify challenge, shopify challenge 24 hours, dropshipping 2020, dropshipping challenge, 24h dropshipping challenge, dropshipping for beginners, shopify tutorial for beginners, shopify tutorial, shopify store, tan choudhury, tan shopify, 24 hour shopify challenge, how to dropship, shopify dropshipping 2020, biaheza, verum ecom, make money online, dropshipping business, dropshipping tutorial, dropship
Id: f3IgJSxmVpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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