FREE Shopify Dropshipping Course | $0 to $2 Million (2021)

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[Music] what's going on guys today i'm going to be building an e-commerce business from scratch i'm literally going to be going over every single detail you need to start your own ecommerce business and i'm going to be showing it completely transparently so you guys can copy along and follow what i'm doing so you guys can implement it in your own e-commerce business i'm going to be showing you guys how you can find your viral product build your store around it and create your own advertisements and then how you can get those advertisements profitable so let's not waste any more time let's get into this video but before we do that if you guys do enjoy this video please make sure to give it a thumbs up because it really helps the channel grow and if you guys do get this video to 1200 likes then i'm gonna create a little document that will literally walk you guys through everything that i'm saying and give you guys a little cheat sheet that will help expedite your process to profit before i show you the fundamentals you must understand the strategy we're going after today we're using the one product store strategy essentially this means we build our stores around a singular product and focus the branding to accentuate the perceived value why we do this is simple we want to look like an established and trustworthy ecommerce brand with all the scammy stores online right now this will give us a huge differentiating factor and allow our product to stand out amongst the competition not only that but we'll be able to charge more for the product and benefit from the ease of logistics one product equals less work and more time focused on growing the business and making profits by using this strategy we're able to use saturation in the market to our advantage for example if 10 other stores are selling the same product and they haven't successfully used this strategy our store will stand out amongst the competition this will make our store look like the originators of the product which is exactly the reaction we want now that we understand this simple ideology let me show you exactly how we can find a product to create our one product drop shipping store okay guys so the strategy we're going to be utilizing today is super simple all you need to get started is your facebook profile so let's hop into my computer and i'm going to show you guys how this works the first thing that we're going to need to do is we're going to need to find a drop shipping ad so for example this is definitely a drop shipping product most products are drop shipped unless you see like a very branded store like this via percussion you can see that the logo is over here so this isn't a drop shipping product but this one definitely is over here so i'm actually going to open both of these products up over here and we're actually going to be tricking facebook into thinking we're one of their top customers so once we get onto their website we're going to want to make sure that we have this facebook pixel helper downloaded all you need to do to get it downloaded is head over to google type this in and it will install onto your chrome extensions and once you have it installed whenever you're on a website you can see that this little part will light up and there will be this little green box so we're going to want to click through to it and there's going to be this drop down called view content if you click that then there's going to be this content id section we're going to want to take this number inside the brackets and we're going to want to copy it bring it to a notepad and i'm going to leave this code for you guys down in the description we're going to want to enter that content id right inside this x over here and what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to copy this whole code over here and now this is where it gets really fun we're going to add this product to cart and once we've actually added its cart make sure you go to checkout and here what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to right click and hit inspect once you're on the inspect section you can come over this developer tab over here that says council and all we need to do is paste this in and click enter so two things are gonna happen at this point this undefined section over here means that you successfully fire their facebook pixel so what that actually means is that it tricked facebook into thinking that you actually bought this product so when we refresh our facebook feed we're gonna have tons of winners in our feed and just to verify that we actually fire this pixel we can come back to our pixel helper and you can see that there's this green check mark on purchase so the reason i also opened another tab over here because it's good that we do this with two products all we need to do on this one is rinse and repeat the same process by taking the view content id over here by putting it back in our notepad and just entering it at checkout so once you've done that what you need to do is just refresh your facebook feed and you're gonna see the products will get a lot better and a lot more frequent so if we scroll down we can already see this a winning product over here with 3 000 likes and that's the first ad we've seen so this is really going to give us intel and every single product that we see that we like what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to come over here and hit these three arrows and we're just going to want to save the video and what's going to happen after you do this for about 10 minutes or so you're going to have a list of winning products compiled because the thing is if they're running ads on facebook it likely means that they're already profitable with these products so you don't have to go out there and test random new products you can find products that are already validated and you can utilize their data to start testing ads so once you have these products compiled you're going to want to come over this saved section over here and you can see there's tons of different ads that you'll have saved at this point so what i want you to do at this point is pick your favorite product out of these one of the ways that we can identify which products are best is by engagement on them we can come to the comments over here and if we sort by the newest and we can see if they have a ton of comments coming every few minutes or so then it's definitely a winning product over here you don't see too many comments so this definitely isn't a viral product that's making a lot of money right now but if we come back to our save we can come check this eye laser stage light and we can see that this product over here has tons of comments so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to filter by the same exact strategy by just going to the newest comments and let's see if there's a lot of comments on this one so we can see there's a comment 51 minutes ago and we can see that there's a comment 52 minutes ago so that's a really good sign if we see a couple comments every hour it means that there's a lot of ads spent on this product so for today's example i'm going to be choosing this product it's the ktb 9i laser stage light so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to open this tab up and we're going to want to make sure that we save it over here and once we found this product what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to find this on aliexpress over here so usually what you can do is just you can copy some of the text over here the laser strobe light and we're going to want to open a tab for aliexpress over here and we can just search this up in the search bar and let's see if we can find the exact same product okay guys so that was easy enough here we go there's a few different listings for it so we can actually see this the cheapest one at 51.20 and you can see that they have tons of good images on here and it's the exact same product that they're selling for 149 so guys that's really good margins that's three times the product cost on this product over here so now that we see the listing we can see all right this product's 51 we know that we could get away selling this for 149 because their facebook ad is scaling like crazy selling it at this price so we're going to want to keep this link opened up and then we're going to want to start our shopify trial so i'm going to get on shopify start a trial for this store i'm going to show you how we actually build a store around this one product and the biggest rule of thumb here is that we want at least three times the product cost so for example if this product's 150 dollars we want to be getting it for around 50 so our margins as high as possible and trust me this might sound like quite a bit of margin but once you're going to advertise this is going to come in handy because at the end of the day the person with the most budget to spend on advertising usually wins in the facebook option so that's why you need to take this really seriously so after you found the margins are good and match the 3x rule that i'm talking about what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to copy some of this information over here off aliexpress and what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to head to amazon because the reason we're going to go to amazon right now is because we want to check out the reviews on amazon because at the end of the day it's really important that we sell a product with good reviews because even though it seems like you could get away selling a low quality product it's going to come back and bite you in the butt and in this whole course i want to teach you guys how you can do things correctly so you don't have to go through customer service errors and just getting a ton of bad feedback so we can come on different amazon listings and we can try to find the reviews for example this product doesn't really have any reviews and i didn't really see any listings that did have reviews but for example you're going to want to look at these reviews and if it's over 3.5 stars it's usually a very good indication that it's a good quality product one other thing that i love to do is i love coming and actually reading these reviews because they'll help us increase our conversion rate on our landing page so for example you can see any issues people have if you go down to the one star so for example you can come look at these reviews and they'll help increase our conversion rate on our landing page so for example when people are talking here they're talking about how things get very hot the lights small and it's powerful and tricky so basically these are different things that you could use to improve your landing page basically talk about how powerful the light is talk about what type of experience they're getting and if we read through a lot of these we'll see why people are actually buying this so this is really good to save so when we start creating our landing pages things will be super simple and easy so after we picked our product out and we made sure the margins are good and it's a high quality product the next thing we're going to want to do is we're going to want to start our shopify store so i'm going to show you guys how we can actually build our store so we can attract the most customers for the cheapest cost all right guys so after you've started your shopify trial the first thing we're going to want to do is we're going to want to head over this app tab and come to the visit shopify app store we're going to be downloading an app called oberlo over here and what this app is it's basically going to connect aliexpress to the product we're selling and basically when an order comes in it will fulfill it automatically and we're actually able to integrate the photos directly to our website so it's gonna make our life a lot easier so i'm gonna add this app really quickly it's going to take about a second to populate and while it's actually loading what i'm going to want to do is i'm going to want to come back over to this theme section this is just the template that we host our website on and shopify actually comes with a ton of free themes so you can actually check through these themes and see if any of them catch your attention my favorite is actually this debut theme over here so we're just gonna stick to this for a free theme if you guys want something a little bit more high tech then you guys should check out my gem page tutorial i'm going to leave a link over here for you guys to see how you can design some amazing landing pages but for this video i just want to get you guys off the ground and understand the basics of creating a good website so once you go into the customize section we're going to be able to design everything from scratch but the first thing that we're gonna need we're gonna need a logo but we actually haven't even figured out our domain name so what i do for helping me figure out my domain name is using a website like if you see there's a search bar over here and we can literally come in here and we can type in any two keywords or three keywords and it's going to populate all these different ideas for us so for example they have all these ideas that we could choose from and you could just scroll down and see if something works for you like i like this one raven tech that actually sounds really high tech and it sounds like it could actually be something that's involved with raves so what i'm going to want to do after i figured out the name i'm going for i would go on and basically what we can do on canva is we can create a logo in like 30 seconds i like creating text based logos so we could just come over here and we could call this the raven tech and then we could just change some of the colors out so i think this purple color scheme would do really good since we're like going for this cool ray vibe over here and we're just gonna delete the background and then i'm gonna save this as a transparent image and then we can just crop the rest of the photo out so we have just the logo right here so then we're just gonna save this and we'll be all ready to go so after that's done let's come back to this and let's add the logo and let's see how it looks okay guys so there we go i just added the logo and it actually looks pretty clean it's not obviously the best logo in the world but you don't need a crazy logo to get sales what i want to do is really get you off the ground and help you focus on what's really important in your store which is optimizing for conversion rate if you don't know what conversion rate is basically it's a metric that identifies how many customers out of 100 actually make a purchase so for example if two people out of 100 makes a purchase you have a two percent conversion rate which is actually pretty decent according to shopify standards i like aiming for about a three to four percent conversion rate because literally if you're at a two percent conversion rate and i have a four percent conversion rate that means that i'm making double the revenue that you are so just really try to understand how important conversion rate comes and the logo is not going to change that too big so now that we have our simple logo in here what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to add some type of banner image here so one way that we can find nice images is obviously shopify has this really cool feature where we can just type in free image so i'm gonna see if anything comes up on rave so unfortunately this image gallery isn't that robust but we can also use a website like and usually you can find like anything inside of here so i just typed in brave and we can see this image looks really good so we're going to want to save this as a 920 by 1280 and once it's done downloading we can just come back to that library we can drag it in here and the image will be ready to go and let's see how this one looks so there we go that really gets their attention it matches the same purple branding we're going after so i really like this image and then over here we can just write a couple things that catch the buyer's attention so we can say the best personal the best personal rave life and then i'm going to put make your house make your house the star of the party and it's really simple what we're going to mostly focus on here is the product page the home page doesn't matter all too much but obviously we still want to make it as good as we can so in this button label section we can just put shop now and it's going to populate a button once we connect it to something so i can just say go to all collections over here and you see it's black right now but we're actually going to want to change that out so how we can do that is we can come over here to this color section and we can change the button color so one thing i highly recommend you do is you come back to canva and figure out what color you actually use to create your logo and as you see i'm using this purple color but i need to figure out the actual color combo so i can copy this i can come back to that shopify listing and i can simply just copy it over here and what's going to happen is we're going to have the exact same color scheme as our logo because we really want to make sure that we create congruency when we're doing things because it will make us look a lot more professional and now that this section is done i recommend taking the time and just changing some of these random colors out so the sale price we want that to match this purple color and then i think we're about good right now so now that we're done with that what we can do is we can come back to that section over here and we can put a little announcement bar over here so what i like to use this announcement bar for is to announce what type of sale we're running so for example as you saw on our competitors website they're selling this for a 50 off so what we could do is we could put 50 off site wide and we're gonna want to check this show announcement bar and you can see it come up over here and we're going to want to change that bar color to whatever our congruent color scheme is and actually just to make this look like even a better deal i'm going to put plus free shipping and i'm going to remove that and what this is gonna do when any buyer comes onto our website they're gonna see okay this is 50 off plus free shipping so psychologically they know that they're getting a very good deal now the reason i'm actually designing this entire website on mobile is because that's where most of our customers are going to come so i highly recommend you do the same and you optimize for the mobile buyer because most your customers will be visiting from that platform now in this section over here i'm just going to want to add an image and then some headline and some cool text over here so one way that we can find images is obviously off that aliexpress listing and sometimes it's a little bit annoying to download these images one by one so you could use this little ali save tool where you could just literally go and click one button and it's going to download all the images to your feed over here so that literally took like 10 seconds and now we can just come over here and we could add any images we want so i'm just going to add a few of these images so when we're designing the website we can just click and go so i'm going to choose this image because i think it really catches their attention it shows like the different features of this product and it really shows how cool of a product this is and what a big effect it makes so after you've selected your product we can just put a headline over here so i'm gonna put the raven light is perfect for and then what we can use this section for is just some different bullet points so if we want to figure out how to put bullet points all we need to do is come over this website so basically we can just take some emojis from them and i'm just going to take the check mark because green's definitely a trustworthy color and we can just type this in over here and we could just put some different benefits relating to this product so if we want to figure out how to do that we can obviously come back to that aliexpress listing and we can look for the different features that they're actually offering so we can take this over here we can copy this and we can paste it i highly recommend you actually reword it yourself but for today's example i want to keep things going and quickly so you really understand the core fundamentals so as you see this is way too long we definitely don't want something that long over here so i'm going to delete that and then we can come over here and we can say home parties and then we're just going to want to bold this over here and let's see how that looks and the reason i made this section is i want to catch buyers attention who don't know what to do with this product yet so they're seeing what this is perfect for so if they like throwing home parties this is definitely gonna catch their attention so i'm gonna do a few more sections and i'll come back with you guys in a few seconds okay guys so there we go i just made three sections we have the home parties your business and basically i sold it as turn your business into the talk of the town in seconds you can actually have this product up and working and it will attract those valuable customers and then the next one that i put is dance time so if people love dancing then this is also going to catch a different fire pool so this is really important that you do something like this and you describe some of the different usage cases for this because someone might not be able to see why they would buy the product but if they see oh dancing they can think my daughter loves dancing i'm gonna buy her this gift so this is a really clever way to increase that conversion rate and now that we have this section done let's just make sure we save this you want to make sure periodically you keep saving your landing page because the worst thing that could happen is that your browser crashes and then you lose all your hard-earned work so as you see there's another section that looks almost identical over here so we're just going to want to add another image let me try to see an image that describes a little bit more of the features so we can see this one it's a powerful heat dissipation so what we can do is we can use this to describe the feature and the benefits of why this feature is good so always remember you don't want to just talk about the features features basically mean that you're talking about how the product has nine different settings what you want to actually talk about is how those nine different settings can change the vibe and mood if you're feeling happy sad so people be like oh that's actually really awesome so really focus on describing the benefits and how they relate to the features and this really improves your conversion rate than just talking about how the product has different functionalities so i'm gonna add a few sections over here and i'm gonna come back with you guys and show you guys what i did okay guys so there we go i created three sections over here and basically over here i said nine settings nine different ways to party so if you see how i actually position that i'm explaining how this feature is relating to the benefit and i'm talking about how they'll never run out of party ideas and their friends and family are going to be begging to come back to their house now the next section over here i say is the most versatile light you have and i describe some more use cases so dj disco club ktv ballroom bar stage dances i just list a bunch of different stuff over here so for example if someone's a dj they'll see this and they'll be like oh okay this is a perfect product that i could put into my arsenal and then the last section over here i found this cool photo that basically says powerful heat dissipation and basically i just said keep it running all night and i said with our powerful and efficient fan you'll be able to keep the party going and then i just put a little shop now link over here what i recommend if you really want to sauce your landing pages up is you go on a website like fiverr and you pay a designer to actually make some custom graphics for you because honestly this graphic doesn't look really nice but if you pay someone like 10 bucks you'll be able to really improve the quality on how your page is going to look now after we've gotten that done i'm just going to want to save this and actually i'm going to remove everything else in here so we don't need this collection because we're only selling one product i'm going to remove this as well and then i'm going to remove the testimonials because we're going to actually put some reviews in the aftermath so we'll remove those i'm going to remove this gallery and the last thing over here is going to be this newsletter section so we can just come to the footer make sure everything looks good we're going to actually put our menus in in the aftermath so let's not worry about that right now but now that we have this whole section done we're going to want to actually get our product page linked up so we're going to add this section and we're going to say featured product because once we actually put the product up then they're going to be able to buy directly over here so we'll leave it for us after we've added all of our images from oberlo so let's come back to oberlo and i'm going to show you guys how we can actually link this really easily so the first thing you're going to need to do is just throw a password in over here and we can see at a product so what i'm going to want to do is click explore products and you can just type over here so let's go back to that listing and make sure that we can find it so let's just grab that let's copy it into this section and it should show up sometimes you'll have some errors and if you actually have the error you need to actually download this chrome extension and it's really easy to be honest we're just going to want to open a link and say oberlo chrome extension and let's see it should only take us a minute or so so i'm going to come back with you guys after it's fully done okay guys there we go i just actually pinned it over here so now all we need to do is click this button and we can add it to our import list and what we want to do now is head back to oberlo and it should actually be in our import list right now so let's refresh this for some reason it hasn't come up so i'm just going to type the product url in here and it should also add it so if you don't want to add the chrome extension so this is another way you can do it so now what we can do is we can change some information over here so i'm going to be naming this the raven light and then we can add it to any collections we want so i'm just going to put in the home page and then the description we're just going to remove this for now because we're not gonna be using the aliexpress description you don't wanna do that that's like one of the worst things you could do and then we're gonna come over this section over here and you can see there's a lot of different information here and basically there's the us plug the au the eu and the uk plug so we're definitely going to want to leave that but we're going to want to change the prices up so they correlate so i'm going to put 149.99 and we're going to put these in each of the sections and then over here in the compare at section we're going to want to make sure that it's two times the price since we are saying this is 50 off so we could put over here and say 299.99 and i usually like ending my prices in a 99 just so it rounds down to the nearest dollar and after we've done that we can just want to check over here and make sure we have all the images we want so let's click the plus sign on all the good images and after we've added all the images we want just click import to store and all it's going to do it's going to take a second or so but this product will be imported directly into our shopify store and we can just click edit and it's going to direct us over that product we made so you can see how simple that was rather than adding all the images manually and if we actually want to view this we can come click through here and we can preview what it's looking like right now and obviously we haven't added any product description over here the product description is literally the biggest thing we can do so for today's example since i just created all that copy over here i'm just gonna put it back in the product page i recommend that you differentiate these a little bit but since i already have these set up i'm not going to take the time to do a whole nother section on that but after we have these in i'm just going to click add an image over here and i'm going to add that exact image we had and we can just center this up and after we have that image what i want to do over here as i want to put how the raven light works it's really important that you describe the functionality of your product because some people won't actually understand how products work and since we have this header over here we can come to this formatting and we can put it as an h2 and then we can just center this up so then we could put some more bullet points over here so for example we could put one touch set up and i'm going to want to take that off bold and we could say simply and i'm just going to knock this out come back with you and i'll explain what i did okay guys so basically i put over here is one touch setup so i explained how the product works and then i'm just saying it's self cooling and it has nine settings so that's a pretty simple section i put over here and the last thing i'm going to want to do is i'm going to want to come through to the aliexpress listing and i actually saw they have a bunch of really cool graphics over here so i'm definitely going to want to save this and i believe they just have a ton of cool graphics that we could use so i'm definitely going to want to download almost everything i can over here because these images really sell this product okay so now that i have all these images i'm just going to add them up and i'll be back in a second and show you guys how this look okay there we go i just added all these images over here aliexpress actually did a really good job with this product so i'm gonna save this we're gonna see how it looks for some reason i think these images came out really poor quality because i just zoomed them in really far but like i said we could obviously have a graphic designer recreate these because they see what it is over here so it's really simple to do this but i just want to show you guys what i have so far yeah you can see the image quality came out pretty bad obviously i'm not launching this but if i was i would definitely want to recreate this but you can see how good this product page is already coming along now the last thing i would do with this product page is i would come back to it and i would put some type of guarantee so we could do another header over here so our guarantee and then we're just going to want to put this as another header and you could explain the type of guarantee you have so in my opinion i recommend doing some type of 30-day guarantee because customers will feel really safe when they actually do come to your website so i'm just going to put your purchase is backed by our 30-day no questions asked refund policy if you don't absolutely love your raven light then send it back for a full refund so what we did in this section is we actually took any of their fears and we answered them for it so that's what this section's for and usually i would put an faq at the bottom over here so i would also just make another header and you could blow this up on header number two and then what you could do over here is you could just do some bullet points so you could come to the bulleted list and you could put question and then you could just answer it so for example if the question is how long does the light last for we could just answer the question we could say the light lasts three years and is backed by our five year warranty so obviously i don't know how long this product's been backed but i would talk to the supplier and answering these type of questions will really help improve your conversion rate and like i talked about earlier going on that amazon listing it will help you answer these faq questions and you could also implement them into the landing page over here so for example if customers are asking like if the product cools down or not you could answer it in one of these bullet points and then they'll be able to see when they're browsing on the website they'll be able to see okay awesome this product does what i want it to and they won't have to reach out to customer support because usually what we want is a customer to take action right then so this type of strategy will really greatly improve that so let's just save this and we're going to want to come back over to that theme section and let's see if it finally got set up okay cool we just need to need to link this and as we can see this homepage is pretty much done over here but one thing that we're going to want to do is we're going to want to go to the product page and we're going to actually want to click buy it now because we need to go to checkout page and what we're going to want to do we're going to want to add our logo and our color scheme into this checkout page because this is the only way you can do it so i'm going to come over here i'm going to put our logo in and then we can just change the color scheme up the button to our beautiful purple color and now we can just save this and the last thing i want us to do is i want us to put some different policies on the footer because this will really improve our conversion rate so what we need to do now is we need to come over to the navigation if you see we've actually set up no menus as you can see here there's just catalog so that definitely doesn't look trustworthy so we're going to want to come over here to this page section and we're going to want to add some different pages so for example we could put a contact us section and we could put if you need if you need any help we are just one email away send us an email at send us an email contact and obviously you would want to improve upon this a little bit and you could talk about how much time it actually takes to get a hold of you and answer some of their questions here and then we can just save this over here and we're going to want to add a few other questions we're definitely going to want to put a standalone faq page so for this section you could take all those faqs that you're writing on the actual product page and you could just copy them over here so you could put your faqs and then we're going to want to save this and usually one other section that i like creating is like an about us page and you could just talk about why your company is cool and what you guys are doing so for example for a raven light we could say we are curators of the most amazing personal rave lights in the world we started off in 2020 and you could just write a little story about how you guys started off you can dramatize it a little bit but this will really improve trust if someone's coming on your website and they want to read about it before actually making a purchase so definitely do something like that and then we can save this and we're going to want to do a couple other things we're going to want to put a refund policy over here so we can just write out that entire refund policy that we put in our product page so i'm just going to go down i'm going to i'm just going to go down i'm going to copy that and then we can paste it over here so if people are looking for that page then they'll definitely be able to find it now what we're going to want to do is come over this little navigation bar and we can come to this main menu first and we can put raven light and we can just link it directly to the product page and we can apply changes save it and then there's a few more menu items we're going to want to put in here so we can just click this plus sign and then we can go to the pages and we can find those pages that we made prior so i would usually put an about us over here and then next what i would do is i would come back to the pages and i would try to put your contact us one other thing that you might want to think about doing is put a track order page in here and how you can actually do that is find an app if you just put track order in the app store then there's a few different tools that you can actually do and what this will do is it allows customers to not leave your website to actually look through their order so i definitely do recommend doing that but this is pretty much all we actually need for the main menu so we're going to want to save this and then we're going to want to come back to the navigation and we're going to want to jump into that footer menu section so over here in the footer menu we're going to want to do a few different things than we would do in the main menu so let's click add a new menu item and what the footer menu is mostly for is just information about your company so the first one i'm going to put is contact us and then we could put the faq and then we could put the refund policy and then i'm going to throw the get raven light in here again just in case they want to go directly to that page so let's add that and like i said you could also put a track order over here but this is a pretty solid footer menu over here so we're going to save this and this is pretty much going to knock out the entire menu and structure of our website but now that the bones of our website are pretty much done what we're going to need to do is we're going to want to come to the shopify app store and i'm going to go over a few different apps that we can actually use to improve our conversion rate because like i mentioned before conversion rate's so important so i'm going to hop onto the app store and show you guys some of my favorites okay guys so there's this app over here called vitals so we're gonna add this to our store it comes with a 30-day trial and this is not sponsored at all the reason why i really recommend this app is because it literally comes with like 30 different apps that you used to have to download separately so it's going to make your life a lot easier and it's going to save you a lot of money because this is only 30 so it's actually asking us to add a credit card so now let's start our 30-day free trial and let's hop into the app and i can show you how we'll actually use this app to improve our conversion rate and what features are really cool about this so as you see they have all these different links for different apps that we can get downloaded so for example they have product reviews over here so we're really going to want to use this because you can actually import reviews from aliexpress so if we come over here and we go to the raven light we can go directly back to that aliexpress link we had and we're going to copy that we're going to paste it in here and it's just going to import all the reviews from there which is super nice that they have this functionality built in so you can see that all the reviews from that listing are just right here already so that's really cool and obviously we don't have the best reviews here so if you want you could write a few reviews out to make it a little bit more believable but that's definitely not something you have to do so then let's head back to the dashboard and a couple other the features that we would want to use is if we want to do some upsells over here we could do some product bundles so obviously we only have one product on this store but if we wanted to add a few more products that are congruent to what we're selling this could definitely help improve our average order value so this is a really good way that we can use it and as you see you can just follow along and it only takes a few seconds to set it up but some of the ways that we could increase conversions is we could come over this convert more section and they have like an animated add to cart you can put different shipping information on your product and you can also put a countdown timer so i wouldn't use countdown timers too much unless you have like a specific sale going like if customers know that there's a 24-hour blowout on your store that's when sales counters do really well but if it's on your store all the time then it's definitely gonna look a little bit spammy and then one of these cool features over here is stock scarcity so we could say when the inventory is below units then what's going to happen is there's going to be this little preview over here that says hurry there's only this amount in stock so this will be really cool so if you're running low on your stock then this app will just let customers know that they need to buy now and that's the scarcity we really need to make customers take action and then a few other features that i would use over here is the cart reserve timer so if you click through to this one it will basically tell the customer how much time they have left to actually go make that purchase so this will also provide some scarcity to make customers actually take that action so if you see over here we can say there's a countdown for 10 minutes and we could say that the items in their cart are in high demand so this will really help customers take action and then the other apps that i would actually recommend in this is a shoppable instagram feed that's really cool and then also this wheel of fortune this is really clever because what you can do over here is you can customize all this different information over here and after 20 seconds this app will pop up and basically what it's going to look like something like this and you can put different sales in each of these bars so when a customer goes to this they can click a button and it's going to spin the wheel of fortune and it's going to land on one of these little pieces of the pie over here and in each of those pieces of pie you can have different promotions so for example you can tell them that they won like 20 off and people love winning things so these gamification apps really help improve conversion rate and i definitely recommend you try one of these out because what this is also going to do it's also going to help us collect those emails and we can set up all the different promotions in here so if we want to put 20 off or we could even put like a 15 gift card so that's really clever over here and we can import all these emails when they come into an app like clavio so clavio is a really cool app what we'll actually use clavio for is we can set up a few different parameters in it so when customers do abandon their cart we can send them like a whole email flow and they actually have pre-populated templates in here so i'm not actually going to build them in front of you today but there's also welcome sequences that they already have like set out for you so i definitely recommend you guys use this especially in conjunction when you're collecting those emails from the spin to win app now one other app that i definitely recommend you use is this app called sms bump over here what sms bump is is you can actually set up abandoned cart for sms so for example when someone leaves your store we'll actually be able to send them a text message like hey what's going on you left your cart over here and it's gonna send directly their phone number so inherently the open rate is going to be much higher than email and i guarantee if you don't use this app already you need to put it in because it's definitely going to increase that conversion rate and when customers drop off they'll know that they need to come back to make the purchase now the last app over here is definitely subjective you don't need to use it but if you have a lot of customer requests coming in we're going to want to download this gorgeous app because it's just the best tool to manage customer emails and any customer support related inquiries and what's really cool about this app also is that we can integrate it directly into our facebook and instagram page so for getting messages on both of these platforms then we can manage them from one system which just makes our life so much easier and it allows us to add different representatives so if we have a customer service team that will just be so much easier to scale but i'll talk about that later what i want to show you guys right now is how we can get prepared for advertising so the two different methods that i'm gonna be showing you in today's lesson on advertising is using facebook and instagram influencers so if we are gonna be running facebook ads then we're gonna actually need a facebook ad so the first way to actually get that is just go on a website like fiverr over here and you can see they have like unlimited video editors that we could find so we could just type in video ad and we can see that there's all these different sellers and they're about 30 dollars if you want an expensive commercial ad i don't recommend that but it's 170 what these sellers will do is they'll find different clips online and they'll compile them and they'll put text over the screen and make it look like it's a really cool ad so for example we'll click on this one and i'll show you guys what the ads actually look like so this looks like actually a pretty good video editor so you might want to check this guy out shout out ichat so definitely check this out if you have a few extra dollars and you don't want to make the video ad yourself but if you do want to make the video ad then i'm actually going to show you guys how we can do it pretty quickly right here and right now so i'm going to hop into my phone and we're going to start building our ad if you don't want to watch this section i'm going to put a timestamp that will fast forward to when we actually start getting to the facebook advertising section okay guys so the first thing that we're going to want to do before we even start trying to create our video ad is come up with a solid script so this structure that i'm going to be giving you i'll leave it down in the description somewhere but basically this will help you organize and create your video ad so you have a good script when you actually write this so i just wrote this one out in just a few minutes basically what we always want to start out with is hit them with a hook so this one is board of your house and then the solution is introducing the raven light so what this is doing psychologically it's providing a solution for their problem so if they're already bored at their house then they're gonna see this and they're gonna think it's ultra targeted to them now after that we just wanna put a couple benefits here and how i actually found these benefits is pretty much the same benefits that we put in our product page so if you see we're pretty much reusing the content we already have we don't need to go out and reinvent the wheel and after that we just want to put some social proof so telling them that people all over the world are loving this product usually what i would do if this product had more reviews is i would actually put the reviews in the video ad but i'm going to show you guys how we'll implement this in once we hop into my phone but the last thing we always want to do is add our call to action now that we've set up our structure we're gonna have to start compiling some clips so usually what we can do is go on aliexpress and as you see there's this video over here so people might not know how to download this and it's kind of difficult to get it downloaded but what we're going to do to download this is click the inspect button and then we're just going to want to click command f and we're going to want to search mp4 we're just going to want to click mp4 and see if we can find anything and over here is this link it says mp4 and usually it's on that's where they host these videos so we can just open this in a new tab and this link should let us download it directly so we can just click download and it's going to start downloading on our computer so now that we have this clip we're probably going to want to take some of these images over here and send them directly to our phone because we're going to be editing this on the phone the phone software is actually a lot easier than on the computer and that's why i'm going to be doing it today so there's this image downloader that i'm going to use so i'm going to take a few of these images over here and we're just going to want to download them really quickly and then once they're done downloading what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to find any stock or b-roll clips on pixels they have all these really cool videos that we could take so we could click here and there's just like endless videos that we could use in this section so i definitely recommend if you guys need any filler content or b-rolls you'll use it here and it might sound a little bit confusing right now but once we actually hop into my phone things will seem a lot more clear so i'm gonna hop into my phone right now i'm gonna show you how we'll put this all into conjunction and create an actually pretty solid video ad in just a few minutes just using our phone okay guys so the first thing we're going to want to do is download this app called in shot they have it on ios and android so once it's done downloading we just want to click create a new video and we're going to want to bring all of our clips and photos that we actually just downloaded so i'm going to let this populate in and then i'm going to show you how we're going to cut these up so the first thing that we're going to want to do we're going to make sure that we're on this one by one ratio so just click the check mark over here and we're going to click x to remove this watermark they're actually going to let us remove it for completely free which is one of the really cool reasons i love this app so now that we've done this we're going to want to zoom our clips in so they actually get the ratio we want so as we can see we have this clip right here and i'm just going to click check mark and we're going to want to actually start adding our text so the hook was bored of your house and if we go this color wheel over here we can change the label so if we want it to be black we can do that for the purpose of today's video we're doing this purple color scheme so i'm going to change it to this over here and we can just arrange it how we want so now that we have our first scene we're going to want to have this only about three seconds long so we can just click the check mark and we're going to want to split this right here and we're going to want to get rid of the rest of this video because we actually don't need it and now that we have the hook ready to go we're going to want to go to our next video over here and we're going to want to go back to the canvas section to make sure that the ratio actually is proportionate so i'm going to zoom this in a tiny bit and we're going to go back to text and what we can do is we can just click duplicate this over here and we can change the text out and this is where we're going to be putting our solution so we're going to say introducing the raven light and then let's just make sure the sizing works and yeah that looks pretty good we probably want a little bit more spacing in between the words but we have right here already board of your house and then introducing the raven light so maybe one thing i would do is i would actually come over here and i would split this and probably make it a little bit shorter because that board clip's a little bit long and now we have this entire video over here so i'm going to come back to this text section and i'm going to actually duplicate that one more time and i'm going to actually shorten the introductory part because we want to get straight into the benefits so we don't waste their time so what i'm going to put in this next section is our first benefit so that one is turn your home into a rave with the click of a button and let's just center this up make it look how we want and now that we have our first section made i'm going to want to rinse and repeat this with the other benefits so let me get this done really quickly and i'll come back with you guys [Music] okay guys so here we go i finished the video ad and as you can see we introduced the hook then we put the solution in and after that we just went over a few benefits like i showed you guys in the script one thing you guys are going to want to look out for is that all the benefits match the specific clips one thing i had a hard time with was actually finding different clips for this product so that's why using one of those editing services actually advantageous and obviously this video ad is not perfect by any means i'm definitely not a video editor but this is just showing you how easy it is to use a tool like this so i definitely recommend that if you don't have the budget yet to actually create a video ad yourself that you use some program like in shop all right now that you have your ad and website ready to go we want to do a couple more things before we launch those juicy facebook apps so let's hop into my computer and i'll show you what we need to finish so i'm going to show you guys how we can set this up with the best practices so first we're going to need to set a page name so obviously we're doing the raven light and then you can set your category as retail obviously because we're selling products direct to consumer and then when we use this description over here we want to talk about some of the unique selling propositions of our product so for example the raven light is a portable rave light that turns any home into a party so that's a selling proposition it definitely catches their attention over here and then we can click create page and then it's just gonna ask us to put some images in over here so firstly we need a profile picture and i usually don't recommend putting a logo in here sometimes it can be advantageous if you have a brand but if you're doing a one product store like this i recommend throwing one of the images in off your product page so for example we could try an image like this over here and it's gonna catch their attention because they're gonna be able to see like what the product is when they view the profile picture so when they're getting advertised on it they'll be more likely to actually click through to your profile picture if they decide to now the second thing over here is you must have a cover photo so luckily canva makes it super easy if you just go back to their dashboard you can see that they have all these different types of assets you can choose and there's a facebook cover over here and there's all these different pre-populated templates so if we type in rave over here you can actually see that they have a template that is for raves which is pretty ironic so i'm going to delete some of this information out and we're going to want to put our logo over here so i could put raven and then over here we could put lights and then in this section i'm going to put bring the party with you so then we're going to want to put our logo so give me a second i'll come back after logo's done okay guys so there we go i just slapped our logo down in the corner and obviously you could change some stuff out like if we wanted we could put some type of lifestyle photo over here so i could type in party and i could see what different images they actually have in here so let's try something like that and we'll just blow this image up a little bit and then what we're probably going to want to do is we're going to want to change the filter and we're going to want to make all these images show so we can just click backwards till everything shows up and then we can just adjust some of the color scheme over here by bringing the brightness down and you can see this actually stands out pretty good so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to download this and we're just going to want to upload it into that section over here that says add cover photo so now that it's uploaded obviously we're going to want to save this and we're going to want to make sure the proportions look good so that actually looks great we can check it out on mobile it actually looks pretty professional and i made it in like a minute so you guys should definitely do this before you start advertising and then we're just going to want to save this and it's going to take us to the actual page dashboard and over here we're going to want to do one last thing before we start advertising this is something a lot of newbies don't do but you want to create posts on your page because when people actually visit the page you want to look like you didn't pop out of the ground so what we can do over here is we can just take a couple of those images and then we can just make a post saying like raven light is the best portable party tool grab yours here so what we want to do is we want to make at least three or four posts because when people scroll down our feed they're gonna be able to see like okay this page is active and not only will customers be able to see that but facebook actually prefers advertisers who do focus on organic presence as well so this will definitely give you an algorithm boost so i definitely recommend you take the time throw like five of these posts up and you're just gonna look a lot more legitimate so now that we have this done let's hop into facebook ads and let's launch our juicy campaign so right now i'm gonna be expecting that you already have an ad manager or a business manager right now i'm just using my personal ad manager so what we're going to want to do is obviously we're going to want to click this green button to create a new campaign and we're going to want to click the conversion campaign a lot of these campaigns don't really matter you would think that reach or brand awareness would be good for a beginner but at the end of the day most of these considerations don't do much the only ones that i really use are conversions catalog sales and you would probably use engagement on some retargeting ads but that's a little bit more advanced and i'll be going over that later so now that you've chosen catalog sales we want to make sure that we name this campaign it's very important that we do this so what we're going to name this campaign is testing phase cold traffic number one so this lets us know that this is a testing phase and this is a cold traffic ad so if you don't know the difference between the different types of campaigns we run we break it down into cold traffic which is people who haven't heard of you before warm traffic people who know your brand so people who have visited your website or seen the ad before and then hot audience a hot audience is people who've either added to cart or purchased before we're going to go over that later in the retargeting but what we're going to be focusing on now is just the cold traffic so now we're just going to click continue we can just ignore this for now and what's going to happen is it's going to create a new campaign for us so now we can do here is we can choose between a campaign's budget optimization or the standard ad set budget optimization it might sound a little bit confusing but the only difference between the campaign budget optimization is that it spends at a campaign level so for example if we have five different ad sets in that one campaign then what's gonna happen is facebook's gonna be able to optimize for the highest converting ad set so if you have 50 on the campaign level it's gonna take that budget and funnel it mostly into the ads that are getting the most results but if you do set this up on the ad set level then what's gonna happen is it's gonna spend the same throughout all the ad sets so it's important that you do use cbo and a lot of people don't recommend testing this way but i'm gonna show you a couple of settings that will help increase our roads when we're actually testing with the cbo so the daily budget really depends on obviously what your budget is but what i recommend is you do at least five to ten times your cost per acquisition so for example if you're selling a product for forty dollars and you have a thirty dollar profit margin after your cost of goods then you have a 30 cost per acquisition so we could either start it off at 150 or 300 150 is definitely enough budget to get us started so we're going to say 150 over here and since it's a new ad account we can only spend fifty dollars so we can just drop this down to fifty dollars that's completely okay obviously it's not recommended but with the higher budget we just get results quicker which helps us validate the product even quicker so now that we have the campaign done we're just going to want to hit next and it's going to take us the ad sets section so we're not going to name it yet what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to make sure we create a facebook pixel so you can just click this button and it's going to take you through a couple settings where you can actually install this pixel and where you actually install it is just hitting online store going to preferences and when you scroll down there'll be this little section over here for your facebook pixel once you set up facebook so it's super easy i'm not going to walk through it today since i'm not actually running this but create this make sure you link it up and you optimize for purchases which is just a click of a button and after you do that what we're going to want to do here is we're going to want to set up a few different parameters so in this audience section it's actually going to tell us basically who we want to target so over here if we're shipping off aliexpress we can usually do the top four countries so i would do united kingdom i would do canada and i would also do australia over here so those are pretty much the countries with the highest gdp and i usually just focus on those countries some people like going after a bunch of countries but i like really targeting in on the biggest countries and then sometimes open up worldwide audiences if it does really well on these now over here we could just set some of the age parameters so i usually do 21 plus unless it's like a younger demographic of a product but i don't think anyone who's 18 would buy a product that's 150 um usually people over 21 have that type of money and then i'm going to check this detailed expansion off because what this is going to do it's going to send her ad out to more people than we're actually targeting in here and we don't want that for now we usually use that when we go to scale but inside this detailed targeting section we can actually target specific audiences so if we come over here we could probably type in coachella and we'll see if this is actually an audience on here so yeah coachella valley music and art festival so that's like a really good audience for this raven light that we're targeting so what we want to do is we want to come up here and just name it coachella valley music and art because what this is going to do when we're viewing it at a bird's eye level we'll be able to see okay the coachella ads doing really well so let's keep this add-on so this just going to simplify our life and then we can just leave the languages on you don't really need to narrow or exclude any audiences some people recommend excluding like drop shippers and aliexpress here i don't think it's needed sometimes it just makes facebook's life a little bit more difficult and they'll raise the cpms on that end so we could just ignore that for now and what we could do is we could either click automatic placements which is sometimes advantageous but when i test i usually just like being in the instagram and facebook feed so we can just click these two on and then we can just get rid of stories in stream search article apps and sites and then we're pretty much ready to go but one thing we're going to want to do before we do that is click show more options and then you can just look at the conversion window over here and all you really need to know is either using the one day click or view i usually stick with the seven day click but if you have like a cheap product maybe you would want to try the one day click out it's definitely good to test between them i'm gonna leave them at the seven day click right now and we can just click next and it's gonna actually take us the ad creation all right so now i'm gonna walk you through the ad creation so the first thing we're gonna want to do is name this ad so i'm gonna name this video ad number one over here and we want to make sure the name here is consistent on every ad that we use for this video so it's going to make things a lot easier when we're looking from that bird's eye view now next over here we can just choose what facebook page we actually want to show its advertising from and the instagram page it's connected to so i'm just using this little proxy page that i have um usually you need to go into your business settings and actually link that page to the ad manager but since i'm not advertising this i'm not going to focus on that i just want to show you guys how you can actually build the ad right now now in this ad setup they're gonna have a few different options there's gonna have a create ad or an existing post it's really important that when we do create our first ad that we link it as an existing post so i'll show you guys how to do that in a few seconds after we finish this ad creation so on this format section it's going to ask us the different types of medias we can go after it's going to be a single image or video ad a carousel which is basically a collection of images that you can scroll through and there's a collection collection is used for a wider catalog so what i'm gonna focus on now is just adding a video so we can come over here add media and we can upload the video ad that we made and it's gonna take about a second or so so i'll be back with you guys after it's done okay guys awesome the ad has successfully been added if we come over here we can see that the ad is playing this is the one that we made off in shot so what we're going to want to do now is we're going to want to come up with some clever copy that's going to catch their attention so since this is a rave light and the whole time i've been talking about how this product can like turn your house in a party what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hit them with a hook and i'm gonna say sick of the same old boring house turn anywhere into a party with the raven light and then i want to put some emojis over here because people really like emojis so i'm going to look up party and i'm going to see this little party popper emoji and then we can just place it in right over here and then what i'm going to want to do is i'm going to want to put a couple check marks so you can type in here check and we use this green check marks it really catches your attention when you are scrolling through the feed so i'm going to list off a couple different benefits over here so we can go back to our product page and we can see some of the stuff we actually listed out so we can get some inspiration on what to put here so i'm gonna copy some of this i'm gonna come back to our ad and i'm gonna say okay so i said includes blue laser lighting led strobe lights and pattern light so they know what they're getting immediately when they see this and then i'm just gonna put at the end backed by our 30 day guarantee you're gonna absolutely love your new raven light get yours here and the reason we put our link over here even though we're also going to include it at this section is because some people are going to click it directly from the facebook ad so i highly recommend you go after this best practice and you just copy the type of ad structure that i used here because it's going to greatly improve your chance of success now what this headline section is it's going to populate over here so we definitely want to catch some attention in this section so i'm just going to put the world's best rave light and then we can just throw an emoji over here as well and in this description we can use a lot of different things so i can put 30 day refund policy and we'll see as soon as we add the link all the stuff that i just put will populate up so let me paste that over here and it should come up right here so okay the world's best brave light and if we remove this then the description should show so yeah 30 day refund policy so you can see that looks really clean when you're looking at it and then we could either do learn more but for today's example i'm going to do shop now i usually prefer to do shop now unless it's like a medical type product so now what we want to do is we want to come back to this video and inherently you can do quite a few different things with the thumbnail so what we can use this for is actually testing out a few different types of ad creatives but in today's example i'm just going to find the thing that looks most click-baity over here so that looks really cool it's like this like multi-colored light so what the thumbnail is it's basically what's going to show to someone when they're scrolling through the feed so you want the most aesthetic image here that really would be like a click bait type image so now that we have this down everything looks really nice i have everything set up for a successful ad so what we're going to want to do is publish it and then it's just gonna ask some different stuff to set up our ad account if we haven't done it already so i'm just gonna go through with this and after i set up the card then i'll be back with you [Music] okay so now we have our first ad set up we're always going to want to make sure that we have at least another ad in that ad set usually i would recommend three but i'm gonna just set up two today so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna split test this video ad versus a standard image ad so we can just duplicate that over here and all of our copy that we set in should already be there so all we need to do now is click clear video and then we just want to upload the image we plan to use so i'm going to be using this image over here it looks really visually aesthetic it's going to take about a second to upload so now that it's ready to go we're going to click continue and we can just click publish again and the reason we actually want to test a few different ads over here is because we can't really validate the success of a product based off one ad that's why i recommend doing at least three and even three is generally not an amazing milestone for getting data the thing is that we want the absolute best ad when we go to advertise is because what facebook's gonna do is that there's this thing called cpm and the cpm's your cost per 1000 eyeballs that get to your eye and the more engaging your ad is so the longer people watch it and the more people click on your ad it actually allows facebook to lower your cpm because they look at you as a good advertiser so we definitely want to always go through with the best ad and if you see if you test a couple ads out one of their cpm will be drastically higher than the other one and one of the metrics we're also focusing on here is click through rate which basically means how many people out of 100 click through your ad but i'm going to be telling you what good metrics are after we publish this and we finish this whole process up so now that we click publish on this all we're going to want to do is we're going to want to come back to the ad set level and now that we have two separate ads inside here we're going to want to click duplicate on this four times when we set up cbos i usually like to have at least five ad sets in here because it's very advantageous that we test out multiple audiences so we get a broader range of data and after we duplicated this we're just going to want to exit out we're going to want to go back into the ad level by clicking edit and we're going to want to scroll back to that audience selection over here and we're going to come into the suggestion tab over here facebook's made it really easy for us to actually find similar audiences to what we originally targeted so usually we only need like one audience off the top of our head and then we can come into this pool over here and we can see like okay there's the ultra music festival lollapalooza tomorrowland like i've never heard of these to be honest i've heard of burning man but see it just makes it so easy like this is 7 million audience size so what we can do is we can click on that one we can copy this down we can exit out of coachella and we can just name it ultra music festival over here so we would hit publish and then we would go into each of these different ad sets over here that we duplicated and we want to change them with different audiences over here so for example this one could be lollapalooza this one could be burning man and this one could be one of the other rave festivals over here and then we're just gonna keep this one as coachella valley music so that would mean that we have five different ad sets in one campaign targeting two different ads so what that's going to do it's just going to give us a really broad range of data and then one thing that we're going to want to make sure after we duplicated all of these is we're going to want to make sure that we come back to the ad level and after you publish the ad you can come over here and there's going to be a little section that says go to facebook ad and there's going to be a little number at the end of the browser it's going to be like this it's just going to be your ad id and you're going to want to take this you're going to want to copy it and then you're going to want to come to the ad setup on existing posts and you're going to want to make sure that the existing post is on all of the similar ads over here so for example we have five ads over here and we're just going to want to make sure that they're all being used on one ad because what this is going to do it's going to make sure all the engagement is coming on that one ad because obviously we have two different ads here the image ad and the video ad but if we don't put this existing post in then that image adds gonna have five different ads running so we want to make sure that we combine these into one post so i hope that makes sense if you guys have any questions about that then make sure to drop down in the comments and i'll be happy to help you so now that you've launched your ad let's talk about some good metrics that you're actually gonna be looking for okay so now that your ads are launched there's a few different metrics we're actually going to want to look at to analyze if our ads are doing well so number one obviously is going to be purchases this is going to be the predominant metric that we're going to be looking at because obviously if our ads are profitable that's a very good sign but chances are when you're using a 50 budget you might not get sales the first day so another couple metrics that we're gonna look at is obviously add to carts add to carts will give us an indication if there's interest on our product but this is kind of a subjective metric because sometimes you get tons of add to carts and no purchases so i wouldn't take too much weight into this metric but a couple other metrics that will know that you're doing well or not are click through rate and cpm i talked about these a little bit earlier but basically click through rate is how many people out of 100 click your ad so here's like a theoretical situation let's say you have a two percent click-through rate and you're paying like a dollar cost per click which means that every time someone clicks on your ad it costs you a dollar which is pretty average if you were to increase your click-through rate to four percent technically that cost per click would be half so you'd be paying 50 cents cost per click because facebook's actually billing you on impressions so this really important to understand this concept so if you look at your ad and you see okay my ads only at like a 1.5 click-through rate you can identify different ways to improve this so the most common ways to improve click-through rate is looking into your ad and checking out your thumbnail so you could obviously test out a different thumbnail and then there's something called the scroll stopper if you guys remember me creating the ad in the beginning i had that video of that lady looking sad we could actually change that clip out to something more click-baity that could potentially catch their intention so scroll stopper thumbnail and also testing out new ads are the best way to get your click-through rate up and for example a good click-through rate that you'd be aiming for is anything over two to two point five percent is pretty decent if you're at like a 3.5 then that's a really solid number and you have yourself a pretty decent ad now the other metric here that we're gonna want to look at is cpm cpm is the cost per 1000 eyeballs that see your ad so your cpm can range widely depending on what type of demographic you're going after but generally anywhere from like five to twenty five dollars is pretty average if you have anything higher than that then you might have narrowed your audiences down too small so that's why i always recommend going after audiences or at least a couple million in size because then it gives facebook a larger data pool to play with and they're not trying to find one person out of a billion and it's gonna really greatly improve your cpm so those are some of the metrics you're going to be looking at and the way you can actually set this up in facebook ads is there's this column section over here and they have all these different setup tools over here but what we're going to want to do is click customize columns and we can just add them to our columns over here so for example we can type in the top ctr and this little guy is going to pop up and we're just going to check this off and we're going to remove this and we're also going to type in cpm and then we're going to also want to make sure that we have row as in here row as is return on ad spend and then last but not least let's add add to cart up here there's a few different other metrics that we can put in here but ideally these are the things that we're going to want to focus on mostly and if you see these columns over here we can actually organize these how we see fit so what i'm going to do is i'm going to drag the row as all the way to the top right under bidding strategy over here and we can see purchase row as and then what i'm also going to want to do is i'm going to want to put ctr right behind the budget and then we're gonna do one last thing and put cpm right behind ctr so what we're gonna do when we click apply is that we're gonna actually be able to see these right off the bat so we can see okay bid strategy broad budget click-through rate cpm and this is going to make it so we can analyze our data a lot better because facebook's columns aren't really optimized for e-commerce so this will greatly improve you understanding the metrics we're actually going after so i'm just going to go over a couple other campaign types really quickly so this is going to be a little overview on retargeting ads and this is kind of what i talked about before being the warm audience ad so we can come over here and we can click create and once we get to create and there's going to be a few different settings we could click here catalog sales is really cool because basically what we can do with catalog sales is that if someone views our product then we can retarget an ad showing the image of what they just viewed right after they get off your website so if you've ever been on any ecommerce website that has this you'll see that exact product hit your feed and you're gonna be like oh okay that's awesome this what i just viewed and it will get a lot of people to come back to your website and purchase so how we can actually set this up is just make sure to choose your catalog over here and then click continue but okay you can choose your catalog over here and we can do the same thing with optimization like we chose before i would actually leave this on the ad set level it's going to make our life a little bit easier okay so after you come to the ad set level what we can do over here is that we can put some different parameters in here so obviously budget but with retargeting we want to make sure our budget's a little bit smaller so i would start out with like five dollars a day if you have a lot of traffic coming to your website we might want to rise this up a little bit but one thing you might want to note is that your cpms are going to be a lot higher on these catalog sales because they're actually targeting people prior on your website so they have to browse through quite a bit of data and they're serving your ads those personalized customers so just understand that your cpms definitely will be higher over here but how we can actually set up the targeting is when we scroll down there's going to be a few different features over here so if you see there's viewer added to cart but not purchase so this is a really good setting to target so what we could do over here is we could set it to 14 days which is definitely a good metric to target and then you would just want to come to automatic placements because retargeting is usually good because they have a few different networks over here so automatics definitely recommended on this end okay so now that you're on the ad section for the targeting we can just put some text over here and what i like to do with the retargeting ad is to make them know that they've already been on the website so for example we could come over here and say oops you forgot about your so we could just put the name over here we could put product name oops you forgot your product name and then we could put something like don't miss out the sale ends soon grab yours here and then you can put your link in a couple emojis where you see fit and then you're pretty much ready ready to go you just want to put your url over here wherever you want them to go to so if you want them to go to the product page you can put it right here or you can even just land them on the home page so that's pretty much a quick overview on how to actually set up the catalog sales but there's another type of retargeting we can actually do so i'm going to exit out of this over here and we can start a new campaign and what we're going to go over here and do is click engagement so what we can do in this engagement section is do a few things so obviously we're going to need to set up the campaign shell like i taught you guys before so we could name this like warm campaign viewed or added to car and basically we're gonna go through here and we could set it up on the ad set level as well unless we do like a really small budget on cbo so it's something like ten dollars a day between five ad sets is a really good idea for this as well but once we get into the ad set section we can set up a few different parameters over here so what we can do is we can create a new audience over here and we're gonna wanna hit custom audience because this is where we can actually identify who we're targeting in this section so we can come over to website and if you see over here we're able to create custom website audiences so for example raven lights over here this the pixel we created so we can say target all website visitors over here which is definitely a good idea so we could test a few different audiences out over here so we could do like 14 days 30 days seven days and one day and these audiences will actually continually update so if you set 14 days right now this will keep refreshing in a 14 day span so you don't need to create these again so what we could do is name this 14 day website visitors and then we could just create audience over here and it's going to populate that data for us and we can just click done and then we can set up the locations we want to do so we could set up those four locations that we were targeting before we could do the same thing with age parameters but we wouldn't want to put any detailed targeting over here because we're already targeting people who've just visited our website so it's really important we don't do that and now i would leave automatic placements on as well for this one because retargeting we want to get as many eyeballs as we can and wherever we can actually target them when they're browsing different websites will definitely catch their attention and bring them back to our website which is our primary goal because now they're warm customers and warm customers are more likely to buy okay so we could come over here and we could obviously name our ad and then what we would want to do is we would want to create a post so ideally we would want to put an image ad or a video ad so it'd definitely be different from the ad we did before that was targeting a cold ad we would want it to be more like the catalog sale ad that we did before so we would want to add our image in and we could put some copy over here and then we could just give them like a discount so for example we could make a specific discount for where they are so like take ten dollars off or something in that term so we know that they're already a warm customer they viewed the ad so this will just push them over the edge and get them to purchase so i know this was like a really fast overview on retargeting but there's still a lot to cover and i didn't want this video to be like three hours so if you guys want a more in-depth video showing warm and hot campaigns then i'm definitely inclined to do that just let me know down in the comments alright so for those of you who don't want to advertise with facebook luckily there's another way to do it and that's going to be instagram influencer ads so instagram influencer ads have changed drastically since i got into this marketplace you used to be able to throw up low quality images and just be able to absolutely crush it on some of these pages but the landscape has completely changed due to one reason trust people don't trust a lot of these brands on instagram anymore that's why we really need to focus on this whole branded drop shipping strategy that i've been talking about this entire time because i'm gonna show you guys how to find influencers but the thing is most influencers won't even work with your brand unless you look super trustworthy so i recommend you only go after this strategy after you've created your instagram page and at least worked on it for about a week to make it look a little bit professional but after you've done that i'm going to show you how we can find them so let's hop into my phone so for today's example and to give you some context we're going to be using the same product the rave light that we're looking at before so what we can do over here is we can come over this tag section and i'm just going to type in rave and click search and i'm going to click on this hashtag because it's going to populate top creators who have used this hashtag and what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to find some like personal brand pages so this like a meme page meme pages can be okay but i don't recommend them anymore they don't work as well as finding an actual profile who actually goes to raise because people are looking at those creators as more trustworthy so let me find one and i'll be right back so sometimes it can be a little bit difficult but once you actually find a page it can be pretty easy so i'm actually gonna click this meme page even though i told you guys to go after a personal creator because this one actually has tons of engagement it's this techno doses so this is a really cool page that we probably do pretty well off but obviously it doesn't have that same trust factor so how i create an image ad for this is go back to in shot and what we would do this strategy would be definitely a little bit different so i'm gonna head over to in shot and i'll show you guys how we can create those okay cool so now that we're on in shot with the product what we could do is we could drag this image down and what we're actually going to do here is we're going to try to make some type of meme out of this because memes definitely catch people's attention so i'm going to go something like that and i'm going to say what if this was in your home and then i'm going to do some hard eyes or something and then i'm actually going to take the label off i don't think we need a label for this and i'm going to change the text to black so it shows up this is like an example of an ad i would run on one of these pages and i know what you're thinking you're like okay this looks really stupid and it doesn't look like it's gonna work at all but we want it to be pretty native to the page so if we come back to the instagram page we can see that they have like a lot of different videos of people dancing and stuff so this isn't exactly native but if this was a complete meme page then we'd probably want to do that but what we could do in this scenario since we're going after like different videos over here we could try to find on youtube and example this product in action and some people dancing to it and that would be some perfect content over here and then you would just want to send them a caption across so usually what i would do to get a hold of them is just send them a message over here and we would start off by putting like a fire and just click promo rate over here because why we want to put this first is because it catches their attention when you're big instagrammer you get tons of messages so they'll be able to see right away this a business inquiry and then you could just ask them over here like what is your rates for story and feed post and then ask them to send photos of analytics because what this is gonna do is this is gonna help us identify if this is a good creator for us to work with usually a good engagement rate for us to go after is about three percent and obviously one of the ways that we can look at this is good creator to see the recent comments and seeing how the engagement's going so it's actually a pretty engaged page over here but what we could do if we want to find more is just click this drop down button over here and we can see that there's going to be all these different techno pages over here and what we're actually looking to do is find like a real person who's into the whole rave scene so we can see this deborah luca girl thankfully we found one so now when we click this drop down we can actually find all these other rave girls over here and djs so these are the perfect demographic for this type of product so what we would want to do even though it's not ideal and i know some of you guys wouldn't want to do this but you actually have to order the product and send it to them and i know it's going to cost a little bit more money but i guarantee it's going to make your roads a lot better because if you have like this girl you know partying with the product in her room or something people are really going to see it and think of it as a potential to buy the product and it's gonna look a lot more trustworthy because they actually have it in their hand like the other post ideas i showed you before really will not convert as good as what i'm telling you now so that's why some people prefer facebook ads because it's more instant but i guarantee if you actually go after some of these pages and try to create like these relationships with them you're definitely going to be able to thrive really well so this was like a brief overview of influencer ads i don't want to get too in-depth with it in this tutorial because what i mostly focused on today was showing you guys the facebook ads but if you do have any questions regarding this then please just let me know down in the comments and i'll be happy to respond to you okay so now that you have your instagram and facebook ads live you probably have some orders coming in and obviously i showed you guys beforehand how to fit or barely into fulfilling your orders but this is going to be a little bit more advanced once you start having more orders coming in this is going to be a better process of managing your logistics because still through oberlo you're going to have to do some things manually so what we can do is we can come over to the app store and we can just search up exporter and there's this app that i've used quite a few times it's called the exporter data tool and basically what this app is going to do for us if we come over here is that we can set up different templates so for example we could say orders over here and then we put a description that's not needed but they have all these different preset templates over here so we could say all outstanding orders we just click this over here and it's going to ask what type of data we want and we're just going to keep it as order or we could keep it as customer i'm going to put it as customer and what we can do over here is that we can make sure that we have different fields in here that we want so for example we could come in here and click anything that's not already added it looks pretty good we're going to want to come to the addresses and make sure address one last name first name province code address two country first name phone number zip and anything else that you need to fulfill the order so city and country code are all in here and then basically you could just make sure it's formatted right and you could like mix and match things if you want so if you want that to come first then all you need to do is scroll down here there's a lot of different data over here some of this stuff we can ignore i do recommend on your first time to just read through some of these things and make sure you're doing it right but what's really cool is if you contact this support they'll actually set some stuff up for you so it's a really good tool and what we could do is we could come over here and we could put different recipients so we could say automatic orders and we want to put generate reports every one day and we could say starting today and then we could put different email addresses in here so number one you're going to want your email address over here but then number two we're going to want to find that supplier that we're originally ordering from on oberlo and we're just going to want to click over here and contact them but basically what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to have a template somewhat like this i'll also put this down in description for you but we're just going to want to copy this over and send it off basically what this template's saying is like giving him an introduction telling him that you want bulk drop shipping explain exactly how many orders you're doing a day and then you're gonna ask them if you can do a csv file every day with the orders and then ask them if you can pay through a private aliexpress link or paypal what the private aliexpress link will do for you is that the supplier could actually make one page that you can pay for all the orders so it makes your life a little bit easier and after you've gained some trust with them they'll usually do it like every couple days and they'll actually ship orders out beforehand so you can just create a little bit better of a system where you don't have to continually go to oberlo every day and you're also going to want to get their email address so you can come to that data exporter tool and put it over here so every day they're just going to have those orders importing to their system and they can handle the logistics that way now there's obviously one way reaching out to aliexpress suppliers i recommend you look at least for three or four and contact them but then on the other coin i recommend you go on alibaba and try to search through the product and do the same thing with the suppliers on alibaba because sometimes alibaba suppliers will have even better pricing and they'll be more capable to manage some of the logistics like this so use these two in conjunction go on aliexpress and alibaba basically if you don't know alibaba is like the parent company of aliexpress and this is where the manufacturers and the more wholesale trading factories actually are located so it can definitely be a better process and more streamline but i definitely recommend that you go out and contact both of them so you can try to create a cohesive system and try to build that trust with at least one of these suppliers okay so now that you have this whole system set up you're probably going to want to figure out how you can focus more of your time on actually growing the business and that's where i would go on fiverr and i would look up something like virtual assistant over here and this is where you can actually hire someone to actually do some customer service for you and this isn't the best place to hire virtual assistants but basically you'll be able to find them here and this is good if you just have project by project basis so five dollars for three hours that's pretty crazy and then you could even do 10 hour package so what you could do over here is you could hire them once a week for like 15 and literally that's only 60 dollars a month that you could get your customer service handled so i definitely recommend you use something like this because they're gonna be able to literally handle all your customer service and you're not gonna have to be slaving away trying to get back to those replies and i know a lot of people who like focusing on customer service for some reason but trust me you want an expert to do this and you want them to really focus on this and get them connected to your gorgeous account and i'm sure this person may even come up with some like advantageous deal where they'll be able to work on your business like every single week on an ongoing basis so definitely check this out once you start getting those orders in because i see a lot of people whose customer service actually gets crushed because they don't focus on setting systems and bringing employees in to help manage the business with them so i'm not going to go too in depth on customer service and how to set up flows and sequences in this video that's a little bit more advanced this was more of like a beginner course for everyone today but there we go guys that's pretty much the entire free course for you guys today i tried to cover almost everything i know some things i went over super quickly so if you want me to cover them more in depth then please drop down in the comments what you feel like i miss or what you want more of and you know i'm always happy to bring that value to you guys and also make sure that if you haven't already to join our completely free facebook group because you can actually connect with me and other like-minded entrepreneurs who are also building their drop shipping business so make sure you go do that right now click the first link in the description and i'm also going to leave a couple other videos that you might want to check out when you're building your drop shipping business anyways i really hope you guys enjoyed this free course and i hope you guys got a ton of value because it took a ton of time to make but anyways have a great day and i'll see you guys soon peace out
Channel: Tan Choudhury
Views: 369,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, shopify, dropshipping course, the ecom wizard, ecom king, rafael cintron, verum ecom, ivy zhu, trey cockrum, shopify apps, facebook ads scaling, nate schmidt, wizard of ecom, beast of ecom, winning products, tristan broughton, winning products 2020, arie scherson, finding winning products, hayden bowles, braden wuerch, dan dasilva, shopify dropshipping 2020, shopify dropshipping for beginners, dropshipping 2020
Id: RBvkXY1joxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 52sec (5272 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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