How To Start Dropshipping on Shopify in 2021 (For BEGINNERS)

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drop shipping can be very overwhelming as a beginner when you learn a new skill it can be very daunting knowing where to actually start and that's the exact reason i'm making this video my goal for today is to give you guys a clear path to get you on your way to starting a profitable shopify drop shipping business and by the end of this video you should have your very own drop shipping business ready to launch so with that being said if you guys do get this video to 2000 likes i'm going to be giving you guys 10 products that are making thousands of dollars per day right now that you can start selling on your drop shipping store so if you guys do want that then make sure to smash the like button and definitely subscribe to the channel but without further ado let's get into the value [Music] all right guys in order to succeed you're gonna need to understand quite a bit of components and how they work together but the first step is getting our store off the ground so let's hop into my computer and i'm gonna show you how a complete newbie should start their drop shipping business but before we do that i'm super excited to announce that i'm finally going to be releasing my drop shipping course literally hundreds of you have messaged me blowing me up on instagram begging me to release this course so over the last few months i've been planning and creating the most comprehensive drop shipping course where i literally reveal absolutely everything that has made me over 4 million dollars in sales and i truly believe that this course is going to help you skyrocket your drop shipping career right now i'm finishing up the recording on it so it's not completely finished but for the first 100 people who do pre-order the course you're gonna be getting it for 50 off the original price so make sure to click the first link in my bio because after these hundred spots are taken i won't be letting anyone else in till the course is fully completed but with that being said let's get into the video alright guys so the first thing we need to do is we need to start a trial on shopify shopify is where our website's hosted and all of our orders come to so this is pretty essential there's other ecommerce platforms but shopify is definitely a very reliable one so i'm going to start my free trial and then i'll show you guys what to do next all right guys so i just started my trial so the next thing we're going to want to do is come over this app section over here and click visit the shopify app store all right now that you're in the app store you're just going to want to search up oberlo what oberlo is it's this tool that helps us import products from aliexpress so i'm just going to add this app and i'll be back after it's done downloading all right guys now that you're in oberlo you're going to want to come over this product section over here and you're going to want to click find products and it's going to redirect us this page that's hosting all these different products from aliexpress so we could search through these if we see a product that catches our eye but i'll also leave some links to some product research videos that will show you how to find winning products but for today's video i'm not going to really be covering that so i'll drop a link above to check that out all right guys so after you found a product that catches your attention just click add to import list and click edit on import list and here's where we can actually change some of the details inside the product description so i can change the title and call these blue light glasses and then over here's where the products collection gets hosted you don't need to worry about this right now and you don't need to worry about this or this part but i definitely recommend coming onto this description part and all the description is on aliexpress is very generic so i always recommend deleting that and then coming over this variant section and here's where you can choose what product skus you actually want to sell so for example if you only want to sell black red and pink and we can just get rid of these other variations over here and inside this pricing description we can actually put the price we want to sell it at so we can see that this blue light glasses from aliexpress cost two dollars and 64 cents so my rule of thumb is at least having a three times the product cost but since this product is so cheap i definitely recommend doing a little bit more than that so i'm gonna put this product at 9.99 and we can actually just copy and paste it in the other variants we want over here and then this compared app price is very important because this price actually going to dictate if the customers see if it's on sale or not so i'm going to choose change all and we could just put it to 50 14.99 so when customers come on our website they'll see that the product used to be 14.99 but they can get it for 9.99 right now so it makes it look like a better deal and then the last thing we're going to want to do is come over this image section and we're going to want to choose what images we actually want to import to the store so i'm going to get rid of some of these images like this one over here i'm not that big of a fan of and since we aren't selling the blue or the white glasses then we'll just get rid of some of these product photos and now that you have what you want just click import to store over here and within seconds the product will be imported to your store so you can just click edit product on shopify and now you'll see the product that you just imported so inside the description we can actually control what's going to show up on the website so one way we can actually craft our product descriptions is by taking the name of our product so for example we're selling these blue light glasses and i recommend just going on google and typing it in and what's going to happen is that tons of other websites that are selling like the exact same product are going to pop up so we're going to want to find a drop shipping website so we might need to look through a few different websites over here so i'm going to add this one and this one so after you found some good examples what i highly recommend you do is look through a few of them and see what you like and what you dislike and then essentially what you want to do is you want to reword and turn this into your own so definitely not copy but i definitely recommend taking some features that you like like these bullet points over here and put it in your own words for today's example i'm just going to show you by copying and pasting this into our store right here so as you see after i copied it it's going to show up over here so what i recommend you do is to bold a couple of the important details out make sure to click save and we can just click this preview button over here and we're gonna actually see our live product so as you see the product over here is starting to really come together but the website over here is the standard shopify theme the shopify theme controls what design we're actually going to be using and i actually don't recommend any of these shopify free themes some of the paid ones are good but the best free theme that you can actually get is this debutify theme over here i use it for pretty much all of my stores and it converts amazingly so all you need to do is click free download enter your information in and then all you're going to need to do is put your store link and you can just grab it from your url right over here paste it in and then just click free download now and it's actually going to install their app onto your shopify store and then the theme is going to be ready for use so after it's done i'll be back with you guys so after the downloads done all you need to do is come to this online store section and click themes and you should scroll down and you should see to beautify over here so the first thing you're going to want to do is click publish so it becomes the native theme that shows up when a customer comes to it so after it's published what we want to do is click customize over here and here's where we can actually control the design of our store what i highly recommend you do right off the bat is you come over to this viewer section and click mobile i recommend that you optimize your website for mobile and then come back to desktop and make sure everything looks good so now that you have your store ready for design you're gonna need to come up with your brand name one of the easiest ways to do this is using this website we can just come in here and we can type in blue light glasses and we can click generate and all of these different domain name ideas will pop up so i like looking in this fun section over here because these usually sound more like brand names so we can scroll through here and see if there's anything that we like one thing that i recommend you do while you look through these domain names is try to find something short and catchy and something that relates to the product now that you have your brand name ready to go we need to make a logo and my favorite way to make logos is using they have all these pre-populated templates so for example we could just come in here and click logo and on the left side over here all these different templates will actually populate where we can just put our brand name into so i recommend scrolling through these and trying to find something that relates to your brand in our example we're gonna be selling glasses so i can just come up to this template and actually just search up glasses and we can actually see they do have some examples for us over here and then after you've picked your template out you can just come in here and put your brand name so for example blue light and they have tons of different fonts you can actually manipulate the logo with so you could try this one out and you could just change the sizing to whatever you want so you can see how easy it is to really make a solid logo with this within just a few seconds i already have a pretty cool logo over here so after you have your logo figured out all you want to do is click over here download and as a transparent background and there you have it that's going to be the logo that you're going to be using for your drop shipping store so now that's ready let's hop back onto shopify and i'm going to show you exactly what you need to do okay so what we're going to want to do with our logo now is come back over to the shopify theme section and just click customize on the debutify theme we downloaded and here we're going to want to upload that logo so after you've uploaded your logo it should populate over here but you're gonna need to make sure to do it for both of these sections over here so i'm just gonna click the logo again and there you see it we have our logo and if we actually check it out on mobile it looks quite a bit better and in this section we can actually resize it if we want it to be a little bit bigger so i'm going to leave it like that for now and now what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to start designing the website over here and it couldn't be overwhelming for a beginner but this process is actually really easy you want to come into this welcome section over here and here's where we're going to want to click explore free images and here's the section where the image is actually going to show up so i'm just going to look up glasses over here and let's try to find someone wearing glasses maybe something that looks professional and clean like this image actually looks really solid so we could just click select over here and now we're just going to want to put some text in so usually what i use this section for is just getting their attention so i could say the best blue light glasses and then over here we don't really need to put anything but if we want to put some text we could just put in here shipped worldwide to your doorstep and there we go we actually have our first section over here and if you don't like how this font looks what you can do is you can come back over here scroll down to theme settings and in this typography they're going to give us tons of different fonts we can actually go through so maybe we like this antique olive one over here so i'm going to click select and then it's going to change this section over here so now that you have your first section what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to come back to the theme settings and we're just going to want to click add new section and what i want you to do is add an image with text section so it should look just like this there should be an image right here and then a text section so let's click select and now we're going to want to drag this under the best blue light section we just made and these other sections what we're going to want to do is click into them and for now we're just going to remove these sections because they're not needed so after you've removed all those sections make sure you keep this subscribe to our newsletter because this is the part we're actually going to be using and now in this section what we're going to want to do we're going to want to head back over that aliexpress listing that we're using for the product we're selling so on this listing over here what i want you to do is i want you to download this tool called ali save over here because it makes it so easy to download images off aliexpress you can just come to any of these images and any of these variants click one button and if you see they're all going to download right here so this is going to be really convenient for us so we don't need to right click and try to save all these because they come out in this web page format so this way we just get all the images really simply and now we can do in this section is we can click back over the image with text section we created and we're going to want to click select image over here and here's where we can actually add some images that we want to show up on this section so i'm going to click select over here the type of image we want in this section is something very visually aesthetic that catches their attention so this is a really high quality image so that's definitely what we're looking for and now what i recommend for this image with text section is to look back on the aliexpress listing and look for some of the features that the supplier talks about because those are some big selling points of it sometimes you actually won't be able to find them which is a little bit of a bummer but definitely worth scrolling through if you can't find anything then make sure to go back to the listings where you got inspiration from to create your original product description and you can kind of add some details that you feel like would be relevant there so in this section i'm gonna say i'm gonna put blocks up to 95 of harmful blue light and i'm just going to get rid of this portion over here capitalize some stuff so what this portion is for is to really describe a benefit of this product a lot of people like to describe features so what a feature would be is talking about maybe the metal or the shape but what a benefit is is talking about what it's going to do for you so this has 95 percent of harmful blue light so what you want to do in this section over here is elaborate on it and talk about how this is actually going to benefit you so since it blocks 95 of blue light we could put over here reduces headaches strain on your eyes and overall improves your day-to-day so if you see this header over here relates directly to the benefits of the product so now after you have your first section i recommend you create two more of these so we go back to add section and we want to scroll down for the image with text so let's add one more of these and then we'll have the total number of sections we want and then all we need to do after we've added them is to drag them above the subscribe to our newsletter so now right now you should have three sections and i'm gonna want you to rinse and repeat this strategy just talking about more benefits so i'm gonna knock mine out and i'll be right back with you guys all right guys so i just knocked the other sections out over here so you can see in this section i said featherweight design lighter and more durable so how i related this section to the header over here is i said you can take your blue light glass with you anywhere and our super durable design allows you to live your life without worries and then the other section over here is talking how it blocks 99.9 of radiation and i just said with radiation all around you we need to be proactive to protect ourselves and loved ones with our blue light glasses you'll be one step ahead of the crowd so if you see these three sections over here really sold the product so as soon as they come on your website they're going to be able to scroll down and they're going to see that this is a really solid product that they might actually want to purchase so after you have this section done we're going to want to come to the subscribe to newsletter section and all we're going to want to do is put a short sentence over here so we can put by subscribing you'll be the first person to know about our exclusive deals and discounts so then now that you have that set up what i recommend you do i recommend for you to scroll down to this guarantee section and i recommend removing them actually i found that this section over here doesn't convert that well so i'm going to remove these you don't have to if you don't want to do that but after you've removed them the last thing we're going to really need to do to our website is we're going to want to set up our footer so what we need to do is we need to scroll down to this footer section and we're going to want to come to the about us and we're just going to want to come back put our logo in here and then we just want to put a short sentence about our brand so we could just put over here the world's best blue light glasses something like that that's catchy and sort of a slogan for your company and then you can just fill all your info over here so if you have a contact email and a phone number you can put that in and then over here in this quick section is where you're actually going to set up the menus that redirect since we haven't set up our menu i just recommend to leave it in this footer menu over here and then the subscribe to newsletter we can actually remove because we already have a newsletter section so i'm going to click remove and now we can do is just this aesthetic part over here so if you don't like this color scheme what i recommend you do is come over this theme settings over here and go inside colors and inside here it's actually going to control the colors that we're using on our website one thing i highly recommend is you go back to your logo and you figure out the color code that you use so if you come in canva you can just click new color over here and it will have the exact color code that we used on our website and now when we go back to our website we can just put this color code in so the colors are actually congruent with our logo this is actually a very important step so you could just put this in all the sections you want and now your website's going to be looking really cohesive now the last thing that i recommend you do to your homepage over here is to add one more section so you can click add section and i recommend you go to featured product and here's where they're actually going to be able to buy your product so let's click blue light glasses over here and then all we're going to want to do is drag this in front of the newsletter so now you see that they'll be scrolling down and then they'll see a way to actually purchase your product and if we come over to full details over here you can see that the website's pretty much ready to go and one thing that you're gonna see is this testimonial section over here i do recommend that you get rid of this testimonial section because we actually are going to add reviews from a tool that will import reviews from aliexpress so we can just remove these we can click save and then we're going to want to go back to the shopify app store and we can just look up review app over here and what's going to happen is there's going to be tons of different apps we can actually use for importing our reviews so for example any reviews on this aliexpress listing will actually get imported directly to our product listing over here so we don't need any real reviews to start off with which makes it really nice this is definitely one step that i recommend you don't miss because reviews are very important to help people convert and actually turn them into sale all right now that you have your website and reviews done what we need to do is we need to go into the online store section and we need to head over to this pages section over here we really need to create a few more pages in our website to make it look professional so i recommend just clicking add page over here and what we can do is we can call this contact us and in this section you just want to put some details for customers to get in contact with you all right so i just knocked mine out and i put over here need help don't worry our team of experts will get back to you within 24 hours and then i just put a link to actually contact us obviously this isn't a real store so i didn't put a real url over here but after you've done that make sure you save the page and then what you're going to need to do is click create another page and what we're going to want to do here is put refund policy and then in this section you just want to kind of describe briefly your refund policy i highly recommend you have a super lenient refund policy on your drop shipping store so for my example today i'm going to show you a standard refund policy that i would use for my stores all right so what i put in this section is we are a family run business and your satisfaction is our priority if you don't love our products and we want to make it right and then i just elaborate a little bit on how the process actually works and this is actually very important because tons of customers will actually look at this before they purchase so if they see that there's a lenient return policy then they're definitely going to not only be more in clients or shop with you and if they don't like their product you're actually going to be able to mitigate it with a refund rather than them calling their bank and trying to get it resolved on their own so this is definitely a really good way to get customers to purchase and actually come back and order from you again so after you've saved this page we're going to want to make one more page over here and this is what we're going to call the faq so inside this section i want you to think about any questions that would come up through the buying process and then you can just put them in the faq over here and you can structure it like this so this is what your faq should look like as you see i just have a question over here saying how long does it take to get my order and then you just put the answer over here so i recommend just thinking about anything under the sun that will be a bottleneck in the buying process and i just recommend putting it in the faq and after you've done that just make sure you save that page and what we're going to need to do is come over to this navigation section over here and we're going to want to head over to the main menu section and what we're going to want to do now is we're going to want to come to this catalog section over here and if you have a one product store like my example today then i recommend you just name this link the product name so the blue light glasses and then you want to make sure it links directly the product page so you can click products over here and link directly the product page so when someone clicks this menu item they'll land directly on the product page which will definitely improve those conversions now i recommend you click add menu item over here and we're going to want to go to link and then pages and click contact us and then add that over here and we're going to want to add one more link and that's going to be the faq page we actually created i don't recommend having your refund policy in your main menu what we're going to use for the refund policy is we're going to actually go back and we're going to go inside this footer menu over here and we're going to leave this search item over there that's fine but we're going to want to add a menu item and we're going to actually want to add the product link like we did before so direct it to blue light glasses and then in this section i recommend putting the refund policy the contact us and the faq so this section will be more of like policies and when they're shopping they have any questions they can use this menu over here so now all you need to do is click save and when we actually view this website we're going to be able to see that the menu items are actually showing up and if we do scroll all the way down we're gonna see that the footer menu is actually put in place correctly also so the last thing that we're gonna need to do before this store is ready for launch is we need to set up our shipping so you wanna click inside this settings over here and you to head over to shipping and delivery so just click into that and what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to click manage rates over here so there's a few different rates we're going to need to actually figure out so inside this section it's shipping from the united states what i recommend you do is you just delete all of these besides the free option right here because ideally what we want to do is we want to provide free shipping to all of our customers so this is really important that we take those other options out and we want to put the shipping speed that we're using over here so if you have five to eight day shipping you could say that but usually with aliexpress it's gonna be about 10 to 15 business days so i would definitely edit that up and then i would leave this at free over here and then what you can do is you can make sure it says based on order price over here and make sure you put zero so that let shopify know that if any order is over zero dollars then they'll get free shipping so now you can just click save and then i want you to scroll down to the rest of world section over here and let's just get rid of these rates over here and let's click add rate and you want to put your own rate over here so you can pretty much name this anything i recommend either calling it standard shipping or you could call it usps shipping if you're using that service and then you just want to leave it at zero over here and then click add conditions and you want to do the same thing you want to click based on order price make sure it says zero dollars and click done and that simply we just created our shipping options so anyone coming on our website is gonna get that juicy free shipping so now all you need to do is click save so right now your store should be pretty much ready to start advertising but what i definitely recommend is checking out this video link above it's going to show you how to get a little bit more complicated in your product page creation because the product description i showed you how to craft today is a very simplistic version and probably won't yield as many conversions so definitely check that video link out and also inside this video i decided not to cover advertising because i have tons of video on the channel talking about it so i'm going to leave a link above if you're just getting into facebook advertising and you want to learn the basics and learn how to actually launch your first profitable facebook campaign alright guys so that's pretty much all i have for you guys today i really hope you guys got a ton of value from this video if you did make sure to let me know down in the comments it definitely inspires me to make more content like this so if you did enjoy it make sure to smash the like button and i'll see you guys in the next video peace out
Channel: Tan Choudhury
Views: 554,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start dropshipping, on shopify, for beginners, how to, how to start dropshipping on shopify in 2020, how to start a dropshipping store, dropshipping, shopify, 2020, shopify dropshipping store, shopify dropshipping, shopify dropshipping tutorial, shopify dropshipping 2020, business, how to start a dropshipping business, beginners, dropshipping with shopify, tutorial, dropshipping shopify, shopify tutorial for beginners, dropshipping 2020, dropshipping for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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