Candle Business Makes $300,000 In 18 Months!

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would you guys like to know how to start a candle making business with a hundred and ten dollars and scale it to past three hundred thousand dollars in eighteen months my first week i brought home fifteen hundred first month i brought home seven thousand second month i brought home 10 000. that's where i would say 85 of my sales come from do you use an email list and if so how did you build it what is it doing for you it takes about an hour to melt down you're just going to stick it right on the side in between the wax yeah go ahead and just stick it down there wow those are good numbers that's really good numbers it completely catapults my business for somebody starting out okay has 110 bucks how would they use that money to get going the cost is minuscule but what i get in return is astronomical [Music] talk to us about the most challenging aspect of getting going with black sunflower oh gosh definitely the money side of it because when i started once again i didn't expect to start this so i didn't have the money to start a business well you have money i had money 110 bucks i mean a whole 100 bucks that's why i was like if i could pay my rent with some candles i'll be great but then i started during a time where their banks were only focusing on ppp loans and credit cards as a new business there i didn't qualify for any of that so one of the things i did in the beginning was what i i have a feeling you're going to share something that really propel your business forward and i will leave that to our viewers as a hack later on you guys so sorry didn't mean to interrupt but keep watching because what you were about to share changed your business it completely catapulted my business okay awesome i'm excited to hear it [Music] about revenue if you wanted to double it for example yes what do you think you'd need to do to make it happen and scale to that point i need to hire people i need to hire people so that i can then expand my marketing expand my foothold and then my big thing is like wholesale i really want to start getting more into retail and wholesale which i can do now it's very important for me to scale slowly so i can take care of everybody because as much as we want all the money if all the money starts rolling in and i have poor customer service i'm not keeping those people so expanding on employees so that i can generate manufacture more so that then i have more product to market and to sell i mean it's incredible how much you're able to achieve on your own it makes me imagine like if i can do this by myself if i had a full team i can more jasmine's more adjacent exactly incredible exactly well why don't we hop into our cars okay and show our viewers what happens at the fulfillment center we'll ask a little bit more questions there awesome make sure you dress warm okay let's do it all right whoa it is freezing out here we just came to the black sunflower distribution center we're gonna go talk to jasmine and she's gonna give you guys an inside look on what takes place inside there all right well this is not all your stuff obviously no not yet not yet not yet what is the benefit of using a fulfillment center and what do you pay for that service i mean hands down i honestly don't feel i would have been able to make it through this holiday season without them before i started using a fulfillment center not only was i marketing email accounting i was the creative i was making the candles i was pick packing and shipping by using a fulfillment center i was able to cut costs because i was looking to hire somebody to do that with that i have insurance i have taxes on top of that person i now have to show this person how to operate so once again that's taking away time for me doing what i need to do by using a fulfillment center i'm allowing to stay in my lane and have the people who are the pros at pick packing and shipping they can pick pack and ship and i can focus on what i need to do what does that service cost so i pay like per shelf so like i have this shelf right here just this one right here yeah this one shelf this thing is like 45 dollars a shelf or something like that not that much to hold my inventory on this one shell and what allows me i can i'm able to expand these shelves out as need be and they'll charge me monthly there is one monthly fee and like i said this will vary depending on your business um i pay about 400 flat rate and then to pick pack and ship each order it's about five dollars and that includes all my supplies that includes my packaging my peanuts that includes the tape and with the shipping rates going up i was like i don't i don't want to deter people from making a purchase because of the shipping so that's just the cost i eat in order to make sure more people are able to enjoy my product awesome so the fulfillment center really changed your business and helped you scale it and i wanted to ask our audience right tell us your story if you were small and you said you know what i'm going to use a fulfillment center tell us what that did to your business we'd love to hear your feedback comment below love to hear it jasmine what equipment is important when you're making candles just for somebody starting out okay has 110 bucks how would they use that money to get going okay well all you need is wax you want to find the wax that works and does what you want there are a lot of amazing resources out there you can buy just a small bag of wax 10 pounds okay that's it maybe will cost you 20 bucks you need a pouring pitcher picture you maybe can get for like 15 i know there's some for like 12 bucks on amazon um and you're going to create a double boiler so i actually in the beginning used to use this pot back here and i would just set yeah this part right here and i would literally just set my pictures in there like that and let the water boil i thought you actually warmed up waxing nope i just put the water about to up here and let it creates like a double boiler and once that melted you also need a thermometer because it's very important to regulate the temperature of your wax because you have to pour your fragrance in at a certain temperature my fragrances that i use i combine different fragrances because i don't want anybody to pick up a candle from someplace else i'm like oh i've smelled this before so we said wax pouring pitcher a method to heat the wax in fragrance and your thermometer and then obviously where you put the camera yeah in your vessel and you can honestly get a box of 12 i think on candle science it's like 12 13 bucks or something like that for a box of just single vessels like this which is nice and wicks cost little to nothing jasmine what was your revenue for 20 21 or almost over so what will it be yeah it'll be about 250 000. nice in my pretty much second year almost halfway during 2020. okay what about your profit margins this year so profit margins are not that big main reason because we all know there are supply chain issues absolutely so in order to stay in business i have to overbuy so normally when i only would buy fifteen hundred dollars worth of product i have to buy seven eight nine ten thousand dollars worth of product just to make sure i have it um i've had instances where the product i need went out of stock in like six minutes so i need to make sure that i have what i need to keep going but i'm pretty sure for next year now that i have the inventory in hand and i have a place to store my inventory i'm going to definitely see really high profit margins where would they be take a perfect year take a perfect year yeah oh next year we're going to double it again i'm going to i going to see 500 000 next year hands down and what would the margins for you be is it 30 percent and the kindle bit naked business sixty percent that's about a good sixty percent wow those are good numbers that's really good numbers okay [Music] let's talk about the website that you have talk to us who you go through who helped you design it and any other value that they bring to your business yeah so i actually use shopify main reason i use shopify is because it's so easy i'm able to upload my products super easy i'm able to change things i'm able to change my seo which is really important in getting found on google and one thing that i didn't even know existed is that about four months in shopify offered me a loan and i didn't even know they can do that they offered me a 16 000 loan and that really helped me secure the inventory to catapult me to what i'm doing now i didn't know they'd do loans i didn't know either and whenever i tell people they're so surprised and what's nice is the loan it's um actually same to actually a little bit less expensive than some of your traditional loans and they just take a small percentage of your sales based upon the amount of money that you take out so that is paid off within a certain amount of time which is really nice so if i don't make sales that day i don't pay for the loan but you do have like a threshold that you have to fulfill each month i'm on my third shopify loan right now you can have notifications so if something goes out of stock i tell people to click the notification button and as soon as it goes back in stock the sales roll in because i update the inventory it emails the customers and people buy it so there are so many different tools that you can use within shopify um to create the experience you want with your website well on that note shopify is our sponsor today you guys they're the number one trusted e-commerce platform more than 1.7 million small business owners use them to take care of their online needs so if you're watching this and you sell products online give shopify a try click the link in the description below for 14 days free [Music] employee question how many do you have how much do you pay them let's share that okay well full like regular employees it's just me i have my parents who helped out so much they've got me started i have my nine-year-old son it's a good child labor i promise i feed them and then um right now i'm thinking i might want you to be one of my employees have you ever made a candle before i have not ashley okay so sure you want to try it so yeah it's just me yeah it's just me and i kind of want to give you an idea of just on one level i'm only doing we're only going to do one today okay but on average i probably make anywhere from 250 to maybe 400 candles a week i already have the wax heated up you do okay can i just take a look inside yeah definitely so you just put like pellets or yeah it's like flakes they're wax flakes and i pour them in there this holds about 100 pounds it takes about an hour to melt down completely we're going to pour some in here i want you to do this you're going to pour it yep you're going to pour the wax so about right here so this thing is nice it's a little warm yeah it's warm it is actually hot yeah support to right about there keep going keep going look at that steady hand and stop and i'm putting about about an ounce okay about an ounce per candle and i will let you but well here's the thing with the science of candles you're only smelling about 20 of the fragrance that i actually put into the candle 80 of it gets burned up and you don't smell anything so you can go ahead and pour that in there just pour it in anywhere because we're going to mix it anyway you're going to mix it i'm we're not mixing anything you're mixing it you're the employee today yes so go ahead and place that in there and just stir does this matter where this thing is at the point it doesn't and depending on the temperature i have in here it can take anywhere from about 30 to 45 minutes for it to set and then you're good to go [Music] so jasmine where are customers finding your candles today and can you break the percentage down versus store here and anything else yeah definitely so my business i started instagram 25 followers on instagram and i grew my entire business off instagram we just reached 10 000 followers which to some people doesn't really limit a lot within 18 months but i have a very active engaged audience so everything is going from instagram straight to and from there that's where i would say 85 percent of my sales come from through your website through my website alone i don't do very much advertising if i do i'll do small instagram ads here and there but it's really been built off of word of mouth i now have a few locations within the area that do stock my candles one of my favorite ones i have a coffee shop in seattle where i stock my candles so i have a few places that people can pick up candles from but i would say 85 of my candles are sold online let's talk about the seasonality of the candle making business summers winters and how does that translate to dollars so first of all when i once again started on a whim my first week i brought home 1500 first month i brought home 7 000 second month i brought home 10 000 and i kind of fluctuated that during the summer and then it just went through the roof during the holiday season you didn't expect that didn't expect it i it went from 10 to 20 000 to 25 and then last december i played about 32 ish my first year i mean it wasn't even my first year i started in april and then this summer rolled around and i'm like wait what's what's going on i'm still making it was like ten thousand i'm like hold on like i'm a year in i have all these customers jasmine people went back to work this is no longer everyone's no longer cooped up in their houses so i had to pivot and create a new way to generate revenue once i did that money started rolling in again so i would say a bad month would be about the 10 which i don't get too often so i'll say about maybe 15 and then my best month i think is going to be this month so far i am trending towards about 37 for this month okay you said something that's key pivot and adjust to that slow season yes specifically what did you do so in the beginning when i did launch even though i did launch candles as well i threw a big net i was selling incense sage body butter scrubs and when the slow season hit i was like okay what was the next thing on that big net that i casted that sold it was my body butters and my scrubs let's talk about social media you mentioned instagram a couple times maybe elaborate on that but do you use other platforms and do you spend money on ads within those platforms well you know what i have not used that much money on ads as a whole i was very particular with my ads so i instead of blanketing the whole us i picked the high cities with monies my atlanta my new yorks my la's my seattle's and then i focus in on my demographic and just instagram i tried facebook a little bit i've dabbled in google ads for a second but i saw my money was really coming from instagram so that's where i fueled most of my money into and even with them changing the algorithm and not being able to reach as many people i'm still seeing profits coming from what are you spending instagram right now per month i'll be honest this entire year maybe spend 3 500 on instagram that's it that's it in terms of marketing do you use an email list and if so how did you build it what is it doing for you i do use an email list i do capture leads main reason is because even though my entire business was built from instagram if mark decides to take that away tomorrow then my business is gone so i need to make sure i capture my customers yes instagram is a great place of finding my customers but then i take them out of instagram and place them into my email list but one thing i tell my customers because i personally don't like being emailed a lot it's the worst i only email them important stuff like when i'm having a sale because that's all they really want to know about um i'm not going to email and say happy happy sunday i'm not going to email you for unnecessary stuff and i've built that relationship and trust with my email list so even when i do send out emails my unsubscribed list is extremely low because i've created that relationship with my customers how many do you have on those just actually right now i'm about 5 000 wow yeah about 5 000 which is amazing because i have about 10 000 on my instagram [Music] once i ordered a candle what happens next okay so what's really awesome is i actually have an app on my phone through shopify i get a notification of the order and that's just me notifying that i have something coming in the queue okay the fulfillment center will then get the order as well because they're linked to my shopify okay um they'll print off the order i bought this one right here you brought this one you brought pie felicia yeah all right you like sweet potato pie let's go so yeah they'll bring the candle right over this way i got these boxes actually you go ahead and take that one okay nope take a box or whatever this is part of the box that's part of the box go ahead and fold that in just inside on all sides all right now let them hang out a little bit and go ahead and push this in here oh yeah okay and one cool thing i did is realize is when i started you're pretty bad at this no you're actually really good see there you go so now you have to put the candle in so just want to show our audience it's pretty cool beautiful box which we've talked earlier about um and then just pop the candle pop the candle right in there okay so it actually sags down it sits right in there and what's really cool and another thing about candles is you can get a lot of breakage if you don't pack them properly and you want the customer to have an experience when they open your box and no one wants to experience a broken candle but in order to protect the candle no no no we can't just put it in there we need packing peanuts okay so this cool little dad i know they had this cool do that nice okay they had to pull out which was a lot easier than the way i had it you stick that in there see that's why i'm not the professional you take your stickers here everyone loves a sticker card thank you card for your purchase we'll put that in there put some peanuts on the front front close it up and then we're done that's it super simple which some people will say well then why can't you do it yourself but i have so many other things that i want to do like especially when you're running your own business you want to do the things that you enjoy i dreaded packing orders and so now i don't have to worry about that what systems and processes do you use to manage inventory um once again shopify um they manage all of my yeah they manage all my inventory where um i can even create barcodes for individual products to make scan them into the system easier and then on top of that with me using my fulfillment center i can create transfers so i can transfer my products from my manufacturing center to my fulfillment center when they receive it they can verify what's in that order and just click receive order all within the app so shopify app and your fulfillment center are sort of intertwined all intertwined so they what's great is you can actually give access to different administrators within shopify so they don't have access to my entire store so they don't have access like my analytics and things like that but they have access to my products they have access to um like the transfers and the inventory so they're able to manage and of course orders because they need a pick pack and ship and the customer so they're able to do everything they need to do on their end without talking to me so we're able to work together we're actually even able to send notes to each other so if there's an issue with an order they can literally tag me just like in facebook and it'll send me an email to say hey jasmine um looks like we're missing this for this order can you bring it in and i can tag them right back and say yeah i'll be right there or i'll bring it this week and it's so simple that's pretty easy okay that's awesome you've got some great advice i wanted to offer our viewers so that you guys check out our amazing podcast forward slash podcast we talk to people like jasmine and we ask a lot more in-depth questions on how to build this particular business or others so check it out right now a flip dot com forward slash podcast all right so we're continuing on with the process of uh what exactly we're going to marble a candle so as i mentioned you need a visual component in order to get people to look at your product on instagram because there's so many things that you want something i say dumb stoppable dumb stuff you want something that people stop okay and look at so i did a little bit of research and i was like hey let's marble some candles but before you do that safety first you have to put on gloves i like black yes the black boxes everything i like it all right hand me one of those little metal uh little spoons yeah little bean spoon things and we're gonna just dip a little bit so what exactly is that die tell me more about the product yeah so it's a candle based dye so once again it doesn't have any extra preservatives additives it's just the base of it um and it allows the candle to actually i want you to take this i'm gonna mess this up no you're not there's no way to mess it up it's all about creativity that's why i love it so what do we do you're just going to stick it right on the side in between the wax yeah go ahead just stick it down there just stick it all the way down stick it down there okay yep just like that so now we have some candle wax so you're thinking like what i don't get it oh that's it that's it because it's like rocket science no no we're going to take another color though because we're going to make one of the really colorful candles okay youtube do you do that i do the next one all right i want to see your your the finesse the craft that you have developed over this time so you just pick any color and you put it on the side right now i'm honestly not doing anything particular i just want you guys to see the cool visual effect and now we're going to bring out the super magical tool okay okay it's not very magical so we're using the gun again we're using the gun again we have assistance there we go now i want you to take this okay and just point it to the color and you're going to start to see the colors kind of start to spread and when you see those colors spread move to the next side and then go a little bit closer towards the bottom let's break up some of this wax right here yeah the idea is for this to just spread it start spreading itself around and then you just you just let it do its own thing and every single candle is unique and different so no two people are going to get the same marbled candle [Music] tell us your most popular products and what they are and why you think okay um well since i'm mostly online based my those most visually appealing candle are my marble candles well other than yours right here this is pretty popular that was this would probably be one of the best ones i'm proud of you too thank you um but my strawberries and whipped cream i have uh peaches and cream i have a melanin candle but they're all marbled and these are probably the best-selling ones online when i'd go to pop-ups i have a trio of smells like her smells like him and smells like them and i created them that all had complimentary bottom notes so if you burn any two of them together it creates a whole other candle so you're getting two candles but technically you're getting three candles the the aroma becomes the third candle the aroma because a whole different candle which is really nice it sounds incredible um it was the science behind the candle website thank you how much do you sell this for so these my nine ounce candles are 36 they burn for 70 72 hours which is nice and i usually tell people if you do the math um some of your big name candle brands they burn for only 20 to maybe 45 max yes and so if you just divide your price by or your burn time my candles still come out less expensive you've been featured in like what over 50 different publications like cosmopolitan and people how did that happen so my publicist found me my publicist found me because i had my branding on point i stood out from the crowd i created a product that you're like what is that and from there she was able to then sell my brand and my product to different publications and then once you get on the list of the top candle companies here the top black owned candle companies their other candle companies come in i mean my first four months disney reached out to me and i actually did the promo box for the bachelorette it's just when you create a visual that is appealing to people they're going to be automatically drawn to it and it really cuts back on a lot of work that you have to do so the work in the beginning of really dialing down your branding your product like i said people want handmade hand poured but they don't want it to look handmade if i can give you a handmade product that looks luxury that it came from some big shop or warehouse even better [Music] i want to ask about the publicist when did he or she come in to your world and why is it important well she stumbled upon my instagram site maybe four months in and what's nice is she's been able to give me visibility in places i normally wouldn't be able to now it is possible to get into publications without a publicist but given the amount of work that i had going on once again i'm used or i'm it's very important to me stay in your lane that's not my lane being a publicist is not my lane making candles is my lane running my business is my lane so i just left the professionals to do what they do so what value does she have other than get you in a magazine essentially yes and one great thing is on my website i can view down on my analytics which is very important if your website has analytics it's very important to look at those analytics to see where your customers are coming from and my top five referrals are from websites or businesses that i've been posted in and on so right now some of the top ones like new york magazine cosmo i get a lot from there so the investment in the public system seems like a real it was definitely worth it it was definitely worth it um in the beginning i probably wouldn't say your first thing is to get a publicist okay if anything work with somebody who's a profession in marketing and get your marketing down first before you go to the pub list because it's completely backwards because a publicist will tell you no i have nothing to market this is it not marketable because you're betting against so many other publicists to get your information into these publications so a marketing agent and actually getting your marketing down is the key thing before even reaching out to a publicist or entertaining one at all [Music] as far as instagram too like are you posting three times a day let's talk technicals for doing the right thing on instagram you know what i do everything wrong on instagram honestly i think for the month of december uh my first really big month last december i think i cleared about 27 000 that much i posted on instagram seven times seven times the entire month i'm confused yeah i i was confused as well the seven posts that i did they were very quality posts i created ads for those which targeted my demographic and then i did contest as well the contest was kind of that free marketing for me once again this december i think i may be at 11 posts and what are we like at the 14th of the month yeah um once again i did a contest i target my market with the few ads that i did hold i really i only imagine what i can do if i use instagram the way they say i'm supposed to um and it's one of those things like if it's not broke don't fix it i don't want to over saturate and have too many people coming in where i can't i can't service them the way i need to so until i reach the point where i know i can service people as fast as they'll come in i'm going to kind of steadily keep doing what i do do i recommend um following my lead and only posting seven times a month maybe not maybe maybe not but you have to fill out what works for you if you have your branding if you have your demographics set down you will not waste the money if you do not know who you're trying to sell to you're throwing money in the trash okay tell me about the box that's a really well designed box who helped you with that and any tips and advice for people who need to create a better brand yeah so one thing i did is i wanted simplicity i wanted something that was nice sleek um and something that held in here i have five i'm sorry four five ounce candles and i wanted to create more of a value and the thing i've gotten since the beginning of time is we just want to try your scents you have so many fragrances we want to try your scent so i've created curated boxes that allows people to experience different ones smaller candles i have five different ones i have one that's called hot and bothered that's more of like my cuddly type box it has like peaches and cream strawberries and whipped cream i have one that's called a certain word don't kill my vibe and that one's more of a relaxation so it has like my lavender vanilla it has a lemongrass i'm working on a eucalyptus one i do have a rosemary sage one as well and they're just all curated in different boxes to give different experiences so this is my newest product we sold over two hundred and fifty of them there are 49 each but what's nice how it's a big deal is the tens themselves they're 19.99 for the five ounce tin but you can get all four for 49. so all four from four for 49 yes and then how many burn time do we have 30 hours three hours 30 hours and a 5 ounce candle so if you get the right combination you can get a good burn time out of them so just in general i tell people don't just write off a product based upon the price really look at the value and what goes into it because like i said some people look at it and they're like oh my god 36 for a candle but if it's burning for 72 plus hours you're definitely getting more than your money's worth [Music] what is your biggest struggle as a small business owner today and how are you coping with it strategizing etc well i think it's honestly the struggle of pretty much any business right now is the supply chain and sourcing products where there was a point in time where i didn't know if how or when i was going to get vessels and then when they did come available i had to purchase them in large quantities once in getting the funding to purchase these large quantities um you just have to find work away workarounds to make things happen so instead of buying a thousand dollars worth of jars i was buying six seven eight nine ten thousand dollars worth of jars and stacking them up so that i have them because if i don't have vessels i don't have a business so it's definitely the biggest struggle what's next for black sunflower short long term goals just curious okay so one of the things i think i mentioned earlier is i realized there was a seasonality with candles right and so in the summer time people don't purchase as many candles so i really want to focus on more of the body care line that we have we offer body butter scrubs and whenever i do offer them i get bullied into making them again my customers will email me and bullying come knock on your door and say where is this yeah and they're stalking me and they're like i saw you put body butter on in that one video how come we don't have any i'm like i'm sorry i'm sorry so really expanding on the body care line we introduced sweats and apparel black sunflower is more of a luxury sensory experience so i want to find items that i can touch uh on all the senses so sight smell touch taste i'm hoping to induce introduce some luxury teas and then really really big thing i'm hoping to start venturing out onto the candle vessel world so be like being in the candle vessel world i kind of realized what's missing and so now i want to create vessels for other candle companies as well gotcha okay well we're going to probably give you guys an update a year from now to see how she's doing yeah and her amazing growth thank you jasmine what makes for an exceptional customer experience for you in this business like what makes them come back and reorder and want to reach out to et cetera always taking care of them no matter what um specifically specifically um if somebody messages me and they said my package is lost i'm unfortunately not going to send them on a wild goose chase fill out this here do that there it's a pain in the butt we both know we're both going to be on the phone forever what did you order i'll send you out a new one super simple i operate it's my cost i operate like nordstroms in a way but here's the thing if i take care of the customer and make it easy for them how many more people are they going to tell that i did that yes i'm sending out an extra candle and yes i'm paying for shipping on that but that person is going to continue to come back my repeat customer business is huge i've had people who have followed me since before my candles even look like they do back when i had wine bottle candles just because i've always taken care of them okay so let me follow up on that how many candles a month would you sell and out of that number how many customers is that actually is it you know a thousand candles and that's actually 300 customers that bought it all so on average most people usually purchase at least two candles i have anywhere from 150 to 300 orders a month it just kind of depends on the seasonality my packaging has improved so actually having to resend out candles and stuff is little to none so the cost is minuscule in taking care of the customers but what i get in return is astronomical [Music] well jasmine i am super excited for you to share with our audience the one thing that helped propel your business forward when you just got started with 110 bucks like nothing like nothing so you guys here it is okay so i do not like excuses whatsoever i always told myself if i had three months to get something started i would make it happen covet happened i had no money but you know what i had enough money to make 12 candles i made 12 candles made them amazing took amazing pictures of those 12 candles then did pre-orders i took the money from those pre-orders reinvested them back into the business started only buying 10 pounds of wax to 45 pounds of wax to pallets of 15 to 20 pounds of wax all by recirculating the money i quit making excuses i took what i had and i made something happen with it so the key word is pre-order pre-orders you make pre-orders of your items if you could only make 10 make those 10 make the best 10 candles you've ever made in your life and sell them that's it that's for you guys execute on it what's your day-to-day like how many hours a week a week do you work um on average i work usually about now about 12-hour days just because of the holiday season monday through friday i like to keep the weekends for my son as much as i can because he's been huge in understanding what's going on here and if although he wants mommy around he understands it's for the greater good usually when it's not the holiday season i've actually learned to cut back and learn that the work is not going anywhere it will be there so i try to keep eight hour days i'll maybe answer emails for maybe a few minutes before i go to bed or super early in the morning like if i wake up while i'm drinking my tea but then i try to keep it to a minimal um because balance is key in order for me to keep saying and keep going and then you show up what's next after your t and your emails i'll usually come in and my goal is to not answer any emails or anything when i'm in the shop because i try to take any of candle stuff home and i'll answer all my emails at home all candle stuff in the shop if i'm going to pour candles for the day like the rack of candles i will lay them all out on the table i'll check my inventory on my website and see where i'm running low and i will prep those candles in those scents and pour them as those ones are pouring i'm usually labeling other candles sometimes my mom's in here yeah just in here all day um i'll go outside for a walk once again keep my sanity but um just here usually all day and maybe once not maybe once usually once a week i'll go to the fulfillment center and i'll drop off my orders and check on my inventory there it was very important for me to have a fulfillment center that i can be interactive with because candles they can change they can fluctuate and i want to make sure all the product is okay so i go in there drop off stuff check on my inventory and then that's usually the end of my day i usually the last thing that i do and you just do this and just oh my god no i actually have a rug in the middle of my floor in my bedroom and i lay down like this in the end of the day and i have a bunch of plants and i just lay there and listen to the water fountain and then the sun then out exactly awesome [Music] this has been an incredible opportunity to interview you share your story for for the company hope you guys enjoyed it thank you any last words to our viewers any tips as an entrepreneur as a successful businesswoman the main thing is motivation will get you nowhere is consistency you need consistency and drive that's what's going to get you far and the days that it gets hard that you don't want to get get up you remember your why why you started and you just keep going that's awesome thank you jasmine thank you it was such a pleasure thank you well that's a wrap with jasmine the owner of black sunflower what an incredible story started with 110 dollars and now she's on track to do half a million dollars towards the end of next year i hope you guys enjoyed it execute on everything she shared with you we love hearing from you as well so please comment below share with us your story your success your failures and most of all most importantly like subscribe and hit that bell so that you don't miss any of our incredible videos we do this for you thank you for watching
Channel: UpFlip
Views: 1,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: candle business, candle making business, candle making, how to start a candle business, candle business tips, starting a candle business, candle business start up, candle business at home, starting a candle business from home, candle business plan, candle business success stories, online candle business, what i wish i knew before starting my candle business, candle business vlog, candle business supplies, small candle business, candle business launch tips, upflip
Id: UzZ5aTbiLh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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