I Tried Shopify Dropshipping On Tik Tok

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tick tock maybe you love it or maybe you hate it whichever side you're on doesn't really matter because no one can deny the massive amount of opportunity on the platform with just one viral video you could instantly become the next internet sensation or scale your business overnight and to be honest i've been sleeping on it so i just had to shoot my shot and give it a try in this video i'll be building a brand new business from scratch and try to make it go viral on tick tock in less than 72 hours the goal is to go from zero to building a profitable business with potential to grow and i feel like i came up with a pretty solid strategy to make that happen so let's break it down the game plan is very simple i'll be capitalizing on one of the greatest opportunities of all time i am going to be building my very own pyramid scheme i'm actually going to be doing what i do best over the last four years i have built multiple online stores that have generated millions of dollars in sales so that's what we're gonna do i spent the last couple of hours researching products to sell and i think i found the perfect one so the plan is build a shopify store for this product create a tick tock video run that as an ad have an influencer post that ad and hopefully we can make it out of the trenches then we'll review all the results from this challenge and see if it's really possible to become an overnight sensation on tick tock so the clock's already ticking i'm running super low on time i haven't built anything for this challenge we gotta get started first by building the store so let's do it first let's talk about the product over the last six months i have consistently been seeing shower heads popping off on take off there's really just been one main version that's been blowing up this store zen bodies has scaled this version of a shower head to the highest levels that i've seen any tick tock store go if i had to guess i would say these guys have made around two to three million dollars selling this product now the other day when i was on instagram my friend sent me a new version of the shower head that is taking off that i've never seen before so let's check it out all right so as you can see this shower head is super dope it has its own custom flow and i've never seen anything like this in my life so i think it could definitely go viral when you're looking for a product to sell one of the best opportunities is looking for something that's already working but finding a slightly different version of that product so that you can bring something new to the already booming marketplace i also noticed something really funny in the comments everybody is tagging their girlfriend and saying that this product might make them go single for obvious reasons so i came up with a really funny idea for an ad that we're gonna do but we'll get into that a little bit later i was actually able to secure a super clean domain as well i got the name vortex i think it's the perfect name for this product so let's go ahead and build the store q store building montage [Music] it's been about an hour and i just got done designing the majority of the store so let's have a look for the logo i just went into photoshop and made something extremely simple i took a nice bold font and i added this little icon that i got from the noun project i made it blue and i put it on the website and this is what we got for the home page design i try to keep it really clean and simple we put a little fifty percent off of free shipping we compare our product to what they already have this is the actual product page itself which is where 99 of the customers are going to end up on i spent most of my time working on this making sure that the images were super clean i made some custom photos here as you can see i cropped out some stuff using photoshop and overall i just wanted to make this as clean and straightforward as possible at this point the site is pretty much done and ready to launch now it's time to work on the ad i watch a lot of tick tocks so my goal for this ad is to make it fit in with all the rest of the videos on the for you page i think if i made this look like a commercial people would scroll right past it there's this trend on tick tock that has been blowing up where people show something that they really want sometimes for the wrong reasons and then they slam a credit card on the table as hard as they can and what is that bro [Music] so i got my friend sabrina who has around 30k followers on tick tock to recreate this trend with the shower head i'm gonna edit together the clip that she sent me and i'll show you guys the finished product alright i just finished up the ad it was one of the simplest edits i've ever done but i think it can do pretty well by the way i use a copyrighted song so i can't show that to you but thankfully i made my own version just for you [Music] damn what is that bro top ten we going right we work it's pretty funny it's just a simple ad but it fits on the exact criteria of what we were talking about i think it's super native to tick tock and it has potential to do well now keep in mind this is my first ad i've ever launched on tick tock so i have no way of knowing if this is going to perform but i'm feeling confident last step of the day is to actually launch this on tik-tok so let's get it done [Music] we are officially good to go i just finished setting up the ads on tick tock and it was actually pretty easy to use it's been an extremely busy day but we have successfully launched this new business in just about two hours i'm gonna clock out on this now but we're gonna check in tomorrow and see how it's doing see you guys tomorrow right now it's almost 1am i'm getting ready to go to sleep and i'm on the store and as you can see the ads are running we got a few visitors but we have yet to get any sales so i hope that tomorrow morning some sales come through if not we're gonna have to dig deep on our product page on our ads and figure out what we need to fix well i hate to say it but we are officially down bad i woke up this morning took a look at the store and the results were not too good at all now this is my first time trying tick tock so i wasn't expecting to hit a home run right away but i did have a little bit of confidence going into this test let me show you where we're sitting at right now if you look you'll see that we had 748 visitors to the site today but not one purchase except for the test order that i made to make sure the store wasn't broken we only have one day left in this challenge so we need to make something work fast i spent the last couple of hours optimizing my website and my product page because i think that's where we're losing a lot of people so i actually cut the price down by about five dollars i changed up two of the images in here and i also made a slight adjustment to the landing page layout just so we can see if we can get some more conversions i also added a couple more high quality reviews to make our customers feel more safe when they're making their purchase and i made a huge realization on why i think we're getting so much traffic but no sales so this is my tick tock ad account dashboard and you can see that since the start of this challenge i've spent around a hundred and eight dollars with not a single sale pretty terrible if you take a look you'll see that over thirty percent of our traffic has been coming from 13 to 17 year olds who don't even have a credit card to purchase this product so i decided to kill my other campaign and launch a new campaign with some changes i changed it to female only i added canada on top of the united states and i changed our minimum age from 18 all the way up to 55 plus i really feel like this ad and product can work so i'm not giving up on it these ads just got approved so i'm gonna let them spend for a little bit and i'll let you guys know if we can turn this thing around so far we've just dug deeper into the trenches and i need to figure this out so i'll keep you guys updated very soon a little longer than a few minutes later [Music] it's almost time for bed but i wanted to share an update with you we did successfully get our first sale which is exciting but so far today we had over 1 000 visitors to the site only to get this one individual sale so i'm gonna let this run tonight i'm gonna pray for a miracle and tomorrow morning we'll break down the entire results of the challenge and see how i did pray for me y'all okay this is just crazy so you know i really prayed about this and then i just laid down and got ready for bed but something was telling me right before i fall asleep to check my computer one more time and you will not believe what happened i have no idea how this happened but we literally jumped over six thousand dollars in sales on the day no i'm just playing that's my main story but listen to this y'all need to hear this we literally went from having one order for the whole day to getting four orders in just one hour so you know what i just made a hail mary play i just tripled my budget and launched two new audiences on tick tock so we're gonna run up our ad spend and see what happens tomorrow morning will it flop will it not we will find out very soon so i woke up this morning and the first thing i did was run to my laptop and check the sales let's see if that buzzer beater play worked out so as you can see right now it's around 2 p.m and today the store has done around 60 in sales if you combine that with yesterday you can see our total sales for this challenge are around 140 if we add up all of the expenses from this challenge it gives us a total of 353 dollars which would bring our total profit for this challenge at negative 213 am i happy with the results kind of sure we didn't build a multi-million dollar business overnight but in a way i validated the potential for this product to work in the future i truly believe if i had a little bit more time i could turn this around and really make this product profitable all that i would have to do is keep doing what i already did after we launched the first campaign we got no sales at all so i dug deep i figured out the problems and i tried my best to fix them and as you can see here on our second campaign we got six sales in total and we had a cost per purchase of around thirty dollars so if i spent a little more time with this product added some upsells and prove the quality of the ad i really think i could get this to pop off but for now i have a 2 30 p.m shift at mcdonald's i actually just applied for the fry cook position because i need to get this money back so i'll see you guys in my new video next friday make sure to subscribe for more videos like this and if you want to see me i will be at the mcdonald's located on [Music]
Channel: Jordan Welch
Views: 106,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, shopify tik tok, tik tok ads, dropshipping challenge, dropshipping 2021, shopify, shopify challenge, aliexpress dropshipping, tiktok dropshipping, i tried dropshipping for a week, tiktok ads dropshipping, tiktok ads tutorial, noah brewer, jordan welch, tiktok ads shopify, dropshipping tiktok ads, shopify tiktok ads, tiktok ads strategy, tiktok shopify, tik tok ads shopify dropshipping, tik tok ads 2021, dropshipping on tiktok, ecom
Id: WufKhQ_XeB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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