I Tried Dropshipping For One Week! (From Scratch)

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over the last three years i've made millions in sales from dropshipping products on shopify but what would happen if i had to start all over again with just 250 and try to build a profitable store from scratch in just a couple of days well it's time to find out the rules of this challenge are simple i have four days to turn 250 into a profitable shopify store i have to start this from scratch i can't use any of the products or stores that i've used in the past if the store fails and is not profitable i'm going to be giving away 500 to somebody watching this video but if the store is profitable i'm gonna give the store away to one of my subscribers to help you kickstart your ecommerce journey in 2022. but first i need a product so let's go find one [Music] i think i found the perfect product the product is this custom photo necklace and honestly i think this product is gonna go crazy here's why we're on the holiday season right now and most people are mainly shopping for gifts for their friends and family and this product is a perfect gift and the supplier looks to be really good they have a lot of positive feedback the product quality itself looks really nice lastly the product has already been validated you can see this store has launched the product with the most simple basic advertisement and run up a ton of likes comments and shares which usually translates to sales and the most important thing that i look for with any product that i'm considering to sell is room for improvement now this simple ad worked for them but i know for a fact we can do something better this ad copy is not the greatest the photo is literally the default photo from aliexpress and their website itself works but it's not the best i've ever seen so we have a great product with a trustworthy supplier that's already been validated and has room for improvement it's time to put the work in after about 30 minutes of trying to come up with a name i think i've got a good one the name that we're gonna roll with is eternalized shout out to ubereats for getting me through this late night sesh but i think this name perfectly represents the brand you're taking a family member or a memory and eternalizing it so the game plan is to build a store that's all around custom memorabilia based products to eternalize your loved ones let's see what i come up with but first i gotta eat this food so right now it is about one in the morning and your boy is feeling it so tomorrow the goal is to go through and optimize everything set up my product page and launch my first ads i would love to do all this tonight but i'm tired and i'm ready to clock out it's time i've spent all day working on this store perfecting each and every little thing and i finally feel like it's ready to go so let's take a look i finished up the homepage last night so it didn't really need that much work i pretty much spent the majority of my time today working on this product page and making sure the whole custom photo functionality thing was working as you can see i took the time to find the best quality images and even photoshop our logo into some of them this just increases the perceived value and makes your website look much more trustworthy i kept the photos really simple just mainly trying to show the level of detail that these necklaces actually have for the title i kept it as basic as possible and then i used an app to set up these custom variants so people can upload their own photos and put a name for the necklace the product is self-explanatory so we didn't need some super long description i just wanted to keep it straight and to the point so i went for the angle of keep your loved ones close to your heart i put a picture here showing the before and after and then i talked about what we offer the benefits of ordering from us and every order comes with a gift box but i decided to frame it as a free gift box just to increase the value in the eyes of the customer i put some basic order instructions and then i added some reviews from aliexpress directly onto the website and obviously i had to spend like an hour today setting up all these pages so we have a contact us page an faq page track your order page everything that you need to legally run your business it's all good to go for every app that i used on this store i tried to make sure they all had a free trial so the only thing i've spent money on so far is the domain and it cost me 25 so now i only have a 225 budget to work with for the ads but i think we can do something with that so now i'm gonna go through and set up some facebook ads and i'll show you the finished product when it's all done the ads are officially live so let's take a look so i went with a very simple structure of just running one campaign with a hundred dollar daily budget inside of this campaign i have five different ad sets targeting a couple different angles and i'm only targeting the us right now because that's where the majority of christmas shopping happens for the ad creative i put three different variations the only thing that's different between these three ads is the actual photos so you can see in the first one we have a middle aged kid and the second one we have grandma right here and in the third one we have the original photo that worked well for the competitor so the goal of this campaign is to see which audience and which creative people like the most hopefully get some sales and then we can cut off the ones that aren't performing and put the rest of our budget into the top performing audience and create it and if none of this ends up working i'm gonna have to make a huge pivot but for now let's let's spend some money and see the results i folded a folder that folded i folded i folded unfolded i'm down bad it's been a couple hours since the ad started spending and i've pretty much been checking it non-stop and the results are not that good i've had about 51 visitors come to the website with no add to carts and no sales whatsoever cost per click on facebook was way too high as well so i think i need to go back to the drawing board but for now i just decided to come outside enjoy some of the miami vibes and get back to it tonight it's like no matter how long i've been doing this or how many projects i've started starting something new is always a super big challenge and extremely stressful so if you're starting a new business and you're going through that just know that it's totally normal and part of the process we got this it's another late night right now it's about 1am on the second day let me show you where i'm at yesterday in total i spent 37 on facebook ads i decided to trim the budget down from 100 to 50 because none of these ad sets were really performing that well as you can see the cpms are relatively high and the cost per link clicks were pretty insane i killed the two worst performing ad sets and now have these three left honestly i don't feel that optimistic about this campaign anymore because i realized i made a few crucial mistakes the first mistake was only targeting the us this made sense when i said it earlier but every brand is spending as much money as they can on this market so it's super expensive to advertise here i think the second mistake i made is putting too many different ads inside of each ad set this is something that i always do but i'm not used to being on such a tight budget so what's happening is that it's not able to really spend as much as i need on each of these to get a fair test and the last mistake that i think i made is doing photo ads now i noticed the top competitor was running a photo out so that's what made me want to use that but pretty much the majority of all my success with shopify has come from video ads thankfully this product was uploaded to my software viral vault about a month ago and there was a ready to go video ad already inside of there so i set up this campaign to fix these problems as you can see i shifted from targeting the us to targeting the big four countries i only put one ad in each ad set and i changed it to this video ad right here tomorrow is pretty much the last day of the challenge so i'm really hoping that this works but for now so i'm sitting here having my morning coffee and we just got the first sale let's go i was really starting to get discouraged that nobody was gonna buy this at all but that feeling of getting the first sale just gave me so much optimism i'm gonna work on ads a little bit more hit the gym and see what we can do today right now it's about 10 p.m and my luck has turned around so far on the day the store has generated 209 dollars in sales this only came from three orders one of them was huge they ordered three necklaces and the other two were just individual orders since it's the last night of this challenge i'm gonna go ahead and kill the worst forming ad sets let the best ones keep running and tomorrow morning i'll update you with the final results of this challenge so after a long night of partying literally zero hours of sleep i'm here to share the final results of the challenge with you i started this challenge with a budget of 250 and on the first day i didn't spend any money and i didn't make any sales so the profit for day one is zero dollars on day two i officially launched the website so i bought the domain which cost me twenty five dollars and i spent thirty seven dollars in ads to generate zero sales leaving the profit for day number two at negative 62 on day three things started to turn around a little bit i spent 155 dollars in ads to generate 209 in sales but after all the fulfillment cost of fifty two dollars i was left with a grand total of two dollars in profit and for today which is the last day of the challenge so far i spent fifty dollars in ads to generate eighty dollars in sales but after the 24 fulfillment cost i was left with a six dollar profit which leaves the grand total for this entire challenge at negative 54 in profit so what's the lesson here even though i've been doing this for years and sold millions of dollars worth of products it still takes time to build a profitable business i am extremely confident that if i kept working on this store i could really turn into a profitable long-term business but it's almost impossible to do that overnight i think there's way too many videos on youtube that set an unrealistic expectation for what it really takes to build a proper business so if you're working on building your own business right now trust the process have patience and just know that your time will come don't worry about how successful everybody else is and how fast they're doing it because a lot of times it's bs and rules are rules i lost the challenge so i'm gonna give 500 on paypal away to somebody who drops a comment down below and the giveaway winner from my last video is going to be freddy sanchez go ahead and shoot me a dm and i'll make sure to get you your 100 on paypal man what a crazy week this has been i built an unprofitable business i sent somebody 500 and i'm about to dish out another hundred pray for me y'all thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Jordan Welch
Views: 1,325,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i tried dropshipping for a week, dropshipping challenge, i tried dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, shopify, aliexpress dropshipping, i tried shopify dropshipping, shopify challenge, jordan welch, dropshipping 2021, shopify challenge 24 hours, facebook ads, ecommerce, winning product, dropshipping for beginners, how to start dropshipping, winning products, dropshipping products, shopify case study, 24 hour dropshipping challenge, shopify brand, ecom, biaheza
Id: QdT4J1cgk4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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