I tried playing Football... but the Year is 2050

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what will it be like to play football in the future say the year 2050 well today I'm going to try and answer that question by testing the latest football technology future product prototypes and even making my own football of the future in a previous video I saw what it was like to play football 100 years ago and today we're traveling the other way first off I've bought all the football products that are currently the most technically Advanced then once I've tested these it might give me some ideas on what to expect in the future so I took them to the pitch and gave them a little play test all whilst keeping in mind how they might be changing in the future [Music] and like air zooms are packed with a list of football technology that is too long to explain so all this might be useful when creating my 2050 football boot prototype later on and all the goalie gloves these days seem to be getting more and more like bare hands right so now I've tested out the most modern football products currently on the market this should give me a good idea of what football of the future might look like [Music] right so I found some really interesting stuff on what the future of football might be looking like from the balls themselves to the kits to even new skills we might see in the year 2050 it's going to be interesting let's get into it now first things first I want to look at how we'll watch football come the year 2050. what is pretty much a guarantee is that we'll see player POV cameras in all of the top leagues we've already seen this been tested recently and it worked really well so it's only a matter of time and I think that'll be a great addition to the viewing experience also we may see a ball prv cam this one is a bit harder to get right from my test the camera just becomes a bit of a mess but I'm sure someone far smarter than me will figure out how to make it work but more on my future predictions for the ball later on in the video next up I want to take a look at the football boots right so in here is what the future of football boots could be looking like and it's not looking good now before I show you these prototype football boots I think it's best that I explain myself here so football boots started off really big and bulky and through the years the Leathers become softer and the boots have become lighter and in the last 10 years the Barefoot feel is something that many brands are pushing for having thinner and thinner uppers and adding socks on the boots okay so now I've explained myself let's get back to the video [Music] so here they are the full sock football boots offering an all-in-one Barefoot fit around the foot for precision ball control and the lightweight design will help improve Sprint speed in theory [Music] now as these are a prototype made by myself there were a few teething problems such as the ankle support or should I say complete lack of alcohol support [Music] already we're starting to see some wear and tear on the prototypes they're getting a bit dirty you know but they're just the first designs so that's to be expected now these are kind of a joke but it wouldn't surprise me if a full sock boot came out in the future but let's take a more realistic look at what boots might look like in the year 2050. so I scoured the internet for some concept boot designs and these were the first ones I saw from a page called the new FC and whilst these do look insanely cool I can't really see them being used I think they're way too bulky so I doubt football boots would be like this in 2015. the next pair is what I Loosely based my own prototype of and I think these are very close to the sort of thing we might be seeing the high cut stock design nice lightweight boots seem like a natural progression from what we've got at the minute and then finally we have what is potentially the most realistic pair these were a prototype made by NASA and honestly they look amazing I would love to be able to test these out and see if they're actually nice to play in but the latest theme the Slick lightweight design all looks super futuristic [Music] as far as training goes I think we'll see technology a lot more involved players will be able to train at home with games like this and practice specific set pieces and techniques in the comfort of their living rooms and things like virtual reality will make it feel like you're playing in a real game [Music] now as far as the pitch goes I don't think too much will change one thing I do expect to see is a lot more good high quality public football pitches and around the world I'm sure we'll see more epic unique football pictures but for the most part I think grass is here to stay now predicting goalkeeper gloves of the future was an interesting one but my best guess is they might look something a little like this so if you look at Godly gloves 50 years ago they look like this and now in 2023 they look a lot a lot better and these will definitely improve performance but 50 years from now how much more can they be improved in 2050 I think Goldie gloves will likely look like this now I can really see gloves going this way more and more like bare hands the same way that football boots have socks gloves will have a sleeve on them these feel like I'm wearing washing up gloves on the marigold this is mental these are crazy I fill up with football boots they're just going for a more Barefoot feel and I feel like that's just going to happen with goalkeeper gloves the gloves are now becoming an extension of the arm just like this soon they'll probably be up to your shoulders as far as performance goes from a test it didn't really affect it at all you throw a normal pair with a wrist strap and a bit more padding they do definitely feel lighter though but sometimes it is nice to have the extra support so overall I don't think gloves will change too much by 2050. there really is only so much you can change before they start becoming worse [Music] so skills of the future I actually think we'll see less skills in the professional game come the year 2050 because already over the last 20 years I feel like the amount of skills players do has definitely declined and off the pitch by 2050 I think we'll see the first ever quadruple around the world this is the closest anyone's got so far let's see if I can be the first to land it thank you we might actually need until 2050 if I want to learn this trick but next up is the big one so the final and most important aspect to look at is of course the ball itself now there's one realistic ball of the future that I have in mind but the first one I want to look at is not so realistic so I wanted to see if the future of footballs can be found using this machine let me explain first up my brother created a design of a football on his computer and he's got all these different parts of the model and we want to rotate that and once we were happy with it he could simply print it off yeah you heard that right so this machine turns whatever was on that computer into reality the only problem is it takes about 15 hours so I let the machine do its thing overnight and the next day I was greeted with a football seemingly out of nowhere so I've got the ball here and whilst it was really cool that I could literally print out a football in reality I'm not sure how well this thing is actually going to work [Music] so the 3D printed football looked apart but what was it like to play with [Music] so as you can probably tell this ball was pretty solid broken that is the end of that now printing out football may not be the future but for other products like shin pads the printer did a perfect job right so that's a 3D printed ball done and it was a cool idea but I can't see them replacing normal footballs anytime soon they're a bit too slippy and way too hard but to finish off this video I'm going to show you what I think realistically a football will look like by the year 2050. now when it comes to the football of the future that may already have been made over 10 years ago now and then closed down just five years later so is it the jabulani obviously not is it the Bazooka no but it's a ball that you've probably never seen before in real life and it looks like this [Music] the Adidas my coach smart ball released in 2013 it's the most advanced football on the planet but for someone no reason I need to shut down all the software just five years later these are very hard to find but luckily I kept hold of mine from 10 years ago and I'm hoping it'll give me an answer to the question of what footballs might be like in the year 2050. this ball connects to your phone via Bluetooth and will give you every bit of information you could want about the shot you just took but see this Adidas stopped production so soon does it even work well the answer is yes it does check this out sofa starters you've got to connect the ball to the Bluetooth and then you can select which foot you want to kick the ball with obviously I'm choosing right foot then tap when ready to kick we'll go to Power hit the ball then you've got to wait for it to download the information a little bit and boom 63 miles per hour it's unbelievable really it shows you the trajectory of the ball it also shows you how much spin you've put on it which is really impressive 393 revolutions per minute this thing is cool I also did a test to see how accurate the information actually is I deliberately kicked the ball on the left hand side and the ball was easily able to pick up that information but with all this I'm still trying to figure out why it's not popular today why they stopped making it and why nobody's using it in professional leagues why 2050 is very likely the ball will be something similar to this but probably more advanced every time a player takes a shot we'll know how hard it was kicked and how much spin was put on it imagine how cool that information would be when watching a football game at home so these are my predictions for football by the year 2050 but there's one thing we do know for sure footballs will probably still be around for the foreseeable future
Channel: Kieran Brown
Views: 610,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: football, football freestyle, freestyle football, soccer, soccer freestyle, freestyle soccer, football tricks, tricks football, soccer tricks, tricks soccer, kieran brown, youtube kieran brown, kieran brown youtube, football tips and tricks, football challenge, challenge football, football challenges, soccer challenge, soccer challenges, challenges football, soccer skills, football skills, skills football, skills soccer, best football skills, best soccer skills
Id: QugrtKwM1CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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