I Tested Banned Football Products

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gloves that make the ball stick a football kit that made a team loose and sucks that got football players find $70,000 and these are only three of the craziest band football products me and my friend David are going to be trying today our only goal David to decide if they should be on band or not first is the Brazil third kit this isn't Brazil's colors though nope apparently Brazil can only wear yellow or blue kit colors so when they released this full blackout shirt that actually Neymar post with they said that they were never going to use it I personally think they should unban it and let Brazil use it one time next are the Night Phantom Elite gloves why are these ban you may ask is because the Nike logo is too big that's literally it the logo isn't even that big yeah I know and the glove is actually beautiful basically WEA who you know runs the Champions League said that no logo can be bigger than like 20 cm so because these are bigger fo players have to like tape them if they want to wear them in games okay I think it's only fair that we test them a little bit is it sticky it is very sticky we have to say if this should be on band what do you think David this product should be on band all right David you know one thing that pairs really well with your band gloves band spray band goalkeeper juice you may ask why are these band because they're too sticky they literally turn you into the best goalkeeper in the world spray my gloves oh my God so you just spray these gloves with a lot of this white juice white juice oh my God that is a lot stickier I can even hear it now time for the test with a bow so previously you did this test and it was less sticky that was so good for much longer it seems unfair one of the products that should stay banned next product is these boots with metal studs baned because they have metal studs and they can cause injuries to test if this can cause real injury I'm going to test this on David's feet not going to happen instead I brought bananas we're just going to test this on a banana this is the closest to your feet that I could find they don't look like my feet W do you prefer your feet to be squashed okay and we're going to compare these against normal shoes to see which one does more damage the first one I'm going to step onto with my left that you know has no metal blade on okay I actually tried there ooh it didn't do much damage yeah it didn't do much right time to do the metal blades oh my God I feel like I'm doing so much more damage to this I think to me David the difference is that this one was much deeper like you can literally see the banana coming out and in this one it didn't penetrate as much keep it baned for this one David we have shoes again but this time they are actual running shoes they're banned from the Olympics because they make you faster like a lot faster wa they are crap bro they are beautiful they're so light well that's one of the reasons why it's baned you see in the bottom they have have a material that stop secret and it makes you 4% faster well that's what Nike said they're actually so good that they made this guy break a record he run a marathon in under 2 hours these are crazy but obviously we have to put them to the test so to do that David I'll normally get you but I know someone who is an actual Abid Runner I'll get him to do one mile with normal shoes and then another Mile with these shoes and that's going to be my brother wait what here you go and while my brother goes on a run I'm going to tell you about today's sponsor top 11 top 11 is a free-to-play football management game that you can play in your phone man it's freeing I hate my brother it's a game where you have full control over your club and you get to play against other managers or your friends around the world like I could be playing David but we can play in real life I know but this way we can play once you're back in Ireland also I wonder how my brother is doing so far he must be like super tired just finished my first Mile and it took me 8 minutes with 22 seconds top 11 2024 offers more control than ever allowing you to set tactics and sign players now I'm going to put on these shoes and run the other Mile with top 11 you can even choose how to celebrate in the game when you score a goal half mile done another half to go so far I feel a little bit faster you know so if you want to play a game that has the faces of managers like Mourinho and shavei Alonso make sure you download top 11 using the link in my description guys I'm nearly done I'm not so sure the boys are going to expect this result so my brother is actually back you can see he's very sweaty I think it was hard for him all right first score for the first race it was 8 minutes and 22 seconds okay that's good you're fast okay and then you put the shoes that are supposed to make you faster in your band Yes what did you do I did 7 minutes and 57 seconds wo okay do you think they should stay band Yes definitely should stay B the next product is a 2002 Cameroon sleeveless shirt ooh like a basketball shirt that's so nice if you may ask why was it baned because it literally has no sleeves that is the whole reason it's not a football kit though is it I actually think etto used it in the African Cup but they just weren't allowed to use it by FIFA because it doesn't represent the beautiful game as well it just looks like a basketball shirt to me I'll be honest guys I think the rules are very strict they should ban it for a couple games it seems Kon has a thing for band shirts this product was made 2 years after the 2002 Cameron shirt why was this one band because the shorts are attached to the shirt oh it's like so stretchy oh I need to try it this feel so weird I don't know why it's ban though you can only have one shirt one short and one pair of socks or at least that's what FIFA says bro having to do this before every game is outrageous I think it looks cool though I don't know why it's banned fun facts about this shirt first of all I actually paid $500 to get my hands on this second of all there is this like cuts by a tiger here has a a zip and the last thing here this is like hurry do you think it should stay baned or unbanned unbaned for this next product we have the La Liga winter ball why is it baned because you can't see it David you actually are holding the ball right now in your hands it's invisible could you not buy it they're so hard to find it couldn't arrive on time that being said this is a photo of it it looks fine you see the ball right now it looks okay but when you pass it very far away players couldn't see that ball I can't even see it right now that's how good it is yeah that's how good that ball is the reason why you cannot see the ball is because of these panels on the side so when it starts rolling they kind of make the ball invisible the further away it goes looks green I guess yeah it looks very green for some reason keep it banned I think it should stay banned cuz we cannot even get it the next product is another pair of boots that go band why were these boots band you may ask it's because they're made out of of kangaroo leather they're so soft though it became a thing in football especially because Beckham wore this a specific boots these are my favorite boots I just love the OG Predators yeah I would love to wear this boot but the only size we could find is a size seven so they barely fit in my hand I might be able to try them on really okay try it oh wow you actually fit in them you're right these feel really good we're going to do a test first you control the wall with your your right and then with your left and you tell me which one felt softer yeah these are so much more padded it seems like that's what Beckham liked and that's why they were using kangaroos for these yeah keep them band we like kangaroos I've never met any though but I like them next product are the true socks why are these band because Nike and anidas think they're too good on the bottom they have like really good grip so when you're dribling you kind of like stay closer me your foot just doesn't move around in your boot basically what happened was that in 2018 Eric Dyer Deli Ali and Sterling got find $70,000 for wearing these ones in the World Cup must be some good socks but nowadays players have found a loophole where they wear this and then they have their Adidas socks kind of like above you caught them I'm wearing them right now as you can see this is a regular Arsenal kit sock basically what the players do nowadays they will cut the bottom of this sock and then you would just put your sock on so you kind of get this look of your true sock and then this you don't make Adidas hungry Al if you're wondering how I learned how to do this it's literally under Packaging I think they should be on banana on banana next product are helmets why are they banned cuz you just can't wear helmets in a game but what about Peter check he did not wear one that hits like this you know I wanted to bring these helmets just to say that overall any accessory that's not part of your kit or you need for medical reasons like check you just can't wear on a football pitch the reason why these things stay banned is obviously if you hit someone it will hurt them so they should stay banned next product are flashy boots they're banned by CID Alex Ferguson in Manchester United's youth team he doesn't want players to get ahead of themselves very early I mean if you were mbappe in the World Cup final sure but showing up to an academy game with these crazy Nike used to make complete blackout packs and called them Academy packs really yeah I still think they should be on ban cuz I personally I want a rock up with flashy boots cuz I just think they look cool and I want a cool picture for Instagram it's okay that was only a rule when see Alex Ferguson managed the juice and now he doesn't manage it anymore and they've won nothing since so maybe they should be banned again next product is jewelry why are they baned because they're dangerous let me show you why David I'm going to put this chain on oh my goodness you put this on wait why can't I not put it on I mean I feel like it's something Ronaldinho would do yes he actually did use it in a game and got away with it recently kundai also used it in the World Cup final and almost got away with it you may look like this at home and be like this is not a hazard no problem but then I do this he did not enjoy that at all it can also get chained in someone's hair when you're going for the hether FIFA does not want people injured because of this did that actually hurt I'm sorry I'm good I just needed demonstration for the camera do you think they should stay banned yes 100% they should stay banned but I'm not removing this I'll wear it all video from now on now we have boooo sellas I always wanted one when I was a kid cuz my favorite World Cup was the 2010 one that is not what they're supposed to sound like this is what they actually sound like they're banned because you cannot bring any unlicensed instrument into a football stadium you may still see this and instruments in games like drums and other stuff I think they just bring them illegally like they're not supposed to be in the game TR say b no I like it next product are hard casts casts yeah basically a player that's injured cannot go to a game with a hard cast on that's why you see players like Bena he'll wear this which is a soft cast try and wear like Bena yeah used to like keep your fingers together you know that's why you never see him with a cast in a game why are these products ban because they can also cause injury in a football game literally they're very hard you can hit someone and injure them bro that actually looks sick you have you used this before no sir also these that you're seeing here is stuff to build a hard cast that would take a lot of work so we're just going to show the soft one is it very like good at like keeping it together works should the hard cast stay ban yes because that thing hit me with that hit me with that see it doesn't hurt anymore let me hit you with this next product next we have a Manchester United kit why was it B it looks like a tablecloth that's why no it was B in 1996 because you couldn't see your teammates looks like I could eat dinner off that it's a nice tablecloth you you can tell he's a li fan I think they wore it for a total of half a game and then they went in at half time and changed their shirt and never wore it again to check if that story is true I'm going to wear this which I hate cuz I I don't want to wear United stuff go pretty far away and then you can tell me if you can see me more or less with this I already I want to keep Bann just cuz it's just cuz it's man united I don't think man united fans would disagree in Banning man united they hate their own club at this point I'm going to go wear this David now I'm standing by the penalty spot can you see me well David I can see you perfectly yeah can you see me well not as good as the other shes is it that much worst it's bad it's just a terrible kit anyway I think it should be on ban so United loses more games great idea plan it now this next product has a similar story it's another shirt that got banned cuz you can't see it is the Juventus green kit it's a nice kiss basically these kids are very hard to see in the broadcast cuz football is played in green pitches mhm so this Blends in Blends in with the pitch with the pitch David this time you do the test you actually look pretty pretty big on that shirt I'm not going to lie to you guys he not that bad the thing behind you is not the pitch so I think the problem is definitely with the broadcast cuz if you're seeing you yourself from above you definitely blend in with the grass keep it baned we want to be able to see the games okay keep it banned now we have Beats by Dr Dre why were they banned because they're not Sony basically what happened was that in 2014 for the World Cup FIFA had a deal with Sony so every player had to wear Sony headphones and back then Neymar was actually sponsored by beats so what did he do he showed up to the 2014 Brazilian World Cup with Beats and probably got fined right after try and listen to to a song and let me know if you hear me oh can you hear me no no can you hear me no no as you can tell they're good should they stay ban David band see band no unband them the next product is a headband not the one I'm wearing it's a Gucci headband ah same Maxim yes why was it ban because it's not Nike or whoever was sponsoring the Prem League where the Gucci headband I wanted a Gucci headband right but my team did not allow me to spend $1,000 on a headband but I have a fun story do you remember the photo of St maximan with his headman on well he went to one game with this with this headman and next time he went to a football pitch he had to tape it it's actually too big just like the gloves we had before you know how crazy that is yeah cuz it's Gucci and he his kid is Adidas should they stay banded no yes Gucci headbands should be on band and I should have one next product it says nude it was banned because of safety reasons I mean I'd wear it if it didn't have a man city logo on it so this one's up to you is that how it's used nah like this okay so the safety concerns come from Defenders trying to pull you it'll be like keyan second the that actually hurt you know okay yeah I understand why they should be banned but let's be real arent Robin caritos stez they look so cool with this but it's also very very dangerous yeah I guess it should stay bed next product this next product is very similar these are the Ninja headbands ninja headbands yeah they were banned by the NBA because of safety concerns can I use them in football I've never seen someone wear a headband that's like a ninja headband so I don't think you can wear them on football yeah that's definitely bigger than 20 cm wow you look great with this what happened with the NBA is it became a trend for basketball players to wear this and the NBA just didn't like it I guess I could like grab you by here with this headband is different you canot can you pull me with this headband no it's a little bit harder with these ones you can actually grab the back so I can understand where the concerns come from we're going to ban necklaces and the snod I think we have to keep this one ban this looks cool I think I'm going to upgrade to this the next product is the most current one out of the mall is the Aston Villa home shirt it's ban because it gets very very wet do you see anything wrong with this I don't like it okay you only like Liverpool shirts there is a lot of photos of players when they wore this at the beginning of the season and they were soaking wet hence why they don't use it anymore but if you want to see me getting this soaking wet we did a very cool experiment in this video so click in David's face to find that do it
Channel: Futcrunch
Views: 15,319,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: football challenge, banned accessories in football, banned, football products, football products review, football products testing, football products from wish, banned products, banned football products
Id: qVtBcmZ-nJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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