I Tried Parkour

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what's up guys welcome back to my youtube channel today's episode is sponsored by lg they reached out to me and challenged me to make a video that tests some of the lg wing's coolest features [Music] so today i am going to be training like a professional parkour athlete alongside one of the best parkour athletes and coaches in the world jesse laflaire what's up guys my name is jesse laflaire and i'm a professional park for athlete and free runner besides the dream come true of being a hollywood stunt man in major films and getting guest star roles on all these different television shows i've also hosted over 50 events all around the globe driven around the country and my own tour bus so today i have a plan for michelle we're gonna start her in the beginning space progress our way all the way through to what i would think would be a very solid intermediate pro level line a line is really just a linked series of movements whether they're vaults swings jumps and maybe even a flip or two jessie it's so good to see you the last time we did a video together was when we did the marine boot camp that was such an experience so i trust you a lot could you like show me what we're going to be doing i feel like i want to see you do some cool stuff first okay let's try it i think my expectations for michelle are probably more scary for her than they are for me because i've seen what she can do i know her videos i'm hoping that she's willing to go as far as she usually does so a lot of that's a little extreme that was amazing hopefully we get into it okay my first one of the most important tools we have is a parkour role or a safety role once we start going over these obstacles my foot clips i have to be able to save myself instead of like face planting on the ground when we approach obstacles even in a gym setting we need to always imagine that this is like a real life scenario right pretty simple if you're going over your left shoulder right knee forward create a little diamond tuck that head kind of turn it so you don't go over yeah see i knew she could do it this is how i hope today goes by the way i think so many people look at parkour and they think about these guys that are jumping from roof to roof this super extreme world but in reality so much of what we do is based on finding your current limitation and then slowly progressing past that we're going to start with a very safe vault that's called a safety vault oh fun okay it really is just like a hand a foot and you step through so we'll call this one one we'll call you outside foot two two and then we're gonna step through so it literally goes one jump up two and then step through nice and what i love that you did naturally was that you kept your chest forward a lot of the vaults that we're gonna do it's really important that momentum keeps going do it like extremely fast right you just like go from like zero to 100 like at a moment's notice nice the safety vault leads us directly into what we call speed vault same vault but no foot touches so instead of putting it on you actually kick it up like a heel click like kind of like a heel click like a very pop i'm literally just doing that and you don't have to hit this fast get those hips up great love it now do the same thing but just make it feel a little cool let that foot scissor out almost like you're kicking a bad guy yeah let yourself move out of it just a couple steps i know it feels very like i gotta go back and do it again you're moving through the line yeah you're continuing to move right okay do you think we should try and film it boom what just happened how is that a phone now we can really see your technique in slow motion yeah okay okay [Music] no no no i don't want to see that oh my god my hair so that foot was way back there for no reason that's so embarrassing okay let me try again let me tell you gotta love slow-mo so remember on this one get that foot up that's the foot that leads the movement yeah check that out so that foot got up there you sliced through it yes and you see how you naturally want to run off filming movement and motion in slow motion especially with a device like this that makes it so easy you get to pick apart what am i doing wrong what is working i can learn how i'm moving or how to move better by watching myself in a slow-mo clip like this it also makes me appreciate when someone like you can make something look really good in slow motion all right so this next one can be one of the trickiest it's called the comic bolt like this oh my gosh so your legs don't they're like tucked into you it's very intimidating for a lot of people because they're coming at it and their fear is that if i go here and hit my knees i'm going face first okay also outside they're not made of foam so clipping a knee is clipping a knee approach it load low like you did naturally earlier and then just get those hands on push off the block and keep your chest forward the second you try to stand up too soon now your knees are getting in the way yeah okay give it a try even if you clip remember we have the roll nice yeah i think i just defaulted to the rope that was incred but that's like like to be able to default it was kind of a gymnastics role so outside that would have been like all bruising up your spine our goal is to go past it and over it i like to imagine my hands throwing a piece of paper if we had powder on it seeing a stream of powder as i fly over it go that way right and don't think about getting those knees through so that's one of the big misconceptions of this thing is everybody just wants to stay safe so they think if i go here now i'm putting myself in this big leaning back stop position i'm possibly falling back onto the block i want you to really trust that lean throw the block and then just land here yeah good good good pulling this guy we'll swap in a lower mat that is much lower can be a little scary yeah right you've proven that you can do it don't overthink it use that momentum trust yourself see yourself doing it and just wait to put the feet down don't rush the feet that's the big tip okay just like before should we film one and really break down yes i think we should so if you've seen any of these viral parkour videos you probably noticed that a lot of the footage is really smooth and beautiful and that's because the athletes use a gimbal to accomplish that look the lg wing actually comes embedded with a gimbal motion camera that uses six motion sensors and stabilization software which i'll be using today i'm rolling that's great so when we film our videos we have multiple cameras it's heavy it's a lot of equipment the lg wing is super lightweight super easy to use and when you swivel up like this isn't that cool it actually gives you the same user interface as a gimbal the gimbal sets the wing apart from other phones which usually come only equipped with steadicam technology most steadicam technology only reduces shaking while the camera itself is moving whereas the gimbal camera on the wing allows the camera to move giving the user complete control over what angle they want to shoot the video subject from without actually having to move the device around oh my god i'm so excited we're like halfway through today like i thought that parkour was more of like short bursts of strength based energy that's a ton of cardio guys i need to run more so we've gotten to some of the efficient stuff the safe stuff now we're going to get into a little bit more of the style stuff this is going to be a pump spin that can eventually be brought to like a wall spin you're going to kind of jump and sit but instead of putting your butt on it we're going to jump into our little safety vault pop in yeah foot comes down perfect boom boom boom the real line is this right so i want you to pretend like the wall doesn't end there so now you're starting against the wall here popping over and staying on the outside of this line boom boom if you did that here what we would have experienced would be like a oh you know so when i go boom everything stays on this side bang bang like that probably felt so scary because you actually did it kind of slow and it's like no i'm gonna fall but that was perfect so relax the arms okay you're gonna see that on video and you'll be like yeah that looked awesome i am gonna roll i'm gonna do just like a smooth pan with this gimbal feature all right and i will try to look cool yeah look cool parkour is not just movement or jumping from this thing to that thing it really grew up in this space of filming right sharing that content onto channels like youtube and tic tac or instagram and some of your audience doesn't really know parkour so when i shoot i'm very specifically one angling the camera to tell the true story of how big a gap might be but also aiming the camera specifically at the feet right because for us it's so much about how we land where we land and where we're going gimble accessibility and being able to move with us in a very smooth fast pace is the thing that's going to tell the parkour story the best we definitely almost just got into like full flip mode right like you went inverted to stay on the side you had to go over your head a little bit there's a big trampoline i was hoping i think we should try a backflip it's a very safe trick a lot of people think it's not safe we know our bail on trampoline is going to catch us a little bit the key is when we do back flips we jump up and our knees come up to our chest and that's what gives us the rotation if i did nothing but take my knees to my chest i would still do the flip ready you have your arms right we get to use them let those arms reach up tuck the knees look at the ground that's so graceful yeah oh my gosh i don't believe in you i'm just excited just bouncing on it oh my god feel that balance let yourself really sink in don't jump off of it wait for it to send you back up and then you can push through your toes yeah that looks good and remember you don't have to go super high for this okay reach up let those arms throw you back you have the room and then bring those knees up to you yeah [Applause] [Laughter] that's it that's a backflip oh my gosh all right so now see if you could just take off like five percent and let yourself float a little bit more yeah good all right maybe three maybe three percent arms up look back yeah that's it so i think we shoot this one slow-mo but what's cool is i can actually hold this like an inverted gimbal style where we can go like low panning zoom okay tell me when you're ready i am set okay three two go in i love being able to hold it like that because we had all this like foreground movement you have to see all that air you're catching how you went oh you landed that so good three two one go [Music] yes that looks so cool i love how good you can see the grab too bam i'm like um that is so wild so something really cool about wing is that you can actually do this thing called dual recording what is the dual camera oh let me tell you look at this look at the cute little camera that pops out what where'd it come from so now we can see ourselves and the camera i've seen on your instagram and tick tock sometimes you do like pov type stuff so can i do like a giant backflip with this and they can see like my feet and my face my face i don't know if you want to see my face it's like i mean let's see what it looks like all right ready all ready i'm about to do a back flip all the way down that let's go three two one also there's this feature where if you accidentally drop the phone the camera pops back in to keep it safe one of the other things we're gonna get into is jumping on and off of walls understanding how our energy and gravity kind of affect our ability to get grip and control our body to either elevate ourselves up to somewhere else or redirect our energy and go on to the next move kids are always like what's your favorite trick and like you would imagine that it would be like some twisting flipping rail off this but a lot of times it's just big running cats whoa you're like a human video game character i've mocapped a lot of video games i've always been interested in action sports and this feeling of flight right this is the trick where you get to like feel the flight but not have to worry about landing on ground right start with your foot hitting it first so jump step that was literally my question i was like how do i prevent my face from smashing that's the goal so hands are always here even if at first it feels like it's too high and you want to just work into it and find yourself on the ground look see this is what i'm talking about guys i know she's capable of all this see if you can really get your feet there first hit your hands and then just kind of push off a little bit and come down obviously you got this block behind you yeah it's good that's it yeah now we're going to do a little bit bigger version and see if you can step off lift with the other foot and pop down to the ground really step through it yeah good now let's go a little bit bigger so it's here feet first feet first good both feet don't just let that one foot guide you and take the wrist and everything i can go here try that but keep the hands ready they're there to save you if you need it but see if you could do it so leaned back but your hands don't actually need to touch boom yeah good lean back more that sound that's your feet sliding down because your weight is over your feet if it's back here they're going to get a lot more grip in the wall that is so counter-intuitive yeah i don't know why you're right because you're like you're further away i don't want to lean back yes good so now your body can lean a little bit more forward because now you're actually going to try to grab the top step feet hands give yourself some speed yeah yes so that's your cat hang on so let's do a cat 180. so cat 180 is left foot's going to start a little higher than right foot and then we're going to pull up step off the wall and turn one in lower foot yes boom that's it so that's a cat 180 oh my god every time i do one of these i'm like oh my god look i'm going to like doing something that you're doing on instagram first try at a new thing you landed so good cool a little superhero landing plus we'll throw that hand out yeah this is spiderman now let's add these two together oh wow this is pretty big use your momentum okay land and then cat 180. okay nice and if you need to roll out roll out after you land it's a big step up push back drive that knee i'm so high in the air now yeah you are pretty high nice good that's why i said roll because if you're way up there and you're getting even more height and you're like i don't know if i can boom just roll out of it i think we're ready wait we're ready for what the parkour land of today we're going to take everything we learned today and we're going to put it all together i think it's going to be exhausting i'm like dripping sweat right now it's a good workout man that's what i love about parkour is like you end up coming in you're having fun you're having fun then you go home you're like i'm dead first thing we're going to do is lead off with your incredible back flip go into a roll slide down the airplane up there to down here down to the ground yeah okay go directly into your palm spin on the wing of the airplane okay that's cool i will say that that is metal and wood so that is one where we need you to like be safe be in control and if you need to back out and redo it again we'll start over after the palm spin we're gonna run into our speed vault off the block cat hang on the wall cat 180 off the wall and then end with the big nomat kung vault that's it it's just that simple that's at the end that's at the very end you got to trust yourself you'll be in the flow state it'll be awesome flow state i haven't been there in a while okay let's do it three [Music] two [Music] [Music] like i'm suffocating now i didn't breathe for any of that no fear you're a parkour pro hardcore parkour i feel like you've heard that at least three million times in your life so as somebody who films with a variety of equipment i was pretty impressed with the gimbal camera and how convenient it is to use in the wing compared to a large cumbersome and expensive equipment package footage we got today looks pretty awesome and professional especially considering it's from phone to commemorate today i'm gonna upload a quick instagram video of what i learned something that's really nice about the wing is that you sort of have two workspaces similar to working off two monitors in a desktop setting so you can see your video up here on the upper screen and edit it down here in the lower screen you can also swivel down to show commonly used scenes watch videos in portrait mode and go to social media the things that i see online and sometimes i think oh i can't do that like how could i ever do that and learning like the building blocks for everything today really made me feel like these things are achievable in some capacity which was just like that's such a cool feeling you definitely fulfilled all my expectations i mean you you put your heart on the line for the line and so yeah congratulations that's pretty awesome thank you guys so much for watching this video thank you again to lg for sponsoring it if you're new here be sure to like this video comment below what you want to see next and be sure to follow jesse oh yeah he does such cool stuff as you can see and if you're new here please subscribe thanks so much for watching bye hardcore parkour let's go [Music] you
Channel: Michelle Khare
Views: 1,994,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michelle khare, try, for the first time, parkour, freerunning, free running, jesse laflair, before and after, health and fitness, lg, lg wing, new phone, tech review, tech, gym, workout, exercise, calorie burn, get fit, nutrition, fitness
Id: 0jUq3mgkpYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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