I Tried Dumb Ways to Rank Up…

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this is a brand new fortnite account and today I'm going to be testing out the worst ideas in order to rank up can I go from the lowest rank in fortnite to Unreal using terrible strategies skimy F 997 is currently unranked game number one let's jump in this is definitely a start um I am very curious if any of these strategies are going to work I don't know what to expect but we are going to try it skibby fart 997 is going to do his absolute best the goal is very simple I want toy try and get to Unreal rank using the worst strategies and the first Strat that I'm going to be doing is trying to land on this train right here and not leaving the train for the entire game now this might I might run into a little bit of an issue here with my drop but as long as I can land on this train I'm good uhoh I've messed this up really badly haven't I oh wait no I think we're good I think we're good are we good are we good I don't know if we're good I don't know if we're good I don't know if we're good I don't know if we're good we're good no we're not we're good okay we're good we're good we're on the train and now we cannot leave the Train the thing is is there is a bunch of loot that we can get on this train as you can see right here and we can claim this bad boy right here we can hack the chest and get ourselves some actually pretty decent loot but we're on the train we cannot leave under any circumstances now there might be an issue we might run into players immediately here which I'm honestly not too excited for but we will keep an eye out the thing is we cannot build or anything we can't build we can't do much on this train bye have a great time I I needed that oh that's right need that though oh nice nice nice very nice very nice we've got ourselves a shy now there's a big Shield here we'll take that oh we're already maxed Health people fighting over here where are we going oh hold on can I get on top of there's people fighting over there come on if I can get a kill on this train that would be crazy okay why are we stopping why are we stopping why are we stopping we don't need to stop we do not need to stop oh my God there's no way that's one kill on the board I got to be care oh no I have 20 sniper bullets are you serious this is perfect let me oh my God I might just be the best player in the world or that might have been the worst player in the world actually hold on a minute more oh no that's not good yes dude oh my God I'm the master of this train it's kind of hard to hit Snipes off it that is something I have realized I'm going to run into an issue pretty who there was someone here I might run into an issue soon of running out of ammo which would not be good at all I kind of wish the loot would stay up here that would be nice but so far this strategy is not as dumb as I thought I can't build I can't do anything I'm basically stuck on here forever oh that's a big Shield that's a big can I grab this can I grab this big shield no I can't cannot leave the train cannot leave the train honestly honestly if I start hearing people in this POI I might just have to hide because these guys are probably pretty decent actually I'm going to crouch I'm going to crouch we're going into Reckless rail no I need that okay wait I might be able to snag some loot here oh I don't even need that that's going to be that's the least useful thing I could possibly my God oh my God was that guy Diamond how is this working so well I'm going to go out into Zone soon I've just realized I do not have any white heels whatsoever I'm basically banking on the fact that we may have to come we that we might go back into the zone I'm hoping that we can go back into the safe Zone okay back to hiding back to hiding I've got two Spectators they're just wondering what the hell is going on and honestly at this point I don't even know I have four kills what we can hack it again what more loot hold on a minute okay let's pop this I did not know that this is how this worked what you can't build there buddy yeah that's what I thought bucko you want some you want some peek it peek it I know you want to I know you want to oh he's okay he's just healing we've once again taken control of the train this is my train and it is nobody else's is he going to chase me I am I'm very curious I'm very curious if he will chase me me I don't think he will yep pick that up pick oh my God we got white heels we got white heels this is insane take this I'm going to keep that there I'm going to keep that there are we getting chased he's not chasing me he's not chasing me okay there might be people here so I'm going to sit I'm going to sit right here yep there is there's someone with a medallion we can see it on the mini map can I peek around I need to peek around and see not seeing any footsteps oh there he is oh no okay game number one that couldn't have gone any better I'm very curious what we're going to get placed here because that was kind of insane let's see that was not bronze silver one I was fighting Diamond rated players okay that's fine that's fine game number one honestly not as terrible as I thought skibby fart is on his way up what if I stand completely still and do absolutely nothing how long will I survive right now there's 94 people left and my chances are probably not looking very good I don't know how effective this is going to be but I am not moving from this spot until I either get eliminated or I win the game there one of of two outcomes here it does not help my case whatsoever that I am a bright orange dog if someone is even remotely in the area I am dead oh well I mean I mean that guy didn't see me I think we're good oh my God look at him I thought he was going to get out and instantly eliminate me ah they're shooting to my left they're shooting to my right we're officially top 50 maybe this means if we die right now we will rank up I'm not 100% sure but this so far this has worked pretty well that guy is going to see me okay D how is going oh my God there's a lot there's like three people next to me and they haven't spotted each other yet okay okay this is fine this is fine what's happening down there that is a big fight happening over there who is going to come out on top of this fight wait they're just standing there top 43 hey um this is pretty good this is pretty good so that person over there has an NPC hired so uh that's not ideal uh-oh why do I feel like he can sense me oh God oh God just don't look this way do not look this way what is he what do he F huh dude what are you doing he's just F he's basically farming nothing D okay I'm just going to Quick tip dude you're not going to get like any materials from that oh you're now you're pickaxing the car you're not going to get anything from that oh this is so annoying I could walk up to this guy and pickaxe him on the head and he would instantly get eliminated what is he doing w w w w wo dude he just blew up that car this guy's a menace uh-oh uh-oh someone sees him oh God he's after him he's after him that dude is a menace what have I just seen this is the funniest video I have ever recorded what am I looking at he's got a shield out wait oh my oh oh oh who's going to win he won s SMR T8 811 the best player in the entire world nice we get another Zone we get another Zone that dude is just drinking Shield out in the if this dude doesn't see me I would be surprised we're top 25 there it is we are top 25 without moving without even touching the ground we've been sitting in this tree the entire game although there is someone with a medallion really close to me looks like he's driving around so that dude someone over there has a medallion he doesn't see me I'm okay with that but I I'm I think we're going to rank up I think this might be a rank up what is that thing what is that thing down there oh what it's so funny just seeing these players man look at him he's going he's gone he's gone oh he's stealing the loot oh you're going to regret that buddy who chicking chicking making sure oh he's going to take the car he's gone he's gone uh-oh what is happening down there someone's wo whoo whoo wo wo there's someone below me building like crazy there he is there he is oh look at oh he's found someone he's found someone top 15 guys I I'm I'm convinced the Dum of the idea the better it is I have not I basically not needed to lift a finger and I'm just going to rank up for nothing oh oh oh oh got a big battle here oh he's been taking out oh the crown I can't see because of that godamn tree in the way but silly lemon's taking out someone top 12 we are so close to top 10 oh hold on a minute oh that guy is definitely dead yep he is well and truly dead Anonymous taken out of the game someone else running around top 11 here we go can we get top 10 can we get top 10 I want top 10 so bad I want top 10 more than anything top 10 let's go this is crazy I haven't needed to move they're doing all the work for me oh we got Zone again what we are on the edge this is insane you cannot make this up you cannot make this up I chose a random tree and now there's eight people left skibby fight is getting to Unreal faster than anyone else has in the history of fortnite at this rate at the rate we're going so I just watched someone get sniped silly lemons just killed him dude what there's so much action happening in front of me I've got a I've got a front row seat to a movie oh I can feel I can feel the Zone tickl in my butt um okay okay we've got 45 seconds left I've Got No Loot nothing basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to auto run into the Zone not I'm not even going to T I'm basically not even going to touch my keyboard and I'm going to see what happens I'm not going to to defend myself I just want to get myself in zone and see if we can somehow win by doing literally nothing all right here we go I'm going to take a bunch of damage getting out of this tree oh never mind all right here we go I'm Auto running now it's it's not in my hands anymore there are six people left I'm about to get headshot sniped and probably instantly killed Maybe not maybe not maybe we can just maybe we can clutch this up can we can we get around it can we get around the wall we can get around the wall okay this is okay all that I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead he's seen me he's seen me he's seen me he's seen me he hasn't seen me he hasn't seen me okay we're just going to well I'm literally I'm not even touching my keyboard at this point I'm not even touching my keyboard I'm going to be the next player to die and if I'm not I'm going to be extremely concerned I'm not okay well let's just keep running let's just keep running and we'll just see what happens I'm not stopping I'm not going to stop running no one can stop me I've got places to be and it's unreal that's that's where I've got to be dude I am top four like this what is happening this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life he's in that car he's in that car okay we're somehow still alive and I'm not really sure how okay let's go let's get in we've got 65 health and a pickaxe to work with um I I'm 99% sure that I'm going to die here but that's okay oh my God what is happening how am I still alive dude I'm just running around I'm just running around like what oh my God this is hilarious man this is hilarious look at all this loot oh my God look at there's so much loot here look look at this I could I have an entire load out basically I have an entire load out okay we're we're still going we're still going I don't need I don't need any of this anymore so you drop that we're still dude I'm just running I'm running like this is so funny like how am I still alive I haven't done anything I'm top three is there a bush or something I can sit [Music] in uh-oh no he got me man he got me I can hear take the L in the background but we ranked up take the w we are taking a w there so the next strategy is we are going to be hiding as a prop but we're going to need some loot here let's grab whatever we can shot gun sure thing grab this grab everything that we can get while we can okay what is this running gun perfect yep bit of that bit of that now let's pop this okay okay okay okay I think I think we're ready to go we're ready to go let's try this there's absolutely no way this would Works what oh okay yep no there is literally no way that this works okay let's go up here and just see this is the least inconspicuous thing anyone has ever done in their life oh my God there's a guy there wait there is absolutely no way there is absolutely no way that he has just seen me he's just seen a bush oh I refuse to believe it that is that's the funniest thing I've ever seen wa wait wa okay okay okay dude y that is hilarious the Dumber the strategy the better it is okay let's get ourselves some gold and then we're going straight back down oh there's a freaking Christmas tree stealing all my loot there is a Christmas tree trying to steal my loot um well that's not going to fly sir we we're going to go back down here now yeah we're going to go back down here and we're going to just go we're going to go straight back we're going to go straight back hopefully this time we get a more you know a better prop right here we go here we go what's it oh it's the exact same one what oh hey looks good to me looks good to me there he is there he is there he is there he is we I I want to try and get I I want to try and get closer to him oh he's so far he knows wait he didn't know I'm dumb oh no I'm dumb that could have been free I he didn't even see me man he didn't even see me well I mean we're going to have to try and get to this guy here we go hit this head shot head shot head shot no okay we're yep sure thing sure thing buddy sure thing but yeah just run from a dog named skibby fart yeah cool dude all right well we're going to we have to go back we go what do we got Yep this no this is 100% working this is the best we are literally a slurp Barrel we're a slurp Barrel right now okay he's over here he's over here somewhere let's catch him let's catch him I think he might have seen me actually but we'll see maybe this time he doesn't have 57 impulses oh my God if I can dude if I can get this guy if he thinks I'm like a slurp oh my God there's no way yeah that's what you get buddy no way hey thanks for the loot buddy thanks for the loot I'll be taking that yep I'll be taking that thank you very wow so much loot for me man I'm so appreciative that's crazy oh my goodness we don't have enough gold to do it again but that is hilarious come on Goku you want some you want some you you want some you want some oh my God I need to farm some more gold I think we can can still get back I still think we can do it again but I'm going to need a lot of gold he went AFK he thought he was safe and he was absolutely wrong oh no there's someone down there oh he's already there okay I'm going to have to just take I'm going to have to take this guy out yep going to have to take that guy out he's he he already knows he knows there's no way I'm fing him he thinks I'm a dog well in actual reality I'm a trash can just like I am in game no way he's so confused oh there is no way why is this working so well I'm so confused what is this oh hold on a minute okay there's no way he doesn't realize there there is a moving garbage can it's literally moving I'm literally moving what is this yeah you know what I'm freaking done I'm freaking done this garbage can is going crazy now okay I can I can go back and do it again there's no way I can go I can go back okay okay now we're a mailbox let's see if this works okay we can't mental that kind of makes sense to be honest okay now we've got someone over there oh oh oh oh okay he's over there what are the odds no like there's just no way like there's just no way I'm I'm okay if I can somehow kill this guy like do why is he not even qu questioning this why is he not questioning what he's saying right now okay very nice we got him four people left oh dude come on let's go go go go go speed speed speed it has worked on literally every single person so far literally every single person what do we got a box okay now I'm literally I'm going to full box someone I'm going to full box someone but not in the way that you might think but the thing is right I have medallions now which is not good for me because um yeah they're going to know that they're going to see where I am on the map oh no there's a dude I I swear he's just up there oh he's definitely just up there I mean if he sees me then that's just he's just the best player in the world he's not really making any noise so I don't know I can't build or anything in this form so is there I no there's 100% someone in there he's just he's just hiding there's no way he's not don't Su anything I'm just a box I'm just all I all I am we got a guy down there that's right we know where're here we know where one person is okay if this works this is hilarious oh I'm so dead I'm so dead there is literally not a oh wow okay uh yep that didn't work okay okay okay the the gig is up they know people know they know they know they they they for sure know now yep they for sure know now yep they know okay uh well sorry this guy is unfortunately going to just be taken out of the game um yeah sorry I mean if I if I could turn into another prop I'd be I'd be totally down to do it but I I can't now let's see if we can find this next these next people without getting head shot sniped ideally oh this dude is lost oh I feel bad I kind of want to give this go H you know I'm going to give him the win I'm going to give him the win I don't listen if he makes it in I'll give him the win I I don't need it I don't need it I think we're going to rank up anyway so I'm going to give him the win oh Bud yep take it take it there you go buddy there we go we'll give him the win because we don't need it I think we're going to rank up anyway we should if we didn't I'm going to I'm going to very much regret doing that we're good we're good straight to Silver 3 let's go this is a very dumb idea we're going up against people that actually kind of know what they're doing and all we have is two snipers but if there's anyone that's going to be able to do this it's going to be me head shot no man very nice oh my God wait I'm going insane whoo whoa whoo whoo wo chill out Peter chill out Peter the hell is that you're dead there another one anyone else wants some I've got five Spectators they all think I'm cheating for sure they all think skibby farts cheating which is honestly like it's fair enough okay let's get out of here so if I'm using a sniper only I don't want to hold any medalian because it's going to give away my location and if you don't already understand when you've got a sniper you don't you kind of want to be hidden so let's try this out this is a very dumb idea but let's see if we can win this game go go go go this way forward forward forward all I see you buddy I see you over there you're dead nice you're dead you're dead there a gun in the ground okay we got to stop looking we do not want to get head shot sniped we do not want to get head shot sniped here come here where are you guys hello what the what what wo wo wo Fast and Furious freaking Tokyo Drift you're dead oh yep we' hit a tree somehow nobody knows H wow that was the coolest thing I think I've ever done in my life that was sick give me that boy give me that [Music] boy we are gold let's go oh my God we almost went to Gold to from that that's insane GG's the next dumb idea I'm going to be trying is winning on a completely different region and as you can see there are 25 people in this game but the tradeoff is that I'm on 200 ping and I'm barely going to be able to build a single thing 25 people there are 25 people in this game that cannot be right but the trade-off is obviously I I'm not going to be able to do much oh w w okay we're loading people into the game right now W they're taking a while to load in so I don't know if it's the middle of the night on this server or it's just oh so and someone just quit someone literally just left I'm going to get myself a I'm going to get myself a Mythic and I'm going to win this game hopefully I don't know I've never really tried to build on 200 ping before I've definitely never tried to snipe on 200 ping as well I'm not sure how that's going to go likely not very well okay what we need here is a shotgun we need ourselves a shotgun yep there we go there we go we got ourselves some minis as well that's that's another thing we needed boom we'll take this okay okay oh not what we want to do there not what we want to do we don't want to be randomly shooting and giving away our position no sir no sir now what we need is a shotgun and we are good can we find a shotgun not quite yet that's okay though that's okay oh here we go here we go oh I can hear people I can hear them fighting I can hear them fighting we do not have a shotgun yet though which is kind of interesting but uh like I said it's okay it's all right okay he is immediately dead okay just reload this bad boy oh hello wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo whoo wo wo wo this is really tough this is real tough okay okay I think we're good we we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good oh okay okay we got more no no no no no please please please please please I beat you I beat you I beat you just let me heal let me heal okay we're good I think we're good are we good are we chill we're chilling I don't know if we're chilling I'm just trying to pick up this Medallion okay there we go I think we oh can we pick up we can't yep can't quite pick up the big Shield can't quite pick up the big Shield just yet oh still trying there we go we did it we did it now there is going to be someone down here but that's yeah in your dreams buddy I saw that coming from a mile away that we got more people coming I think we have more people trying to come in here right I mean let's just go in here and get our loot this is our rightful loot I have a feeling we're not actually going to be able to use we're not going to be able to use a sniper this game uh I'll still try but I don't think we're going to have much success same with building I'm not sure we're going to have a lot of success with it all right let's go there we go nothing to worry about little bit of lag never hurt anyone okay there's still 23 people left I hello ah yes like I like I suspected wo wo wo wa oh my I okay uh I stopped shooting and he died not sure how that happened but I will take it I will take that um okay I mean yeah let's just go and get ourselves a bounty I guess okay who is this baby gr Gro baby Gro 805 sounds good to me we'll take out baby Gro wait he actually might be the best why is he coming towards me like this oh oh that's why bang yes dude they call me the parkour master baby Gro has been taken out I respect that I respect that I can ba I'm basically playing zero build I'm basically I'm hoping that whoever I run into doesn't know how to build because if they do I am in a lot of trouble yeah buddy let me in there b let me in let me in the godamn Box here here we go if we're doing literally anything is an absolute Mission Yep this way this way very nice very nice let's get ourselves a better vehicle and you know what let's get a bounty there he is we found him we found him I can hear him he's right he's on the Run he's on the run I'm chasing him I'm chasing after I think there's also someone in there which is crazy where'd you go where'd you go punk where did he go no now I'm now I'm actually just confused I don't know where he's gone he's so far away what is this how's he done that how'd he get there so quick you're dead another one yes sir give me two give you all of that I'll I'll take all of it gladly I'll I'll take I will absolutely take all of that thank you very much and you know what I'm also taking that okay this load out is pretty nice this load out's pretty nice I will I will say that I'm going all the way up I don't care I'm going all the way up here oh my God we got to be careful oh hold on watch this we're just going to I didn't even see him I didn't even see him where are you buddy what what okay yeah yeah yeah yeah sure wo wo wo oh okay yeah this guy might be the luckiest player in in the world how many no scopes does it take to kill a tiger the new question slide Bo not even a hit marker my I'm this glitched okay I'm clipping him I'm clipping him on 250 ping go like this boom boom a dude I'm just trying my best here this is like it's so laggy it's just not even registering anything at all yep yep this way oh my God no this is bad this is oh here we go yep nice and then we hit him with the no scope finally here we go here we go here we go there it is the world's first no scope ever hit there it is it only took 40 attempts that is the world's first no scope ever you guys just witnessed history and we managed to win a game on a completely different server which is mind-blowing to me how much percentage are we at we we got gold two oh W wo oh my God we're so close can I win a game of fortnite using gray weapons only the lowest Rarity of item in the game and we going against players that kind of know what they're doing and have a lot on the line because we're in ranked and they don't want to lose they don't want to lose their rank okay well first things first I found myself a gray weapon here I'm going to grab that we can use whatever heals we want we can only use gray weapons though at least we've got a gray weapon that is a really good start all right let's jump in let's go say what's up to these Gamers okay up here we got to be careful of the reload on this gun it's quite long yeah I I mean I don't really want any medallions or anything so I can just get out of here now that I got my kill I can get the hell out of here nice got an SMG as well that's what we' like to see good kill off the bat so movement would obviously be really nice too but I'm not banking on getting anything that I need this game I'm just taking what I'm giving go down here let's try and take this gamer out give me that very good very good very good I've just realized I have garbage Loot and I'm playing against people that are going to have Mythic weapons I am very excited whoa wo wo wo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoa what's up Gamers yeah let's go let's go let's go we got places to be people to eliminate go go go go go what's up buddy yeah I'll just be eliminating you from the game if that's just if that's okay with you you know just if it's okay with you okay I swear there were people down here on the gray weapons are going crazy all right one player left and then we might just win this game but honestly I don't know where this guy is and I'm just assuming he's got a sniper somewhere just if I had to guess okay what are you going to do pal what now I didn't even kill him with weapons I just knocked them out of the stor okay let's see what rank are we after the gray weapons only terrible idea all right gold three let's see 93% oh my God this is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard apparently you you can go inside of a wall over at ruined reels and basically you can hide the entire game and rank up while doing nothing well I got to I have to try that for myself cuz I don't believe it for a second and I have a slight feeling that I might not be the only one trying to do this yeah I'm definitely not the only person trying to do this which is pretty funny okay so if we go over here like what you can go down here and okay I mean sure I I mean oh whoops okay well now we're down here let's apparently you can just rank up while doing nothing so let's just stay here and see what happens all right we've got 10 Health left there are 17 people left I haven't moved from the spot since I got in here honestly we outlived a lot of players uh I don't know if I'm going to go up in percentage here I don't know if I don't know if my rank's going to go up but let's see it went up oh my God we actually went to platinum we went up so much became 17 zero eliminations wow okay we're officially Platinum that is crazy and on the next episode of absolutely terrible fortnite ideas in ranked we are going to try double pumping even though double pumping isn't even like a thing you literally can't double pump but we're going to do it anyway it's not even remotely possible and uh I'll go show you what I mean here we go oh there we go this is not working at all let's try this again so this is what double pumping is for me right now oh my God this is not good this is not good this dude is spectating me right now wondering what the hell I'm doing the hell's happening here oh oh my oh my God huh there we go okay wa you want you want some I'll give it you oh you're white boom there we go give me that okay let's go well I mean that was kind of funny that I I just drove a Lamborghini into that guy's head and it somehow worked and so far that we're using double pump and it's kind of working [Music] [Music] [Music] underp he had no idea that was so [Music] funny okay this double pump is kind of crazy when you have a Mythic yink give me all that boy give me all that juice give me all that juice you got to be careful of these bushes man all right let's go say what's up to this guy over here he's got a nice little house built for him which I'm going to have to unfortunately go and enter uh I mean it just is what it is I mean I can definitely I see him in the top of that [Music] cone hey what's up man I'm just coming to the garage real quick just com to the garage real quick what's up [Music] man Oh my Jesus Christ oh my goodness I did not think he was going to do that GG double pump that one definitely worked what do we got boom straight what we don't even get a whole rank up for that oh man this game we are going to be trying to sky base and ranked Yes you heard that correctly Sky basing in ranked fortnite and not just any ranked fortnite at a pretty high rank yeah this is going to be a lot harder than uh I probably imagined what is this guy doing exactly oh dude a equal toast man thank you for the materials I do appreciate that yes I'm very sorry that you decided that that was where you wanted to land so we're going to need a few things we're going to need a lot of mats for one and two we're going to need a lot of mats but let's get let's get Farming the good thing is there is a lot of metal here which is usually the hardest thing to get and if this works faith in humanity is [Music] restored wa oh my God I can oh my God first person mode activated first person mode what is that wa what is wrong with this car I can't drive the car but I can run through it okay let's figure out where the next Zone goes and we will start Sky basing all right let's go let's see if this works how long until we get shot out how long is it going to take I mean the problem is is that I have a Delian so people are going to be able to know exactly where I am and there's only really one place to check uh if I'm not on the ground I'm definitely above them so let's just I'm curious to see how this is going to work I'm very curious to see if this is going to work can skibby fart pull off a sky base well worst case scenario we've been given the Zone that's literally like we literally don't want the Zone man we don't we don't want the Zone people are going to rotate in and see where I am well I mean let's just see it let's let's just see so far it's been pretty successful but if I can get an El Elum up here I'm going to be even more happy but it's pretty obvious where this dude with the Medallion is where where is that guy where is he going here we go we got we've got a gamer oh he's getting pushed oh I mean if he sits still I'll try and snipe him if not then I'm not going to okay that's what you get for shooting out my sky base yeah I'd probably just suggest I don't know maybe don't ever do that again maybe that's just what I'm thinking oh well we got another person staring at me so we're going to have to go over there GG that's what you get do not shoot out my sky base I that's all we've got left that's all we've got I'm going to shoot out my own sky base well I mean that was it was a dumb idea it didn't work but we still managed to get the win because if anyone shoots out my sky base that we we eliminate them no hesitation no hesitation Platinum 2 let's go platinum 2 70% let's go
Channel: McCreamy
Views: 4,841,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, fortnite gameplay, challenge, epic, mccreamy, new, update, memes, funny moments, glitches, funny, gaming, fortnite challenges, epic games, fortnite glitches, fortnite glitch, free vbucks, fortnite vbucks, fortnite moments, new fortnite season, new fortnite, fortnite new, battlepass, fortnite update, new fortnite update, fortnite new update, mcreamy, fortnite battlepass, fortnite chapter 5, ranked fortnite, bronze to unreal, unreal rank, ranked
Id: Uhic02hwylg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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