I Tried Stupid Ways to Rank Up...

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first up [Music] afking and we're officially gold two someone bit me 100,000 v-bucks that I couldn't use the dumbest ideas in fortnite history to rank up so I have one day to go from gold to Diamond using strategies that absolutely should not work unless you're me we don't have time to waste next up we're going to be pretending to be an NPC and I think I'm going to be very good this one because I'm really really I'm a very convincing bot a very convincing looking NPC what are you what are you doing what the like what is why I don't understand they must think I'm a Noob or something I I mean actually that kind of works out in my favor here all right so we're going to pick up a little bit of loot hopefully I can get myself nice a shield nice very nice okay we will pop this yeah we'll pop this [Music] yep okay once again not really sure what they're doing but uh that's it's okay everyone must think I'm just the worst player or something I'm convinced all right so we're going to pop this and then we're going to act like an NPC which I think is going to work very very well I don't know this spot here just gives me nice NPC Vibes oh here we go here we go here we go we got someone like like bro what is the chances of that [Music] man bro this was going to work so well all right we're going to need to find another spot okay I feel like there's someone still around here somewhere maybe this can still work maybe the spot can still work oh maybe not o oh it kind of looks like a crime seene here I'm not going to lie o okay I mean we'll try it let's make sure everything's reloaded oh I don't like this um maybe it'll work I I don't really know but we'll try it I got to get rid of that car that car is a dead giveaway the hell out of here no one likes you cars well actually I mean a lot of people like you but not me not me in this in this specific circumstance okay here we go I don't know why this just looks don't do it don't do it come on I'm emoting come on buddy don't do it don't you dare get into that turret don't you dare get into that turret I swear you stay right where you are or you come over here and try to purchase something from me from me not again dude just drive past just drive past drive past just drive past just drive past yes I knew this would work hold up May SP to soon I knew this would work I knew it he's going to try and hit this ramp and hit me I swear to God that's what this guy's trying to do he's going to boost off that Rampage try and hit me there's absolutely no way let's go this is crazy I can't I genuin I'm in shock I'm actually I I genuinely can't believe that that worked that well despite everything that happened at the start of the game oh he might have seen oh I'm getting to Unreal oh we we are getting to Unreal yeah no we we're def we are absolutely getting to Unreal okay that's the Mythic car driving past we're good for now we're good for now yep we're still good we're still good 30 players left when we have to move from this spot we might be in a bit of trouble because I don't really know any other good spots but so far I mean you've seen it you've seen it people have driven past me another one they're look they're clearly looking at me and they just don't care here they're too they're too busy enjoying driving their cars goofy R emote what even is this or why do I have this emote yo what's up gamer dude this how is this real how is this working to every single player I don't know why it I feel like it has to be the Rubik's QB mode there's no way it'll work with this one that like watch I guarantee this isn't going to work [Music] no way no way dude there's no way oh he's going to be so mad back to Rubik's Cube there is no way man I feel kind of bad actually oh God I feel kind of bad now okay now okay so there's a problem now we literally have there's so much loot here that it's almost like unbelievable bro I need to get rid of this car we need to get rid of the evidence I'm not even working what the hell get that get away okay he's got a shy nice we'll take that instead oh my like how is this how is this working this well every time I do one of these videos something like this happens and I just have to rethink entirely how to play fortnite because this works too well here we go again ah so close to who all right did we rank up did we rank up I should have waited a little bit like dude what oh my god let's go dude we're popping off these shreds are ridiculous I mean there was too much loot there that it was in inevitable that someone was just going to drive through it all I should have thought about that next meme all right this idea is a classic we've got the prickly patroller skin on and what we're going to be doing is we're going to be uh it's very simple it's a very simple concept we're going to be pretending to be a cactus is this going to work in this year I do not know chapter 5 season 3 will this OG meme still work well I've got someone landing on me so it depends on if whether or not he wants to die yep okay so we'll just take him out real quick we can't be having anyone uh messing this meme up okay okay okay let's get some shield first get the heck out of here little bro little bro okay I think we're good all right we've got pretty much all the loot that we'll need I think I think this is all we're going to need if I had to guess got some mats okay now we need to head over to this this here Cactus or or just any cactus in general but these ones I feel like people will actually come to these okay so if I just stand right here let's just see what happens is it going to spawn on me I mean that would be actually hilarious if it did okay there's one there's two bro there's like actually there is literally no way this works I swear bro this is the funniest thing I've ever seen like just look at this I barely blend in at all this is so funny I don't have any fists or anything so it's kind of a little bit it's still a little bit scary but bro this is so funny if I can fool even one player with this I'm going to die laughing we're outside of nitro doome 2 so it makes sense that there should be people coming over this way as long as they don't run me over in their car we don't want that we do not want people to run us over [Music] this is working extremely well I'm very surprised like this is genuinely insane I'm just I'm losing my mind over here 24 people left and we haven't moved at all get in we got Zone woo get in get in lad I'm telling you guys ranked is easier than you think it's a lot easier than you think people over complicate it you don't even need to do anything to rank up I'm just invisible I'm not even I'm basically not even in the game I'm genuinely not even in the game it seems like you can see on the mini map that there are medallions just snooping around the area everywhere there's so many of them it's insane pretty scary stuff pretty scary stuff but we're top 12 right now which is ridiculous I cannot believe that this is working so well I've been here since the morning and it is night time now I'm just a I'm a cactus this is broken it's a broken Strat there's a bush right in front of me but I'm out in the open and still working [Music] thanks Lu's online thanks sweet cool okay so he accidentally killed me there um I had a feeling that was going to happen but did we rank up that is the real question that's what we'd like to see baby that's a w that's what we like to see he drove straight through me on accident and uh yeah next beam oh my dude what is happening bro chill all right so I got my brand new car here and we are going to be doing fishing loot only for this game it's a terrible terrible stupid idea because we are just putting out ourselves at a huge disadvantage but if there's anyone that's going to win a what the hell is this who the hell who who is this if there's anyone that's going to win this game it's going to be me well actually no probably a professional would also probably do pretty well um yeah no I'd say I would say that a professional probably would do kind of all right so that also win but I think I can do just as well I think I can do well in this game yeah so I've just messed up my drops substantially that's a crazy word but it's just it is what it is oh and there's someone here of course there's always one Noob that has to land next to me every time you get in the car bro oh he's not getting in the car man well oh we're going to have to take him out just get the hell out of my game like it's not that you don't land who lands here who lands here let me get my fishing Loot and we're going to get ourselves just make sure the coast is clear coast is clear yeah okay it's clear nice very nice give us like a blue or a purple weapon that's what the heck is that no we need heals and a there's no way bro why am I why have I only got SMGs okay a Flopper we'll take that we'll take a Flopper I like I like floppers okay come on we need a shotgun though we and some Shield nice okay we're going to pop that now get that out of the way boom all right now let's drop this in here that's honestly that's a really good SMG we will definitely definitely take that but please shotgun I'm bigging come on please he yes yes look at this loot it's honestly not even that bad I mean it's it's no Mythic loot by any means but but damn we got no fists or or cars but not bad fished up a deagle I just realized didn't even know you could do that Shield fish yes sir one more of them one more of them give me one more bro oh my oh my days fam this lote is substantially no guess you to be prepared okay well I mean that guy snuck up on me so we're going to have to run that back um that was just completely unfair completely unfair didn't even get a chance I literally didn't even stand a chance there so hopefully we can get as good loot as we got that game we need a shy nope we need a shy we don't need uh we don't need a deagle we do definitely don't need a third deagle that's for sure we definitely don't oh my God all right let's take the deagle this is an interesting load out for sure this is the probably the goofiest load out I have ever seen in my life let's go find some players we got to keep this up we got to keep this here fishing rod just in case just in case we can find some some more fishing holes but honestly I have no idea if we're going to be able to okay this deagle is tough to use ah oh my goodness my goodness pop a couple of these pop a couple of these bad boys there's got to be a med kit here yep let's take it I mean uh honestly the deagle kind of put in some work there kind of put in a bit of work I'll give me my shield fish back we [Music] very nice give me that what I mean yeah give me that Medallion as well I don't even know what that does I'll take it though I'll take it honestly I could I could honestly fish that up too n I'm kid I'm not going to do that that would be kind of funny though bro I'm just running around like an absolute bot right now okay I mean if I just keep hitting my shots with this deagle it's going to be kind of nice going to be kind of noce probably on might be on par with the uh with the shy there's another Medallion over there and I kind of want it I don't know where he is though he's like hiding somewhere in the South Al areas yeah but he is well and truly gone Jesus jeez bro that was very close okay let's see how much do we rank up do we go up a little bit come on let's go fing loot only we take that Platinum oh honestly not a bad game not a bad game we'll take that okay no this might be the dumbest thing that I've ever done in this game and I have no idea if this is going to work I'm praying that it does because it's kind of hilarious the first thing that we needed to do was get rid of our car skin and now what we're going to do is we going to get some Loot and then hide in the back of someone's car and hope that they just drive us around all game to the end game we got to pray that we find someone that's actually a good driver uh I got to find a car actually I don't really think this far ahead oops uh guys where's a car okay so Boogie bombs are going to be a little bit of an issue for this Strat um but it's okay it's okay it's not the end of the world all we need to do now is just find a car I have a feeling that there should be some near the Nitro D but I'm not 100% sure okay well let's get on the hunt for a car now okay here we go okay very nice very nice I mean I'm kind of invisible oh my God wo wo wo oh well that car's dead come over here buddy oh please please please just take this car take this car come on come on come come on please please please please your car's gone come take this one come here little bro yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I mean this guy's going to see me for sure oh no I'm dead I'm [Music] dead what what is happening what is no seriously what the hell is happening I can't even see anything what is happening help I still don't think he saw me what is happening bro please tell me that this guy just has no idea oh my God this is actually ridiculous what is happening bro I need that bro I auto picked it up oh yes heal us bro are you serious dude a man I needed him to drive me around all right well let's go freaking pick up all this loot might as well might as well steal all this might as well steal literally all of the loot okay now we need to find another vehicle let's just get into the zone and find another candidate oh uhoh uhoh uhoh okay I don't know what he's doing but I'm just going to take him out because I need to do the same thing I'm not even kidding like that I need that I need to do that okay this uhoh don't don't I'm not in here bro I'm not in here I'm not in here I swear oh my [Music] God yep take give me that give me that mine boom boom take that jump in here bro what I've Got The God Spot what is this I've Got The God Spot like someone if someone takes this we we're honestly good we need to situate ourselves a little bit better okay here we go here we go we're practically invisible now we're practically invisible disappeared off the screen is he going to come up here uh-oh uh-oh no one's in here bro no one's in here this guy loves flying oh my God someone else coming up oh my God this is exactly what I wanted literally exactly what I wanted drive drive oh my God this is perfect it's exactly what I wanted go bro go where is he taking me where is he taking me bro where are we going oh my God this is so funny I don't I have no idea where we're going oh dude you need to get away from that car that's the thing oh oh dude no what are you oh my God [Music] okay we we need to find another car we need to find another car there's got to be one down here it has to be oh down there maybe maybe this will work what the hell is this car doing goofy let's just send it send it send it [Music] okay well now somehow after all that we've managed to get like every single Medallion so let's go oh there we go easy game and that's the cash stke how much did we rank up from that I'm very curious that was a good game that was a good game and a solid meme a solid meme all right nice we're going to go oh so close so close okay we're up there with the decent players now because we're reaching the ranks where a lot of people get stuck so there's a there's going to be a lot of try hards in my game and unfortunately this game I'm doing something dumb very dumb every single time I get an elimination I have to swap my load out with theirs so I have to take whatever items they have and basically that's all I can use so every elimination I'm going to have a completely new load out doesn't matter if it's better or worse okay so let's just get some decent loot for now I need a shotgun man we are the shotguns are there any guns made of shots in here oh that just gave me literally here we go what boom okay what have you got oh yeah okay hold on a second yeah we can have that we can have that yeah I'll take all that looks good to looks good to me I don't know how he's managed to get that good of a load out instantly [Music] but okay I don't know what he has but we're going to drop all this take everything he had y you you've got really good loot man yep you've got really really good loot yeah no it's really good it's really really good okay hold on we got to kill this boss give me that give me all the loot buddy yep yep yep yep yes sir give me that Bo oh God I mean at least I'm going to have a Mythic for one kill that'll be nice okay well this is going to be fun for a little while I'm not sure how long this is going to last but I'm going to I'm about to get the worst load out in of all time I just know it I just know it man all right well now we're going to go hide this we're just going to go hide all this oh what is this what is this no it's so bad it's so bad oh I can't even pick up those Boogie bombs man oh jeez all right that's fine it's fine next kill hopefully has something decent but not too decent that he's just going to kill me instantly oh my God oh my God I don't like this at all oh I'm hearing shooting I'm hearing shooting oh God this yeah this is going to end at any moment I feel like okay nice drop all this boom what have you got you have crazy loot oh never mind well I thought he did all right let's get out of here okay I mean so far so good uh this load out's probably a little bit better than I could have imagined it's not too bad it's not too bad oh we got Gamers back there now though they're shooting now oh my God how much health does this car have man okay got him nice oh no I've just realized I had to swap load out okay ah Jesus Christ okay that's fine okay we'll just drop this over here we'll go pick up his loot oh God I just remembered man oh garbage straight up garbage that is insane how do you even get loot that bad ah okay we might have to go this way yeah we might have to go this way and just hope for the best okay this is sketchy this is very sketchy not really sure what to do about this not sure why I'm I'm the only person in the game okay nice okay just drop everything this guy looks like he has nothing yep oh God it's just getting less and less every single player has less and less loot it's mindblowing at least we got some heals here so we kind of messed up a little bit here because now that we uh we just have terrible loot like we've straight up just got terrible loot man straight up there's no no other way around it we just have terrible loot oh my God he's got the best loot in the game well not really but he's got decent loot oh my God there's actually no way okay this guy come on come come come on give me it man just give me all the loot okay boom boom pop the nuca cola okay it's a 1 V one I don't know where this last guy is but we've got decent loot we've got a oh god there he is break him out there make him freak out a little [Music] bit GG let's go let's go man that was a tough game oh actually we got to swap loadouts oh God let me swap load outs there we go we got it oh my God almost tossed the whole challenge because of that dude that was a tough game oh my goodness we kept getting some terrible load outs okay let's see what do we we rank up come on please I need this yes that was a terrible idea do not try this please do not try this okay the next horrible horrible terrible dumb stupid idiotic brain dead stupid I think I've said that already idea is that I'm going to be doubling my sensitivity after every single elimination there there might be a point where I'm playing on the maximum sensitivity possible and I'm not even going to be able to do anything I'm just going to be spinning around but first things first we actually have to uh we actually have to land somewhere relatively decent cuz we we still want some loot where do we go let's just go down here okay we're off to a bad start we've messed up our drop instantly but you know what don't matter let's go down here get some great loot we need some great loot so we know someone's Landing over there okay I've never landed at this POI in my entire lifespan so really just hoping we can find some loot really hoping actually that would be very nice some Shield yep love to see it oh I feel like I'm going to get minis I feel like I'm going to get minis I'm feeling mini right now I'm feeling a mini I'm feeling a mini I'm feeling it I'm feeling it it's around here somewhere no okay so here's the glitch here's a glitch here's a glitch I'm about to show you guys a glitch you pop the big shield and you find minis around the next Corner that's what happens it's a crazy glitch okay wait wait for it wait for it wait for it oh okay the glitch uh glitch didn't work oh you dancing boy you dancing boy you dancing boy you dancing what are you dancing for boy the hell is that gun I don't want that okay well that's the first elimination on the board which means let's just jump in this cone real quick 12.6% I'm actually going to have to do math as well man I'm not good at math oh hell no bro oh my goodness okay that's fine that's fine all we need is like oh oh God oh God I've just realized getting any kills at all is going to be just painful it's fine it's okay it's okay not the end of the world it's not the end of the world there are people that play on the Sensitivity I think maybe not entirely sure there probably are somewhere in the world I think we're ready to go though I think we're ready to go pop one of these now let's get on the hunt I'm about to hit this jump and it is going to be so crazy I'm about to hit this I'm about to hit this I'm about to hit this hey where good we're good I see someone hello guy Dusty bun I've just realized how difficult this is going to be oh no okay well the thing is now we have to double it again cuz I didn't even bro are you serious bro I'm about to be 100% I'm about to be a million per. what the okay we're oh God so we're at we're already at like 90% okay oh jeez this is not good this is not good I didn't even get a chance to change my sensitivity okay oh God all right let's get in the car we should be good oh my God there's more people hold on let me just go this way I need to find like a space here we go good spot here just like 90 I swear it's like 98% yeah I can't oh yep I'm not getting a single kill yep nice okay here's one mouse pad guys yep sick sorry I'm just oh God yep I'm not getting a single Kill ah ah no man my rank it was going so well oh God oh God oh jeez Louise hold on this is tough okay okay uh maybe if we can find some like more boogie bombs oh jeez this is not okay okay we're okay we're okay we're okay we're fine we're fine I can make the world's fastest uh one by one at the very least like there is there is some positives to having this high of sensitivity let me show you something real quick let me show you something ready yeah you didn't even see how fast that was that was incom incomprehensibly fast bro my game is like shaking oh my god dude there has to be Boogie bombs somewhere I they just got they has to be I mean honestly we're not doing terrible like it could definitely be worse like it could definitely definitely be worse like we're not even at 100% I don't even know like oh this is not good oh jeez Louise okay uh we got a couple of Gamers here can I break his car with my [Music] crossbow okay I mean that wasn't very smart by him not sure why he did that but okay he doy we will I guess we will definitely be taking that there is a free elimination on the board all right let's go Max it out 100% 100% 100% 100% you know what building sensitivity to 1,000% no my god dude oh my God it looks like I'm hacking bro what is that I didn't even know you could do that that's so bad oh my God 17 people left though I got to use this crossbow very well bro I canot oh my God no you have no idea how high the sensitivity is why can you go 1,000% building sensitivity who even designed that someone knew I was going to do this Challenge and completely griefed me bro what is this no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh that help help help run run run run run run why am I so oh y y the slowest player in the world yep GG wow oh my God I'm done for I'm done for I'm done for there there's no way I'm hitting a single shot here I have to get out of here go go go go no leave me alone bro I'm sitting on top of the Nitrome you can't stop me you can't stop me oh my God I'm out of bullets what do I do man okay let's just drop down here I cannot believe how High the sensitivity is there is no way that they' they've updated that the sensitivity percentage like when did that happen tell me when that happened bests might actually be our best friend here I'm not even trolling if we can't find Boogie bombs bests might be our best friend oh my God you know what isn't our best friend though people in guard cars that is not what you want to mess with bro are you serious Riz God just died wait wait oh oh my oh my god oh dude if I had like a boogie bomb now my fre is dead bro any Boogie bombs no where are the boogies yep let me get all of that actually let me get all of that bro oh yeah yeah yeah up here oh my God hold on a second oh this is good there's no way I'm the this bad at the game I'm too good I'm too good give me that no no no no no not happening Bud oh my God I'm the oh no oh my goodness oh my god oh oh no way we won that that might be my best win ever no I'm not inviting power locky to the party I know after that win he's probably begging to but that was a rush trying to you're trying to tell me I I don't even I don't even rank up for that I don't even rank up I mean that I should basically be unreal after that next up we're going to try and be friendly uh I'm not a really friendly player in fortnite if I see someone I'm basically going to eliminate them every single time but if I try being friendly will they will people let me live will people let me get my rank up is it is it simply just about being kind one I'm going to be taking this 100% seriously I'm not going to eliminate a single player even if they shoot at me I'm risking a crown for this I'm just putting my faith in the fortnite community okay one sec we just got to get set up but like the whole Lobby is here for some reason let's just see if this works man I'm just going to post up right here going drop a drop that there drop that there drop that there I'm just going to do this man I listen I I don't think this is going to work literally at all I don't think this is going to work for 1 second I think this guy is going to run me over in one Split Second here he comes here he comes let's see it let's see it buddy let's see it buddy wait hello dude okay I'll drop the crown as well it's even better it's even more enticing maybe this works maybe it doesn't I don't know let's see does anyone want a crown I feel like it's pretty enticing I don't know oh yep there it is yep all right let's continue let's see did we minus 3% for being friendly guys eliminate everyone as you can see by that little symbol uh top left of my screen we are traveling across the world for the next challenge where we have to try and win a game on a completely different region fingers crossed that we run into some absolute noobs because I am going to be in for a rough one if anyone is even remotely good cuz building is going to be kind of difficult let's just say that building is going to be kind of difficult someone's Landing here that's okay I'm better I'm smarter I'm more handsome I'm cooler I have more friends I just I'm just overall just a more Alpha gamer boom that's right Max Shield instantly give me all of that I need as much ammo as I can get I just tried to peek around a corner in real life okay I think the DMR I don't know if the DMR is going to be my friend actually I don't know if I I don't know if I have much trust in this we will see though we will see oh there's someone here okay hold on a second a second oh he's one hit he's one hit bro come on run let me in I can't I'm never I'm never taking this wall whoa chill out buddy oh I'm dead Okay um oh minus 8% for that too very interesting very interesting um that didn't work and here we are the final meme are we going to get to Diamond in this final game using terrible ideas to win the bit um yeah I think you guys already know what I'm what I'm trying to do this game the next dumb idea is using the worst skin combo imaginable and basically making yourself pay to lose I'm a giant walking Target am I going to be able to win the game or is this truly a terrible idea I've never landed here in my entire life man but somehow there's 400 other people Landing here you know what in that case we're going to do a little detour do just a little cheeky detour here okay very nice take all his mats all of them [Applause] boom get out of my game boy you trying to steal my Mythic for what are you doing bro oh you want some [Applause] too like you're not getting away bro you're not getting away boom realiz the world is okay one more elimination One Singular more player yeah I mean all right I mean I can't believe we actually won that genuinely that's crazy what are we going to get now is this are we finished is that is that challenge complete we might have done it we may have done it yes yes Keep It Coming Keep It Coming Keep It Coming keep it coming 81% I actually can't believe this we were so close I don't understand how this works man well I've officially lost the bet GG
Channel: McCreamy
Views: 427,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, fortnite gameplay, challenge, epic, mccreamy, new, update, memes, funny moments, glitches, funny, gaming, epic games, fortnite glitches, fortnite glitch, free vbucks, fortnite vbucks, fortnite moments, new fortnite season, new fortnite, fortnite new, battlepass, fortnite update, new fortnite update, fortnite new update, mcreamy, fortnite battlepass, fortnite chapter 5, fortnite season 3, fortnite cars, fortnite challenge, random fortnite
Id: gfodBfZUEIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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