The HARDCORE 4 CORNER Challenge!

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welcome to the four corner Wasteland challenge it's myself ma winter and overstrand and each of us are dropping at a different corner of the map which has a wasteland challenge which means we're all going to have some different type of Nerf in our game but which of the four of us can go on to win the game let's find out but of course make sure to use code locky if you enjoy the content because that would be very epic all right good luck don't die all right good look okay wander four corner challenge I am pain dud I'm landing at the most I guess South part of this entire map on this little Island my little challenge will be set up all right I'm hot Dro I'm going top right I've got the snow biome all right wastelander challenges where am I going I think I'm going below Reckless right so I'm like first to drop all right go to my location we're going to the wastelander station I've never done this before I I I this is my first time doing this all I know is I have a crown and I got to dub out I am just praying that I don't get the one where you pick up ammo or pick up items and take damage I I want to live like every time I do a Four Corners challenge I'm the first one dead don't give me something bad all I want is to not stand still like that's fine I'll take the Full Throttle challenge we're just going to get our Shield up and let's grab this challenge what are we working with take damage when touching the ground we got four is lava okay I got to instantly okay and I've already taken five damage don't tell me I'm contested all right now he's going away he's backing off this over Str station mate get out of here all right here we go wastelander challenge where is it okay over here okay again this is like this is my first time doing doing this accept health and shield items are not usable H wait what so I just can't I can't heal all right I've got Rebel Roost over here so I'm just hoping I get the challenge that allows me to not stand I got like the worst drop is that a bot I'm getting out dropped by a literal AI in fortnite give me these fists and I'm running straight over what challenge do we get don't be the burning hot one take damage while standing still okay I'd argue that that's probably one of the easier challenges I just need to keep keep running press W and we're good there we go I'm the last of the four to accept the challenge it's fine though what do we got what do we got let's go uh no that's the worst one so every time I pick up an item I take damage which is just like absolutely the worst one I I think if I walk into a box and try to pick up all the loot like this is 20 damage that's ridiculous I have to be careful cuz I need to pick up a med kit even the ammo counts as his own individual piece of like stuff that hurts and of course the minis do as well this one is like definitely the worst challenge cuz you can actually just eliminate Yourself by walking in a room I will take the bandages because they will keep me alive see like I could have just died there oh I can't touch the ground lovely stuff dude now we're going to need our match up so I honestly might even disarm this entire building here for uh some metal because we're going to need literally every bit of material we can get or I just cheese it and I grab a car I think I'm going to go try and grab a car I think grabbing a car is strats here where okay if I died to a bot there that could have been bad so while I'm looting and stuff I need to make sure that I'm trying to wiggle side to side and that's pretty much it that's like the hardest part of my challenge then for chest like this I'm just going to break whatever's underneath them I don't want to take any damage I just damn it I forgot about it bro and I just instantly took damage that's all right do we have a car here we do Lamborghini give me that so I can't pop this can't do that right now no way bro wait unless I get cacti I might be able to get cacti cuz that's not a healing item but I might have to play around the ca okay this is going to be harder than I thought now just to show off my challenge here if I so much just touch the ground I am taking damage by the second yeah like this is great this is honestly phenomenal if I get like one build chopped out from me and I land on the ground I'm just slowly dying that's an explosive bow which I would like to carry pretty sure this player is not real okay oh oh see if I picked up those things I would have died bro how is this fair and I'm not even in a good location to like you know have cactuses or anything like that gu here Alex chill dead nice and I can run and pick up loot freely I don't have to worry about it thank you very much I'm going to go to classy courts try and clear it out get all the Geeks out early all right honestly I might just dip that's the battle bus I don't know if I want the battle bus though wait let's check what this is oh this just repair kit all right a let's get out of here all righty time to WQ some players I love eliminations they're the best all right we're going to play some cacti simulator real quick here there's a lonely individual up here this is definitely not one of the boys this is who is this y what's up dude yep sick we got a car there I think I'm going to grab that car I'm not can I stand on this okay I can stand on that that's fine we're learning here we are learning as we go this is good there someone here what is hello my dude 54 doing bro what is he up to and there's a car here he's picking up a wasand challenge I'm almost certain of it a I could have killed him not like this please go through the gate okay good I can't die like this if I pick up a single item I die which means I now have to pick up something that will heal me slow barrels if I walk over a single item this game's over for me I need a slow Barrel come here Champion I mean there we got some we got some real gamers in this Lobby I'm playing to be aggressive here like even though I know the only objective is to win I don't care I I want kills if I see one of the other boys I might I might let him live I'll see where going I go maybe lavish I feel like Lin wouldn't go to Lavish l so we should be okay over here right here okay this is the moment of truth TR even with the wastelander challenge can I still grab cacti and the answer is yes all right that's gamechanging for us that is huge oh look at that full 200 all right this is literally the only way we can heal this and I I I think slurp barrels oh who's this Y come back here buddy I need some kills maybe I go after him hey buddy 20 40 all right let me get in this pop the Nitro weak one HP Dead Oh over's picking up a kill with the machine gun turret okay bro is bro is in a car feel like everyone's going to be in a car I can't even lie that is some loot if I've ever seen some dude trying to grab loot off the ground sucks dude like like what my oh oh that's not great that is not what we love to see okay no slow Batts exist down here come on man come on man is it in here the slow Barrels near touched that bandage okay I have to be careful no item there okay give me that okay yep I need a med kit guys come on Med kit no I'll take the shock waves for 10 Health oh wait wait there's a campfire okay bro why is this just the most terrifying challenge I've ever done in fortnite dude I cannot find any players there's 50 people alive but I big the diff off my my shotgun wasn't reload I've just had a Lamborghini stolen from me all right we're playing this game now are we I don't know if getting out was the smartest play there to be honest no come back okay we got him I respect the effort like he took the car and then he just stopped it I don't know why he did that okay I'm getting in a car screw it i'm cringe what is pebody doing bro nice one HP dead we'll take it that was a medallion player dude now do I be cringe and you know what I will be cringe we got a Mythic car for ourselves oh this is going to make this challenge so much easier now we got nothing to worry about not a single thing to worry about here dude like we are chilling all right we'll play down look at that and we got the fists that's huge wait let's do this missed 50 man cake oh dude light work okay dude I got to remember I'm dude I'm not supposed to be taking damage here dude this health is not regenerable is that one of the boys wait they got a Mythic car bro is that oo hey over over what your ride yo is that you I'm King you bro get back here you can try KY me bro but I will roll you I will not hold back where'd you go bro okay we're back on for that I need medkits bro where are the medkits oh nice o over strill and sticky fingers okay I'll see you I feel like I've gotten off here really light by the way all the other boys are going to have terrible challenges and I'm kind of just running around like I have to just hold W down and it's not even that bad if I want to box up I just do this life's easy life's great you guys want to discuss like what challenges everyone's got or what's yeah we keep that secret or we like put on table we putting that on the table yeah what's going on there we keeping it a secret what's it go lucky what are we doing yeah look guys I think it should be a secret I got the best one though so you guys better be oh he definitely got the one where he picks up loot no no no no no I didn't I tell you if I did oh oh yo what's up Loy whoa hey chill bro's trying to key me what the hell bro I'll leave you be brother I'm going the other way hey where'd he go what did you leave wait what what have you got you bro was like here and then he wasn't here yeah I'm at restored reals I'm already I'm getting another kill I got another kill thank you bye okay so Lan's definitely oh is there any way I can make him forcefully pick up loot like if I throw medkits at him or something and then he goes and picks him up now not medkits maybe minis or something useless or I'll just I'll leave a trail of ammo everywhere end game that's my goal who's this wait who's this bro 30 60 oh dude give me this guy 70 no Shield oh bro got clipped bro didn't even hit me for anything honestly enjoy that I can't even Pop Fizz I'm triggered bro okay where did over go that's got to be him I want to chase over a little bit here it would be kind of funny yeah that's one dead oh that's terrifying bro we locked in for a little there but we did end up cleaning that up let's take that dude let's go give me my car back bro I want my car back it's it's my safety it's my safety I need like to try and find a place on the map that sells me like unlimited uh I don't know medkits actually so mad you guys have no idea every item I pick up every item 10 damage not five 10 the standing still one does five ticks this does 10 ticks there's 10 pieces of ammo on the floor I die all right that's it now you know what I'm going to do what the game wants me to do and just just sit in a car I'm trying to I'm trying to let him live a little bit oh I see over oh no I can't stand still I can't stand still all right four limbs oh who's this yeah now you's getting the key mate what's this like an AI or something wait m m is this you bro yo what's up dude how you going yo what's up take this guy out real quick now okay yeah hold on I'll give you a hand whoa these guys are teaming that's cringe man I got you bro I got you oh oh oh my God the cacti oh wait dude where oh oh my oh my God that is bad oh my God I died I got fisted wait what M's dead what oh crap that's what we get for teaming bro overrun where are you dead I'm dead dude I died wait by this guy my over I'm fragging him I'm fragging him oh winter wait why are you shooting me dude I was wow oh you want to fight no no no hey hey that's I'll back up the call out I just don't want to be teaming here you know hey he was 10 HP bro but like that's um what just happened I killed an anonymous dude what is going on bro where's locky bro like oh lucky wo whoa whoa whoa oh no dude locky is getting aggressive right now all right we'll let over live we'll let you live we'll let you live we'll let over live now I'm so low all right so Ma's dead I have no AR ammo but now I'm back here so I can try and use these uh things to heal up and now he's still my car give me cacti dude get me out of here bro and now he's yeah no that's mine that's mine that's mine get away from me okay lock him back in I might need to ditch the car soon this seems a little too broken to get kills we'll ditch the car we'll ditch the car oh win's got the one where you pick up stuff I think I know what what is Winter's challenge I don't even know what his challenge is is it floor is lava L's got the one where you pick up loot actually have no idea what over's got and then winter has the one where if you touch a floor you take damage I definitely had the easiest challenge here and where'd they go I everyone was around here for a bit oh that's that's someone oh that's a luckin is that winter see I've got a thermal scope all right bye winter oh is this L this is Lan vers winter goodbye I picked up no no no no I had a one in four chance of that working no bro oh my you just got outplayed so hard no bro Auto pickup grief that's actually 500 IQ I'm not even mad I'm not even mad no that is so smart no cuz I just dropped my entire inventory in your your okay over what have you got uh I've got no healing no Shields yeah I can tell cuz you're in the desert you trying I see you I see you the GTI simulator Winter's definitely got like can't stand still or something like n he's got floor is lava oh this guy whoever's got the guy with the Galaxy yeah the Galaxy guys on me he's actually like not bad yeah I mean he's got zero mats but he's got zero mats by the way I'm definitely teaming right now comes this guy has to go oh okay okay okay oh bro that was close bro he got in dude Oh my he was in in there dude I'm locking back in over best of luck hey best luck mate we'll catch in the end all right where's my shield barrels at oh there we go wait does this heal me yes okay this is good thank the heavens that heals me I need to try and get myself some white meds here cuz I am oh I am low I am low surely there's the barrels still over here I'm banking on the barrels that's a okay dude I don't even know what the hell I'm just eating for food dude like what is going on do disappear bro oh this looks like some action I want to get involved in wait so over can't heal but Winter's taking the healing Medallion I think yeah so over is screwed here he's not in the desert he he's looking for slurp barrels I think there's someone in here bro who's in here hello oh I'm dead I'm dead uhoh oh no it could be over for over oh no oh no no no healing no healing by the way I'm just getting beat beat up right now with fists bro and the Zone did not pull South yeah it's yeah it's Fist City oh no he's got good mats but the guy just going to unless oh whoa who's this guy I need I need to heal man it's a different guy he's very bsy for this all right you know what I need to get out of here I need to get out of here bro oh SLP truck wait that slurp truck could be huge dude give me this delicious so good hey where is this over strand guy at dude I don't know if I want to kill him maybe I try to let it get down to like a One V one I'm looking for people bro I'm seeing is this ground okay this isn't even the ground maybe the underworld's where I want to be like okay that is an AI yep GG we will take that every day of the week oh he had mad yo I've just been blessed by a by an AI all right eight left bro I don't know where Winter is but I kind of want to get back in that um the action over there bro oh that's an AI oh wait who's that all right here we go over can't heal he's got his 200 he needs to keep this as long as he can yeah this is all the health he has if I was him I'd be hiding I can't lie oh he's no bro is not hiding I'm chasing this guy down there's an AI right here but I'm chasing this player hey buddy what's up man all right here we go go crazy over go crazy oh no oh no oh no over's just taking a chunk oh here we go hey what are you without the gloves buddy what are you without the fists come on over oh no he got him nah mate nah you aren't doing that to me but holy smokes bro I'm back to 1 HP and I can't heal bro what is this challenge oh no is literally on 50 Health he can't heal oh winter is chilling man he's got Mythic AR He's Got The Medallion he's full health pop seven situation dude o is one of them with his own wastelander challenge maybe he's got the can't stop moving or he's got the no Shield I hit up a little Rebo trat like low key run it up this will work right this this will work this will be fine dude I'm running out of real estate at this point where my shield Barrel is at I don't know where all the oh here's one yeah there you go he found one he didn't get it oh my God bro he didn't even get it over buddy oh that's a rip I needed that Shield bar give me the shield I'll take anything at this point I actually don't know this POI too well I don't know where the the shield barrels are okay we're on a top five three alha players besides for myself and over oh let's get on that Hill actually that is a good Hill to be on so I can stand on this okay oh okay I can't stand there but I can stand up here come on where are the people at on that's rattle Royale 80 down dude like what is what is blood think he's doing dud oh no I don't like this forever oh winter verse over wait we get it early over I don't know if this is the fight you want bud just over on me oh this is going to be I don't like this D you can just one tap me and I'm dead what oh there only there's only one other guy left yeah it is it's a real player and he's using and he's using the Mythic car Mythic car with Black Knight skin all right is there a is there a car down here dude I'm so confused on what's happening right now yeah no sick that's a car yeah that's one of the other players come on come on we get this guy come on dude hit my shots that's him dead hyper Flint down oh we've got every Medallion every Mythic oh we are locked in for this final 1 V one dude dude this is a stressful game of fortnite right now I'm really rooting for over here but I don't see a world where he pulls this off bro got nothing yo you got to find a campfire here let me I'm going to ig you real quick I'm going to find you a uh a campfire oh dude my goat yes if you go all the way top left there's a campfire on the beach okay yeah all the way top left top left Zone oh you pulled right no no the new Zone the new Zone has one the new Zone has one all right good CS huge CS I like this it's a one V one over verse winter who's going to make it happen yeah it's time he can't get it yet okay the new Zone has a barrel and campfire I need this I need to get the campfire and then I need to get the barrel and I might have a chance here oh he almost broke them Stoke that baby Stoke that I'm I'm stressed right now but I got to lock in it's me versus winter right here nice okay over back to 100 I think he gets 130 I think there's three barrels here from memory all right we got a little bit of Health 120 that's all we got we are stacked if I lose this somehow I will be shocked we just don't need to touch the floor floor is lava for us we we can live without the floor you know we can build he won't he won't notice really I hope where's winter bro where's winter bro where is he where is Winter he's he's ratting around right now I see him what is he doing on the reboot bro no oh oh no is that which on the reboot oh over saw him oh he saw him oh 100 no oh my God wait over's going in oh I can't touch the floor I can't touch the Floor N Winter's got the Nitro bro I'll be terrified as I was over oh 30ty oh oh I'm being I can't touch the floor oh my God wind is taking damage on the floor 13 Health he's panicking oh I'm I'm being I'm being dusted I'm oh my God over's going oh go in get in get in oh my God no why did I do the second one bro no oh no oh my God Wasteland the challenge complete the ground is lost what no there's no way bro there's no way that was so close bro I just trickshot him dude I thought I was done I'm all played when I'm all played oh jeez GG GG's dude
Channel: Lachlan
Views: 629,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite battle royale, fortnite, lachlan, lachy, duos, new season, battle royal, lacy, laclan, epic games, gaming, esports, games, video games, poggies, battle royale, warzone, pubg, lachydachy, power, pwr, rocketleague, rlcs, fortniteupdate, update, battlepass, battle, pass
Id: FDEuy-0tF4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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