I Tried Commuting on an Electric Skateboard for 7 Days

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I commute with mine every day it's not raining. Hate it when I have to drive my car.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/nurpleclamps 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I don't know if that was ever posted before. But it's worth looking at again now that the warm weather is here. Contrast the streets he gets to ride on with the chaos we have to deal with in America. He is safe from cars and trucks and generally separated from pedestrians too. [typo edit]

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/atomicmikecane 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
what happens if I use my electric skateboard as my main way of commuting for seven days commuting it's something we all do because we got to do it from home to school to work to the skate park perhaps every single person does it and we're living in interesting times because technology is making changes to the way we do it in this video I'm trying to find out what happens if I use an electric skateboard as my main way of commuting for seven days that means I'll be ditching my bicycle and I'll be using an electric skateboard for the following seven days what are the pros and cons of using an electric skateboard as your main way of commuting how many kilometers will I write on this suffice well I've become lazy will I get caught by the police also icons I can't lock that thing so how will I be able to stash it if I enter a building a lot of answers to these questions will be found during this week hopefully all right so what's up electric skateboard will I be using during these seven days well there was this company backfire and they were nice enough to send me one of their latest Electric skateboards in backfired g2 team they were also nice enough to be the sponsor of this video which allows me to create higher quality content allows me to take more time for videos which in return gives me a better video so if you liked the topic on this please hit that Bell icon and also if you're interested in buying an electric skateboard you can check out the link in my description it's a link to their website if you buy the board through that link it supports this channel but a people a couple days ago backfire send me this box and today we'll be unboxing it all right so it's time to open the box first the first big question because this is the third time we're opening out the box will be a box in box what do you think this box in the box box two box okay got a good knife do anything doing things properly this time [Music] and I think good I think you were right thanks it's a box in the bog it's another box in a box [Music] all right this is it this is their latest electric skateboard the backfire t2t this is it [Music] all of the specs can be few on their website but there are a couple ones that really stood out to me and the first one is the remote the Wireless remotes displace the battery and the speed of the board although I do have to say that the battery is more of an indication other thing I really like about this board is that they provide you with extra wheels so you got eighty-three millimeter ones at ninety six millimeter ones 96 is definitely the way to go in Amsterdam because we got certain roads that are paved with cobblestones the thing I love about it the most is probably the look of it because it just looks super sick the gold collar the wheels the overall design it just makes this thing loop dope for now the most interesting part of this video is the seven-day challenge so starting from May 23rd I'll be using an electric skateboard for seven days and by doing this I'll be able to tell if an electric skateboard has the potential of becoming a proper way of commuting in Amsterdam and potentially the rest of the world Electric skateboards are a relatively new phenomenon and because of the novelty of this technology a lot of countries don't have legislation on this device and a lot of countries are working on legislation and so it's my beautiful country the Netherlands so that adds a fun little aspect to this challenge so I get caught by the police right and just to update you guys on the latest news there is a petition in my country that tries to get the personal light electric vehicle legalized and their main argument is that they are ten times prettier than regular vehicles and also a little fun fact is that the prime deputy minister of Belgium uses a boost board [Music] all right so today it's the first day of only using my electrics Gabriel first things first coffee all righty [Music] with just a place where you can work really well so the first day was quite a usual day but it wasn't it better than any other usual day because instead of cycling through the place I work at I flew there using my electric skateboard [Music] after a little edit session I flew back home while stopping at my favorite Turkish shop just to grab some food you guys called Nanak always get my food out there is lovely ok no extra difficulties were experienced using the board everything did go a lot faster though finish your school work you gotta go skate taking for it feels a bit weird taking my electric skateboard but we got to complete this challenge it's only the first day we're going to the skate park with my regular board using my electric board conclusion after day 15.1 km/h than I would usually do soft people today is the second day of using the backfire board as my commute charge and yesterday today's a beautiful day the weather it's really really great damn it's this beautiful day I just work today at home did a lot of editing finished some school project and right now I'm going to the park for the a me because I hadn't borrow my other electric skateboard and we're cruising through this bar because we have to do a photo shoot for a festival I don't really know what it's all about you just asked me and I told them yeah that's cool and then we can cruise around the city and do a little tiny road trip do a little trip through amsterdam day 2 included a great opportunity for the back fire board because exposure she was located at this part in the south of Hamsterdam of that rainy borrow my other electric board and that meant those times were a tiny little road trip grounds not perfect out here cobblestones not the best don't go too fast on this stuff he'll be fine alright so we just had the shot at the festival all right now trying to get home on the thing but the battery's pretty low so I guess this is a good test to see what the ranges of the board 10% left all right so the board is going seven it's probably the end so we're taking the public transport the Metro because this is the fastest it goes push hard enough look at that we're going 20 so far the only disadvantage was that I had to push the board which wasn't even a real disadvantage because pushing the board without battery goes pretty smooth despite this I did have to take the metro back home which means during these 7 days I already had to use a different mode of transportation once it is quite nice that you can just bare your board in the metro though I don't have to pay any extra which you are supposed to do if you take your other mode of transportation the bicycle can't say anything specific about the battery range though because we went pretty far on some crazy cobblestone roads they end it with 11.9 traveled kilometers today yes day three of using my electric skateboard as my main mode of transportation except today I really can't use it because yesterday I was shoot at the festival I asked them if it was possible to stash my board somewhere behind a bar behind the stage I don't know where but they told me it wasn't possible that people are really not looking for something like that so before generally today I have to use my bicycle so a lot of little trips have been done so far the electric board is able to make most trips a lot more fun and fast it's capable of a trip to the skate park trip to the grocery store a trip with a buddy but today it was going to be a simple trip to the gym alright so today's Sunday and yesterday I was unable to stash the board at the festival as expected so it was bicycle time but this is the fourth day of using my electric skateboard as my main mode of transportation going through the gym using my electric skateboard I was definitely capable of doing that because before working out they let me stash the board behind the counter another 5.8 kilometers were added to our list all right today is the fifth day of this challenge using my electric skateboard that's my main mode of transport on the fifth day yeah boy I really had to finish a written paper for school so in the morning I took a beautiful ride through Amsterdam through the city center of Amsterdam to arrive at an old library of the University of Amsterdam luckily the board could be put next to me in the library no extra hassle at all and on my way back I had successfully traveled another 11.8 kilometers what's up my cheese it is day six of using the electric skateboard as my main mode of transportation and I clean my room today because there's something I want to show you guys because in my house there is this guitar holder as for my housemate masers also the editor of some of my videos but look at that so that's there to hold the guitar when we found out that if we remove that piece of art then you can exchange it for for this bad boy and now we got something really dope on the wall on this day as a person born and raised in Amsterdam I got a pretty legendary opportunity today is a little bit of a special day because there's just an old called egg doodle and I dunno look at that it is closed for cars people from the public transport are protesting so that's why were able to go with the electric skateboard through this tunnel it has happened a couple times before in the 90s the last time was in 2005 but now 14 years later I got an opportunity to go through this tunnel with my electric skateboard it was pretty insane because I went through the skate park in the north of Amsterdam and I've never gotten there so quickly after I went back home I took a little trip to see a movie and those were some beautiful 14.2 km/h today's day seven completion day the last day of doing this challenge it's a beautiful day sun is shining after completing my work for the day day seven the last day of this challenge I wanted to end this challenge by making an adjustment to my room dedicated to this electric skateboard and especially this video went to the music shop to pick up something that I had ordered during this challenge that's why this perfect guitar holder they say but multi-purpose nice haha work soon so one week later more than 55 kilometers later I have completed this challenge of using this board as my main way to commute only failing two times by taking the metro once and use my bicycle once but ultimately I have my pros and cons about this device ready just to summarize the pros what I loved about using this board last week is that it's a lot more fun and a lot more fast compared to a bicycle also this particular electric board is quite lightweight compared to other electric boards so another thing I really lost last week that I was able to push the board confidently when the battery was in if I pushed hard enough the only real downside I experienced using this board last week is that you might not always be able to stash the board somewhere now usually if you asked nicely you'll be able to put it somewhere but as you can tell from last week's experience there is a small chance that that might not be possible out of all the electric boards I've had so far this is definitely my favorite one so please check them out in the description there's a ton of other features on the website that I didn't talk about hope you guys enjoyed this video peace out and skate on [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Skateboard Bruh
Views: 511,270
Rating: 4.8582058 out of 5
Keywords: electric skateboard, skateboard, commute, buy electric skateboard, backfire gt2, boosted board, skate, what electric skateboard to buy, 7 days using an electric skateboard, best electric skateboard, cheap electric skateboard, electric skateboard commute, amsterdam, how to buy an electric skateboard, electric skateboard challenge
Id: OjoXddkSI6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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