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alright guys we are super excited to be here today with Fetty and his name is Uzi actually and we have a box what's inside the box I don't know we never know these things what in the world is deer Bell thank you for having us at your spot six wheels WTF we are huge fans of the show and want to say thanks we hand drew this masterpiece love freeboard beautiful I love it literally looks exactly just try new trucks new trucks it is self-correcting what oh wait look at that has like adjustments what did you talk to me wow look at this free board free boarding is extremely dangerous you are responsible for your own safety use this product with extreme caution and at your own risk look at these wheels how did they come up with this it's sort of like snowboarding on the street what is this brilliant brilliant we need a board what is this oh wow how does it work madam your foot okay so basically we go like this right you need to put this stuff on top first oh my god what's the name Les Stroud yeah yeah he's my hero is real what do you mean thinks bigfoot is real Bigfoot is fully real dude if flesh crowd thinks he's really and also there's a video he said when he thought he heard one you took a video picking weeds right or like whatever he was picking and he's like I didn't get the camera like in time to like film what I was hearing but if you look in that video or he said that there's trees like moving in the background like super crazy I feel like that gives them credit you never know what he's talking about really just he just goes anywhere just does anything so how do I put this together normally we only use two hardware now we're gonna be using six hardware pre-boarding is to freedom I'm making sense of these things you could just grab something and just like plug it into somebody's heads and then it just projects their thoughts you wouldn't want this it's complex thoughts mixed with circus music free board is to skateboard as Les Stroud is the Bigfoot allen key is to the hardware but the hardware is to a Phillips head by the way we have people that actually know what they're doing in this video first time ever so I'm so I'm doing okay so I can put these on first that's the spring oh I see I see so that when you descend a drop the Wills not sideways and you land and get will chattering that's why wheelchair Daniel one time broke an egg and dumped it onto his counter true story thinking that he was going to make an egg alright I have 100% completely assembled one house and one free board let's go let's ride this thing alright guys so we are very excited to have free board professionals in the real house today the best in the world okay so what this is is it has six wheels and these ones are higher off than those ones so the idea with this is that it's basically like snowboarding so you're writing but then you can go sideways and slide like you would on a snowboard so so the way the way that it's actually engineering because it was engineered by a guy out of Stanford University in the late 90s and he literally took the physics just snowboarding so if you imagine a ptex base which can go in any direction or you would say omnidirectional key text base yeah so the plastic base so you could slide that on the ground yeah and it can go in any direction that's what this simulates I got it right and then your metal edges are right here on either side yeah so you basically have your p-tech space and your metal edges that's what it's know where it is so if you can snowboard you should be able to do this yeah now that your turning radius is adjusted with the bushing right so as this turns in it creates an arc just like a snowboard would when you lean it and then the snowboard so they said that you can catch an edge like you can't no I'm now and then this is a like this new prototype we're trying to get it closer to snowboarding so when you stand on a snowboard it's it's completely flat right so all of the wheels touch but now this has independent suspension so when you lean on one edge the other side will actually come so that's more like snowboarding and it feels more stable so when you actually stand on it it feels like you're standing on the longboard and then when you lean on one edge the outside edge comes off the ground to give you clearance to be able to slide okay let's go Oh snowboarding I'm so scared of catching an edge I wish they wouldn't have told me and I could have just eaten it really hard what I almost want to do is I wish I could take the bindings off and just have the board right yeah I mean if you it's funny if you go like right here and you're kind of on that side you're just rolling like that it feels like it when I'm not used to on a snowboard is it's like so easy to go like that and I think that this is the same like it's easy but for some reason like it doesn't work mentally okay let's let the real professionals actually do some real tricks in the Braille house all right you guys can go ham roll down the bank down the bank no way no boarding master Betty Wow this is just like snow morning that's what I look like in snow the rail he was like I just wanted to like warm up real fast let me go straight to the handrail [Music] that was incredible just the slide it looks so cool scariest bailing ever how do you look crazy on a snowboard I understand your feet like they're in there you're not going out no matter what but this wolf that's a you look like I understand board free board more than meets the eye telling me how he doesn't want to try this crazy oh he's got it Carlos I know you can do it Carlos r.i.p [Music] you know that he's got that the stairs are fixed everybody wow that's my carlos right there like a true professional Carlos he can skate anything [Music] I figured it out game it's like snowboarding oh wow yeah with that kid something's wrong with them it's funny because the way that they angle I keep thinking that they're gonna hit the rail and then they don't know I mean look at this madness [Music] [Applause] why are there still rocks here [Music] so I guess when you get used to it you're know like when you're going to catch an edge then it's fine but like whoo deadly yeah boy nailed a house a big house a big gap reminiscent of Carlos being thrown into the wall I didn't think he could stop that fast bukata we've had a graceful edge yes hold on a sec he's trying to manual I think I think you can manual look what's that one wheel [Music] ya know that's my favorite part is when they just slide the fasting just slide danger PR danger is happening right here that's not a knife I was making sure he was aimed for the ramp before [Music] I didn't really get that that was just like the Christmas tree again let's give me almost I've got that good land let's go got the safety ones [Music] what you're doing Aaron [Music] there you go right that langtang and you are dead I like pizza [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's real cute crows wow that was mind-blowing ly incredible I hope you guys enjoyed that video check out all the other videos right there you will have a blast watching all of those please subscribe like leave a comment below and you yes you learn how to skateboard go to Braille skateboarding comm for everything you need
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 1,814,781
Rating: 4.8641181 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, braille, snowboard, freeboard, free bord
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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