Shark Wheels Review: Are They Actually Good?

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shark wheels are probably one of the most polarizing products when it comes to the skate and longboard community at one end you have people like i started writing shark wheels and they changed my life forever i'm not even kidding you i love them then on the other end you have people that are like these wheels ruined my life how could you ever invent something like this these are a disgrace and so that's why i'm making this video basically just to help the person that's right in the middle decide if they should pick up a pair or not [Music] alright so these wheels right here are called shark wheels because they're designed after the shape of shark jaws i purchased these about over four months ago now and have been testing them these are 72 millimeter and then we have the 60 millimeter which are both 78a and on the packaging of these basically all of the marketing material they make four main claims they're better for rough terrain they're faster they're more controllable while sliding and they last 15 longer those are some pretty heavy claims so i did my best to consider all of them while riding and i know i probably could have done several other alternative testing methods but this is just what i came up with i'm not here to make the most scientifically accurate tests i'm just trying to give you a better idea on if their claims are justified after personally testing them like if jimmy bob joe in arkansas is gonna pick up these wheels based on the fact that they're better for rougher terrain and faster is he gonna really feel the difference in riding that you feel me like that's what i'm here for or are all of these claims just good for marketing purposes basically the goal of this video was to test these wheels and compare them to traditional wheels to see if i really felt those differences like is it really going to make sense for you to spend an extra 20 30 40 on these shark wheels the first claim that i want to go over is that they're better for rougher terrain on their website they basically say that because the way that their wheel is designed when it rolls over rocks and pebbles it hits them to the side versus a traditional wheel just plows right over them so as a result they say their wheel maintains firm contact with the ground giving an overall smoother ride i rode at several different speeds and i even wrote it in insanely rough terrain and when i say rough terrain i like legit took this thing onto an off-road trail but that ended up being a terrible idea all right i want to get straight to the point all said and done i really didn't notice that much of a difference don't get me wrong i mean i'm sure that this pattern does a better job at funneling rocks and pebbles and i'd be straight up lying to you if i said that i felt a major difference when riding on rough terrain another like separate note is that when you ride shark wheels on smoother pavement they actually feel a little rougher than traditional wheels it's a very subtle difference and actually one of my friends did mention it without me even saying anything but i did just want to bring that up the next claim is that they're faster because there's less wheel making contact with the ground and as a result there's less friction but i mean is it that noticeable when you're cruising so what i ended up doing was making a start and finish line with traditional wheels and shark wheels i timed the distance again i know this isn't the most scientifically accurate test but i wanted to get a rough idea to see if they were that much faster i then took the times of the traditional wheel and shark wheels divided it by five to get an average and found that the traditional wheels averaged 10.79 seconds and the shark wheels average 10.672 seconds so interpret that data how you want but they're pretty dang close maybe as i gained more and more speed that gap would have widened but from a cruising perspective it didn't seem that significant next they claim that their wheels have better sliding control so i slapped some on my tan tien and did some low-key slides definitely wouldn't classify it as free ride slides or anything like that they're just super mellow almost speed checks but i wanted to see if i noticed that much of a difference and i honestly did when you look back at the footage in slow motion you can see the wheels spinning as they slide and it did feel like i had more control compared to traditional wheels but again i'm really only testing these in a cruising scenario so if you're looking to see if they're better in downhill or freeride i just wouldn't use this as a solid example what i do think makes more sense was for me to test these in wet conditions so it didn't rain but i made my own little puddle and slid in it multiple times shark wheel claims again that the pattern of the grooves reduces your chances of hydroplaning by channeling liquid away from the surface of the wheel you can see in this footage that i do get more controlled traction with the shark wheels compared to my traditional wheels i was actually surprised by this i really didn't think that they would outperform the traditional wheels that much but in wet conditions i would probably feel more comfortable riding shark wheels and the final claim is that they scientifically lasts 15 longer than a traditional wheel and a cruising scenario i didn't even test this claim because like probably take me years i don't remember the last time that i had to replace cruising wheels typically last years on years on years especially since you're not doing super intense slides i mean correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think it matters that much this claim almost just feels like the icing on the cake for their marketing team i completely get though from like a business perspective you want to have unique advantages to set yourself apart from the competition when you add all of these claims together like it's faster it's better for rough terrain better sliding control lasts longer like it's just way easier to sell your product so would i recommend them do i hate them do i think they're a gimmick first i don't hate them and i will never hate them because these dudes found a way to legit reinvent the wheel that's just crazy i just don't get seeing like all these people throw massive heat to a company that's innovating i mean it's like what did you do today these dudes reinvented the wheel i made my bed but there's a difference between hating and giving constructive criticism based off experience in my experience i can really only see these making sense in two scenarios the first being if you want something that just overall looks weird unique and cool when i ride these things past like older people they're just like excuse me young man what are those how do they spin i and the second scenario i can see them making sense would be if you're always riding in like sketchy conditions the roads are wet it's really rough if you're always in rough conditions the funneling of the rocks and pebbles based off their design kind of just makes sense honestly i do think if i was riding in rough terrain every single day i would pick up a pair of these and use these on my cruiser but at the same time for the price i'm not gonna sit here and be like yo you guys need these because they're far superior than traditional wheels at the end of the day it's not often that you see someone reinvent the wheel so i do think that they're a cool invention but i can't really see myself using these all the time maybe if i'm like in an urban environment then in that case sure as always i'm curious to know what you guys think of these do you like them why or why not let me know in the comments otherwise i'll see in another video [Music] later scientifically scientifically scientifically okay
Channel: Shred Shack
Views: 2,177,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shark wheels review, shark wheels, shark wheels longboard, shred shack, shredshack, shark wheels shark tank, shark wheel, longboard shark wheels, shark skateboard wheels, shark wheels skateboard, shark wheels on skateboard, shark wheel review, sharkwheels
Id: EBf-q6dssVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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