How to Build an Electric Skateboard *NEW* (38MPH-30+ Miles Range)

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to a brand new video in today's video we're going to be building the most extreme electric skateboard that we've ever built this demon has a top speed of up to 38 miles per hour and up to 30 miles of range meaning it is unparalleled by any other competition in this video we'll be going over exactly every part that we used in every step-by-step process along the way teaching you guys how to build one yourself we'll also be selling this board on our website under the pre-built boards section labeled as the demon so without further ado let's get into the video so we can teach you guys how we built this monster these are the own board trucks they're identical and dimension to the evolved trucks they just have a slightly different shaped hanger which doesn't matter at all they're a really great option because they come in with these built-in motor mount holders which plug right into these own board motor mounts these own board motor mounts are a solid option made from a really high-quality aluminum they have two positions which you can adjust the mount which we'll get to in a little bit and they fit 63 74 motors on to these trucks or any 63 millimeter wide motor another really great feature about these motor mounts is that they have the ability to fit these belt covers on it's a really neat feature because not many motor mounts come with belt covers that are already compatible and that they're really nice because they're made from aluminum we're going to be using two of flips guys 63 74 190 kV motors each motor is capable of outputting three thousand and 150 watts for a combined total of six thousand three hundred watts of power these motors come with four millimeter bullet connectors and a sensor wire the first thing to do is to attach the motor to the motor mount by using the four and four bolts [Music] we then tried to mount the belt cover on to the motor mount hover we realized that the shaft of the motor it was far too long for it to screw on properly we will cover how we fix this later in the video as we mentioned before the motor mount has two positions in which you can mount it to the truck this is a particularly useful feature because we found a lot of times that Evolved mounts and evolved trucks can't be used on a lot of decks because the motors will hit the back of the day so the next step we did was to mount the motor mount onto the trucks by using the three screws that came along with it and then attaching the bolt on the opposite side this part is a little bit tricky because there's not a lot of space to put the wrench or the allen key after having fully mounted one mount to one side of the truck then proceed to mount the other mount to the other side [Music] we then undid the kingpin of the truck that way we could slide the hanger off of the base plate of the truck we are going to be using the Santa Cruz Rasta Lion deck from Santa Cruz long boards this skateboard is a really cool deck the concave is actually incredible on this and it surpassed my farthest expectations the griptape pattern is also very cool and there's a really cool pattern on the back of the deck which we unfortunately won't see with the enclosure so the reason we undid the hanger was because we had to screw the base plate through because it's a drop through deck after that you can mount the hanger back onto the truck considering that double kingpin trucks are prone to speed wobbles we highly recommend tightening these trucks Allah [Music] we are going to be using these 15 to 35 motor pulleys that we got from flip sky they're made from metal so they have a very good quality and they also include a keyway which is really nice [Music] you can then slide the keyway into the shaft of the motor so that it fits in the little groove this part is a little tricky because the keyway is oftentimes tight in the shaft of the motor you can then slide the motor pulley over the shaft in the key way this part is a little bit tricky because it's often a very tight fit and requires some hammering or hard hitting we're going to be using the mass of a BEC 107 wheels which we purchased from the ball these wheels are incredibly huge with a large contact patch and very soft urethane they're probably one of the best electric skateboard wheels that you can buy to match the a BEC wheels we're going to be using these thirty-eight tooth a back wheel police from evolved skateboards they snap right into the wheels because they have matching cores we are using a two hundred and seventy five millimeter 15 millimeter wide htd five belt from polly belt first slide the belt over the axle and then slide the wheel onto the axle then rotate the wheel until the belt aligns between the two pulleys repeat the process on the other side so that you have two functioning drive trains also make sure to consider the tension of the belt moving into the electronics we're going to be using this dual six point six vest from flip sky this is proved to be a very solid and affordable option for any electric skateboard builders looking to use two motors the remote that we are going to use is the flip Sky vx2 Pro remote this remote has a few upgrades from the VX to original remote these include a color display screen and also a much better throttle [Music] [Applause] [Music] the battery we are using is a 12 s 4 P at Samsung 30 Q battery which we've had custom-made for this build this 12s 532 watt our battery will propel riders to high speeds and allow for long rides it also includes a percentage indicator a charge port and a power switch along with an X to 90 connector you're going to be using this enclosure from West Coast standard if you haven't heard of them there are a new company that specializes in making enclosures and they'll soon be making their own pre-built Ford go check them out if you're interested they have a lot of cool products right now that they're currently selling and really great enclosure options the first thing that we did was to lay out all of the electronics inside of the enclosure to get a good idea of how everything would fit together because this enclosure is far longer than we needed it to be everything turned out to fit very well next we plug the XT 90 connector from the battery into the XT 90 of the vest we then connected the receiver from the VX 2 remote into the uart port on the vest you'll have to cut it open with a knife because it's sealed but once you do that you'll have access to the port where you can plug in the jst connectors to make sure that everything was working properly we powered on the battery and check that the lights on the vest turned on we then applied this rubber gasket around the edge of the enclosure to prevent any water from getting in it also prevents the deck from rattling with the enclosure as there's a soft and nice cushion between the two you can usually find these in the window aisle of your local hardware store the next step that we took was to drill a hole in the side of the enclosure for the power switch the next hole that we drilled was for the charger port we then cut off the charge port and the power switch and attached three millimeter bullet connectors to them that way they'd thread through the holes we then put the charge port and the power switch through their respective holes so they'd sit nice and flush with the edge of the enclosure [Music] [Applause] as we mentioned earlier the belt cover was not fitting on so we decided to do was finally buy a dremel and then sawed off the edge of the shaft of the motor it was then time to cut the hole out for the percentage indicator but this time thankfully we had a dremel this sped up the process quite a bit and thank you for everyone for telling us to finally get one the percentage indicator hole was much more clean we then drilled holes in the rear of the enclosure for the phase wires to pass through we made these holes the diameter of these electric conduit fittings that we got at Home Depot the conduit fitting this will prevent any water from getting into the enclosure while writing in damp conditions to mount the battery instead of the enclosure we use this double-sided sticky adhesive for the vests we use two pieces of velcro we also applied a small strip of velcro to the receiver that way it would stay in place our next step was to connect the phase wires together and then apply this braided cable sleeve around them to make it look neat this process was very lengthy tedious and honestly it felt like a complete waste of time but in the end it actually made the final product looked quite a bit nicer and professional to keep the cables in place if we use one inch thick key trick as you can see the result was actually very impressive we then actually physically placed the battery onto the double sided adhesive and plug the battery as well as all of the other internal components together one last time with everything connected we program the vest and censored FOC mode using vest tool 1.29 at this point we made our initial test by turning on the battery and then turning on the remote when there's a throttle everything worked [Music] even after cutting down the shaft of the motor the pellet cover still did not want to fit so we decided to do was to space out the belt cover using two washers all of the internal electronics were then glued together to ensure that nothing would come undone [Music] the final step was to mount the enclosure to the deck and to do this we did something other than our traditional method we used this threaded nut insert that we put inside the top of the deck a skinny hole is drilled through both the deck and the enclosure and then a thicker hole adjust through the deck this way the nut insert is put just inside of the deck and not there the enclosure the screw is then put in the opposite side of the deck making it look very clean and nice we repeated this process five more times placing one of these in each corner of the enclosure and then at the midpoint [Music] once all six bolts were screwed in we were done and this is what the finished project looked like the charger this board we'll be using is a three amp 12s charger that comes with the battery this premium charger will charge the battery much faster as it's three amps as opposed to the standard two or one and a half simply plug in the charger to the wall outlet a green light will then turn on on the charger and then plug in the opposite end to the battery and the red light will turn on until the battery is fully charged it will then go green so there you guys have it that's how we built the demon the remainder of this video is just going to be a compilation of us testing and writing this board so we hope you enjoy [Music] [Music] thank you guys so much for watching this video like we mentioned before under the products tab on our website propulsion boards you can go to the pre-built section and find the demon here we'll be selling this board completely pre-built that will ship to you ready to ride once again thanks for watching and we'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: DIY esk8 Builders
Views: 186,881
Rating: 4.9032259 out of 5
Keywords: diy electric skateboard, diy electric longboard, electric skateboard diy, electric longboard diy, electric skateboard, Diyelectricskateboard, Evolve Skateboard, how to electric skateboard, build electric skateboard, 6374 motor, dual drive electric skateboard, VESC, custom electric skateboard, Esk8, 12s4p, Flipsky, Dual 6.6 VESC, 107mm wheels, the demon, demon, demon electric skateboard, diy electric skateboard demon
Id: 568WGj3WtWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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