I Tried Calendar Blocking for a Month and was So Productive!

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- Hey everybody, we're in a not different location but just different chair in the same location because I'm doing something slightly different today. gonna talk about calendar blocking. I mean, it's not new for me to talk about productivity and organisation and time management, and all of those things but I'm gonna actually screen share with you and show you my calendar and how I calendar block. Isn't that exciting? I mean, I'm excited, it's color-coded come on. What more could you want? The ears, yes, the ears, I'm doing a video with my friend, Lena. It'll be out in April, you'll see then. (laughing) I didn't wanna take them off. Think they're really cute. Okay, so before I dive into the screen-sharing what is calendar blocking? Why is calendar blocking? And then we shall get onto the, how is calendar blocking? Also, just to prepare you for the screen-sharing situation, I have a mechanical keyboard, so. (typing) Yeah, you're gonna have to get used to that. So what is calendar blocking? Also known as time blocking. So calendar blocking is taking tasks off a to-do list and giving them a time allocated slot on your calendar. Like an appointment, like an event, like a meeting of when you're gonna do that thing. The idea behind putting tasks on a calendar, which is normally reserved for meetings, appointments, et cetera, means that you mentally start treating those tasks as if they were meetings, appointments or whatever, and you give them the same importance that you do those things. Like you prepare yourself and you show up and you attend and you do the work. Now, if you all an analogue person, if you use bullet journals, if you have like a physical planner, this maybe is not the strategy for you because it needs to be flexible and digital calendars are the way forward, in my opinion, but it is much easier with the digital calendar, I promise you. Unless you're some sort of bullet journaling wizard and you have your own system in place for calendar blocking in a bullet journal. I'm curious how, but even though you need the flexibility of the digital calendar, the point isn't to move everything around and procrastinate and just be like, oh, I'll just move it to here. You only move stuff around if you absolutely have to, like you treat it like an appointment, it's the same as like if you have to move a meeting, you'd be like, I am so sorry. Something came up, can we please reschedule? And like I said, also color-coded, just for general happiness but also being able to differentiate between the different kinds of things that you're doing. So why, why did I start calendar blocking? So I actually have tried calendar blocking before, I've done it for like the odd week here and there when I've had a really busy week. And that's basically what happened this time round. Busy week, was feeling very overwhelmed by my schedule and my to-do list. And so I thought, okay, the only way that I can tackle this and actually know if it is possible to get all of this stuff done and then actually make sure that use my time wisely, so that as much of it as possible could get done, is to calendar block. So for that week where I had a really busy week, I did my calendar blocking and it just worked so well. There's something about allocating time to a task that makes me so much more productive. Like if I've given myself an hour for a task on my calendar and I can see that on my calendar, it will take me an hour to do that task. If I didn't allocate any time to do that task, it might've taken me two hours, three hours, four hours, like who knows? But usually when I've calendar blocked a single week in the past, I then stop after the busy period is over. And I just go back to not doing it and having my to-do list. But this time I liked it so much that I just continued doing it. And actually I'm now in one of those, like low periods of busy-ness like when you're freelance, you get like peaks and troughs of like really intense, like very busy, like everything comes at once. And then just kind of like, oh, there's really not much to do at the moment. And I'm definitely in that state, which I'm trying to embrace because normally I'd be like, oh my God, I'm not busy enough. I must do things, and now I'm just like, no Hannah it's fine. Like yesterday afternoon I was done with all of my work by two o'clock and I just did some painting by numbers for the rest of the afternoon, it was glorious. I'm making the most of this because I know that it all will increase again in busy-ness and I will be really busy and really stressed again. And so I'm just making the most of it. Anyway, that was a tangent. So I kept doing calendar blocking and before I knew it, I'd calendar blocked for an entire month. And I was like, oh my God, is this a new habit? Have I got a new system, is this gonna be my thing? And like yeah, for now, until it stops serving me but I'm really enjoying it even in less busy days. I think when it comes to less busy days of calendar blocking, it actually shows to me, like once I've mapped out all of my tasks, on my week, I'm like oh, there's all of this spare time. And then I actually am confronted with that spare time. And I have to say to myself, Hannah, take advantage of that spare time, rest, relax, do something creative, read a book. Don't twiddle your thumbs at your desk and try and create more work for yourself, okay. (laughing) But these are some practical things that I think calendar blocking really helped me with over the last month. One, it helped me gain an understanding of actually how long tasks take me. Previously, to do list would just try and do as much as possible without any idea of how long stuff takes. But now I know how long roughly, writing a newsletter takes. I now know roughly how long doing the Patreon and reading lists take, filming videos. Before, I didn't really have any tangible evidence of how long all of those things took me, but now I do. Number two, it's holding me accountable to batching my boring admin email work. So roughly once a day, I might have like an hour scheduled out for admin. Sometimes it's a bit longer, depending on the day. Sometimes it's a bit longer, sometimes it's a bit shorter, depending on like how messy my inbox is but it's really holding me accountable for like just in the allocated time slot, check your emails, rather than doing it like sprinkled throughout the day and constantly distracting myself from more important things. Number three, I'm actually taking lunch breaks because I have a repeated calendar event for my lunch, every single day. I know, I know. Number four, I feel myself procrastinating less because I always have my calendar open on my desktop. And so I'll just like look over and it'd be like, oh shit, I'm meant to be doing this thing. I don't know for me, it just really helps me focus and kind of hold me accountable and like tell me off like if I've procrastinated a bit and I'm like, oh no, this is what I was supposed to be doing. This is what my calendar says. And then number five, it's helped me to not overbook or overextend myself. And I think those are really great things. Okay, so how do I do it? It's time for screen sharing and mechanical keyboard time. This is my first time ever screen recording on my PC. So fingers crossed it goes well. Right, let's dive in. So this is a blank week, now I don't normally start out with a blank week because usually by this point, it's already populated with a bunch of stuff and I also have regular occurring tasks that automatically populate, but I wanted to show you from a blank slate of how I calendar block, so you can kind of understand how it works. So some people put like their morning and night routines on their calendar, like when they wake up and when they go into bed, I don't really do that. The only morning thing I put in is working out because on workout days, I start work a bit later because I do not wake up earlier to work out. So let's start by inputting all of those regular occurring tasks, starting with lunchtime. (typing) There we go, now I like to put lunch in my personal calendar. Oh yeah, I haven't talked about my calendars. So, that's going in every weekday. So I have my personal calendar. So this is just stuff like for me, personal. Only I need to really know about it. And then the yellow Hannah calendar is what is shared with my manager and my assistant. So that is where I put in things like meetings, events and also when I'm filming, so that they know that like I'm unavailable, like I'm filming and then get stuff done as you shall see, is basically all of my tasks. That is the only way I split it. I know some people like will colour coordinate even more than that. Like breaking up the getting stuff done into like different kinds of tasks, I just have it all in one. I understand my calendar, right, lunch is in. What else do we have as repeating tasks? So I work out every other day and this week it will be starting right on a Monday. Yeah, so we put that in. And I put it in for an hour and a half. I do not work out for an hour and a half but that extra half an hour is me like getting ready after working out. It repeats on, oh my God, how do I do this? Repeat every two days, save. Fantastic, this is looking good. The next thing that is repeated task in my calendar is my videos and like when they go live, so I like to have it in my calendar, so that I am like ready on social media to do all the posting. And also I can like be available in the comments for the next hour. Now, sometimes I do have other stuff going on during the hour, but I still like to put it in my calendar so that I'm just aware that that is the first hour that a video is live and to kind of dip in and out of checking on the video basically. So videos go live Tuesday's and Thursday's. So we put publish video. This goes in get stuff done and it repeats every Tuesday and Thursday. Yes, I think that'll do it. Boom, so I tend to record videos every Tuesday morning, that has been the routine that I've been getting in into lockdown, so that we put in filming. And I kind of just do it up until lunchtime. I give myself three hours to film whatever I need to film and this is gonna repeat a weekly on Tuesdays, boing. And then the other thing that I like to put in as a weekly thing but it does sometimes get moved around is my ISEE classes. So ISEEis the Institute for Sexuality Education and Enlightenment, which is where I'm doing my certification course. And there's a whole bunch of online webinars that I need to make my way through. So I like to put it on my calendar so that I have a time that I'm doing it. If it isn't on the calendar, I will not do those webinars, so that, I like to do every Wednesday morning. So we put ISEE in Wednesday morning. So I actually do put that in like from nine till 12 because on non-workout days, like next week, it won't be a Wednesday that I'm working out. So we just stick it in for this time. And then it repeats weekly on Wednesday. Fantastic, okay, so those are my repeated tasks. So this is kind of what a blank week looks like for me. This is my blank week. Now we put in the things that are like my meetings and events and stuff that is already populated. Like this is stuff that has already been scheduled and planned. So the first thing is that on Monday at 4:00 PM, there is a Patreon, no, that's not how you spell it, ambassador round table. So this is a digital round table for all of the Patreon creator ambassadors. As I am one, if you haven't seen, I've been doing this creator Chronicles series across this YouTube channel and my IG TV, where I talk about the behind the scenes of being a creator and how I manage my Patreon and being a YouTubeer, podcaster, et cetera, all of that kind of stuff. It is a paid ambassadorship for full transparency but I talk about Patreon a whole bunch because I love it. And yeah, we will get onto some more Patreon stuff that I need to populate this week with as well. So the next thing is that every Wednesday, ISEE has a thing called webinar Wednesday, where current students will like do a practise, like presenting some research or like something to do with their work. So I just make sure that that is in my calendar every Wednesday. I don't always make it. I'm not always available at that time but I make sure that it's in my calendar every Wednesday so that I don't like accidentally book myself. But you know, if it can't be helped, it can't be helped but I always liked to attend those. And then this week, there is a special event Wednesday evening, which is the menstrual activism meet up, which is being hosted by Bloody Good Period. And there'll be like lots of menstrual activists on Zoom together, which I'm really looking forward to. That is it, I told you, it's not very busy at the moment. So that is like my stuff that is scheduled in, that are actual appointments. Next, what happens is I look at my to-do list and then we populate this situation. So obviously I don't always do this like all at once. It just kind of like happens as stuff gets added to my to-do list. I still use Todoist as my to-do list because as stuff comes in and as I know that I need to do stuff, it just populates in the to-do list and I still like being able to take stuff off. But when I'm planning a week, I will look at my Todoist and then I will like put it in the calendar accordingly. So on Mondays, I usually have a bunch of like admin to do like whatever emails are left over from last week that I couldn't be bothered dealing with on a Friday because who can be bothered with emails on a Friday? And then also I have that week's video and podcast to schedule on Patreon. So I don't always like to have an admin morning on a Monday but that is what is happening this week. So we pop that in, we're having an admin morning just to like clear all of that shit before we get started on the good stuff. Next up, one thing that I always like to make sure that I do on a Monday is prep the next day's videos that I'm going to film. Now often they're like planned way in advance but I just like to make sure that I've got all of my ducks in a row so that nothing shocks me when I come to sit down and record the next day. I'm like, oh shit, I didn't plan that. What am I meant to be saying here? So I just like to make sure I do some video prep. And so that's going in right after the admin. Maybe that'll take a bit longer, I'm not gonna bother filling out that half an hour before lunch, but basically, it's gonna be a morning of admin and video prep. Then the afternoon is much more fun because we're doing some video planning. What's the difference between video planning and video prep Hannah? Good question, so in my head, video prep is like last minute, getting all your ducks in a row before filming. Video planning is like, okay, what's the schedule gonna be like for the next month? Let's like move shit around in the content calendar schedule and make sure that we know when we're filming and like what do we need to have prepared before we film? Is there anything that has to happen before that? What research needs to be done? When do I have time to do said research? That's probably gonna be like two hours. I like to really take my time with it. I also like to sometimes like watch YouTube whilst I'm doing that to kind of like see what is out there and like get some inspiration. And then Monday is also the day that my editor gets to me the first edit for the more Hannah, this channel YouTube video, that wasn't a sentence. And so later in the afternoon this day, I will need to do some video feedback. So watching the video and sending her over some notes. So that usually takes me about an hour to do. I've put it in here but it depends on what time she gets it to me. So I might have to do it after the round table but if she gets me before then I can do it before. And guess what? That is Monday, what a great day to start the week. So on Tuesday, I have two videos that I need to film. And so I actually like to put them in here because sometimes I've got one video to film, other times two, other times three. And depending on the kind of video, I know if it's gonna be one that will take me an hour or like a bit more, a bit less. I would say on average it takes me one hour to film a video but I like to make sure check what the video is, and see if I can basically get all of the videos that I want to get done that day in this three hour block. So for this week, I'm filming, well actually, this is still TBC, I need to do the research on this one. But the plan is to film a video about the difference between sexual desire, arousal, attraction and orientation. So we just pop that in here. Sexual desire, attraction, arousal. Doesn't have to like actually make any sense. I just have to know like what the hell that means. So that's one that we're filming. And then the other one that I'm filming is all my yellow clothes. 'Cause I just thought that would be silly and fun. Look out for that next week. There we go, so two videos filming on Tuesday but I'm still giving myself that entire morning to do that. And actually anything that is a video to do with clothes, normally takes me longer than an hour because of getting all of the clothes out. And then also like putting all the clothes back at the end of the video. It's a hard life. (laughing) So what we haven't got on this day yet is any admin. So if I don't have time for doing admin, like email stuff in the morning, then I always pop it in after lunch. And I'm actually just going to pop it in for like half an hour after lunch and hope that that is like enough because I did the admin, like an hour of it on Monday. So we will see, that might change. Then on Tuesdays, I record my podcast intro. So we put, record podcast intro. Is this even interesting to people? And I give myself a full hour for that because basically I look back over on all of my notes that I made whilst recording the episode, which could have happened like months before I'm recording this intro. I look over my notes and I write a script for my intro and then I record it. It may be actually takes more like half an hour but I still like to give myself a full hour to do it. Don't know why, maybe I should start being a bit stricter with myself. Next is my newsletter. So this week there will be a newsletter coming out on the Friday. And Tuesday is the day that I write my newsletter. And so that's going in and I would say, it takes me about an hour and a half. I will just basically give myself all of that time until the video is live to write that newsletter. And guess what? That's Tuesday, what a great day, nine till five. Wednesday is gonna be a bit different than my normal Wednesdays because on the Tuesday, on the 16th, is when the bookmarks for my Patreon special offer are meant to arrive and the envelopes should have all arrived by then as well. And so in theory from Wednesday, I'm gonna start packaging up all of the bookmarks into the envelopes and writing out everyone's addresses. There's like 840 that I need to do. And this is something that I know takes me a long time but I actually don't know how long it's going to take me. So I'm just gonna put it in for all of Wednesday afternoon, the common room bookmark. It's just going in all of Wednesday afternoon basically. And then there'll probably be bits of admin that I needed to do during the day, that I can just like take half an hour, an hour break from doing the bookmark. And sort out that stuff. And then obviously we got those events in the evening and then Thursday. So this week I'm actually doing the show notes and the transcript for the podcast that'll be coming out next week. This is something that my assistant normally does but she can't do it this week, so it is on me. So I need to make sure that that is scheduled in. Now I did one of the transcripts and it took me like three hours to do the transcript but then obviously I'm doing the show notes on top of that. So I wanna give myself a real good amount of time to make sure that this gets done. So I'm giving all of Thursday morning. But then in the afternoon, I'm gonna continue with doing the bookmark because I will need to change it up, just for my brain. So that's going in there. And then again, I kind of can't be bothered putting in a thing for admin because sometimes I don't know like when I'll need to do admin, sometimes I'll like pop in in the morning but then I'm like, oh, there's like nothing to do. And then there might be like more stuff coming in that I need to look at in the afternoon. So I'll just kind of like, see what the inbox is looking like that day and still make sure that I only do it for an hour but I just don't know when that hour will be yet. So next, I think Friday morning, I'm gonna continue with the transcript and the show notes and I reckon that will be enough time to get it done. Then what I'm actually gonna do is I like to make sure that we just do that admin on the Friday. I know I said that I don't like to do emails on a Friday afternoon. When I say admin, I'm not replying to those emails. I'm just kind of like sorting them and moving them around. So with that come Monday morning, I'm ready. Obviously, if there's anything urgent that I do need to respond to, then I can make sure it's done before the end of the week. But otherwise not important, can wait until Monday. Okay, so I'm actually gonna leave it there for this week. Like I said, it's not super busy for me at the moment. And rather than shoving extra work in for me to do on Friday afternoon, I'm gonna leave it empty and basically kind of like see where I'm at with the transcript and show notes and also see how many envelopes addresses that I have written out. And maybe I'll continue with doing the Patreon stuff Friday afternoon, maybe I won't, maybe I'll continue doing that next week. But as long as the transcript and show notes are done, that is like the main thing that I need to make sure it's done by the end of the week, as long as that is done, I am happy to give myself a Friday afternoon off. So I'm just gonna leave it blank. Granted, things might fill it, but we shall see. Hello, Hannah from the future here. As I mentioned, you need a digital calendar because you gotta be flexible and this is just proof of it. So I filmed this video a week ago and now, as you can see from this calendar, it is Monday afternoon, evening time and it looks a little bit different and there's also a few things I forgot. So the first thing that I completely forgot, was that Tuesday evening is my Patreon live stream. So obviously that is an event in my calendar at 8:00 PM, tomorrow for me, I'll already have happened by the time you're watching this. And then of course, because I make two YouTube videos every week, one on this channel and one on the Hannah Whitton channel, I also needed to make sure I popped in doing video feedback on Thursday, which is the day that my editor gets me the first edit for the Hannah Whitton channel, we know where we're going with this. So that is now populated in on Thursday. And then as you can see, my Monday looked very different to how I originally planned it. Now I was still in that video like almost a week before this week actually happens. And I don't normally plan my weeks like that far in advance because you don't have all of the information but I had a phone call meeting this morning and then I had a meeting with my manager this afternoon. And so then obviously other stuff kind of had to get moved around a bit. The Patreon ambassador round table was so good, but it ran over because it was that good. And so I'd just finished doing the video feedback as you can tell, because now I'm like, oh, I have extra thoughts. This is Zen Caster live demo thing that I'm doing on Thursday. They're just doing a bunch of free live demos for their new video feature. And I'm thinking at some point in the next few months, this year, at some point, introducing video to my podcast, which is nerve-wracking and exciting. And then Thursday morning, I've actually put in that I'm starting my show notes at 8:00 AM because on non-workout days, I can like get up and just like start working, which means that I will start working at eight, and we'll see how much I can get done in four hours. I may need to add a bit more onto Friday because actually, Friday morning now, I've got read Queerly Autistic, which is this book here. I'm interviewing the author, Erin on my podcast. And so I just have a few bits that I want to read and take notes on, so I can ask some good questions. And then Pleasure Workshop is homework for my ISEE course, that doesn't have to get done that day. It's one of those things where the deadline is in like a month's time, but if I don't put it on my calendar every week and then I'll move it 'cause it's not a priority because the deadline is in a month, and I'll just keep moving it until I have some free time to do it. So it's currently in on Friday 'cause I have some free time on Friday and then we will see. So even though lots of new stuff has been added, Friday afternoon is still very much free and I can fill it with any stuff that needs to get done that I didn't manage to get to or I can just leave it empty if I have managed to hit all of my tasks this week. Again, we shall see 'cause that is in my future. Okay, back to past Hannah with the ears. So there you have it, that is how I plan my week with account blocking. It has honestly made me so much more productive and efficient with my time. And I don't want that to come across in a kind of like hustle, hustle. You gotta work so hard kind of way. It's actually like helped me relax and helped me value my time. And like you've seen, I'm just like, Friday, let's just have the afternoon off then. It's all about that balance for me. And I feel like I've talked about like work-life balance and making sure that you rest as well. Like I feel like I talk about that a lot, but honestly, doing calendar blocking has actually like visually shown to me the time when I can relax and actually shown me like, hey, you don't need to be working right now. Like you put everything that was on your to-do list on the calendar and look, there's all of this extra time and I'm like, oh okay, great. I don't need to like make myself seem busier than I actually am. I hope that you enjoyed this video. I hope that you enjoyed this look in to how I schedule and plan my weeks. If you signed up to my Patreon in time to get the common room bookmark for the special offer, then they're coming soon. They're coming soon, as you can see on my calendar, I'm working on it. And let me know in the comments. Do you calendar block, have you ever tried it? Does it work for you, does it not work for you? Do you have a color-coordinated calendar? How many different colours are in it? What is your system? Please let me know, and also let me know if this video has maybe persuaded you to try calendar blocking and to let me know how that goes. I hope that you're doing well and I'll see you in my next video, bye.
Channel: More Hannah
Views: 222,309
Rating: 4.9175858 out of 5
Keywords: hannah witton, hannah, witton, hannahwitton, i tried calendar blocking for a month, calendar blocking, colour-coded calendar, calendar tips, productivity, productivity content, productivity tips, studying, procrastination, time management, productive, scheduling, learning time management, time management methods, studyblr, organisation, getting organised, organising work, workflow, google calendar, bullet journal
Id: a8bz7t3no78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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