πŸ—“How I Organize My Calendar | Task Batching, Productivity, Stressing Less

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hello friends welcome back to my channel i am very excited for today's video hold up there is a dog literally yodeling moving on for today's video i'm diving into how i organize my google calendar from color coding to time blocking and task batching and just overall how i approach planning my week not to be dramatic but the things i'm about to share with you today have actually been life-changing for my business and also for my mental health the reason i love talking about productivity and efficiency is because i think it's all connected to self-care of course when you approach productivity from a place of equating it to your self-worth then that's not healthy but when you approach productivity from a place of self-care saying i deserve to set boundaries create a structure so i can more freely show up for my work get the stuff done that matters and then walk away at the end of the day and be able to live my life i really hope that there are some major light bulb moments and takeaways from this video anything that you're vibing with please let me know in the comments make sure to hit subscribe like the video all that really helps so without further ado let's do this welcome to my google calendar this is a little glimpse at what it looks like today is actually the 12th but i'm gonna start on a fresh week so you can kind of see everything filled in so the first thing you might notice right off the bat are the colors this is one of the most important first steps in my opinion because the default colors that come with google calendar are really loud and overwhelming it just kind of felt like my calendar was screaming at me so i took the time to find a bunch of different colors that complement one another and it took a lot longer than you would expect so that's why i'm going to share with you all of the hex codes that i use so that you can also use them and not go through the trouble of trying to find 12 different colors that complement one another if you hit the three dots here you can see all the default colors that it comes with but all you need to do is click on add custom color and you would just copy and paste the hex code that i am sharing with you the next thing that i do to organize my calendar is to set up multiple color-coded calendars that are treated more like labels so as you see here we've got meetings admin work andrew and jules calendar that's my shared calendar with my partner my husband we've got a calendar for birthdays computer stuff content creation and i'll explain all this in a bit deadlines get done hold home bodies that's my online shop personal to-do list stuff self-care task lists and then i have true belly our app and then this is the default google calendar i can't delete it unfortunately so that's why some of these are unchecked i have lots of different calendars and they really act as labels and this really goes hand in hand with how i time block that brings me to my third point which is setting up time blocks so that you can task that a week in my life we've got potato days on mondays and wednesdays and creation days on tuesdays and thursdays fridays are my get done planning days my potato days are color coded in purple which is my computer stuff so this just means that i'll be on my computer writing i'll be editing i'll be recording voiceover or something and it doesn't require me to do my hair do my makeup or anything like that potato days tuesdays and thursdays are when i'm filming and i'm also taking meetings you don't want your meetings to be scheduled on your potato days because nothing worse than having to get dressed and look presentable when you were just planning to potato out that day now i think a lot of people get confused with time blocking versus actually adding tasks to your calendars you'll see that my time blocking is in a very pastel light color and then my actual tasks are written down in this kind of beige color so you can see i can check and uncheck these are tasks that i've written down that are that i'm going to be doing within my time blocks now something that's really important for me is that i'm able to clearly see my deadlines it's this bright yellow label and so i know okay friday that video is going live friday at four my newsletter is due if i have a partnership due let's just say i have a reebok post due and i will see okay post reebok at 10 am same thing with meetings my meetings are a darker blue color because i'm able to see i actually have a meeting scheduled within this meeting block so the best way to come up with your task batching and time blocking is to just get out a good old notebook and pen and just start writing out what your reoccurring tasks are and just try to figure out what tasks are like-minded how can i group these together how can i plan this so that it makes more sense the point of task batching is so that you're able to stay in that flow state so moving on from time blocking something that i think is really helpful is to just know hot keys so right now my calendar is on a week view but if i want to go on a day view i just hit the d button on my keyboard and now i see the day view if i want to go back to the week view i hit w on my keyboard and that's the week if i want to see the month i hit m for month and i just think it's really nice to just be able to quickly toggle between week day and month another really helpful hot key is c for create so if i want to create a new meeting i can just quickly do that another thing that i think is really helpful that i don't think enough people utilize is adding a secondary time zone i'm based in austin but i have lauren who's on my team who's based in australia and so because there's such a big time difference i like to be able to see you know what time it is for her so that if i'm emailing her with something important or i'm trying to schedule a meeting for us i know that it's at a reasonable time instead of trying to always calculate the time difference you'll just be able to see that at a glance here and so the way you do that is by hitting settings and then it'll come right up here and it'll just say display secondary time zone so you just pick whatever time zone you would like and i've got sydney and my final final tip for google calendars is if you have a partner it's really a good idea to have a calendar with them because that way you can see what you both need to be responsible for doing so for us we have dog training this month and that takes up our mornings and then i also have reminders for luna and clover's heartwarm medicine so that's something that i put on our calendar so that one of us can do it i think sharing a calendar with andrew has been really important because we've been able to make sure we manage expectations and do things that we say we're gonna do all right so that is my calendar i hope it makes sense i know that when you're looking at somebody else's calendar it can be a little bit confusing but i really hope that this wasn't confusing and that it was clarifying with that said let me know in the comments if there's anything else you would like to see from me but this was super fun to walk you through and i will see you all in the next video bye for now [Music]
Channel: Jules Acree
Views: 161,681
Rating: 4.9811702 out of 5
Keywords: calendar app, calendar blocking, google calendar, google calendar color coding, google calendar organization, google calendar productivity, google calendar time blocking, google calendar tips and tricks, google calender, how i organize my calendar, how to organize google calendar, how to organize your life, how to use google calendar, jules acree, my calendar, notion calendar, productivity, time batching, time blocking, time blocking google calendar, time blocking notion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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