How I Use Google Calendar | Advice From A Medical Student | Google Calendar for Students

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hi everyone my name's Emma and I am a second-year medical student studying online in Sydney Australia and today I wanted to make a video all about how I stay organized using Google Calendar and all the tips and tricks that I have sort of collected over time using it since all the way back in undergrad just Before we jump to my desk and I let you know how I set up my Google Calendar I wanted to give a couple quick reasons why I love the app first from foremost I love that it syncs across all of my devices so I have it on my computer and on my phone which means it's great for on-the-go I do still use a bullet journal because I love the creativity but if I'm walking to and from class and people are talking about scheduling events I can just whip out my phone and I have my whole schedule there I love that you can share it with others so my school in particular uses the Google suite so everybody has access to Google Google Calendar Google Drive everything like that so I can make my calendar either fully visible or partially visible when trying to organize club meetings you can just hanging out with friends I even schedule my social life in Google Calendar and it's a little sad but it means that I have it all in one place and finally I like that I can set up multiple calendars and have it all color coded without having to hand color each one as we go along and you don't have to have every calendar visible at the same time which you'll see in the setup shortly why that works so well for me so now that I've kind of told you the top three reasons why I love Google Calendar hopefully I've sold you on it let's get to my desk and we'll set up a fake calendar to show you how I would set it up from scratch and welcome to my desk so I will pop up the screen recording either here or I will be smaller within it and you can follow along the steps with me I made a fake Google account to do all of this so we've got this set up waiting for us now but we're gonna pop through all this and we're quickly going to go to the calendar and then it's letting you know that you can put it on mobile phones which we all they already know and tada there we go well there we go um so the first thing you have to think about is your core calendar so for me when I was off through undergrad that was school work and sort of a life calendar which is where I put other things but I also was in a sorority so sometimes I had the sorority calendar as its own thing and those will show up here on the side you will automatically get populated a calendar in your name so this is mr. demo um first name test that I've created so you could leave that as sort of your life calendar I don't use the reminders and tasks on Google that does sync with your Google keep and your Google tasks which you can use but since I used to do list for my sort of daily tasks and to-do items I don't use the Google suite for that which I know sounds a little silly but I actually am a video coming out about todoist so make sure you keep an eye out for that so anyways we're gonna set up some new calendar so you just hit the plus side add a new calendar I'm gonna set up one for school so it's all your school stuff and then you create that calendar and I will buzz through as we do this for work and life as well perfect so now you can see them here you can check set whatever colors you like stay away from your gray and your red for now because you will have a use for those later so I'm going to make just for the sake of my eyes make school this blue actually I like work as eucalyptus and life can stay at this nice peach because I think it'll look really pretty but obviously that's whatever you choose to do so obviously your school your life and your work calendars they're pretty self-explanatory you can start your school schedule sort of as flexible as you want so when I was an undergrad I would set something up like say I knew I had Monday lectures for bio 1010 and I knew that that I even had a location no uh-huh and you can add the description if you want if you want to know if it's a lecture or anything like that but what's best about this going in my school calendar is if you want to at the very beginning of a semester you can set this up to repeat weekly on Monday sorry you can customize it to repeat every Monday and it ends after if you have 13 weeks of class or you know that your last day of class is July 20th will go in so that is going to now populate asking if you want to receive notifications I like them but will talk to me you can set those for yourself but now this is going to populate every Monday until the end of June or whatever day we set it at so that's handy because you can make one week and you can just go with it if you have alternating labs so if you were like me and our lab sessions alternated you can also fix this and this is where you can get even more detailed so I would maybe I wanted my labs to be in green but those will be outlined in that school blue repeat custom repeat every two weeks Tuesday ending the last week of July and so now it's not gonna show up that that you don't want it so and you can see that it's got this blue highlight so we know it's part of the school so that's pretty much the schedule I right now have a more flexible schedule a with being online classes B with med school being taught by clinicians things just move around so I like to set my calendar up a week in advance every Sunday and I just kind of keep on top of it and keep uploading based off of what the school has so you can take your time and sit down and do that or you can set it all up when you go so I'm going to set this week up as a bit of a a joke so we've got a bio and chemistry let's throw in a physics class and some schoolwork there's some classes I'm gonna put in some work so maybe I work every Sunday and maybe Friday afternoon Friday night I'm going someone's birthday dinner I don't know and that will go in my life calendar so for me I like all the colors because then I can look at it really quickly know what's cool know what's work and kind of see how much of my day or my week is blocked out to certain tasks now here's where the real tips start your hidden calendars this is the really good stuff for me when I was in undergrad and that was I created two different calendars that I didn't necessarily need to look at all of the time the first being office hours so at the beginning of every semester I would take all of my syllabus syllabi syllabi is's if you know me from UOIT then you know that joke so we'll change the color but it doesn't really matter this is where I use one of the greys usually the darker one but office hours the tricky part about office hours I'm gonna be like hinting at my undergrad here you'll be able to see it is that they often overlap your other classes and you don't always know when they're going to be you don't always know that if you can go to all of them so say these were the office hours that makes my schedule really really messy and I don't really like the look of it so I would always keep office hours checked off meaning I don't have to see it but say on Monday morning I'm sitting there and I'm doing my chemistry homework and I have a question before my lap and I want to know if I have time to go into the office hours to check I would just open my Google Calendar flag the office hours and then there we go Jenny my lab TA is doing some lunch office hours I'll go talk to her before my bio class and those you'd obviously set them to repeat every week you just have to keep a mind on if your TA makes an announcement about office hours changing that week then you may not be able to see them it may not be the same but I would have those repeat to the end of the semester and do it again the first week of classes that life changing the second is your to-do list and this is where you use that light gray my to-do list I leave checked on all the time and it's where I block out my sort of ideal day or what I know I need to work on so this chemistry lab I'm going to have to do some prep for it should have had it done before the night before but Monday night I would like to do prep my chem lab right I put that in the to-do list and maybe I also want to read my physics lecture prep so I blocked that out the nice thing is that after class maybe I spend about an hour just kind of be compressing and everything and I set this to send me reminders on the hour instead of early so that means if I know all beats the library at about 4:00 after my bio class on Mondays then when I sit down to at my perfect spot in the library it will tell me my phone will tell me hey you need to work on your chemistry lab and your physics prep and that for me is a way of not necessarily keeping track of all the little things that I needed today to do it makes sure that I have those big things out of my mind I don't have to think about all of the things I have to do it just happens and I don't have to worry that things are gonna slip through the cracks so this is something I probably setup every Sunday so that I could kind of block out my week and know what things I would need to work on when it's also a really great way to start to track if you are good at predicting how long things will take you so I'm saying that it'll take me a couple hours to do my chemistry lab and my physics prep if I ended up being in the library till nine it's good for me to know that those chem labs take me a lot longer than I think and I can make adjustments for the next week and then the great thing about the to-do list also when you get your syllabi is you can make read items and those for me are your midterms your exams your assignments due so maybe Friday at five we have hmmm we'll say it's your physics questions that are due and put it in to do this but I always go to more options and I make it this tomato red and you can make these oops zero minutes long so you just make it 4:30 so then it'll pop up there let's get rid of the office hours because you don't need to see that it'll pop up there and remind me that that's deuce when I look at my week at a glance I see this bright red thing letting me know that par with you my birthday dinner I have to submit physics questions so I need to make sure that if I didn't get them done on Monday and I'm getting them done on Friday morning at the latest so then I can block out time there maybe I wake up go to the gym and then sit down in the library my phone lets me know it's time to do your physics questions some other ideas for hidden calendars you can use I've done it before where I had my gyms dropping classes on hidden calendar and I set them all up sort of quarterly when the classes changed and that way if I on Sunday wanted to do a gym class during the week I could just open it up view it and then it would show me when all my option and I could then move one of those into sort of my life calendar so I would be committed to it you could also do the same with TV shows you'd like to see you'd like to watch dropping classes that you have that aren't part of your schedule but maybe you are allowed to audit things like that just very much anything that you want to keep track of but you don't want to have to clutter your schedule all the time just click them off and then voila and that's pretty much it that is how I set up a calendar for me the big things are having that to-do list to do some time blocking and having those office hours the office hours was the biggest change for me I think I figured out that I should do that in third or fourth year and it made a really big difference personally I like to have everything scheduled out and everything blocked out and color-coded obviously you could you do all of this in one calendar maybe and just separate your office hours and your to-do list you don't need it work a life a sorority a club a gym schedule acceptor etc so this is my framework obviously it make it work for you that's the most important part but give it a bit of a play sync it to your phone make sure the reminders are set in a way that works for you so whether that is let's actually go into this [Music] there we go took me a little bit to navigate there but if you go into your settings and then you go to the settings for that specific calendar you can scroll down and you can see notifications so I would always make sure my to-do list the notifications are on notifications zero minutes so will pop up but it will pop up right on time where instead and then just make sure that saves my school maybe it takes me a half hour to get to a class so then I want to make sure that my notifications are set to thirty minutes in advance so go through and change those in what works for you this is also where you go to share your calendar so you can get a shareable link and when you choose to share it you can make sure that they only see you can add people as well and then you could make sure that they only see what you want them to see so this is my school calendar and I sending it to myself so I could let myself see everything I could let myself make changes to it or if I'm just sharing my availability with maybe other members in a club I would set it to see only that I'm free or busy if you do have multiple calendars you're going to have to make sure that you share multiple of them so that's where it gets a little bit tricky with letting people know your availability and obviously don't share you to do calendar because it's gonna look like you're busy all the time yeah there's my calendar and there's my framework make it work for you and let me know in the comments below if it helps that's all my tips and tricks about Google Calendar if you have any organizational tip make sure you comment them below I love trying out new things so let me know what you have to offer make sure you subscribe if you want to see that new video about todoist which I'm really excited to film it has seriously changed my organizational life also if you're subscribed then you'll be notified when I go live and do study with me or when I release blogs etc about my med-school life thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Emma B
Views: 48,133
Rating: 4.9829183 out of 5
Keywords: Google Calendar, time management, google calendar tutorial, google calendar tips and tricks, google calendar tips for students, setting up google calendar for students, how I use google calendar, how I use google calendar in medical school, unlock to power of google calendar, Med Student Organisation Tips, Staying Organised in Uni, Time management tips for students, How to Use Google Calendar, how to use google calendar for college, how to use google calendar effectively
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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