i tried building a secret vampire house in the sims

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With the werewolf pack coming out next  week I've kind of been thinking a lot   about all of the other occult types in The Sims 4. We already have vampires, and spellcasters, and  mermaids, and aliens, and ghosts, all of this. And I don't really play with  any of those like, at all. I don't even think I could tell you  when I last played with a vampire. And I feel like I need to like, freshen up  or something because I just don't really   use occult Sims, so I kind of forget  about gameplay features for them,   and I think it'd be nice to like, refresh  my memory before the new pack comes out. And look, it's not that I hate occult  Sims, okay, I think they're kind of cool. I just don't really care to use them that  much, I guess I'm just not super into it. We all have different play styles and  mine does not really involve vampires. Although, I do have like, a  newfound fascination with Vlad.   Maybe that's why I'm doing  this, it's because of Vlad. He might be one of my favorite Sims, I hate to  say it, it's really -- my opinions have changed. I used to be very anti-Vlad now, I'm like a  Vladdy Daddy stan, it's kind of concerning. So I'm planning on playing with the vampires and  spellcasters on stream tomorrow, but to do that   I'm gonna need a house, so I was thinking we could  try and do like, a little vampire starter home. I don't think I've ever built a vampire  starter home. I've definitely renovated   this house, but I don't know if  I've ever built one from scratch. This world's actually kind of cute too, I  mean, well, it's not really going for cute,   it's kind of going for scary, but it's  actually kind of cute, it's a nice lot. I'm so curious to see the new werewolf pack world   because I wonder if it's gonna be like  this, like, kind of small and compact. It's gonna only have like, five lots,  but I feel like Forgotten Hollow is a lot   smaller like, in walkable  space than Glimmerbrook is. All right, I'm gonna stop rambling and show you my   inspo picks. I saw this one and  I thought this was super cute. This is kind of similar in shape to  the original starter home on this lot,   but hopefully ours will be  like, a little bit fancier. This one is a real house that I also thought was  absolutely adorable. I wish that we had more of   this, like, sort of trim pieces that are a  bit fancier, but we don't really have that. And this shape I think is a little bit  more doable for the budget that we have. I think maybe I'll try and do like, a combo  of both somehow, I don't know, we'll see. Oh, I guess that second one might also be better  because it's a bit wider and this lot is so   wide. We don't really need a long skinny house  like this way, it's better for it to be wide. Okay, I don't think we should have a medium  wall height, I think that's a mistake. This does not look as good in The  Sims as it did in the picture. In the picture it looked way  cooler, so that's not good. I guess we could maybe do something like  that, I don't know, I think that looks bad. Oh, but if we use the taller wall height,  we could use like, the fancy vampire stuff. Is that unreasonable? I know it's like,   really fancy. I'm not sure if it's  like, too fancy or not though. It's cool, it looks like the picture, so. Oh wow, I can't make it  taller because of the frieze. I'm gonna spend all of the money on  the exterior if we do this, like,   using this stuff is probably a mistake because it  is extremely expensive, but it looks really cool. Oh, I kind of always forget that this Vampires  fence exists, and that one's a lot cheaper. I think that actually looks okay, now  the question is do I -- oh my god,   I'm so bad at like, doing color  schemes on buildings like this. The house in the pictures  that I liked was very white,   but I don't know if that's -- probably  fine, right? Yeah, sure, it's fine. I think I want to get a chimney  over here, again I'm spending   too much money on the outside, but  I think that a chimney would help. Just something to make it feel more,  I don't know, finished or something? Oh, I kind of like that door,   is that good? Or should we have it  have a black door with a white frame? I wish the door was a little bit  taller, I know we have a taller door,   but like, I'm not -- I'm not putting that on here. That doesn't work. I think luckily we can get away   with having very minimal windows because  it's, you know, like, a vampire house. Okay, I know the inside of this is really, really  small and I think that's okay. Eh, maybe too   small, I was thinking we could put a basement  in here though which would probably help. Maybe I'll get like, an addition  on the back somehow or something. Oh, that's helpful I think,  okay, because that could be like,   the bedroom that they don't really  need because they're a vampire. They also don't really need  a kitchen because they're a   vampire, but we want it to be  functional at least still, so. Okay, here's what I'm working with,   this might be weird. I also have a lot  less money than I thought I was going to,   maybe I have to make it have less of a fancy  floor plan because this is a little bit much. Maybe I won't keep that wall there. I'm thinking small kitchen, small bathroom,   bedroom, again, very minimal  windows, it's a vampire house. I wish I could use fancier  doors and stuff for this,   but we just shouldn't. Like,  we really, really shouldn't. Okay, very small basement. What we're getting is a  very small basement, and I need to lower it a lot. I always have hated how it does this, the way  it like, floats. Okay, that's the max height. I think that's fine, like, the location of the  stairs being right there. We could put like,   a secret bookcase door or something. [GASPS] Wait! Okay, I won't lie though,   I don't like the idea of a secret bookcase  door because it's not gonna fit right. I need more space, my house is too small. Okay,  in hindsight, maybe we can't afford to do that. I want to have a basement, but I don't think we  can afford to do anything fancy with it like that,   I wish that we could, but look, the best we can  do is put this door in that corner and that's sad. Like, it's gonna look weird back there. It also   doesn't even come in a trim  color that matches anything. I wonder if we could put a second one -- I  know obviously you can't actually use that,   but purely for like, the decorative  side of it being on both sides. I wonder if it's worth doing  that, or if that's like, weird. Because then maybe it's a little  bit less obvious that it's a door. Okay, I'm gonna put wood floors like,   pretty much everywhere up here, but  probably a stone in the basement. I also wanted to use a different staircase. I  was not gonna keep the green one, I promise. Should we use this brick outside? I feel like that   color brick is very busy, I don't  know, doesn't it look kind of off? I wonder if we did this one.  See, to me like, that is better,   but then I don't like the color of  the roof anymore, so that's annoying. I don't know how to do this.  I'm like, so not an expert. We also have like, proper vampire stuff, like,   we have this vampire shower,  but it's like, 1,200 simoleons. So let's just go for the  cheap stuff for now, okay?   I would like to have something fancier, but  I'm gonna be realistic and admit that we can't. Do they even need toilet paper? They're a vampire. No, we can keep it, let's try and keep  some decorations, like toilet paper. We have some kind of cool vampire floors,   I guess we could probably -- I don't know,  I don't think I like that color though. Those ones kind of match, but maybe I  shouldn't do anything too ridiculous,   maybe I'll go back to this. Okay, let's think. Cheap fridge, cheap oven.  Realistically you might not even need this. Like, if you're playing with a vampire. Oh my  god, the counters are 320? Okay, I won't use them. This is harder than I thought, the vampire items  are really expensive. Okay, well I was gonna say   realistically if you're playing with a vampire,  you might not even need the kitchen, but it's   also likely that you aren't playing with only  a vampire so you might still need the kitchen. Maybe I should do -- hang on, what if  we just had like, one less counter.   It makes me sad, but it might be necessary  because we can't really afford much. Smaller room back here, yes, I think so. Smaller room down here, yes, I think so. Maybe even a little bit smaller  than that, yeah, I think so. I was literally just gonna give them  like, one candle though on the wall,   and I think that's okay, I feel like that's  kind of what we're going for with this. Luckily the coffin is cheap so  we can put that down here too,   and then like, spider webs and stuff are free  so we can definitely add a couple of those in. This vampire doesn't need like, railings  or anything, right? They're a vampire. I think they're fine. I don't think  they need them, it's fine. Okay,   luckily these fancy wallpapers are cheap. Look at that, two simoleons,  good stuff, thank you very much. I will gladly accept that. Eugh! 4,800! Oh my god, everything  in the Vampires pack is so expensive. Like, even the paintings, 715? Oh no-no, this is not this is not a starter  home building kind of pack. Not even remotely. Okay, well I'm thinking that we  can sort of double up this rug,   luckily it has some nice swatches  and I'm thinking that we could use it   in front of the fireplace, which by the  way, I would very much like to have. I don't think we can use the one from the  pack, but I think we can use this one. I might also use a slightly fancier sofa,   again acknowledging that maybe it's a  poor choice because it's a bit pricey,   but sometimes it just feels necessary because  I don't really know what else to do about this. Okay, windows are cheap, windows are cheap,  and they give us additional decorations. That could be nice, right? Okay, I'm wondering  if I can redo this, I wanted the fireplace   to be in between the bookshelves, but  I'm wondering if we could get it like,   I don't know, maybe we could put some sort of  other furniture item between the bookshelves,   and then we could keep the rest  of the house kind of like this. I don't think the purple is good either,   but now everything is gray, so  maybe I'll keep it, I don't know. This is harder than I thought it  would be. See, this bookshelf,   that's what I really want, but  it's 2,000. We can't have that. Even this is like, 180. 475?! Oh  my god, it's all so expensive. I'm sorry, I'm like, laughing because it's  so ridiculously expensive that it's funny. Okay, we can have them have a little table.   I have to stop though because we really  need to put furniture in this bedroom. They will be lucky to have this bed, and I think   luckily we can use some cheap furniture. I  feel like that stuff totally fits and works. Oh, maybe that color of the rug is better. Why  does a single rose have to be 190 simoleons? I want to put something cute  like, on the table, you know? I'm also really wishing that I had more money  for things like, I don't know, coat racks,   just like, the smaller more  decorative stuff would be nice,   but I'm not sure we can really  put any other furniture in here. I wish that there was more going on further  back, like, I wish we had something here. I wonder if we could put -- 2,400 -- oh,   I should stop using that. I put that in my  houses so much. That's really expensive. Oh, I didn't realize. Maybe something on the wall? What if there was like, a  single chair? No, that's creepy. Ah, maybe this mirror could be good. That could be  a good space filler. All right, it's very bland. It is very bland, but I want to save  a little bit of money for the outside   because for example, we need a trash  can, and now I have 352 simoleons, so. Things are not looking good for us. Okay, I want  to get lights on either side of that front door. I'm breaking out the debug, bb.show  hidden objects, bb.show live edit objects. Okay, I don't love this house. I won't  lie to you, I don't love this house. I'm really, really hoping for some good  vampire debug. We have so much pretty ivy   in that picture that we were looking at,  the real one had so much pretty ivy too,   but I just feel like we can't put that  because it's like, 45 simoleons each. Ooh, oh my god, that's really large.   I do think I want to put some of these  around. Not that one, that's too big. And I also think that luckily some of these  are really pretty. I wonder if it being on   no foundation would be better. What do you think about that? Well,  I'm gonna get rid of the foundation   for now just so I can landscape,  and then we can revisit that. This is probably gonna have  more landscaping than -- ew. Oh my god, that is very poor quality. Some of  the debug stuff is weird. I don't like that. But I was gonna say, this is definitely  gonna have more landscaping than most of   the neighbor's houses because I don't think  they have much really at all. Yeah, see. But the neighbors houses are ugly, so I don't  need to match them, they should be matching me. Was it wrong with me to use those flowers? Like,  should I have put -- we could probably get,   I don't know, some sort of little like, statue  thing kind of like what the neighbors had,   they had like a little I don't  know, we can have one of those. Two can play at this game. I don't even  think I can afford to put the stairs in.   Okay, good, we can still afford the stairs. Even if barely we can still afford the  stairs. What did they do for the path   leading up to their houses? Okay, they  have like, proper stone walkways. Okay. There is a really nice stone from  the vampire pack, I love this,   it's not that expensive either  so we probably could use this. It was like, 48 to place that there. I guess most of the landscaping is really  cheap, like, these dry rose bushes are only 20. I mean, that would make us match the neighbors  a little bit better so maybe we should do that. Perhaps I can have like, one rock. No,   the one rock looks bad. I was gonna  try, but I don't think it's right. I don't want it to look so even, like, I  kind of want it to look a little bit more,   I don't know, I was gonna say natural, but  nothing about this looks natural so I don't know. I also wish that I had a computer in this house,   but I definitely spent a lot more time  and effort on the exterior than like,   the interior, which you know, it isn't  bad, but it's also not necessarily good. We have 90 simoleons left, I wonder if we could  put like, perhaps a mirror there and that's it. That might be everything. Oh no, we  could always get some more cracks   on the wall down here. This is free,  so if we want them, we can have them. Oh, yeah, I think that's kind  of fun. I do like the basement.   It's expensive to buy a basement, but  I think it was worth it for this too. And overall I think this house actually  turned out kind of okay, I think it's cute. You could probably class it as a  two-bedroom house as well if you wanted to. I'm only gonna class it as one 'cause,  you know, it's got a secret basement. But I actually quite like the look of this angle,  I really wish that we had more furniture, like,   I think that this hallway is kind of wasted space,   but you can always add to it when  you're actually playing in it, you know? And I think story-wise it sets you up pretty well.  Well, there you go, that is the build complete. I recorded this at 6am, I'm not kidding,  um, so hopefully it turned out okay,   and with that being said, I'm gonna go, and  I will see you all tomorrow. Bye everybody. Great work everybody, 6am recording, done. And it didn't even turn out terribly. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 343,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: 7vEKLgIgpuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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