The Evermoore is HAUNTED!? | Empires SMP 2 Ep 6

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hello i'm shepal and welcome to my channel today we're going back on empires there's a few things that we need to gather for our kingdom but we do need a little bit of help from the other emperors so we have some visits to make and this is a reminder to subscribe okay so we learned from sausage that joey has been working on getting a creeper head with his trident so maybe we can go over to his house and see if he's got it and if he's got an extra one for me i haven't been to joey's house yet so we will have to go grab my boat and take the canal over and this leads to the open water um which way is joey's i think this must be the place look at yourself you're all naked hello ashamed of yourself oh hello hello it's me the great witch yeah i figured i'd come by to see you because i haven't been to your area yet welcome to the forgotten cove oh yeah i totally forgot about it did you come to buy some fish or some prismarine actually came on some other business i heard from sausage that you had this like mystical magical tool for getting a creeper head my trident yeah did you end up getting the head i did and i made a creeper charged pant pattern okay here's my banner whoa oh it's an anchor okay oh hello that's a really nice banner thanks uh yeah i needed the stupid creeper charge is that what you're needing it for yeah i went to sausage to get him to make my kingdom a banner but he said the the kind of like pattern i want to go for will need a creeper head so oh do you think i could i can loan it to you for like let's say 30 diamonds that sounds reasonable third 30 diamonds that's a lot you know what if what if um what if you just let me borrow the trident and i could just go and snag my own real quick yeah and how about i just borrow your hat and your wands what oh is that like a i am the king of the sea you think i'm just gonna give my trident all my superpowers away to a lowly witch like you i'm not lowly okay you're right i guess i did go a little low there i'm sorry just my pirate tendencies but no i understand if you asked for my wand i i'd probably respond the same way i am not worthy yes so you can see yourself out you walk the plank hey if i can come up with that money maybe i'll come back but um i may uh just figure something else out then okay well good luck because it's really hard to get one of these so go find the 30 diamonds would be probably faster okay bye okay i can't afford 30 diamonds i just made everything netherright so i'm i'm basically broke you know i'm sure if i were to sneak in and borrow it i'd bring it back and he'd never even notice it was gone the thing is where he left the game he left the game this is the captain's quarters right okay yep that's the one it it doesn't really count as stealing if i plan to bring it back right i'm just gonna borrow it and bring it back before he ever notices a thing okay listen i know this looks bad stealing the trident of the king of the ocean my friend but it's important and 30 diamonds is just way too expensive and he's never gonna notice it's even gone plus as a sign of good faith i'm gonna enchant this with loyalty so that the next time anytime he throws it it'll be binded to him as the king of the ocean and always come back to him i'm sure he'll love that right i mean i'm already a criminal i might as well keep going also a bunch of people notice these signs in the back this one and that one those were me i put these on the outskirts just before it gets too dense in the mangrove just to warn any passers by that it's dangerous in there and you should beware okay i finally made it back to spawn i haven't been here in ages but somebody told me that this is actually a magic fire and if i put it out with a shovel it'll actually turn blue and summon thunder i don't know if that's a thunder daddy thing or what so let's try it whoa it really did work oh wait joey said i might die a lot so let's just just in case i do die oh yeah no that's a thunderstorm let's wait for a creeper and strike him down oh there's the motherload of creepers let's let's get them all [Music] oh my god i did it uh do i take care of that one or will that bring back wow okay so i just checked the books and apparently the head that i need is a regular creeper head but i need the supercharged creeper to blow up the regular creeper to get the head so this guy's not even the right guy so we gotta do this again all right this will be a little harder than i thought and maybe we want to have a shield on there's a creeper but i need another creeper let's leave him alive until we've got another one oh we got to be careful we don't want to get struck by lightning ourselves either there we go well there's one do you think we can lead him all the way over there but how do we get the other creeper to not explode [Music] creeper head that's it that's the one let's stop this thunderstorm as soon as possible this is so scary and sleep well i'll keep the charge creeper head for funsies but this is what we needed creeper head and he said i couldn't do it i really i needed to prove this to him and to myself now i will humbly return the trident maybe after a couple more lightning strikes it's kind of fun i i was just walking home i haven't seen this before whoa it's a massive bridge oh man not again welcome to the sanctuary's outpost on the great bridge please feel free to take any items from inside the outpost oh oh whoa well if this is the sanctuary i must be close to mythical sausages let me just rest here for the night and then i can deliver him this creeper head i'm glad i had this outpost for refuge but it is time to go back to the sanctuary [Music] hello whoa what is that hey oh come on in oh i oh did you come for a specific reason oh i did now you know we we we tell people please yep yeah look what i got oh wow that must have taken so long and so many deaths come on in come on actually it was pretty tough but i am a pretty great witch oh come on in come on through here come on in whoa yeah this is miguelito say hello miguelido hello oh yeah boy he helps me yes whoa is he the loom guy he's the banner maker yeah he's my bannermaker boy right here yes no he's the best in the business oh he's on break right now okay oh i gotta respect his break i'm going with a color scheme here on my my empire so i'm thinking purple background so the main case is not it's not the black one from the original thing no black is a bit too dark for me i'm not really one of those kinds of witches i'm gonna burn these i'll be right back oops [Music] i got it i got it that was fast that was fast that should make sure you don't mess up on the first one because i gotta go share some more we're good i'm also so stacked up on potions and end rods and blaze rods so if anybody ever needs those you could just throw me all your rods into my face i just need sticks i just poor sanctuary please nature gods forgive me i will replant sorry nature gods i'm i'm a nature witch kinda i love dirt love leaves love what you do great work big fan that's it that's so good it's perfect it's beautiful thank you thank you so much that is it right there yeah you know what take the take the other one too as a symbol of growth that's how you came into this world with no magic not knowing what you're doing people just laughing like this which don't know what she's doing then now people realize people like realize who was laughing thank you so much i will come back i'm going to bring you so much mud as a repayment oh all right i will come back soon to visit hope all you and your magic go well thank you land yes here and the land gave you some some fish on your journey oh i forgot to ask i actually got a little bit hungry on the way goodbye goodbye we got it we got it it looks so good who are you how did you get in here where's your guy hello is anyone are these anybody anyone's llamas okay well i guess um i have llamas now all right let's go make my banner finally that's what all this was for that's a good amount i think that's a good amount of banners oh i don't know what they're talking about it's a prank it's got to be a prank nobody knows nobody knows it has to be a prank no it's a prank it's it's just somebody's playing a prank on me and it isn't funny was it them it wouldn't be the academy they would just send me the letter they they wouldn't be sending ominous signs nobody's coming nobody's coming there isn't anyone coming where it's okay it's fine nobody's here nobody's ever here nobody comes here who would want to be here i didn't even fog is sure getting thick though they could be in there sausage said he saw a ghost is there ghost on the server sausage said he saw a ghost they were by the campfire i was by the campfire the campfire is also like fully cursed they want to come and take me they can sure as heck try i'm too buff look at my armor i guess that's a good question though if they do come am i gonna fight them hey listen all the the bad news aside they can try and take me out of the evermore but this is my home now and i have put a flag to claim this as my empire okay that should look yeah i think that's cool this looks so good [Music] hello oh man not again you're done again i have a wand i have a wand and i'm like really buff it isn't just like a skeleton right if you're hiding in the fog i wouldn't recommend it if you can't find your way back out you get claimed and that mud oh that mud that's gonna be with you forever it's gonna get on your shoes in your house on your carpet you can't be invisible because i'm the only one who knows how to make those potions unless you stole them are you in the fog are you the fog uh whoever you are you're you're gonna hear from the great witches academy if you keep trying to attack one of their witches you you definitely don't want to face the most powerful witches it gets into which prison trust me it's not a nice place you don't want to go there hey wait a minute are you in my tree are you the one leaving those signs i don't i don't know what you're talking about but listen maybe we can maybe we can talk this out oh i forgot to put leaves on that side of the bridge oops listen i came here to do good i'm here to help that's my job as resident witch i use my magic to help the other areas and empires and rulers somebody's mowing their lawn outside and i don't know if you can hear that but i don't plan to do that to the forest i'm not gonna mow it that's not my lawnmower i swear are you one of the trees you know they do all those mangrove roots they kind of look like legs and sometimes because the fog is a little bit disorienting it kind of looks like they're walking and moving but i think it's just the water reflecting weird but if you really are a tree i i'm sorry i tap down so many of you i'll stop i'll i'll stop i'll never chop down another tree maybe you can live here too are you someone that got lost in the fog or you can go anywhere you want really probably uh recommended not here i saw that i saw that and you missed i also know better than to get baited into the fog you're not gonna lure me in there all right so hello hello are you talking to yourself no who are you talking to the fog it's a long story uh what brings you here i was like wanting some potions oh oh yeah sorry just the it's the fog place tricks on you so follow me what kind of potions did you need um do you have any fire resistance portions i do you want to get in that barrel take as many as you're uh you're looking for when i have the next project then i need more dye i'm still working on using up the purple and green dye but that's what i'm working on today is getting all the materials for my next house and if i need more dye i'll come to you or let me know because i now have wagons so i can get here quicker than you can to me those are cool dora love the hat and i love the wings i'm still working on getting my flight we don't fly with wings we have i mentioned we need yeah nobody has i think everyone's vacuuming these days no one's got broom anymore yeah no that's true i don't you got a swiffer or something oh yeah i'll figure it out i'll work on it well thank you very much for the potions um enjoy talking to the fog thanks don't go in there don't trust it anything it says it's a liar i can't it doesn't say anything to me you feel me but we're good bye bye let's go into the nether now i told you i was hearing voices from the fog man now nobody's gonna want to visit my kingdom if they start finding out that there's things whispering in the fog i'm just free i'm just making myself more scared it's just fog hey you guys okay in here are you guys making the noises you can't talk bro bro what bro what um i built this tree this isn't even a natural mangrove tree so whatever you're mad about it's not my fault sorry you exist now my bad sorry i gave you life did you hear that one somebody just touched a lantern [Applause] what was that bro oh oh my god you know what though these guys are kind of handy if i want to use them to signal someone moving maybe not in the tree but maybe from the fog maybe i set up some shriekers in the fog and then maybe i catch who's doing this who put a chicken in here wait oh i shouldn't have done that who's in my house who's inside my house that's not cool i don't even the thing is whoever did the invisibility potion i don't have those none of these are invisibility which means somebody's coming for my job hello hi oh hello what's his name snort well i was in the neighborhood i took a wrong turn after leaving tumbletown and i heard you had a lot of mangrove roots you were trying to get rid of oh i got plenty and there's always going to be more so i'll happily drop it off at your house i've i've really heard you need to grow a lot more things around here just because you know it's not really lush enough you know no so i thought these might be able to help you whoa okay yeah this is a big help all right i'll trade you these bone blocks and i'll just keep feeding you roots thanks so much thanks for taking the trip out here even though we got lost it is very disorienting to get here things are expanding pretty quick but so is the fog it's kind of leaking out a little bit nervous about it don't worry though it's probably fine i'm sure there's nothing spooky about it although i did have you heard about a ghost a ghost sausage told me he saw a ghost and then i think i'm getting haunted yep i haven't heard any ghosts yet oh man but that's a me problem yeah and i would i would definitely hear them if they're there oh yeah you got super hearing i'm glad that worked out for you you know if you ever want to sort the ear problem i might be able to whip up a potion to make them small again you might end up with a tail instead but you know it's kind of fun to see what happens okay you know that's good to know that's good to know i need a test subject maybe yeah that's that's really good to know that's very good i'll let you know i'll look at my calendar and you gotta be somewhere let's go okay bye well now that our empire finally has a banner because this is my home and i will defend it as such uh i think that something i'm gonna need now is a broom and i just can't seem to find one anywhere nobody seems to have a broom uh doesn't seem to exist in minecraft or something but i have an idea see i'm magic right and i've kind of already made the impossible happen i think that i could probably make a broom if i just put a stick and a wheat but then add my magic essence i knew i could break the game wow this looks cool let's take it out for a spin okay we've got this guy in hand let's uh let's see how this baby flies whoa look at our mangrove forest oh that um that fog really does look like it's growing okay a problem for later yeah it is pretty foggy out there we're gonna go exploring soon a broom is gonna be essential for getting out alive and now i can visit all my friends there are lots of kingdoms on the other side of the continent that i need to go visit so now that i have a way of traveling there let's start making some friends but that's gonna be it for today's video leave a like if you enjoyed watching don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you all next time goodbye
Channel: Shubble
Views: 240,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shubble, shubble minecraft, shubble one life, minecraft one life, shubble videos, minecraft, one life, shubble one life season 3, kingdom craft, joey graceffa, joey graceffa minecraft, mcc, joey graceffa mcc, shubble mcc, minecraft championship, jack manifold, nihachu, smajor, empires, empires smp, shubble empires, empires shubble, empires season 2, empires season 1, empires episode 1, hermitcraft
Id: 2-zU6TqCXOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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