I Secretly Cheated with //PASTE in a Building Competition

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these are my friends and today i invited them to a build battle what they don't know is i secretly paid builders to create custom builds that i can paste into the world i feel so bad the video ends when they find out all right boys five minutes on the clock the first build is a boat a boat the first build is a boat good luck i'mma build the biggest boat let me show you guys what i have up my sleeve today i'm gonna go slash slash schematic list on the left side of the screen you will be able to see every single custom build that i had the build team make the first one we're going to be loading up is the poke we have to impress the boys cause you know alec and adam last time they didn't like my build and i was kind of upset about it man i was like really depressed about it okay we're gonna have to scuff this a little bit so i'm just gonna do a surround sound system here i'm gonna want my boot to be a little small so all i have to do is click this to load it and then to paste it in we do slash paste and bada bing bada boom we got a boat now some of you guys might be wondering jack why did you pay somebody to build this well guys the video is going to end if my friends can figure out that i did not build anything in today's video so i had to make it somewhat convincing the first one isn't the best by the end you will not believe the build that i'm going to be pasting it all right let's move in i'm spamming can't tell myself i'm bad i have to tell myself i'm good okay so obviously we have this build right we're gonna need to move it and then make like a little pond until i fill this entire area it might take a little bit infinity pool i'm winning this challenge i always lose but not the flipping date oh my god what i could also do is get my handy-dandy golden shovel and then turn this into a brush oh yeah oh my gosh that is flipping sick all right let's see if this works oh snap oh snap oh my gosh and we got ourselves our first boat this is looking great this looks great there's no way we're losing this okay we're gonna try to get rid of all the area around here and might need to re-pace the boat there's only two minutes left oh my gosh it's looking good this look is really good oh my i'm actually kind of proud of myself right now about flipping genius this is what we have so far you see this is believable i could have actually made this the thing i'm worried about is jack because guys how many times do i have to say this every single time the man trolls me i like it only 10 seconds left i have an idea to troll i will show you guys after time is up boys no time's not up already all right boys and girls you guys need to vote on who you think had the best builder the winner i don't know if i mentioned this gets a thousand dollars at the end of today's video everybody join me over at alex build he sounded like he was done oh god no i'm dead i'm actually confident in mine this is alex where are you gonna put the turd oh my god this is trash this is the worst boat where's the water alec oh wait guys guys get the way give give alec a chance alec where can you give us a tour of your boat i'm just gonna be honest this is the worst thing i've ever seen all right ladies and gentlemen let's go check out adams the siren has officially built the worst possible creation in a build battle ever this is for sure better than alex wow i was trying to i was trying to recreate george washington crossing the delaware river and then uh this is what i came up with this is so bad i don't know how you were laughing at mine at least mine's on water yeah i'm giving yours a one alex it wasn't even in water mine was like what's that thing that was noah's ark you stink okay all right all right you're trash i'm gonna give him a five i think it's beautiful adam's like a half hollow turd all right christian whoa yeah wait hang on hang on i don't understand how you guys laugh so hysterically at my build and this is what you guys hadn't like made what is i'm gonna give this one a seven i actually really like this one i think he's just jealous compared to compared to alex it is a ten i'm gonna give this one a four out of ten i like it i like the sale okay let's go to jax i dude i didn't have time to build a boat okay i spent a lot of time on the pond okay guys i'm not gonna lie alex is looking good now yeah i don't know about this guys you wouldn't know a boat if it hit you in the face like the exterior is amazing but the the bow the actual boat it just it just doesn't look like a bolt you probably spent three minutes on this dock onto the next build all right boys next up a modern house in five minutes let's go the plan is going perfectly the boys obviously did not like my first build but that's okay the next one we're stepping it up i'm running out of room to build already we do have to build a modern house wait this is actually perfect the border the quartz block is actually perfect for an outline to a house the next one is the modern house now i forget exactly how big this one is but i do know that i'm pretty sure it like builds itself two blocks up so if i go slash paste right now i don't know what to build we have five minutes there we go yeah that's what i'm talking about baby look at that it's gorgeous okay it's actually like probably too good if i don't want them to find out we're gonna have to dumb this down a little bit no oh no no no no no darko dark oak oh my god okay we're gonna have to get rid of uh this out here because i don't know what that is we're gonna get rid of that this tree can stay uh the outside portion honestly looks pretty good i think that this should turn into smooth stone slabs how am i supposed to build something in five minutes like be honest can you guys build stuff in five minutes like i just don't trust jack right now i honestly don't trust him i feel like there's something he's hiding and then we have the master room coming over here oh yeah i'm actually thinking this through the outside portion looks pretty good uh i am not going to put windows on this i'm going to act like i ran out of time because i feel like it's believable to run out of time to put windows since we only have five minutes and two minutes have already passed you got the living area that's the living room you need to go to the bathroom boom turn boom bathroom boom you come through the hallway kitchen here kitchen lined up here also gonna act like i forgot to put doors so that the inside isn't super detailed literally oh my god oh my god i don't know what i'm doing i don't know what i'm doing how do you do this in five minutes very nice look at that the most expensive sea lanterns lights that you've ever seen all right it's not looking bad and then for the outside portion everything just looks better if you blend it in so we're gonna blend it in just with like a little bit of this no it's not setting no i don't know what i'm trying to do anymore that looks that looks good right and i'm gonna have to probably break one of the rooms because i don't know if i would have time to finish everything so we're just going to delete this entire room right here 20 seconds left guys okay i'm gonna get rid of the roof too because i don't know if it's believable that i could finish an entire roof in that amount of time time is advice i for sure won this challenge let's go yeah i for sure lost this one welcome to my house this is i love this house so much all right so this is alex mtv cribs modern mansion whoa whoa whoa oh it changes colors look at that wait wait wait okay people in modern world live minimalistically so they have nothing his house is like a metaphor i got it no i really like the way the blocks go together very nice christopher since you're being so generous today let's go check out your build oh dude it's a wii console yeah yeah that's definitely what i was building yeah kind of looks like a chocolate bar with like marshmallows around it's a mr beast bar i like this one okay can we all can we all go just go look at atoms so we start at the entrance oh that's the f oh sorry i must have we walked through the front door we got a big tv here we got couches to sit and relax with the boys you see my insides full i just didn't focus on the outside very much if you don't really care about walls or ceilings this is the perfect house you build a modern campsite i built the first layer of a million dollar mansion all right boys well next up we have mine oh my god adam i think this is what you were going for right something like this if i had time to finish my house and i knew how to do use world edit this is what i would do yo this is crazy though this is sick i do like this yeah and the roof isn't finished but i'm giving it a solid eight and a half let's go next build you have to build a giant sword in the ground all right boys somehow we got away with another round of cheating i think it helped that i actually broke the base because it looked like i was actively building it so i fooled them i don't know if jack built that if i'm being honest he has gotten better at building over the years but something's going through alex today where he's just like absolutely trash i don't know but jack could be cheating jack jack sucks like that he's i'm so confused though because is this actually just a build challenge all right guys but let me show you what i have i forget just how big this thing is but let's do it and bada bing bada boom this thing is massive isn't it look at that okay how do we make this thing less awesome we're gonna delete some of these like extra decorative blocks because there's no way i would have thought of this take this wood and start building like this i need to hurry up because i'm running out of time here all right the top of this thing i'm gonna say that i used a world edit sphere so we're gonna delete it and then i'm gonna try to make my own sphere to see if that even works [Music] yo just come together nicely oh god i did not do that evenly give it more texture some blocks in oh that doesn't look bad that's not a bad sword guys come on that's not that's not a terrible sword oh skulls skulls okay yeah like something's dead so far guys this is looking amazing okay i don't know if i would use stairs either so we're gonna get rid of some of the stairs and then just kind of use slabs to make it look like a little bit sharper nice dude this looks sick i gotta win this one this is looking fire but guys i think i like it i might be sneaking up on jackie jack a little bit i'm gonna take a potion of invisibility and i gotta see if jack is cheating time for stealth mode cue the stealth music i'm gonna find out if this is actually cheating because that build was flipping crazy here we go let's just go stealth stealth yo look at his sword bro that is crazy there is no way yo that sword is epic i gotta make sure i'm not spotted here thank god i'm completely invisible no one can spot me jax build wasn't crazy last time but it's still that's epic that's i don't know if that's possible to build it seems like everything he's doing is pretty legit is he cheating or not i gotta get back this this one looks sick oh how did i forget about this i learned that jack could maybe possibly be cheating but probably isn't we're also gonna give this bad boy a name right at the top i have another sword that says excalibur but this thing is looking nice this looks so sick look at this thing the time is up who haven't we checked out first you yeah yeah yeah all right all right come to my come to my side come to my side oh way it doesn't look like a sword though wait it kind of looks like a guy with like a really long neck like that bro yeah i mean i think it's cool i'll give it like a seven and a half i'm gonna give it an eight all right let's go to dirt boy now kind of stinky over here oh what the heck hey yo adam okay wait that's that's not mine yeah right guys i actually tried the best i could for this one oh wait that's nasty oh it's awesome oh thank you i like it i'm gonna give that like a nine i like that i was gonna give it an eight i'm gonna go eight all right let's move on to atoms everybody just take take a moment and and just take it all in i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna give this one a a solid 6.9 let's go sorry adam it's a four a four you're a four alec really talks smack to build a power ranger [Music] [Laughter] it looks like a transformer optimus prime sword that sounds awesome now if you ask me i hate it next build okay i hate all of you all right boys next up you are building uh a fast food restaurant five minutes on the clock good luck mcdonald's kfc maybe some popeyes popeye chicken though all right boys this is where i think they might figure it out let me show you guys my fast food build i don't even know which way it faces we have a kfc oh my gosh french fries french fries everyone loves a good french fry wait it's a mcdonald's dude i swear this was a kfc okay we have to go i guess two blocks into the ground to pace this thing correctly uh let's go face through and bang bang look at that boys we got a mickey d's i don't know exactly what happened here but yeah i'm not gonna change anything about this and we're gonna see if the boys believe me you can come right inside through the two golden arches over here we have the seating area looking at a picture of french fries right now and this is not looking good we got mickey flipping these golden arches that looks sick there we go oh my gosh oh it's mickey d's oh okay let me let me turn in would i be wrong for trolling someone and then we might as well make a menu in the meantime how do you make french fries in a freaking minecraft game what even is this oh my gosh this is genius all right i think we have to resort to my my next thing guys finding out what they're doing what he's trolling he is literally trolling there's no way he made that we're gonna make it nice and small i don't even care it's all about those double arches those flipping double arches the sasquatch sauce is everyone making mcdonald's like what the heck what is that noise are you guys hearing that what is that it's almost like spawning satan so funny though it's so worth it what the heck axolotl everybody built mcdonald's bro what dude what is this crap get away from my mickey dice gentlemen your five minutes is up mine is a disgrace to all fast food restaurants not that they really have much i might have won let's go check out christopher's i have a good feeling about this one no no no no no no actually let's go all right everybody wow i went out of business oh wow okay i always feel bad about my builds and then i fly over adams and i'm like wow i feel a lot better and now i'm at christopher's and geez i'm feeling like on top of the planet right now wow can you i was tired i ate so much food i got fat and i was tired so i just i couldn't build anymore i don't know i that does make me want to eat some french fries i'm not gonna lie you're supposed to build a fast food restaurant i'm not spending 10 bucks for french fries i'm not alec the prompt was fast food restaurant he got the first two words right so that's like a 66 percent it took him five minutes to build it that's not fast food listen you don't even have to go in the restaurant though there's no restaurant to go into no one wants to go into our i'm not spitting so for two crumbs of a french fry welcome to the actual restaurant welcome to mickey d's this is not mickey d's dude you got two entrances boots for the m's and then you got the restaurant up here where you put in your order in the back you got the workers oh no i'm getting away in america i really like the the thought process here okay oh no way you did this nah you're hacking how am i acting i thought this was garbage when i was building it bro this is sick the best part we just looked at dude this is this is this is a nine yeah okay i like this all right well let's go check out mine what the oh no no this isn't real you didn't do this there's no way i can actually turn off the shot we can we can turn on on the lights no no you didn't knock on redstone in five minutes all right let's do there's only one more build there's one more bit you have to build a house in the sky the more i'm looking at mine the more i'm liking mine you might want to get glasses my guy guys they're on to me we're gonna finish it out with the bang here boys and we're gonna put in the sky house now i don't know which direction it's gonna face but i think i only have one chance to do this right 52 000 blocks oh my gosh oh my gosh dude there's no way they're gonna believe this oh no adam's building up jack for sure did not build that there's no flipping way i can actually see jax from here i need to act like i'm building stuff this place is insanely cool somehow nobody has noticed me yet we're gonna do this this is gonna be so funny okay we're gonna do this i'm trying to keep going in a circle until we get a good nice sized house here adam is so high up in the sky i think i'm gonna mess with him i'm just gonna teleport them like five blocks down just to mess with them oh my gosh wait i just got tp oh what the heck wait did i accidentally tp him to me what is this i'm i'm done early oh you finished already oh you're flipping cheating i do it i do it are you kidding me don't tell anybody adam how much you pay me i can give you like 20 bucks it's like five big macs right there deal you didn't hear anything from me all right good good all right guys here is my ultimate troll all right boys time is up setting points on this entire thing to crap out the whole thing adam adam has kindly offered to show us his build first yeah i'll show you guys my build if you can find it oh it's like really high up there welcome to my house i'm sorry that took way too much my time this is a zero i'm sorry zero okay this is fire i'll try to do the same thing and couldn't we had 30 seconds to build this pretty much this is the best you're going to get out of me what no whoa i know i know he built this himself for a fact guys i am i'm through with this you know what i knew it dude i knew you're a cheater i'm never playing minecraft with you again dude adam saw me building this i tried to spy on him and figure out if you just want to see how you did it build another one in 30 seconds my game's frozen what happened that definitely wasn't me where's this giant wall where did this go from dude where did all the dirt come from
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 2,609,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, build battle, build competition, i secretly cheated, building competition, build mod, auto build mod, building mod, i secretly cheated minecraft, minecraft auto build, building mod minecraft, minecraft i secretly cheated, minecraft building, //paste, beckbrojack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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