I Tried $88 Fried Chicken Sandwich And Cocktail Experience At Home

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hey guys it's inka so as some of you know i have been exploring different unique takeouts here in new york city and it's been a really eye-opening experience so far for this episode i wanted to check out something a little bit different i'm somebody who really enjoys cocktails i like going to bars sometimes to just you know relax and that's something i've been missing a lot during this time so i'm really curious to know what bars are doing to bring that same experience to people in their homes today i will be ordering pickup from double chicken please which is a new bar slash restaurant that sells this to go cocktail and fried chicken sandwich combo that already sounds incredible the specific name of the set is winner winner chicken dinner which i think is super cute i already called him ahead and made my order so now with alvin behind the camera we're gonna go pick it up [Music] hi welcome to double chicken please thank you for having me i'm very very excited to be here so tell me a little bit about how double chicken please came to be double chicken please basically is a place we want to make people laugh with whatever we create either it's food it's beverage is our design everything we do especially during this pandemic people just need to laugh it's an intersection between food drink and design we want to let people know that they're not just getting food they're not just getting drink for sustenance they're getting this thoughtfully crafted experience that they can take home with them if it can make someone smile if it can make someone happy you know that's what we're here to do your focus point is like you just want to bring that kind of happiness to your customers i think that's really heartwarming i know i'll be getting the winner winner chicken dinner combo today can you break it down for me the term winner winner chicken dinner actually came from like vegas gambling culture something you tend to exclaim when you're excited you'll get two sandwiches and two bags of housemaid sweet potato chips and comes with dips and a bottle cocktail that you can share with now we're also offering house-made chicken little mousse i know that both of you are amazing bartenders and obviously cocktails are a huge feature here but there's also this new concept of cocktails on tap how did that come about i first seen it six years ago in norway also in asia it's kind of really popular and we bring it over here and with our own twists you bottle the cocktails and you allow customers to bring it home do you feel like it's the same quality and the same experience we spent a lot of time to dig into this new technique everything is just so different you cannot use certain things everything needs to be clarified we do this because after we clarify it everything more shelf stable for the safety for the flavor for the presentation is all the advantage to do this way so when we deliver the photococktail to customer is exactly the same quality we have at the bar we can simply put on ice and just sip on it so i'll be getting two cocktails today which two would you recommend i would recommend you our number five and number six number five is basically like whiskey high bowl which is my favorite drink we want to make it more fun we add a lot more like elements especially some elements from taiwan for example italians rule on t taiwan long yeah and we infuse with plum bitters so give the kind of like sweet and smokiness inside the drink and you can always taste the good flavors from whiskey number six is actually my favorite drink it's based on michelada which is popular in mexico basically is like a bloody mary with corona beach our spin is to clarify like tomato a little bit of savoriness we use yuzu to give a nice citrus have more character this is a small centrifuge spin it really really fast to get a result to clarify it it's ready from this to this have a little bit spiciness from jalapeno a little bit epson to give a little bit of licorice a little bit like herbal aroma mango and then we have lots of beer make sure the taste is right because every time the ingredients might the difference we need to adjust it it's delicious and once everything's ready put in the cake and hook it up with co2 it's really light refreshing and easy to go down you feel like i feel great it's also a little bit spicy so it goes really well with food what kind of sandwich would that pair the best with normally we recommend people to pair with our hot honey chicken sandwich fried chicken with cocktails i think they go incredibly well together to create that bridge between taiwan and new york was a very big part of us conceptualizing the drinking food menu here the hot honey sandwich is basically taiwanese popcorn chicken with an american aesthetic our house hot honey is made with a lot of sichuan peppercorns and dried chilies we use a blend of fresh and dried chilies we put some fresh thai chilies in there as well we bring it up to a rolling boil and let it steep through for 30 minutes it's gonna be really spicy on your nose soon it always came from a place from comfort jamie's popcorn chicken is something that i grew up eating eating fried chicken was one of the most comforting things i can have from a takeout experience buttermilk fried chicken has its roots in america it's really a bridge between the two it's served on pretzel buns a few fat dollops of tybazoli to bring it all together and slice sourdough pickles and we drizzle the household honey on top as well finish with one more dollop of thai basil everything we develop here is all about balancing flavor texture aroma fried chicken has a vehicle for that it already brings a lot of umami texture the number five goes really well with our tofu sandwich because if you look into the number five ingredients we use like taiwanese ingredients chinese whiskey the tofu sandwich there's like ma jiang paste inside that's how we usually eat in taiwan the tofu sandwich is actually based on my mom's sesame cold noodle recipe whenever i was eating that it was often paired with sesame paste peanut butter paste lots of chilies vinegar soy slayering kind of acidity salt sugar and sweetness kind of parallels the peanut butter and pickle sandwich that you would find in america tofu as a vehicle for vegetarian and vegan options we wanted to add another layer of texture to the tofu before we actually fried it whenever i smell this like it it's reminiscent of night markets in taiwan so this is our tofu brine it's a blend of sour pickle juice and then some hot sauce as well because of the porous nature of tofu this is our opportunity to kind of introduce flavor into the tofu patty itself looks almost like a mock chicken patty gets layered with a few handfuls of crispy shallots as well kind of like crispy little onion rings gives it a certain rigor that i normally wouldn't have the whole idea was to put circles and squares together a lot of textures a lot of layers kind of the same flavor profile repeated throughout the sandwich so you get a bit in every bite then from here we have our pickled cucumbers the cucumber pickles that we have in the sandwich are uh what we call cucumber tongs because they look like tongues they look like tongues and then they're not your classic sliced dill pickles we want them to have structure but at the same time we don't want them to be too thick so they can still fold over on the sandwich the whole idea behind that was we wanted to bring a bit of finesse to our chicken sandwiches let people know that we take chicken sandwiches very seriously those fine touches are our ways of telling our guests that we care a lot about what we're doing here adding that little bit of finesse and that attention to detail is what we really want to showcase in our product and our food could you also just tell me a little bit about your process for coming up with this chicken liver mousse it started as an idea based on a byproduct of g and phase red-eye gravy drink they cook down this intensely aromatic butter in dried for chinese dried shiitakes good coffee beans fat wash that through some irish whiskey we let it set overnight in the freezer so that the whisky absorbs all the flavors the butter which absorbs all the flavor from whiskey some coffee some mushroom you usually throw it away but it's such a beautiful thing after our chef mark joined the team we was like can you actually utilize this he came out these ideas how about chicken little mousse and we put a fat cap chicken liver mousse is traditionally capped you know a range of wine julies sometimes schmaltz butter i love chicken liver mousse i love that kind of bistro cuisine for me to support that flavor profile of whiskey and coffee i use caramelized onions a blend of ruby port madeira and apple brandy great texture and mouth feel i want to strain out any bits that may have not gotten blended give the smoothest possible texture after they're fully cooked through and then properly cooled we cut them with coffee butter you guys want to take away for that smells like whiskey and coffee the whole thing just become a complete product and they also showcase the kitchen and the bar collapsed together on this item you guys really work hand in hand to develop this menu i feel like you also put a lot of detail into your packaging can you tell me your thought behind this we want to make you have a piece of double chicken please at your home fundamentally you have to taste good that's the basic but beyond that it's fun to like bring out something more than just a food and beverage i want to give it to excitement from the food from the drink to the packaging it's all been taken into consideration our way of showing the guests that we're trying to be thoughtful hopefully when all these crazy times are over they're able to join us here at double chicken please and enjoy it with us well thank you very much this is a lot of information i'm excited to experience the bar at home thanks so much thank [Music] you oh this is dangerous getting comfy as gianfe and mark said this is a meal to be enjoyed they didn't stay in your lap actually but this is a meal to be enjoyed in the comforts of your own home we even have a giant tv over there a giant tv that i can't use right now but the idea is it does feel like i'm about to enjoy a movie this looks so good this set i can smell the fried chicken god that smells so good all right so before i start just as recommended what is the best way to enjoy this cocktail at home put on the theme you like put on your favorite music and take a sip relax find a comfortable spot and start tucking into my meal so i've gone ahead and split it into two sets because they did say that we should enjoy it in this sort of pairing i have the number six along with my fried chicken sandwich even just this box tray in itself this compartment design it holds each thing so well it's so convenient i also just can't believe they designed this the whole thing this whole packaging just for the sweet potato chips oh that smells so good already wow this is what i do at home i just put it on the couch all right i'm gonna put the salted egg yolk sauce right here the only thing i'm missing is a glass to put the cocktail in and of course alvin has already prepared a glass of ice for us so i think we're ready wait dude i mean yeah hold up yeah i did [Music] a true behind the scenes and here we are thanks alvin what do you know it's a perfect fit i'm gonna go ahead and pour out our number six oh that was not the color i was expecting it's like a light peach color it smells a little bit like a bloody mary what i understand bloody mary's usually don't look this light and translucent so i am so curious cheers it is kind of savory i feel like the aftertaste in my mouth right now is sweet the kind of drink that makes me want to eat something the moment we've been waiting for look at this beauty it's that beautiful crispy crust this pretzel bun looks so good quite a big sandwich oh that's i don't know if it's because the cocktail opened up my taste buds or something there was so much flavor in that bite so much flavor in this crust everything in here from the tenderness of the chicken to the crispiness also i don't feel like pretzel buns are the usual go-to for chicken sandwiches but i really like the chew it gives to it i love the thai basil aioli i think it's because it does remind me a little bit of like taiwanese fried chicken so i feel like i'm getting a version of that but much more elevated take another sip oh juicy i can see why they say this goes so well together it wouldn't be the same if this cocktail was just a sweet cocktail they really kind of complement each other i'm going to go straight in and try it do that crunch i am a huge fan of sweet and salty combinations i can taste the plum powder in this and plum powder is something that i grew up with sometimes we just sprinkle it on fries dipping it into the salted duck egg yolk sauce it's like the perfect medium who needs popcorn i should have bought more bags taking a little break from the sandwiches i'm gonna try a little bit of this chicken liver mousse even the concept of like how they came up with this you see that beautiful relationship between people in the kitchen and people behind the bar i just want to say when we were filming this the place smelled incredible think of like a cafe where you smell the roasted coffee beans but then you also smell like the buttery notes of like when your mom's baking like really nice chocolate chip cookies and with a little bit of whiskey this needs to just be a candle layer of coffee butter at the very top it does look like a skincare product doesn't it if i just like i like to get a some good baguette slice it flame grill it pair it with our house hot honey and some flake salt [Music] the amount of umami i just got in that bite is insane i think it's from the mushrooms that we saw them fry in the melted butter the caramelized shallots all of that flavor has infused into the chicken liver mousse also it's very boozy like i can taste the whiskey bitter smokiness and the wine of course dang this is a boozy chicken mover mousse but it does wonders for its taste now i think i'll drink a little bit more and eat a little bit more let's kick it off with the second drink there's a lot of things in here that are the things i like it almost looks like iced tea with a bit of orange juice so this one's definitely sweeter the aftertaste though does taste a little bit like oolong fruit tea it goes down so smoothly i'm almost concerned i even know this could work together so well it's time for our tofu sandwich i smell the shallots more than anything sesame noodles is one of my favorite things to eat but now it's in burger form it smells so familiar honestly if you look at it like this you can't tell it's tofu can you i also just love how the cucumbers were intentionally sliced this way just looks so inviting here we go i'm so used to tofu not having that much flavor it's usually like a fairly neutral palette all the flavor has seeped into the tofu and the texture how it's soft and like kind of crumbles in your mouth when you eat it in the sesame sauce i honestly don't know which one i like more wow i haven't felt this comfortable and relaxed in a while i'm very happy right now maybe it's the alcohol talking what i really love about this combo is that they were all familiar items and that gave me a sense of comfort but there were so many extra details and thoughts put behind everything that little element of surprise that really elevated the experience and made it different from something i would just make at home thank you double chicken please and that's about it it has been a wonderful time experiencing and checking out these unique takeouts in new york city it's always great to discover more and support these local restaurants i will definitely be continuing to explore a lot of these on my own time but until then we'll see you in the next video [Music] it's been three episodes i had long lasts [Music] you
Channel: About To Eat
Views: 616,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, about to eat, about to eat inga, alvin zhou, chicken sandwich takeout, cocktail and fried chicken sandwich set, cocktail pairing, cocktail takeout, cooking, dessert, double chicken please, fried chicken and cocktail, fried chicken pairing, fried chicken sandwich, fried chicken sandwich take out, fried chicken takeout, how to make fried chicken sandwich, inga lam, lunch, new york city takeout, sandwich takeout, to go cocktail, to go fried chicken sandwich, unique takeouts
Id: hEv1FV-gID4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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