I Recreated This Cheese-Crusted Burrito

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hello welcome to my kitchen my name is andrew and in this video i'm going to be making a cheese crusted burrito three perfect words there each one making the last one so much more than it was before you may know me from this other show called worth it where i and my associates adam and steven go around eating different foods at different price points making that show also developed an interest into learning the fundamentals of why something tastes good i think one of the best ways to look into that is to make some of these recipes for myself and see what is going on inside the recipe so in our burrito episode we ate at a place called low key which makes the cheese crusted burrito its excellence is self-evident right it's the cheese it's right there on the outside but cheese is really what i'm interested in today and in particular how does the flavor of cheese at different temperatures so to start off i'm going to be speaking with matt from loki burritos to learn more about how he achieves the cheese crust hey matt how's it going thanks for speaking with me pretty good how are you doing aj so we're here to talk about the cheese crusted burrito it's obvious what its components are but it still makes you stop and think holy crap this burrito has a cheese crust people always question it or even when they come up to the stand they still or like it i don't understand what it is it's definitely something that's a little out there i was always surprised how reasonable it is do you think it's going to be like this heavy monstrosity thing but it really isn't that the cheese crust at least on our burritos are meant to be something crispy something to kind of give you uh some sort of texture on the outside i like to eat like chips when i eat burritos just because most of the time the insides need some sort of help with the texture i really use it for textural purposes and just the toasted cheese is really good kind of like cheez-its you know and it gets rid of a lot of the oil it's not just about the spectacle of having oh my god this is a lot of cheese but it's really about getting the flavor of like the caramelized cheese and like is that what is more important yeah i mean it's a little bit of everything unless you're getting the special which you know i want you to be full with that one i want you to be like man i'm so full and i can't eat anymore regular burritos um i want you to be comfortable but it's an off menu thing for us now it's called the cheese blanket you know the burrito is sideways and we roll it sideways versus vertical i think it's when you're really wanting to be like okay i want to seal this whole thing with cheese and i want to take a nap after this and that's something you would do like to the burgerito wait can you just uh explain what the burgerito is one more time it's a smash burger minus the buns and we add that to our base burrito i like it because you know you're kind of looking for that burgers and fries brunchy feel that that sounds awesome matt thanks so much for sharing the recipe with me i'm i'm really looking forward to making this yeah definitely nice talking with you andrew thanks for having me okay it's the next day i've acquired my ingredients i've also acquired my main cooking device this cast iron stove top griddle because i'm going to need a lot more surface area if i'm going to be able to fold over the full length of a burrito and with its weight and thickness i'll be able to recreate the flat top cooking experience that matt has so i also took care of some of the prep work since i'm doing this at home i decided to just make each component the way it would make most sense for me here for example i made my bacon in the oven i think i just get a better consistent result back in the worth of video matt was making hash browns on the flat top he's since updated to fried potatoes so i've made crispy oven roasted potatoes but i also use the residual bacon fat from making my bacon that's also kind of the flavor experience you would get if you're eating his burrito you know you also have some sauteed vegetables which are bell pepper and onion and i also made his salsa which is tomato serrano onion some vinegar and that kind of thing the next most important part of the burrito is the tortilla of course matt insisted that your generic store-bought tortilla isn't gonna cut it in this situation i actually found a local tortilla maker here are my tortillas these have such a satisfying sort of slack heft to them it's like both heavy but limp and it's very [Music] it's just such a dreamy consistency you know [Music] tortilla is so satisfying next let's talk about cheese so we're actually dealing with two cheeses in this burrito so on the inside of the burrito we have monterey jack which man explains is for its creamy texture but for the crust he uses a cheddar and monterey jack shredded blend what have you noticed about different types of cheeses for making the crust do some work better than others we use cheddar jack depending on the brand some of them brown faster i was told that is the higher sugar content when we use other cheeses like the mexican blend one we've used as an emergency because we run out of cheese it's just not good like it looks like the cheese crust and it may feel like the cheese crust but it just has no flavor it's just kind of there i didn't realize that cheddar jack was not a whole other cheese it was actually a combination of cheddar and monterey jack but they're sometimes marbled together this is like very creamy tastes like american cheese cheddar has a much sharper dairy tang to it something i just learned on google cheddar is cheddared to become cheddar so cheddar is actually a process a cheddaring process so before we actually make the burrito i think we should do a little melt test with me trying this out at home what should i be looking out for you want the pan like extremely hot you put the cheese on there that it starts to sizzle and you know fry itself i like to call it painting where we you know kind of scrape the grease from the cheese using one of the spatulas like to make sure again that it's crispy not greasy taking that first bite you know you get a crisp instead of a soft so my tool of choice is going to be the offset spatula let's start off with just the monterey jack it's quite uh gooey you can see it's like immediately a liquid mess let's see if i can okay interesting it immediately has that baked cheese smell seeing a slice of cheese [Music] it's amazing how much more flavor overall just kind of like milk taste to it you know what i mean round two combination cheddar jack i was worried about this cast iron being an unseasoned surface resulting in some sticking but so much fat comes out of the cheese immediately that's really not an issue at all already it seems to have a lot more structural integrity [Music] so where the monterey jack had basically no flavor at room temperature and it was transformed by being cooked this is now intensified in the same way so out of curiosity i have to have some blue cheese in my fridge and i just wonder is this applicable to all cheeses maybe it'll be horrible maybe not [Music] oh wow it's uh essentially just turned into a puddle actually this is effectively turned into nothing where did the cheese go pretty uh pretty not great [Music] there's still a little bit of that blue cheese sourness but a lot of it has gone away the remaining toasted dairy taste is quite similar to the other toasted cheeses i have a mess to clean up and then i think we should try making a burrito so this requires a little bit of juggling since i'm at my small stove here so all i'm doing here is reheating ingredients and scrambling eggs so i'm swapping to a different pan which i'm just going to use to warm my tortilla to make it a little more pliable okay so inside goes monterey jack then our scrambled eggs and other warmed ingredients and some avocado slices some of this salsa and now i fold it not the best job i've ever seen but i've tried making a lot of burritos at home and i always grew it up now i think it's just because i've been using terrible tortillas up until this point but this will suffice for attempting the cheese crust i'm just trying to make sure that the flames are even because my burners are different sizes and i need to use basically the full expanse of this thing seeing just some wisps of smoke coming off let's go for it [Music] he's doing a very trippy dance right now so i'm just trying to spread some of the grease out like oh like matt advised oh jeez okay screw it i'm doing it [Music] i don't think i made this big enough and simultaneously i think there's too much cheese okay let's do it [Music] okay [Music] oh here is a burrito attempt i was so nervous and it was over so quickly look at the way this cheese is on here like this look i can just hold it by the tortilla look at how rigid this cheese is oh my god looking at it through the sunlight is even better it just looks like a golden crunchy pillow it even has the pillowcase seams to it did i make food or did i make something that i could never destroy i don't i don't know i'm going to eat this [Music] now it is so good the flavor of toasted cheese is super unique though i mean you don't really encounter it in a lot of normal dishes or it's like the corner of a lasagna you know like the edge nachos that have it but to have a thing that is entirely wrapped in that sensation pretty great and really it's the texture i mean [Music] so while it is this crazy sounding and crazy looking thing it does serve a distinct flavor purpose that you really can't replicate otherwise i'm blown away by how pretty simply it came together so i achieved a cheese crust but i don't think i did as good a job as they do at loki i mean really it's about the cheese balance you dial in the components so that it's still in balance and everything tastes good and you're not destroyed by the end of a burrito and really that's the expertise that you're getting with matt so if you'd like a truly excellently made cheese crusted burrito please visit matt and loki your stuff is [Music] terrific [Music] you
Channel: About To Eat
Views: 571,771
Rating: 4.9611506 out of 5
Keywords: About To Eat, K_fe, Recipe, Tasty, Worth It, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, burrito, burritos, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cheese-crusted, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy breakfast recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, fun recipes, healthy breakfast recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, quarantine, quarantine recipes, recipe recreation, social distancing, tasty recipes
Id: whJgPudKgE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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