I Bought The Most Expensive Plane Ticket

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I'm about to experience my first ever time on first class this extremely expensive seat includes luxury meals attender massage and even a shower in the sky and I'm so excited let's go first class that's us hi hello this is my first ever time on first class I'm very excited are you traveling alone um unfortunately not I'm being joined by um a weird guy holding a camera like a little creep is it possible to cancel his whole flight right now sorry sorry no all good all good didn't want to make her life easier no sorry about him now you see why I was trying to cancel his flight how you feeling about going on first Flor I'm 50/50 I'm half excited half gutted I'm with you you're a hater man I'm not a hater I just feel like you're going to cramp my style on first class and you're going to make people think that I'm a creep sty cramp it's going to be mine you're seated together that's two we're next to each other no no no the Journey's done the Journey's ruined so I can't believe it we're about to make our way to first class for the first time ever you just get taken to the front of the queue I don't know how to feel about it and this is our first plane of this video that's right in this video I won't only be taking my first first class flight I'll be taking two as this is a two-legged journey and the first stop is Dubai just over here please thank you this is our first time ah welcome aboard thank you thank you so much oh my gosh what the hell what the hell is this pleas me oh thank you so much wait so this is business they is business class I was already shed by that and this is first class oh my gosh God make yourself comfortable gentlemen God this is mental look at this look at all this room I've never seen anything like this in my life I'm in shock this is giant there's flowers here and they're real they're not even fake flowers would it be possible to get orange juice yes please that would be absolutely amazing okay this is going to be mental this seat was absolutely incredible it hadn't quite Justified the ridiculous amount of money I spent on it yet though but there were still many special features coming up for example these complimentary magazines you know I'll pass I'll pass on the magazines he he he doesn't read orange just review let's try it yeah it tastes like orang used to I was then given some pajamas which was so comfy and then got offered a complimentary date and a coffeee well I'm not I'm not coffee man and this was all before we even took off speaking of taking off ladies and gentlemen we are about to take off in first class I wonder if they take off differently here oh was so smooth incredible and that felt extremely normal thank goodness that was an our plate now we're in the sky I'm going to tell you guys that we've actually got a bunch of challenges which I have to complete on this first class Journey the first of which I'm going to try and make the flight attendant laugh from someone who's definitely not funny this going to be quite yeah well I I said that already George we're going to use the room service button for the first time on this flight hello my friend um why don't dinosaurs talk why don't dinosaurs talk I don't know why because they're dead all right it's a good one right they're all bones now and oil and oil yeah that's a good one as well yeah anything I can help you with would it be possible to get the menu absolutely I doing on the m so you can have anything on the men whenever whenever I want absolutely love you yeah so I made him laugh that's the challenge complete and the next one was to order a secret item on the menu is there any secret items on the menu no this is not everything is here everything is here um okay well that's great are the dates on the menu oh no I guess you could call it a secret item it's not really secret because we have to offer it for you when you're welcome I hear you but at the same time it's not on the menu so I might order some dates we found another secret loophole they had cranberry juice on board but it isn't actually on the drinks menu sorry what's your name again my friend emuel for the secret item Emanuel we have to do a secret handshake what is so we'll look away and then we'll just go like this yeah okay appreciate youman that's the worst hand chake ever oh my gosh popcorn thank you there's one thing about me guys I absolutely adore s popcorn it's probably my favorite snack to eat I think I'm going to order about 10 of these on this FL my table was made and they even tucked in my chair for me this is crazy the chef must have heard I was looking for a secret item as they sent me out a secret St compliments from the chef compliments from the chef yes is that on the menu no it's not thank you so much they gave me an actual secret menu on the item all of this is secret items I have to do the secret right my brother you're so cold thank you so much what what is this it's a compressed melon brola way Drop melon M good all this gorgeous food yet I couldn't stop eating the bread the bread is so good cran juice is incredible should be fine this whole starter was delicious I polished it all off before my M then came oh my God I can't believe I'm eating this on a plane thank you for making my dreams come true got it here we go it's not right man wow that's so good feel like I'm at a fstar restaurant all right George give your official review incredible what do you think [Music] George then it was time for dessert oh my gosh a date the best dessert there [Music] is M let's go I then got off with the tooth pick yes please too pcks as well it's crazy and some luxury chocolates oh these chocolates are good man I need water oh of course how can I forget there's inbuilt water how can I forget that after drinking probably the most expensive bottle of water of my life it was time for bed oh this is cool I'm a very tall human being I've never lied down like this in a plane before I feel included the crew even made my bed for me I couldn't believe it but unfortunately I can't go to sleep unless someone tucks me in can you uh uh tuck me in thank you oh thank you for keeping me safe night night this has been crazy so far it'll be even crazier when we continue the challenges when I wake up good night it's breakfast hello a cranberry juice to wake up he's just the best George is awake how is your sleep George oh crazy man The Omelette looks good the T okay you want to be a prick after studying the menu I thought I'd go for something that doesn't even exist I think it's a Chie and chive omelet for me Emanuel is there any secret items on this menu there is one oh it's a pancake but it's made of U try that as well okay and while I waited for breakfast I headed to the toilet hello welcome to my first class routine as someone who always puts tissue on the toilet this might be the best invention ever have to have the toilet experience I conveniently made some space just in time for breakfast do you have hot chocolate oh my gosh is that on the menu yes oh is the second plate of breakfast came out which was pretty scrumptious and then came the third the secret pancake and there a secret on the menu my eldest son will be called emanu M they know how to do it here man it's purple purple food it's daylight which means we'll be landing pretty soon oh what's this luxury chocolates luxury chop my brother man but before the next flight we now had a 3-hour layover to explore the first class Lounge at the Dubai Airport am I allowed to wear this forever material is supposed to keep your skin moisturized as it's got inbuilt moisturizer inbuilt moisturizer niut crazy moisturizer before we get off the flight would it be possible to do an announcement on the thing I I'll check the person if we can do a intercom speech before everyone gets off that' be incredible it was time to exit the first flight and somehow they let me send a message through the entire play here we go hello oh my gosh just want to say thank you so much to the crew big up the ndl we're out here and yeah it's so amazing flying here love it forever bye Manuel man pleasure to have you onight oh yeah of course course can't forget that one yeah thank you thank you I hope you enjoy thank you so much thank you we left the plane until my surprise there was a man waiting for us oh hello my friend my name is man I'll be taking you to the lounge for your next live I wasn't even expecting this this is crazy my God sorry my friend what's your name manura manura yeah manura can I say like that it like yeah it was great it was great oh have we got a car oh my this is ridiculous myura my nura took us miles across the airport through security even on a train until we made it to the first class Lounge wow this is nuts nice meeting you see you again manura and I couldn't believe how empty it was wait so all these shops are exclusively for first class there's no way no one's even Manning them there's no one here there's no one here I can't believe it this just feels so excessive for no reason it seems so unnecessary to have all these private shops up here when there's hardly any people to even shop in them but after having a quick relax in the business center it was time to try something I was truly very excited for with every first class ticket you get a compl complimentary appointment at the airport spa and after a long flight I fancied a nice relaxing massage wow it's an interesting looking device yeah this is looking face down face down this is this is wild fun fact I've never actually had a proper massage before so I wasn't really sure how this would go so what is this like a modern bed beds don't exist no more no yeah oh crazy why could we have a bed why do I have to be like [Music] [Music] so what is this bed called if you can even call it that this chair respect tell me Shut Up chill he just keeps going stronger oh God God help me please stop help me he don't listen to me he's giving me severe brain cranial issues what are you doing how long is this going to go on for I did not sign up for this jeez oh and now I'm Flying Like a Bird okay proper rep there's no way he just me he me tickling me now tickling me he me now he to be now he want to fight now he want to fight what is me yes that good yeah never had anything like that in my life thank you man my back had been absolutely obliterated but I couldn't let this guy think I was a okay keep it together keep it together and you got me you got me you declared war on me there I don't think I can move anymore George now I was fully relaxed I wanted to see what the first class Lounge restaurant had to offer are we the only ones in the restaurant so all of this is just for us right now this place is the definition of extra we have a whole restaurant to ourselves and is all of this stuff free wow this whole thing is free free that's what the catch is you're right free no we spent absolute Fortune there was a huge Crazy Buffet on offer but I only had time for some bread and a cranberry juice before heading off to catch our second flight now it's time for our next challenge which is to try and upgrade someone which is going to be a little bit tough cuz cuz we're going to have to find someone to upgrade excuse me is it possible to upgrade that you to check on board with the crew so the information we just found out is you can't do it now you have to do it on board which means you have to find a victim now and I think I found a perfect Target Rasmus are you hland no I just met you look like hland what's up I got a pH it yeah I want a photo with you though that's okay big up brother I I'm biggest f so are you not holand no then what what's your name Max what's your last name Potter Max Potter Harry Potter does anyone ever say you look like hland no he would say I look like Harry Potter got oh my gosh you do how crazy is that I can't believe you come up Harry Potter's brother mental really nice to meet you yeah that was the one I'm telling you now that was the one the kid has a scar right here on his head his last name is Potter that's genuinely the real life Harry Potter he's going to lose his absolute mind it was then time to board our second like a 7 and 1/2 hour Journey from Dubai to London wow I think we've got a little bit more Lake room here you know and this one has features which the other one didn't but first let's try and get our boy into first class I spoke to a flight attendant and it turned out we could only upgrade our boy Rasmus to business so the plan was to do that and then get him and George to swap seats $2,200 for big Rasmus oiland AKA Max Potter AKA Harry Potter's twin yeah 4.8 billion in his quest and us we broke the bank for this vid oh man you guys better like the video right now I wait there's an announcement oh ladies and gentlemen this is your pilot speaking you better subscribe to the ndl and like this video right now or else I'm going to fly This Plane into a building I'm actually going to do that thank you yeah have a safe FL In First Class they offer you after the shave samples can I think on it is that okay and then it was time for takeoff we're in the sky it's time to get our boy up here let's go the flight attendance then went and found Max and told him that his cousin wanted to speak to him in the business class section where I was waiting ready to surprise him hello Rasmus how you doing I can't believe you brought me first class no this is this is business class business class sorry did you know it was me yeah I knew it was you as soon as he said your cousins called you I was said your cousin well unfortunately they've lied to you and I've also lied to you that's all right I forgive cuz cuz you haven't been upgraded to business yeah no that's fine I've actually upgraded you to first class not business so this is just a temporary spot we're going to go to the front of the plane now are you joking no I'm not joking this is yeah have you ever been in first class I've never been first class that's crazy oh okay we're going to have a good time then we took Max to his new first class seat and he was loving it I think this is better than the actual hiland's experience that he'd get in a plane and this is for the whole flight seriously yeah for the whole flight this is what we're going to be do what am I going to tell my mom oh she so she's downstairs yeah oh well I wasn't flying by myself I'm 16 right George this whole time I've been trying to get rid of you and I finally done it so four I had to go and sit with the scum in business class meanwhile me and my boy Max were living it up in first class that looks pretty delicious well it's water yes it's extra delicious when it's first class thank you for letting me do this for the day I'm really grateful I I I can't believe it they wouldn't give me a glass of champagne would they no you're to I wanted to show Rasmus the first class treatment so we ordered a meal straight away then we're getting two Cav yeah we'll go for it can we get two caviar please but Rasmus had to earn his caviar by completing a challenge you got to make her laugh the next time she comes so good luck man give me a joke you give me a joke no no no you got you got a think of one good luck it's time good luck man next time next time I didn't know she was going to leave no no no I've got it I've got it I've got it I know what I'm going to say it is absolutely horrific but it's fine why am I nervous yeah right you sent back downstairs if you flop this okay so if I don't make her a laugh then it's [Music] done but at least we had a good conversation here we go our food's arriving at the same time thank very much I've got a really funny joke I'd like to tell you is that okay what' you call a Mexican with a rubber toe Mexican with a rubber toe a Mexican with Roberto Roberto Roberto she like that one she like it I'm I'm you're you're our starters arrived and it was time to try our caviar first time I've in caviar first time caviar yeah I bet you [Music] it oh jeez it tastes of sea water I'm not a fan of cavar that was Vil a Mains came out and Rasmus was losing his mind that's the best green bean I've had in my life like try it try it try it be GRE be I'm not a green bean I'm I'm a broone man what you saying Rasmus Rasmus approves there we go that is some good view chop green beans so popcorn then arrived for dessert I'm still eating my green beans come on and Max was a huge fan of the popcorn that's you lost your that is valid normal popcorn n to it's class popcorn no it's okay it's good no it's not as good as the green beans the look you gave me was like this is the greatest thing you ever in your life no but it's warm it is warm see it just means they popped it now yeah but still that's attention to detail oh I wonder what George is [Music] doing poor guy man he looks so sad and then it was time for the moment I've been waiting for this entire trip i' eaten luxury food been treated like a king massaged tenderly but nothing had me quite as excited as this this is a very special moment for me after 25 years on this planet I'm going to be going in a shower on a plane you'll be after me am I going after you yeah yeah yeah all right are you ready for this SL I'm I'm extremely ready that's right with my first class ticket also comes a 15-minute slot in the onboard shower it's time for me to achieve my destiny the plane is actually shaking right now but I'm going to go in to the shower guys I'm taller than the actual shower I wish I brought truns I'm actually naked right now that's cool oh that's quite warm oh that's quite nice I'm showering in the flame you the time is running out I feel like I got a sing in the shower on the plane I really want to go outside no we're out of water it says I've still got time remain it so they definitely heard me singing and like yeah B him off I don't know how needed that is I think that is one of the most pointless luxuries I've ever experienced in my life was it fun yes it was very fun was itth ridiculous about budy definitely not that was so pointless I could have sh when I got home brother I think it's incredibly pointless but worth the experience but worth the experience cuz it's a crazy experience you're next Max was absolutely buzzing for his turn in the shower he's up come on easy money there's people there's people sleeping right there's a guy right there sleeping all right you're up good luck brother and while Rasmus hit the shower I met back up with George to go into the first class bar and complete another challenge and this one was a lot easier than we expected all right mate how you doing oh hello sir um can I just say that your breath absolutely Reed okay well your fingernails are disgusting touch that lot of orange so maybe don't make me that could you P me something that's not orange juice oh you want something that's not orange juice okay there we go you m would you like some lime juice I poured this random man of lime juice and he absolutely loved it thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I Tred just this was the simplest challenge yet that's right the penultimate challenge has been ticked off now it's time to go and catch up with Rasmus I Big Max is back from the shower how was it yeah it was absolutely buying it was class max has just gone downstairs to his mom she was like how are you are you all right and I was like yeah I've been having cavar and VI chop she was kind of speechless to be honest so George just dropped spent the next hour playing a game of chess against each other final move oh I'm mded there we go Checkmate you got smoke yeah well play okay the final challenge I'm going to attempt now is to meet the pilot I'm going to press this magic button get some service wish me luck I wish you luck I reckon you're going to do it I knew they wouldn't let just anyone meet the pilot so I had to Waffle up a fake reason to make them think I deserve to meet him hello as this is my uh 50th flight with Emirates uh if it's possible for me to meet the pilot thank you little bit C he 50th flight with Emir 50th flight with Em the second flight before today I'd never flown there was 45 minutes left of the flight meaning it was time for Rasmus to leave and rejoin his mom so tell me about your first class experience brother I have to say coming on to this flight I was H dreading it it's been a pretty surreal experience to be honest one of a lifetime chance yeah I'm pretty grateful it's been it made my holiday so you know what way to fly back been an amazing meeting you br for real I really mean that of course and thank you for joining me well thank you for having me he's off a farewell all right my brother appreciate you man thank you thank you for the experience no of course Legend man peace out what a cool guy man one thing I'm hoping is that George comes back so in Harry Potter style we can finish this journey how we started it together you're back I missed you man our first class Journey had come to an end as we landed back in the UK but we still had one more challenge to complete hello my friend we're just hoping to meet the pilot as it's our 50th flight with the Emirates yeah oh he's here okay oh he's actually down yeah oh he's ready yeah oh my gosh we're meeting him very nice actually yeah yeah yeah here he was the pilot I was so Star Struck that I completely forgot how to answer basic questions how are you um NC why do I have to be so awkward you flew very well oh I've been flu yeah I did it yeah what a lovely pilot which meant we had completed our final challenge thank you so much for for meeting us man thank you so much really appreciate off we go the challenges are complete but we still have one final surprise here we go we've got a whole driver oh my to round off the first class experience we were met by a show for with our luggage already in the car and we're driven back home what a crazy experience all for the a reasonable price of £5,000 definitely not worth it but at least you guys got to watch it
Channel: NDL
Views: 2,678,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PaFMAgfkpyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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