I Went to 2b2t's World Border

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the infamous swirl border of 2b2t 30 million blocks out in the overworld very few have ever had the opportunity to actually see it in person ever since i heard about burnsie and his journey to get to the overworld border on 2b2t i thought it was a really neat idea never in minecraft history has someone legitimately mined a tunnel 3.75 million blocks long in the nether to get to the overworld border the accomplishment by burnsie and the diggers was nothing short of incredible since then a few adventurous players followed in burnsey's footsteps traveling through his tunnel to the world border themselves but for the longest time i decided not to i just didn't see the point of sitting at my computer for over 30 hours just to find myself at a blue striped wall i simply saw it as a waste of time however that was just my original thought how was i to know that something was pointless and a waste of time if i never even attempted it myself and that's when my curiosity kicked in i wanted to know if it's worth it to take the 3.75 million block journey to the overworld border of 2b2t so today we're going to find the answer to this question together [Music] getting to the world border on 2b2t is by no means a fast and easy trip if you sprint jumped there in a straight line it would take around 146 hours so i needed to find a better way i first thought about using a horse to get there but even with the tiny speed increase from entity speed it wouldn't be that much help plus finding a horse already in the nether would be quite a chore as housemaster disabled the movement of entities through portals for a while these were thought to be my only options as boatfly and elytrafly were also patched or so i thought a new electrifly hack was discovered on 2b2t and i got exclusive access to it when testing it out i got a top speed of 142 kilometers per hour if i traveled at that speed non-stop it would only take 26.4 hours to reach the world border this was certainly many times better than sprint jumping and that's when i knew that this was my chance to finally travel to the world border on 2b2t the journey started at the overworld spawn region i found an energest got my gear and started traveling the overworld positive x highway i wanted to get at least a few hundred blocks away from zero zero in the nether just to avoid any player confrontations after a few minutes of flying in the overworld i found a portal went through it and i spawned right on the positive x highway perfect now all i had to do was get my elytra fly going and i was finally on my way until the server suddenly lagged everyone offline ugh typical 2b2t but a few hours later it was back up and i was on my way yet again the first part of the journey was pretty bumpy the highway was littered with blocks and withers funny enough the blocks actually slowed me down more than the withers and no later did i find my first player he drank a speed potion of all things and started running yeah i don't think that helped i eventually caught up to him dropped some gapples and moved on as far as i knew at the time this obsidian highway goes on for at least a hundred thousand blocks in the nether and is mostly maintained by the highway workers union which recently replaced the iis those random end crystals that are on the highway are actually traps for players who have autocrystal turned on so if you're going down a highway make sure you turn that off at last i got to a hundred thousand blocks out going through the portal i found the remains of a mob grinder and this surprisingly intact farm while i was there i also decided to set my bed in this nearby cave it's really important that i do this regularly on my journey just in case i somehow get killed now back to the nether i go it seems like the obsidian highway has actually been expanded over a hundred thousand blocks out i wonder how far it goes i flew a hundred thousand more blocks and the highway was still obsidian 300k out still obsidian this is just nuts as i kept going further out i started to notice these little grass patches on the side of the highway these are actually remnants from when pig spawners were a thing on the server pigs would only spawn from them if there was grass blocks nearby players would then use the pigs with the combination of entity speed to travel at insane speeds but unfortunately both pig spawners and entity speed were patched long ago and these grass blocks are what remains i kept flying further out and the highways started becoming incredibly barren normally there's tons of tunnels branching off from the main highway but out here there's next to none but eventually i got to the one million nether milestone and this is it yeah so this is the one million milestone no signs though and down here yeah this is the remnants of the old one million milestone and i'll do a before and after picture here on screen i went into the overworld just to check it out a lot of burnsies original builds have been griefed and this is certainly no exception but there was also this huge iis logo i guess they were the ones responsible for making the obsidian highway this far out so i went back to the nether and not much later did the obsidian highway finally end whoa wait this is it this is the end of the abbey tunnel yeah i guess this is just where they stopped this was a lot longer than what i originally thought but i mean jeez a million blocks in the nether of abi that is just insane i'm just gonna leave a sign here being this far out i started seeing some odd stuff on the highway like this door to nowhere strange stuff as i was flying i was going through burnsie's photo album of his journey to the world border one of the pictures was of a chicken on a tree so i just couldn't help myself but to see if it was still there after all this time where did this spawn us all right and if that chicken is still there [Music] no oh no someone removed the exact block that that chicken was on what a shame are there any other chickens in the area i don't think there are wow oh this is chicken down there though maybe that was the chicken i guess we'll never know so i moved on until i got to these coordinates it doesn't look like anything would be here at first but if you've been playing minecraft for a while you'll know that these are coordinates to what would be the farlands that bug from the game was patched in late 2011 so it doesn't exist at least at this location after traveling a bit further i stopped at a strange chunk error apparently this exists as a remnant to a teleportation exploit performed way back in the day on 2b2t other than that there's not much known about it just a few hundred more blocks and we're going to be at the halfway milestone oh here it is oh my gosh i can't believe this place is still intact let's jump down here [Music] oh gosh welcome to the mc ren highway landmark 15k halfway there yep this highway this landmark was certainly created by whoever this guy is i guess this dude just spammed all of these signs here comparing this to bernstein's screenshot this looks almost exactly the same with the exception of a few extra signs and some extra blocks oh man yeah the halfway milestone looks pretty darn griefed at first sight and oh that's a wither oh no here i'm just gonna fly up here just to get away from that thing whoa what is that are those all buttons yeah someone just straight up just spammed buttons all over the ground here they look like perfectly placed stones only on 2b2t will you see the valley of buttons yeah it is a shame that a lot of this did get griefed but i mean that's just what happens on 2b2t and here we go just as burnzy said the second half begins as i kept flying i passed by many small milestones built by burnsie and the rest of the diggers now a lot of these milestones have changed a lot over the years so this milestone in particular was covered with obsidian but if you actually look underneath it you can see some remnants of the old milestone but over the years they just got more griefed and i guess just covered over and here's a before and after picture just to get a glimpse of it we are getting so close to one third of the way there and this is it not much of a milestone let's go through the portal here see what's on the other side whoa oh look at this it's all half slabs you know what it's the valley of slabs look at the trees they're made out of stone bricks oh that's hilarious oh there's some signs over here let's take a look at this wow we got science going all the way back to 2017 nomad hud gamers only all right back to the nether we still got a long way to go all right we are approaching 22 222 222. wow look at this place now before all of this existed there actually used to be this annoying redstone machine but i'm sure that was quickly destroyed and replaced with this which is a lot better in my opinion alright back to the grind yep we are coming up to the 3 million nether milestone i've heard this one should be pretty cool oh here we are and oh it's not looking too good oh man what a shame with a lot of these milestones even seen so far this one is not looking much better well i'll put up a picture of what this used to look like but it was something that was really amazing at one point yeah here in the overworld the sign is still here somewhat intact most of the other stuff seems to be gone let me just free cam just to take a look here yeah really nothing too much here unfortunately so it's back to the nether after this point i realized i was getting very close to the overworld border so i decided for the final leg of the journey i would stream it live on my youtube channel and surely enough i finally arrived going through any of these portals will take me to the overworld border i had to walk just around 100 more blocks and there it was the overworld border of 2b2t 30 million blocks out seeing this for the first time in person was a surreal experience after over 30 hours of sitting at my computer i finally got what i deserved looking closer at the border i found many names of players who also made the journey out here apparently how they were able to place blocks outside of the border goes something like this you place blocks in the shape of what you want just inside the border then you use a boat to glitch yourself through the border and just place blocks beside the ones you already placed so after experimenting a bit i decided to leave my mark and there it was it's small but it works traveling to the world border was quite the experience it was very tedious but i got to see a lot of really cool history along the way so was it worth it well for making this video yeah but if you were just doing this casually it depends it takes forever to get out here which can be a huge turn off for most players but once you're here you could leave your mark brag about it to your friends and then you could always backtrack a bit and build a base in the tens of millions of blocks out which would make it extremely secure that's one of the most useful reasons i could think of for traveling this far out but if you can think of anything else let me know now before i end off this video here i want to answer one more question i've always had how far does the nether highway go past the overworld border there's really no practical reason to go further in the nether because if you make a portal past 3.75 million blocks it will just spawn the portal back near the overworld border but i wanted to find out anyways so i started traveling yet again and was immediately greeted with these very discouraging signs no later did the 2x3 tunnel end and i had to go the rest of the journey by foot it looks like the tunnel used to end here but was since expanded so i traveled 25 000 more blocks in the nether and i got to this milestone this sign pretty much says it all a road to nowhere i then traveled 25 000 more blocks and the tunnel kept going so i unfortunately decided to end it off here i don't know how far it goes but i can say that it goes at least 50k out from the world border maybe someone a little more dedicated than me can find the answer to this but for now i guess this is the end of the line for me there's really nothing else i can do other than head back to spawn oh i forgot i set up bed alright take two and there we go man it feels like i haven't seen this place in ages you
Channel: SalC1
Views: 1,623,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine, craft, 2b2t, world, oldest, server, anarchy, border, fitmc, salc1, 30 million, far lands, cursed, update, 1.17, mystery, mojang, tunnel, highway, nether, antvenom, dream, phoenix, survival, 30000000
Id: AjAc6RgvH_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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