I Travelled 200,000,000 Blocks in Minecraft Hardcore!

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200 million blocks that's the same distance as flying around the earth five times or the distance I'm gonna have to travel to see every corner of the world border how am I gonna do it well that all starts with this horse because when I run in Minecraft I get tired but horses don't which means they're extremely useful for traveling long distances but because 200 million blocks is an extremely long distance we need to make sure we find the fastest horse possible and that's where this comes in the horse speed measuring machine 5000. let me show you how it works this will be horse number one come on yes so now we're just running a straight line along here and it will tell us the horse's exact speed nine blocks per second which is actually quite bad so now the search is on for the Faster Horses so let's try horse number two yes uh oh this guy doesn't feel very fast alright what's he gonna get [Music] oh my God Seven blocks per second course number three oh horse number five already feels quite fast but let's see just how fast he is [Music] 10 blocks per second you can stay in the pen but we're gonna need a lot faster than 10 blocks per second because I made a bet with my brother Gamers so wait a second you think it's impossible for me to see all four corners in seven days uh yeah obviously sir if he wins the bat he gets to upload a video on my second Channel shouting him out but if I win the bet he has to admit in this video that I'm the better Minecraft player I really want to win this bet but seven days to see every corner is gonna be very hard so bring on horse number six wait this one's actually quite fast all right can this guy beat 10 blocks per second here we go yes 11. all right lucky horse number seven something about this guy feels a bit different [Music] all right that deserves something special boss number nine oh yes oh my God 12 blocks per second that is very good if we can get another one of these we can breed two of them together and hopefully maybe get a 13 block per second horse number 13. horse number 16. [Music] all right this guy is horse number 25 I think and I have a pretty good feeling about this one look how fast he is he's just moving around all over the place but it's kind of hard to tame come on yes oh my God this guy feels fast here we go oh let's go a 13 block per second horse that means if we can get another one of these we might even be able to get a 14 block per second horse um do you mind so as the hours ticked down on our bet that's what I did for the rest of the evening going through horse after horse and testing their speed until this happens all four of these horses scored 13 blocks per second they are literally the fastest horses I have ever seen but let's see if we can make them even faster and to do this we're gonna breed them hey yeah oh it feels fast but just how fast 13 blocks per second try number two only 12 blocks per second how fast is this little guy back in not gonna lie I'm not even sure a 14 block per second horse is even possible oh this guy feels fast oh my God yes 14 blocks per second how is that even possible oh let's go this guy is insane wait a second if 14 was possible does that mean over 14 is because literally one block per second faster could save us tens of hours all right so if we use this guy and breed him with a 13 block per second horse maybe we can get another 14. could this be the one only 13. [Music] come on all of these guys are 14 block per second horses surely we can get one that's above it come on [Music] oh so close nearly there oh is this even possible really did that actually just happen did it actually happen oh my god let's go we have an over 14 block per second horse that is absolutely insane but before we use this horse to get to our first corner of the map I think we should make banners to place in each corner to show that I've explored the entire world so for this we're gonna need a loom and then we're gonna need some black dye I'm in danger that's a funny looking squid do you sell anything useful yeah he didn't there's the black dye we'll need some wool craft up some banners right now how do we make a lockdown live themed thing right I think I've got an idea so we choose this one make it black then we do this one with white then with black we do this and then with white we do this that's kind of scary actually oh my god um can we make the mouth a bit smaller somehow oh there we go it's kind of yeah that's my face so let's get three more of these one for each corner nice all right now the fastest way to travel is gonna be on the nether roof so let's build ourselves another portal and the reason we're gonna travel on the nether roof is this horse is about 15 blocks per second in the Ava World which means in the nether it travels at 120 blocks per second because one block in the eighth World equals eight blocks in the nether alright let's go we've got no time to waste because we've only got about 160 hours left of our bear also I kind of didn't do any calculations before this but I'm just gonna hope that we have enough time not gonna lie my finger kind of hurts holding down this I wonder if we can get like an auto clicker to do it let's go I came up with a genius solution I'm not holding the keyboard anymore and it's going straight forward towards the corner perfect now I guess we just wait and hope we're traveling fast enough alright so it's been two hours let's see just how far in the Overworld we got and reluctantly that's when I realized that it would literally take over 600 hours using the horse method to get to every single corner of the world border so I had no other choice to turn back and on the way back I realized we didn't even have a return method so it would take literally over 1 000 hours to do it this way alright so we now know we can't use horses so the obvious answer is using elytres but there are two massive problems with this method the first is even with using shulker boxes and an Ender Chest traveling 200 million blocks will still take way too many Rockets hmm and the second is that we still don't have a way to get back home from the corners bruh but for now let's focus on solving problem number one upon doing some research on the topic I think I might have found a solution we're gonna slow down time you see in one of SP 737's videos he made a machine that slowed down time enough dirty could actually travel to the world border with less than one shulker of rockets but he did this by making a massive nether parameter serve for a Zombie Pigman farm and building one of those would take hundreds of hours that we simply don't have so it looks like we're gonna have to invent our own oh I'm stuck I'm stuck on the boat no help I'm literally stuck on the boats so my first idea was to use Vines like SB did to stop entity cramming and I was gonna do this with zombies and a really AP mob farm but it didn't go very well is it even making it laggy still 120 FPS wait what oh god uh oh what have I done yeah it definitely needs a roof oh my God what game is this yeah so my second idea was this massive Redstone thing but to be honest I didn't really know what I was doing um what have I done but my third idea seemed like it might actually work well after about 24 hours of testing that is yes spam the boats oh yeah yes it's actually working the FPS is going down so now we can actually build this in our hardcore world this is the boat spammer 3000 I'll explain how it how it works later but all you need to know is this is the reason traveling 200 million blocks might actually be possible but to make it work we've got a lot to do and step one is getting thousands of boats so let's head to the wood Farm all right so we're gonna need about a shulker box of pure logs and because this Farm is so AP that's probably gonna take about 10 minutes come on wood [Applause] all right 10 minutes has been oh my God that's a lot of wood and with the other side as well yes that is a full choker of wood okay so now we can use all this wood and craft it all into boats then we'll fill up these chests with all the boats oh no not the planks no all right so that is all the boats but before we turn this thing on and get traveling our 200 million blocks it's time for step two which is gathering the rockets and elyters will need all right so first we'll get the rockets and I think we have a bunch of them in here so now with the Rockets done it's time for the elytres so we'll just jump down here hello there very nice and now we'll just fly away from the entire solar system oh there's one right here elytra Elijah elytra let's go elytra number one oh and diamonds ew that is the most disgusting sword I've ever seen here we go and Elijah number two yummy oh another one already no it's a tiny one all right we need to hurry up and get some more elytos because otherwise we are gonna lose our bet foreign foreign [Music] that's looking pretty good but we can make it even better by buying some Unbreaking three books [Music] great so that's everything we're gonna need but how are we gonna keep this machine running whilst we're in the nether Dimension well that's where step number three comes in building a chunk loader alright so first we add a dispenser build ourselves a nether portal these are the text rails like this then we light the portal all right now it should be easy so we literally just do this and like this and this and now we put this on here and yes oh my God it's loading the trunk perfect okay it's time to turn on the machines our world is about to get very laggy okay so it's spamming all the boats which is gonna slow down our game tips okay let me just demonstrate how this works so you see we're at y level 81 and usually one of these Rockets would take us up 80 Blocks so we'd get to about 160 but if I do it now that it's getting a bit laggier you can see that it takes us much higher than 160 and it's literally only gonna get more and more powerful and after one rocket we're at 650 time is moving so slow right now yeah even the sun's moving slower look at that it just lags back into place oh no it literally takes ages to eat food time is so slow okay all the boats have now officially been dispensed now we need to get on top of the nether roof so step number one for this is using our Rockets to go straight up in the air hundreds of thousands of blocks and this is why having op Rockets was so important there's 2 000 blocks hopefully we still have time to win the bet because we've only got a little over 100 hours left these Rockets are so AP ten thousand blocks let's go now like 490 000 more blocks to go this is gonna take a long time that's 55 000 blocks and that's 100 000 blocks up in the air and our electric durability has barely even gone down and that is a quarter of a million blocks up in the air all right we just passed 340 000 blocks in the air and finally our light turret has run out of durability so we'll just swap that out that elytra lasted like eight times longer than it was meant to alright here we go 500 000 blocks in the air oh my God so now we can actually begin our journey to the first Corner we want this value to be 25. now the x is going up and the Z is going up at the exact same amount so now all we need to do is keep swapping out these elyters oh and it might be at this point that you're wondering how am I actually gonna get back well I did build this ender pearl stasis chamber before I left but the way I'm gonna activate it is gonna be really cool but you'll have to wait until we get to the first corner to find out what it is let's go 1 million blocks all right it's now literally the next day and we're coming up on 2750 000 diagonal blocks away but we are just about to run out of height wait where's the Bedrock um oh nice so we're now on to our seventh elytra oh yeah oh my God slowing down time is actually so AP okay it's been about another five six hours and we are now at the correct x and z coordinate all right I definitely didn't just pop my totem if my calculations are correct this should bring us out straight on the first Corner oh my God it's still so lucky please work please don't crush my PC please learning Terrain oh my God that is the corner of my world I am literally standing in the very Corner block of my world this tooks too long to get here whoa this is insane and now for our very first Banner we've done it one out of the Four Corners we've still got a lot of blocks to travel but now comes the question how am I gonna get back well like I said earlier it's got something to do with that stasis chamber I built back at spawn and you see I'm in quite a unique situation because I live with my brother who's also a Minecraft Youtuber and if I just press escape and click this open to line button and start line World it turns my single player world into a private local server and the perk of that is my brother Gamers will be able to join alright are you ready yes okay join my hardcore World okay I'm join in all right so you should be at spawn right yes I'm next to a portal okay you see that big machine it should have some boots in it yeah Gene behind it there should be a trapdoor okay yeah I see this whenever you're ready do a countdown and click it and I should be teleported all the way across from the corner of the map back to spawn okay I really hope this works um is this a lot of pressure yeah okay I'm ready okay three two one go oh my God I'm back all right but now we've still got no time to waste because we still have that bet with Gamers all right head up here where's our ladder up and then we need to like our way through here again yes and now we use our AP Rockets again to fly thousands and thousands of blocks up in the air there's one thousand blocks up there's ten thousand blocks and there is 100 000 blocks and we are now about to run out of rockets at 750 000 blocks in the air there we go now we need to line up with negative one three five yes there we go perfect okay so we're going to x equals 30 million and Z equals minus 30 million this time yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow okay pretty much all of our elyters have run out but the good news is we are here well we're still 60 000 blocks up so let's just head straight down [Music] nice all right it's possible time and hopefully this should be Corner number two I wonder what biome it's gonna be this time let me know your guesses for the biome in the comments down below here we go What's it gonna be it is a Mesa biome we must find the corner yes the corner of the world oh my God we have now been to two corners of my world speaking of which it's time to place our Banner oh yeah Gamers take it away let's go I am successfully back from the second world water Corner speaking of which there's only two days left on the bet uh who do you think is gonna win uh well obviously me hmm we'll see about that okay so let's put our Ender pill for the third Corner I've just realized we don't have enough elytres for this next Journey that is really not good but I think I've got an idea to fix it because you see in my previous I traveled loads of million blocks videos we also had to collect a lot of elytra's so theoretically we should have loads of them stored up in our storage room please let there be a light resin here please please please please please please please [Music] yes elytra is oh my God that is amazing all right and we are ready you guys know the drill by now this should be high enough this time we're going to Negative X and negative Zed so we need to get this lined up with 135. there we go so I'll see you guys in about 30 hours when we reach the corner alright here we are the third corner What's it gonna look like a lush cave biome oh and the corner is right here yeah we should probably put it on the surface though oh my God this is gonna take ages to mine up is there a faster way up oh no oh no the rocket is really AP I forgot there's gotta be a way up and out oh yeah and we can dig through this Stone a lot faster here we go yes wait the corner is literally an ocean biome wait can you play stuff on the world border no I guess we can just put some obsidian here and then I'll Banner there we go we have officially been to the third Corner which means there's only one corner left to do whenever you're ready gamers hello there so as of right now we only have about 10 hours left of what bear so I'm not sure how this is gonna be possible but let's give it a go first we'll throw our final ender pearl and now let's do this all right here we go up the staircase for the final time and now end the pill through the Bedrock and of course go straight up in the air for 700 000 blocks okay I'm pretty sure this should be high enough now we need to line it up for the very last time now we are heading to the very last corner yeah so during my 30 hour plus flight I came to the realization that we had 100 lost our bet with Gamers but in doing so we have nearly explored my entire Minecraft world by traveling over 300 million blocks that is absolutely insane and just as I was about to light the final portal it was clear I couldn't have done any of this without my brother Gamers so Gamers congrats on winning the bear and you can now post whatever you want on my second Channel but now let's finally complete this challenge all right here we are and let's go we've literally explored my entire world and seen every corner of the world border that is insane all right Gamers you can teleport me back now gamers no [Music]
Channel: LockDownLife
Views: 1,662,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, lockdownlife, lockdown life, minecarft, minecratf, i travelled 200000000 blocks, I travelled minecraft hardcore, every world border minecraft, every world border, minecraft world border, hardcore minecraft blocks, minecraft 1.20, minecraft hardcore mode, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore world border, world border
Id: DD7aTBCdls0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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