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basically are you close oh what's up guys have welcome back to my channel so today I'm going to be doing one of the craziest videos that I've probably ever done I am so beyond nervous to do this guy's he have no idea so today I'm going to be pulling an awful prank on Lexie ah I feel so bad doing this but she pranks me a lot she's always embarrassing me and doing all that stuff so I think today is a day to prank her get her back I am going to be tricking her that I lost my memory so I'm gonna have someone call her and tell her like pretty much what happened to me that I hit my head that I lost all my memory and then I even forgot who she was I think that it might take a little bit for her to believe it but once she like sees me in person I think she's gonna believe it and it's gonna be a crazy reaction so I'm going to go to the store and get the materials for this kind of like some bandages something blood maybe some crutches the story that I'm gonna be telling is that I got into a skateboard accident that I kind of fell on my skateboard hit my head and like lost my whole memory I am so beyond nervous guys oh my gosh you guys are excited to see this as much as I am nervous to do this make sure you drop a big thumbs up down below let's get this video to 80,000 like I believe we can do it also subscribe it down below guys I am literally so close to hitting 1 million subscribers guys it is crazy so that further ado let's go to the store get the supplies for this video and prank Lexi and hopefully she believes it I think she will all right guys so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to the pharmacy and buy like a head wrap maybe like a neck brace if they have it and like really disguise myself like I really got hurt oh my god I'm so nervous to do this guy's but Lexi it's prank time it's prank wars alright guys I'm at the pharmacy and they literally have everything that I need to make this look believable I cannot believe that I found it all in one place so the first item is this neck brace this will be really believable because it really looks like I hurt myself the next item is this arm sling it's pretty much what you wear when you like really hurt your arm and on top of the sling and the neck brace I have this gauze here that I got to wrap around my head to make it look like I really hurt my head and that I lost my memory all right guys we were done at the pharmacy we have all the necessary items that we need to pull this off so we're now going to go home and put it on and kind of get ready for this to have and then we're gonna call Lexi and pretty much just tell her what happened and then she'll come home see me and probably freak out all right guys we are back and we have to get this ready before Lexi comes home I think she comes home like okay Lexi comes home in like 30 minutes so we have to give this ready really fast first item is the neck brace second item are the little like bandages for the head the third item is the arm sling I'm gonna go ahead and unbox it and kind of like put it on and see what I can do oh my god alright guys so I have the neck brace on bog it looks so funny look at this I'm gonna put this on holy crap it looks so believable if I put it on right it'll literally look like I like broke my neck all right guys here is what the neck brace looks like time to move on to the arm swing so I'm putting the arm sling on and then Brenda's gonna come home he's gonna help me put this around my head and wherever else I think it looks good Brent it's also gonna call Lexi and break the news to her that I got hurt and that I lost my memory and that she needs to come home asap to see me so guys in the next 30 minutes it's literally about to get so real and I have to like keep a straight face and like not great character not loud alright guys so I'm gonna take the neck brace off for one second to put on the arm sling right here this is so beyond funny I cannot believe I'm actually doing this oh then it just goes like above your head alright guys so the arm sling is on Oh alright guys so brent is here I'm just kidding that's his poster alright guys so brent is taking a little longer than expected so I'm gonna try to put the bandage on myself because Brent here is taking forever yeah what am I like I'm not supposed to like see anything how do you do it wow it's stuck on my eyelids out now it's a face mask you know what this looks alright but I'm just gonna have to wait till Brad comes home because I obviously can't do it myself but in the meanwhile I have another prop and I just figured out that I'm gonna use that probably like makes this better alright guys so we were downstairs and what I'm gonna be using to pretty much top off the whole prank are crutches I don't know why I have these honestly I think they're like Brent's leftover crutches for when he might have hurt himself but I have crutches I have a sling I have a neck brace I don't know how we can make this more real honestly I pretty much have everything that I need before they come home I'm gonna train walking in these crutches I don't know doing in Canada's board before Brent comes home but let's do it how take you Oh alright guys why obviously can't use crutches so I'm just gonna wait here before Brent comes home because if I keep doing this I'm gonna hurt myself even more and then this pranks gonna end up being real I'm gonna hit my head alright guys Brent is finally home yo your neck I broke my neck shut up now I'm kidding pretty much it's a long story okay so today I have been planning this video where I'm going to prank Lexi that I lost my memory so I have a bunch of stuff to pretty much like look like I'm injured it sounds crazy alright I have all the right materials for at work I think I might work the stuff that I bought literally looks like I just got back from the hospital alright so we have the arm brace it looks real my arms broken and to top it off I have a bunch of no way around my head it's like a mummy I hope this works okay but do anything oh yeah yeah definitely Brown okay so pretty much we're gonna say is that I was skating by her house I fell on my head and you pick me up took me to the hospital I got all situated and I came back hey so I just picked that up from the hospital he's back here but he basically had like as a little skateboarding accident wasn't like it wasn't too bad but I found the hospital he got some money like stitches and stuff in this and it's like forehead and stuff and basically my are you close I have him here at the house his mom's on his way right now but if you're close come stop by because he's like he's pretty badly like banged up and stuff so are you are you on your way home yeah I don't think he'd like I don't know I asked him a couple questions like just to see if like four he remembers he's like not a cancer and I'm like okay hurry up oh that was good that was good cuz it's not like too serious so we're like yeah I want to be too bad you know he's in here I mean I don't know he was skating my scene why did they send them home like this he like he was at the hospital in two hours I've seen you do it given stitches Joe Lexie looking in let's see yeah why would they send a poem like this I don't know Lexie you were there for three hours yeah here's water are you did he break his arm yeah you're at my house who are you Lexie yeah you can't remember a thing movies did you give him since give him some space I think I know you we've known each other like two years my brother's bred lose our house and that's nice acting what do you think like see I don't know speechless speechless yes we did I'm pretty sure you literally thought that I didn't remember you what you think even happen I don't know no one like give me any information and you're like how do I know you and I'm like what do you mean I honestly feel bad for doing this because you did care so much so thank you for like caring and I'm sorry that we got you I was like well this sucks first that was like I laughed I was like this is such a joke why would they send him home he literally lost his memory like that most doesn't even make any sense but then like she was like I don't even know who you are like what's your name well it took a lot to set this up so I'm so glad it worked out I honestly almost laughed like five times I kept almost smiling but I'm glad it worked you pulled it off boom good job random horse I'm sorry like Steve alright guys well I'm glad the prank went well and it worked I still feel bad but if you enjoyed this week's video make sure you drop me a big thumbs up and if you think that I pranked Lexie good every big thumbs up you asked them subscribe to Lexie and Brent down below I will link their channels Thank You Brent for helping me and Thank You Lexi for being a good sport subscribe to my channel down below I am bye to hit 1 million subscribers alright guys thanks so much for watching I will see you next week I love you guys [Music]
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 3,145,981
Rating: 4.9327884 out of 5
Keywords: brent rivera, lexi rivera, ben azelart girlfriend, boyfriend prank, i lost my memory prank, nate garner, lexi rivera boyfriend, stokes twins, david dobrik, mrbrent98, ben, azelart, lost, my, memory, prank, gone too far, gone wrong
Id: ajYmMsUOIsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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