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in this next video we are playing the most extreme games of hideand-seek so be sure to stay till the end of the video to see some of the craziest hiding spots that we found so let's start with we are going to be playing hide and seek in coffins for $10,000 I don't know if I'm excited or nervous you should be nervous okay you guys have 5 minutes to hide go so I see this mannequin over here and I'm going to put it inside a coffin this is a lucky coffin this is definitely going to throw her off boo yeah just like that now I have to go find a hiding spot okay so I I feel like she wouldn't pick one of the first coffins so I think I'm going to do this one because like it's in the front and I feel like she's not going to go for these ones hopefully oh yeah this one's nice and spacious it looks good hereon here you can come hide in my coffin why would I do that cuz all the coffins are being taken hurry up get in there's literally 40 coffins let's go okay so Brent is over in that coffin and I'm going to hide as far from him as I can okay I think I'm going to go with this coffin what they don't know is that this is actually going to be an extreme game of hideand-seek because I have a bunch of tools to to help me find them and I only have 10 minutes all right so all I know is I'm definitely winning this I just don't know what cing on I like the look at this one wo wo wo wao hey I wanted that coffin bro what you I already picked this I came to the mental decision that I wanted this coffin I you could be on top of me all right bro stop stop what you're way too big bro just look at go to another coffee dude this one was calling my name bro all right see you in the afterlife my brother we're running out of time so I'm probably just going to hide right next to Andrew hopefully she doesn't find me because I'm pretty down and be $10,000 richer hey we got a pillow no all right next time I step foot out of this coffin I'm going to have $10,000 in my pocket see you guys later okay is everybody in their coffins okay I'll take that as a yes let's pick the first tool cinder block all right I am now picking up the cinder block all right this coffin is screaming my name whoever's in this coffin good luck three two oh my God what just happened that was literally right next to me Sho that was close that was terrifying who just died Jesus Christ I think she's taken this challenge a little bit too far if the first one was a cinder block what other tools does she freaking have in here well nobody in here all right next tool axe these guys are going to start wishing they were dead is this a toy axe uh yeah that's the only one I could find okay well let's try this anyways since I already threw a cinder block at one of the coffins in the first row we're going to you know go for the second row I don't think this is going to do much messed hopeing nobody was in that car holy crap what the heck was that all right this is useless and I don't think anyone's in there all right time's running out I haven't found anyone yet so chainsaw I am um I'm actually really nervous for this one everybody I am about to pick up a chainsaw freaking chain chainsaw are you kidding me did I just hear that did she just say chainsaw Lei in a chainsaw is not a good combination at all oh my God I this is going to be really bad okay whoever is in this coffin speak up now all right oh crap oh my God stop stop stop oh my God stop oh my oh why wouldn't you say something early I didn't think you'd actually take a chainsaw to my coffin well then you must not really know me Pearson she almost got my legs on you're the first one out I'll take my life over $10,000 okay I said last chance if anyone was in this coffin say so bro like he's crazy see chainsawed Pearson's coffin I would have ran out of this coffin so fast oh my God Pearson just got out I wonder if she's hurt there are still three people remaining so let's pick another tool all right this balloon is not popping so is everybody seeing this is this a prank on me all right after all this balloon put me through it better be a good tool pickaxe okay that's a pretty good one all right let's hope someone's in this one okay if anyone's in here I'm counting down from five five four oh my God who did this what in the world who put a mannequin in one of the coffins I think she found my mannequin let's move on oh wow okay ooh subscribe this may not help me find them but it'll help me get to 10 million let's see what's next drug dog I think this one might expose some people well it was nice knowing you Andrew I think I just heard drug dog I'm screwed I'm actually screwed okay I'm here with scraby and Charlie okay and this is a drug dog right sir so you think she's going to find whoever's in these coffins what do you think Charlie yeah she's got it okay let's do it [Music] oh oh my gosh oh my God oh my God oh she's attacking me she's attacking you have drugs on you what no she's attacking me oh my God I'm getting attacked by a dog what the heck you're coming with me I don't have anything on me where are you taking me you sir are going to full cavity search oh okay JY and Andrew I am giving you 15 seconds to switch coffins right now if you want to honestly I'm confident in my coffin so I'm definitely staying in here feel like this is the coffin this is the winner I mean I picked it for a reason in the beginning like I can't change my mind now you know feel like Jeremy's going to switch coffins though oh crap I got to be fast what the heck happened over here she literally has a chainsaw through that coffin right there what the heck is going on over here if that was me I'd be in some trouble this is my new coffin I'll feel lucky with this one I'm running out of time they just switched coffins so let's pick another tool I'm going for this one right here Giant scissors I like the sound of that I tried this coffin earlier with a rubber axe so now I have a better tool so let's find out if someone's really in this thing what in the world was that I would have definitely killed someone if they were in here all right let's move on here we go a thermal gun I think this is going to get somewh so what this does is it picks up heat signatures and it shows you where it's coming from Andrew and Jeremy I'm probably going to find you right about now I think it's game over cuz I'm too h guys what I tell you I'm just so sexy and I'm getting picked up by the gun okay this was Brent's old one but they did switch coffins so maybe oh crap oh my God what yo that's not even fair you're using a thermal gun Me You Can't Sweat this much it picks up so easily yeah it was hot in here I'm sorry they were telling me I lost because I'm too sexy hot humble Mar marvelous and all that Jem me it would have picked up anyone it's like a it's like no no nope we just sleed off there I'll see you guys later all right whatever floods your boat we have 3 minutes left I'm tired of playing games what does she mean she's tired of playing games like literally like 2 3 minutes left come on oh Andrew I feel like right now the time's going like the slowest it's ever been in my all right so I obviously don't know where Andrew is so I think it's time to bring in the big guns guys I have no idea what she's up to but I've been like in here for a while like sweating didn't I win already is everybody out like what what's going on so this is a horse driver he knows coffins and dead bodies better than anybody else and I need your help to find Andrew no worries I already dug his grave all right let's do it he's definitely not of this one obviously do you even do this as your job I think he's going to kill me Andrew if you're really in here I suggest you say so now because what happens after this is not in my hands two ladies coming with me now oh see you Andrew rest in peace he's in a better place now thank you well I guess we'll never know if he was in there so the last person to get arrested is going to win $10,000 so go no back to okay I got to find a hiding spot no you don't I got to find one first get out of the way you get out of the way okay I'm going upstairs literally everybody else is downstairs I'm thinking upstairs is definitely the place to be I could hide in the pantry and I have food I have a lot of food or I can take popcorn just in case I get hungry in my hiding spot I can't get arrested I do not want to get arrested never been arrested and today is not going to be the first day I get arrested you want to hide together no well we'll get arrested it together I have no idea where I'm going to hide are you following me no I'm not you're always following me Andrew what the hell I guess are you going to hide there you can have the attic Andrew yeah I don't know if I want to go up there but I'll probably win if I do so I'm going to hide in one of these laundry cabinets you fit in there for sure I'm going to get into the spot I have to take this out or else I won't fit okay I can't go under there there's like everything is so open no I cannot go in there all right I'm going to go in this closet right here this is a nice closet oh but it's really dark in here my gosh why is it so dark I don't know where to hide I don't know where to hide here I can't get arrested wait I want food what no hey yo hold up that's not no no get out I'm going here no no no I found it first I'm taking this one I'm taking Pearson's hiding spot the pantry is officially my spot he did not just steal my hiding spot he did not oh God I almost fell well Ben just stole my hiding spot so I have to find a new one okay so I'm in the closet right now no one knows I'm in here guys there's like so much stuff in this closet look there's like literally everything in this closet okay let's try in here oh my God wait what are you doing no find your own hiding spot Pearson no find your own hiding spot I can hide back there though you can't I can't no this is really tight in here I know it is and I just farted okay I'm going to leave yeah so branch has farted so now it got really quiet and everyone seems to be in their hiding spot already y this is actually oh I'm officially oh my gosh it's really dark and now I can't find my phone okay it is really small in here I think this is about maybe like 2 square ft but I have a really good hiding spot and I'm pretty confident in it because I'm in the laundry room cabinet like nobody can really fit in here okay I just heard Lexi's voice where are you I hear her voice are you in the walls Lexi wait Marco dude I literally cannot find you oh my God that's such a good one this is a good one right wait that was so good okay that was a great hiding spot but I got to find it Andrew what are you doing oh my God Lex's hiding spot was really good and I got to find a better one I'm just going to hide behind this dude there's so much food in here okay honestly I'm so glad that I convinced Pearson to not go to this spot because now I have the best spot in the house I can stay in here all day if I want to cops will never find me and I'm definitely winning the money because I mean I could eat snacks all day in here so honestly there's cops coming but I don't care I'm going to eat some snacks good thing I got a snack from the pantry m hiding and eating all right guys so I'm up in the attic uh it honestly looks pretty scary check this out like what like if I put that over going to be completely dark in here and I'm going to be scared yo yo yo we're in our hiding spot the cops were like right behind us so I'm pretty sure that they're coming through the house right about now police with a search Warren Police with a search Warren if you're in here make yourself known can hear the cops and they're in the house right now but I'm pretty sure that they're downstairs I have some time and plus my hiding spot is really good I might be keeping my money today this is so uncomfortable War if you're in here make yourself known oh my God hey can you please come out see your hands see your hands turn around oh okay see your hand turn around oh okay you're under arrest I didn't do anything I promis wait how did you find me so fast C down okay all right put him in the car oh no why did I have to be the first one well now what you guys I hear someone someone just got found I'm pretty sure it's Ben oh my God I think Ben just got found check this out oh there's cameras up here I see the cop oh shoot I see the cops coming in guys this is the best hiding I literally I think this might be the best hiding spot cuz I can see like where the cops are please for a search Warr if you're in here make yourself known here I here or something here out go go go go go go go stop stop yo where do I go where do I go stop I'm trying to run a broken Bo this is so hard no I'm cornered I'm cornered dude I was just trying to eat food you should have seen me in there I had so much food in my hand I knew the penry was way too loud those chips are not worth $10,000 man okay into the car you go no Mom please come get me am I really joining you Brent at least else is in here to keep me company can we get some snacks stay quiet stay quiet just some snacks there's a ladder right underneath me and if they see that obviously they're going to put two and two together I'm just waiting till somebody comes up and then I'm probably going to go somewhere and hide around here I'm just hoping to find everybody before me I'm trying to win that money but I need that money honest I need that money said if we're here make ourselves known like what they think I'm going just like come down and be like Oh I'm here hell no boy I'm trying to get this money okay I think the cops are upstairs now I'm very very terrified police with a search War if you make yourself known police clear got something clear 39 let me see your hand let me see your hand I got right here right here see your hand ready no all right how did you find me did you find Andrew yet nope they didn't find Andrew if I have to go through this so do you I don't understand what did I do but I I didn't do anything wrong where are you hiding from your point I was only going 3 miles over the speed limit it was in a school zone I can't believe this is happening to me my mom's going to be so disappointed I even get a phone call yeah you get one please call my mom of course you guys are in here why is she exposing me crap hell guys oh my God why is she always snitching on me bro got to give myself a pet on the back CU I think this is actually the best spot in the house God I love you Andrew okay there's only one other person left they're com upstairs with the search Warr we know there's a few of you left up here few of you left up [Music] here I hear something yeah right here there it is yeah right here there there it is no no no oh man no no oh no my stupid phone I have a family I I have I've got kids that I need I can't go to the dog pound you know what they'll do to me they'll eat me alive this ain't right this ain't right I'm too young to go to jail in with the rest of them come on come I don't it was a good try it was a good try I had plans later today guys they got they got pierced wait I wonder how many people are left I think we're about to win but did we win already D they really got us all in here yeah wait who's left oh Andrew Andrew is the only one left Andrew won no he better split it with me I know I'm the one that helped him they probably still haven't found him yet he's going to be he's going to be there all day all right I'll tell you guys what we got several calls holding we can't be wasting our time here if you help us find the last guy we'll help you out we'll let you go done and done yeah we we'll help you out we'll help you out we might know I wonder where Andrew could be h i really Wonder Lexi let's find this guy all right here we go oh Andrew Andrew oh Andrew oh Andrew oh Andrew I really wonder where Andrew could be I wonder where he could be I feel like if this house had a basement he could be in the basement I think he could be in the basement if the house had a basement but we don't have a basement BR hey Brent you must know where he is I don't know where he is I feel like you do okay honestly I think think I know where he is we got to find Andrew stop playing with the dog okay all right fine I hear everybody Calling My Name are they trying to trick me I hear Lexi laughing she snitched on me probably police with a search warrant we know you're up there oh Andrew is screwed where is he where is he did he move dude where is he police do not move do you understand oh it's getting real is he even up there oh my god did he move spots how there's no ladder who is if you're up here make yourself known police do not move do you understand police if you're up here make yourself known see him let me check wait what is he actually not in oh my God is he really not in there ah I see him don't move no C holy no and put him in jail where he belongs hey hey was I the last one and you were the last one so I won why am I getting arrested you still have to get arrested Lexi I told you to move the ladder that's how they found me all right into the car no I was the last one why am I getting arrested get in Andrew you did win this $10,000 but I would suggest using it towards your bail baby what what was the point of in the attic for nothing yeah like put your hand give me my money we are going to be playing an extreme game of hide and seek Kids versus adults kids are definitely going to win oh abely I don't know about that you guys are going down uh okay oh the Sass kids are seeking first you guys better get going cuz your time just started water basically how this works is whoever finds all three people from each team in the quickest time wins so I better find a hiding spot okay first place I'm going into is this jumper oh my God it's like a maze wait this is so confusing I guess that's why they call it a maze dude this thing is huge okay so since I'm shorter than Ben and Pearson I'm going to try to hide in one of these boxes specifically this small box let's see if this works a bunch of pillows um how about this I feel like this is so obvious a bunch of pillows that's way too obvious Ben is way too big I'm going to find him in 2 minutes person is way too dumb to find a good hiding spot it'll be pretty easy to find her I got cold oh my God wait this could be perfect let's see if I'm fit in them I'm taller than the teddy bear okay that might not work you know what I think I'm too tall for this this is more like a Lexi hiding spot I mean I'm literally a foot taller than it not going to work how do I get out of here it's totally fine I'm not freaking out at all okay it's fine we're just totally we're just oh and it's another dead end oh my God I like this spot but I don't know if I'm in love with it I feel like I can maybe get a little bit more creative okay there's a bunch of boxes here it would be a good idea if I just like I mean I might be too tall for some of these boxes I need to find the biggest one possible otherwise I'm really not you just did that to scare me okay you know what well that that just proves to me that the boxes are too small Mexi come here whatever he's going to tell me to do it's not going to be a good idea there a bunch of pools with a bunch of pillows kid's going to think oh he's just going to hide in the pillows what if I hit under the pillows and the pool okay I'm not going to lie this is like the one smart idea that ever had just drop it on me okay ow this spot's good can you feel this ow okay this couch might be a good spot if I were to like hide underneath the cushions cuz I feel like 's too big to do this piar might be too tall so let's try this tell me if you can see me underneath this blanket yes I can see you really yes that is the worst spot I've ever seen oh my God this thing is on amaz this could be perfect what if I just like stayed in here didn't really hide and then just kept moving around so that they didn't find me may be a good idea I think Pearson's in scar okay so it looks like this is another dead end I don't know oh my God no I'm just trying to find a hiding spot then you H this isn't a scaring video we're supposed to be on the same team bed I had to do it I had to do it okay well find your find your spot okay that was awful sounds like Ben and Pearson are arguing right now and I want to see which one has the dumbest hiding spot I told you it's Pearson I think it's Ben is this a ball pin wait this is so cool oh my God it's so deep I'm going to hide under the balls Ben Ben I need your help for me in the bow oh my God she disappeared she literally disappeared you know what I'm pretty confident when the timer is up I'm going to bury myself in I definitely have the best hiding spot so far I just hope that the other adults can get it together I'm done finding stupid Spots I'm done hiding under pools I have a better idea two mannequins right here one's a female one's a male so you know what I'm going to do I'm taking this dude's clothes off that sounded weird I'm be the mannequin today not the mannequins let's put this right there oh Ben Ben what are you doing no you're making it so obvious oh I'm helping you look to see a mannequin they're going to be like oh no one's really in there they're just messing with me they're not going to go any deeper you think you know what I'm a hideand-seek genius I know what I'm doing here I'm actually helping you out you guys have 3 minutes left it's going to be so easy we're going to find them in 2 minutes what I'm worried about Lexi because she's pretty small and she could fit anywhere but she'll still be pretty easy to find I literally have 3 minutes left now I have to get dressed okay I got all these clothes right here I've never had to get dressed so fast in my life if I take too long and the kids come out my hiding spot is literally ruined and done mannequins don't pose like that okay you're right I got to copy the same pose that should be good desperate times call for desperate Ben I hate to admit it but this is a really good hiding spot I told you you know mannequins don't talk Ben yeah shut up okay find a spot you have 1 minute I'm going to hide in one of these trash cans oh my God why ew it smells it doesn't smell it's just you you know what you should be in the trash canab I just realized that we had the entire warehouse and all three of us are right next to each other this might actually be good cuz we're just going to waste a lot of the kids time because they're going to be looking all around the warehouse but little do they know we're all right next to each other 3 2 1 time up we got to go find them I hear Little Footsteps coming okay I'm going in okay they just stopped counting I got to stri a pose and 3 2 1 now I can't move this is so easy we're going to find them so quick I've seen these videos before it's not that kind of video we don't use weapons but it's fun okay I think that Grayson has a bat I didn't say that they could use weapons so I'm getting a little bit nervous so there's three pools and a bunch of pillows in them so let's see if someone's in here there's no one in it you're way too slow see no one in [Music] here wait that catch looks really suspicious let's look wait where the heck is G I don't know I thought you had her I thought you had it Chi go away this is supposed to be a hiding spot you're going to give it away GG Pearson no there's no Pearson here just one big ball pit Pearson's definitely in there no I'm not we see you your foot is right here oh man come on you know what Gigi I was supposed to win you gave it away okay she's so cute I'll just let it slide I told you pearon would be the first one to be found oh come on I think Pearson is getting found right now and Pearson is literally right next to me hopefully I'm not next something tells me one of these is not a mannequin I have an idea let's try the other one no no no no no found another one no no how' you find me there was a mannequin in the Balon I thought that was a good idea to distract them and that would freaking blew my cover no told you Ben was going to be super easy to find this is a dumb hiding spot what I tried I really tried these buckets of dirt are only big enough for Lexi don't you think that's a bit aggressive don't you want to win Lexi is definitely not the type to hide in a trash can which makes us think she is in the trash can Grayson go find Lexi a man this is so gross why don't you have to do this I don't want to touch trash that's gross and make sure you check the entire thing fine faster no all three adults are found but you guys took a kind of long time so I think the adults still have a chance uh I don't think so well we'll prove it to you okay so the kids found all three adults in 7 minutes and 57 seconds which means it is now time for all three of the adults to seek the kids let's go wait that is totally not fair how is that not fair I feel like one of you guys should seek us because you guys are so much older yeah you guys are like 80 we are not 80 80 do I look 80 to you yeah you look 80 but all right okay so to make it fair we will only have one adult seeking the kids but I think in order to do that we need to pick like a team leader team leader me I am a pro at this game I will literally make us win defitely a long time I'm going to go with you then I think I'm going to do a better job we'll see about that next time Ben don't no hard feeling all right kids your time starts now go go it's going to be hard for the adults to beat our time but we're going to make it even harder I'm really good at hiding cuz I hide from her all the time hey Grayson how come you never bought me one of these you know I don't got the money for this but you have the money for Jessica can we please move on from that the kids have 5 minutes left to hide and then they should be worried although I'm a little bit worried about the little one feel like I'm not going to be able to find her [Music] there's only a few minutes left and I still don't have a hiding spot put this box over me y are you under yeah I'm good finally some peace and quiet okay I'm officially my hiding spot and I have a really good feeling about this I just really hope that Grayson and Gigi don't ruin this for me no one hit in a box last round so I think I'm in the clear the kids have 30 seconds left so they better all be in their hiding spots I have an idea so I found this teddy bear suit and try to blend it with the teddy bears let's hope this works how do I look uh not that good but it's going to have to do okay the kids time is officially up let's go find them okay since I'm by myself I have to make this quick I'm going to start in the Maze I know that if I was a kid I would be hiding in here and there's a lot of places to hide in here okay I'm lost okay how this is just sad how do I get out I mean let's go find these kids come on this is not made for kids I'm out how long was I in there like 4 minutes 4 minutes just spent a lot of time in the Maze so let's see if anyone's in these pools Yep they're not in the pools okay I don't have much time and this did not look like this but which one is the fake one hm I can take a wild guess is anybody in here there's definitely somebody in here no listen I found you before I found a three-year-old I'm not surprised that's a dis on yourself you need to get a better hiding spot okay one down two more to go okay nobody hidden these piles of dirt the last round so there could be someone in here this time but I don't want to get my hands dirty so let's just look somewhere else I am not losing to a 3-year-old this was my hiding spot last time let's see if anybody took notes I don't even want to look in there Giana oh that still smells like Ben I'm running out of time and I'm getting really annoyed yes two down one more to go how am I still looking for a 3-year-old though the time to be is 7 minutes and 57 seconds and I'm already at 7 minutes have 57 seconds to find a 3-year-old has anybody seen her like actually cuz this is kind of scary G if you're in here please please come out I think I lost a 3-year-old where is [Music] she what where were you right there you were you were right I challenged four of my friends to a game of hide and seek and the first person to find me gets $55,000 but what they don't know is I have a really good hiding spot give this video a big thumbs up right now also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and without further Ado let's get this video started Lexi left a little video for you guys hey guys I am hiding somewhere on this compound you have 30 minutes to come and find me and the first person to find me Will Win $5,000 by the way this video is pre-recorded so good luck your time starts now what wait wait she could be anywhere she could be in these boxes right now let's see Lexi well she's in there she'd definitely be yelling right now cuz that would hurt we're back in the house she wasn't outside I got to find her before anybody does where could she be Lexi Lexi oh wait a second is she on the roof there's no way she she's on the roof I think she's too much of a security cat to go up here I swear if she's not up here I'm going to be mad Lexi hey okay she's definitely not up here so I just wasted my time I got to hurry up you guys check this out this is kind of creepy but I'm going to be hiding under one of these boxes for at least 30 minutes I'm not going to lie I'm kind of hoping that they find me before the 30 minutes is up because it's really creepy down here is there any like attics or anything Jerry can you reach that let's see I'm going to use the GoPro oh hey Lexi you hear that you hear that yo I feel like we're on to something I feel like it's way too dark up there for her to actually be up there yeah I didn't see anything I didn't see anything short anything short all right you'll find out what the boxes are for a little later but for now let's get into position all right World I'll see you in 30 minutes now I'll see you in 30 minutes okay so great now we are outside the compound we have to try and find her she could be anywhere even in these bushes look at this and she could be oh there's a lizard oh look at the lizard what is this what's this little spot what wait what is in there no way there's a secret hole right here and I don't even know what's inside it's kind of scary it's like super dark so I'm not going to mess with that but we'll keep looking outside okay there's like a little window behind me and I'm pretty sure I heard Brent um but it's really dark in here I don't think he could like see through it he's looking in the wrong place because you can't get down here from the window all I know is I am so bored so guys everybody's like in the house and like on the side but there's actually a back part to this place I think she might be there honestly have you seen like a little girl like walk by by any chance no all right guys I guess they haven't seen her so let's keep got she in here here no no I'm wasting time I need to hurry up is this like a revolving closet any secret buttons I feel like I'm missing something I'm not sure who's going to find me first if I to like put money on it I think I would bet on Brent finding me first all this searching for Lexi is making me a little hungry so I'm taking a little donut break this is so much better than looking for Lexi after 10 minutes of looking for me they're going to get their first clue and then another one after 20 minutes and then one more at 25 minutes and they've already been looking for me for about 7 minutes so I'm going to get ready to send the first clue all right guys so it's been an unsuccessful 10 minutes for all of you so I think it's time for your first clue check your phone it'll be coming through any second wa oh almost out of time I'm somewhere where the sun doesn't shine you can open and close to let people in come find me and you'll win okay she definitely didn't write that yeah I feel like she's either inside or she's like buried in something all right time's ticking and remember you guys whoever finds her you win the $5,000 wait is she in the addict I just look you did look so I not look hard enough thatd be like perfect with a riddle yeah hey your turn to go you hey FR said he's down I am not going up in the attic she could be in the toilet she said you can open and close things and it's dark so ew that is disgusting okay she was definitely not in there you guys give this video a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel if you haven't already because I might never get out of here I'm starting to lose all hope who's looking for me did I pick like the worst people Brent Pearson Jeremy and Andrew Brent and Pearson are probably kissing somewhere Jeremy and Andrew are probably kissing somewhere I'm screwed leie okay she's not up there she could definitely be up there though literally every cupboard I'm checking because Lexi can fit in any of these I'm coming for that $5,000 so um she might be in the trash can so let's remove this St yeah let's take this off do you think she would actually put herself in the trash can honestly maybe she cleaned out the trash can before and is like wearing like a hazmat suit then she would get and that's just maybe oh no what if she's under that there's no way wait she might be under all the trash no there's literally no way okay there's no no chance she's in this one no I'm going to I'm going to go I don't think so but she might no she's she's not in there all right everybody stop where you are right now Lexi's orders the farthest person away from where she's hiding right now is eliminated and that happens to be Pearson what wow I'm the farthest away y so Pearson you are eliminated that's so unlucky okay so if Pearson was over there that means that it pretty much says that she's not in this area at all yeah so she has to be in front of us she has to be this way oh a basement basement well the attic was inside what if there's something under the ground that's true yeah it's probably in the house it's probably in the house where's the basement to be inside let's double check this going have to look really really okay check the floors oh you hear that why does it sound hollow you hear that it sounds like there's like a there's something underneath does hollow Let's see we oh there's nothing that's just floor wait but why does it sound like that look I don't you hear that we need another clue it's been it's been too long it hasn't been 25 minutes though we're almost to that marker keep looking keep looking give us a clue I know that right now they're probably dying to find me because they've probably checked just about everywhere on this compound so little do they know I'm right under their feet wait why are you guys just sitting around cuz there's no point of looking for her if we're not going to get another clue yeah we don't want to find her that bad true true all right guys it's been 25 minutes so I have something for you yes a clue your final clue what does it say oh I ripped it I'm laying next to a starchy food mashed or fried that can be found they often come from Idaho and they are grown underground underground oh she's underground wait how do we get underground though wait do the outside where's she at where she at where's she at where's she at oh what the heck wait wait is she in here wo she is definitely in there oh my God she is definitely under there she thought she was smart by putting that little tarp on there wait this is kind of creepy though why is there boxes in there all right all right all right you guys all saw the boxes she definitely is down there so go pick your box pick it first I pick it first hey I'm going with this box right here okay I do this one Andrew that's yours I'm going to do this one all right so wait you're telling me only one person's going to be able to find her yep that's right okay I well I picked this one I'm confident this no she's going to be in this one wait I kind of want this one now no too bad I already picked this you want to switch Jeremy wait jery do you want to switch with me I I could be making the wrong decision I'm going to stick with this box all right you know what I'm going to stick with this one all right guys on three you guys are going to lift your boxes 1 2 3 oh yeah yeah let's go Where's My Money JY is the winner w wow I had a feeling you were going to be in that box after all of that we lost I know really we did all that just to lose who yeah can we get out of here cuz this is actually really creepy yeah we're out of here Lexi congratulations Jeremy yes congrats you guys no let me out that was messed up like I say they stay down there yeah they're locked in there now they chill with the spiders now okay you guys so today I will be going missing for 24 hours so pretty much both Ben and Dom asked to film with me today so they will be here and then Pearson is coming over to film with Brent hopefully they will be worried enough to want to come and find me with that being said I'm going to set up a little scavenger hunt and the first team to come and find me will win $8,000 if you guys are excited be sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get this video started wo all right you guys it is now time to set up the scavenger hat so basically they're not going to be able to find me until the 24 hours is up but until then I thought it would be fun to send them on a pointless scavenger hunt that will essentially lead them nowhere I don't know I just think it's going to be funny to watch them run around in circles all day let's set up the scavenger hunt okay are you down to help us with the scavenger hunt dude I'm down okay so there will be two teams coming here and you'll hand them these two papers as Clues all right sounds like a plan okay thank you my pleasure so one of the clues for this scavenger hunt will lead them to a destination that is literally almost an hour away so I'm headed there right now to deliver the next clue all right after 55 minutes we've arrived okay so the address is actually to a hotel but the GPS took us to the back of the hotel so this is where I'm going to take the next clue okay the scavenger hunt is all set up now I'm going to stick around and kind of spy on them to get their initial reactions and then once they start the scavenger hunt I'm going to sneak out I literally booked a hotel to really pull this thing off so yeah let's wait till they get here okay guys so Brent and Pearson are already here they're downstairs but Ben and Dom should be here any minute let's do this y she's not here she uh she's gone she left something for you downstairs though I think yeah downstairs by the TV all right so gather around everybody what is happening looks like Lex is missing H yeah so missing find me Lexa r solve The Riddles to find me winner gets $11,000 the first thing you see when you visit the Rivera's abod but you can't get in without a code what so what would that be referring to you live here you're on my team okay no don't talk to them don't talk to them is the garage I think it's a garage right go all right all right know what it is we also know what it is we're also okay guys so before you guys go here's a camera to document your journey got this so good luck with the first riddle hey we coming for that ,000 right here right now oh yeah all right so we're in the car we're ready to go think where we can find this first clue the guard gate yeah so brand Pearson just drove off I don't know why I think we kind of have a similar clue we think it's the gate I think we're going to take a shot in the dark go to the gate see if she can help us if she can't it's going to be really awkward really awkward we're going to try anyways okay you guys so they all just walked out the door from what I heard Ben and Dom are clueless I definitely have my money on brand Pearson so we're approaching the gate right now this is where we're going to find I think the clue hello hi so we were told that there might be some type of clue here I got it yes she has the clue yay thank you a large container for things you've used but the smell of my contents you won't be amused interesting I have no the smell of my content trash trash a trash these are all starting to make sense now oh no there's Ben and D no where are they going no had a big smile on their face I'm thinking they found something they just went somewhere hey we're here for a scavenger hunt a really a I think this is for you okay oh my gosh all right that was it we actually found it I was so scared it was give me like awkward encounter but we got a piece of paper all right you guys I have arrived at the hotel that I will be staying at for the next 24 hours I'm excited let's have some fun see big container anything anything ooh it is strong in here yes we got it bet you can't resist me on a hot summer day I can make you bur the pool put it away put it away put it away so we are here right now and I look over Brent and Pearson are literally right over there go go go go go go go go go go go what yo this is so this is so right it's not this trash is it inside they were just checking here and there was nothing it's definitely one that's inside go go go go go go go all right you guys I have arrived in my hotel room and honestly now that I'm here I don't know what I'm going to do all day like I'm kind of lonely where is it where is it you found it go go go there's something in here where you going no go away you're just following us come over here go go go I can take you great distances at varying speeds to move even an inch I am what you need a car let's go I wonder if the people on the scavenger hunt are having more fun than me they already on that one what where are they go bro I'm so confused you got to find a trash okay I'm going to call the front desk and tell them that it's my birthday can you guys tell that I'm bored hi re your service hi um I'm just calling to tell you it's my birthday oh is this m Rivera again yeah oh happy birthday to you sorry I didn't realize that much thank you so much all right bye oh my God I have to leave I have to go oh my God why did I do that the fact that he was like is this Mrs Rivera again you guys I've been calling every single person at the hotel just because I want someone to talk to look at so it looks like basically what was on my car is just literally an address no let's let's look it up on maps first oh you're right you're right it's a hotel it's it's a hotel it's a hotel is that where she okay let's go oh we're going to find her I say you go and dig through the trash can what no way bro yo we literally just open this up and this is in there right here bet you can't resist me on a hot summer day I can make you burn and feel cold at the same time I dare say it has to be the pool the pool go go go go go go go so basically the last clue we got to go to a hotel but this place is 55 minutes away it is so we're going to have a long drive ahead of us all right guys so now I'm just hanging out by the pool you know relaxing a little bit such a nice day the next clue is literally in the middle of the pool how are we supposed to get that bro we don't have time to wait they're ahead of us D um I'm going to have to jump in and get it we don't have time we actually don't have time wa actually y dude I want the ,000 we don't have time to wait for the drift over here it's literally in the middle of The Pool Guys there's no other way all right oh yo oh got it get the clue get the clue hurry hurry we got to go okay they're ahead of us say I can take you great distances at varying speeds to move even an inch I am what you need I think it's a car I think that's right yeah we are on our way we're like 30 minutes out Jesus okay so we're about 30 minutes away this will be fun yeah okay guys next letter here we go it's an address oh what go go go go go all right I hope that they're having a good time with the scavenger hunt they're probably really really mad at me right about now but oh well I'm enjoying myself over here and plus two of them will be getting $8,000 tomorrow so it's all good but I am getting a little bit hungry now so I think it's time for some room service hi yes can I please get the 6° of chocolate can I also get the grilled cheese but instead of the soup can I get french fries thank you bye you guys this is been the best day I think I should go missing a little more often we got the goods room service has been served okay so we made it I don't know where we are there it is there it is there it is two not right on the back of the wall oh my God way that's literally BR Pearson they just pulled up they just pulled up y all right we got to get the note okay what does it say what get away from here stop we found it first we found it first we're going to win this challenge okay read it read come read it come read it come read it he's going to R attack stop okay read it read it hurry now go back to where you lay your head it's not not a pillow it's a blank get some rest come back in the morning for your final rewarding wait what she wants us just go back to bed we did all this searching just to go back to bed wait so all this was for nothing we literally just drove an hour for no reason you freaking suck stop B she's literally not even here we just drove all the way over here have to go home how annoying is this oh my God we had plans I was going to film today we're going there early in the morning and we're going to beat you guys we just had an alarm for 4:30 a.m. so we just had alarm for Tom in the morning Tom in the morning okay you guys so today has been quite the day but I think it is time for me to go to bed I have a big day tomorrow we're going to find out who the winner is so yeah good night guys all right you guys so I just arrived back at my house as you guys know I told them to come back here in the morning to find their last riddle and get their reward it is currently 8:00 a.m. right now so I guess we'll wait and see who finds me first okay you guys Ben and Dom just arrived they're the first ones here they're going to win the $1,000 okay they're walking in oh Lexi y look D there's two of them which means we're the first ones to get it no we're the first ones here no way it says good morning hope you had a good sleep now go to the place where my house meets the street which is the sidewalk right yeah that's the sidewalk there it is this $1,000 let's go oh what you guys are the first ones here we what really $1,000 and I'm not missing anymore I know you guys miss me I didn't I didn't actually miss you I hope you know that okay give me that back I'm I'm won okay so Pearson just walked into the house I think she's going to see the riddle and probably go wig Bren up so let's get into the box all right guys so I just got here it's pretty early oh oh there's a riddle okay I don't think Brent will wake yet so let's wake him up I cannot believe this girl yesterday was a total waste of time and now I'm awake way before I should be oh oh good morning okay okay I found another Coen all right here we go all right good bet Canon what is that I don't know that was not here when I first came in what the heck oh wait did we win did we wait what we didn't win then what the heck is the confetti for you found me wait how did we it's so it's still so early so you don't get the $1,000 but I'm not missing anymore should we go back to bed BR let's we'll see we'll see okay okay okay you guys you guys that is going to be it for this week's video I really hope that you guys enjoyed it and you wasted our time Lexi if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already I will link everybody's channels down below so you can subscribe to them as well okay guys so today we have something very fun planned by the way guys a portion of this video is sponsored by Dell but stay tuned for that we are going to be going to a massive furniture store and playing hide-and seek oh okay yay so basically I'm going to be hiding you guys are going to be seeking and whoever finds me first here we go guys ready wins $1,000 what wait like really no you kidding like actually I'm being so straight up so I've never done a video where I giving out money to people like winners and things like that so like I'm kind of scared I'm going to win this I got this we have Lexi telepathy I'm seriously rooting for Lexi because I know she'll put the money to good use seriously but yeah without further Ado let's get the video let's get this video started show me the money you know what guys they've been screaming at me to show them the money this whole time so here's the money okay guys wait before we go in I have a little surprise for you okay so guys Mason here is going to be our special guest and you guys are going to be playing rock paper scissors and whoever wins gets Mason on their team okay here we go Rock Paper Scissors Shoot okay so Brent won that so now him and Andrew go t Scissors Shoot oh Andrew gets me okay wait don't get too excited Andrew because now you guys have to split the money if you win you get 500 and you get 500 I'll maybe we team up oh all right best of luck to everyone let's head on in okay so I will go up this escalator all the way up there and I will begin to hide so you guys are going to wait here for 10 minutes set your timers for 10 minutes and once that 10 minutes is up you guys can come and try to find me got it ready ready set go R is going to be filming me but you guys I'm actually like really scared because I don't want to give away $1,000 and I didn't disclose this but if no one finds me I get my money back okay there are so many good hiding spots in here but what I envisioned is like a shower and I'm going to like hide in a shower so let's try to find that is this oh my God okay guys I'm like kind of wasting a lot of time I hi in that dishwasher oh it's too small I think should we go back to the spot yeah I think we should we're going to run out of time yeah okay guys so we are back in the original spot and I think I'm just going to close these curtains and you know what you guys like little update here I'm really regretting doing this I don't want to lose $1,000 I'm really scared that someone else is going to walk in here and like open this and then be scared actually it's better someone else because at least someone else isn't getting $1,000 right so we're about to go look for Lexi right now we're just waiting for her to hide how many minutes left we have about 2 minutes left 2 minutes left I mean honestly like we might be pretty dumb but like I think we got this five 4 3 2 1 game on boys okay I'm guessing she didn't just stay close that would be pretty boring for the video she might be in the food area well this is my favorite area okay well we're looking for Lexi not you what if like her and Bryce were just snacking oh my God tomato what guess good luck where is she I can't tell you bummer these are good Lexi Lexi Lexi Lexi all right Andrew we need to ask people if they've seen a short little blond girl with dark hair let's do that wait that's our best bet this place is so big I don't know how we're going to find her wait what if she's in here look there's like a closet over here she can literally be in here we could have just completely skipped this dang itang so wait which way did they go hey no cheating they went that way the other way oh this way all right so we found some people that told us know why but I'm completely TR them okay so I don't know how this happened but I literally lost Andrew we parted ways like a second ago now I can't find him Andrew W Andrew dude what are you doing bro get up we're supposed to find Lexi Brent this is no time for sleeping come on it's super comfy we're never going to win With This attit Wait really aren't we supposed to be searching for my sister this is really comfortable I know let's stay here for like 10 more seconds all right guys so I've been walking and now I can't find Mason I don't know where he went wait guys I think I hear the shower running wait what the bro I've been looking for you for like 2 hours it's good Lexi Lexi she's not in there Lexi dang it I think I hear them I hear Andrew scared okay guys 2 minutes in we found Lexi oh my God so good guys I was literally I literally recorded that go I think I you're Andrew oh you scared me was so quick I was so scared someone else was going to walk in and be scared like that I'm sitting in there you know these are the winners everyone dumb gang okay so Andrew and Mason just found me but Lexi and Brent are still looking for me so my plan is that now all three of us are going to hide and since they're still looking for me once they find me we're all going to scare them I found you no they found me first they found me first no we found you found you since Andrew Mason found me first we're like let's go hide again and then so once they come we're going to scare them I'm mad wait does this $1,000 oh yeahum I think we're about to go shopping or like go to the casino I don't okay so I have a few questions for the losers how does it feel to lose not good all right guys so we're back home home and Mason and Andrew are $11,000 richer or $500 each richer you know you won fair and square I will give that to you even though I'm upset about losing the money you guys do you're welcome for the I want to play again yeah you're welcome for the invitation I'll let you know if I want to do this again so yeah guys thank you so much for watching make sure to give this stop talking how dude make sure to give this video a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel if you haven't already I will link Lexi and Branch channels down below so you can subscribe to them as well and thank you guys so much for playing hide-and-seek with me for the you're not welcome my pleasure not welcome my pleasure stop yeah your pleasure right so yeah thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys next week [Music] bye
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 5,946,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yELY54aeG4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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