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okay open your eyes [Music] okay so i have this gold egg and these chickens absolutely love this egg so it's time to mess with some of my friends let's go yo ben ben ben can you hold this gold egg for me yo jeremy jeremy hold this gold egg for me hold this gold egg you guys suck hey dom i have a present for you i want to give you this gold egg thank you yeah you're welcome congratulations dom you just got jumped by some chickens well it wouldn't be the first time wait what what lexi did you invite mason over no why is he outside of our house what's up y'all yes mason come in what are you doing here i'm just uh moving in listen i told you a million times you cannot move in to our house my mom won't allow it i didn't take any of the rooms though that's you know the extra space in the back that you guys have like right behind the house in the backyard you're telling me that you moved into our pool i mean look at the bed all right well i'll catch you guys later i gotta wake up early so i'm probably gonna head to bed now good night guys i'll see you in the morning you're kidding me this is the funniest thing ever oh my god is he reading a magazine yeah i don't think it's gonna work boom what's up everyone and welcome back to my youtube channel this is my wife susie hello everybody today we're going to show you what it's like to be an old couple yes yes say what's that noise i hear what noise there's a noise susie can you pass the remote what susie pass the remote what did you say can you hear me launcher you're gonna have to speak up suzy hello honey how much longer until the cookies are ready just a few more minutes [Music] oh my cookies wow what do you want from mcdonald's let me see can i please get an oreo mcflurry hello daddy y'all should order some coffee you could have got the senior discount oh dang it thanks i should have brought my coupons all right you guys ready for walter and susie to come out i'm excited here they are here you may look 80 but that booty looked 20. oh my god do not talk about is fun like that okay on three you're gonna open your eyes okay okay are you ready yes three oh my god oh my god i am a huge fan so andrew thinks he's meeting his biggest fan today but what he doesn't know is that this is all a prank i hired her as an actress to play his biggest fan but she's gonna turn out to be a crazy stalker and he has no idea what's about to happen can i keep this can you keep it yeah the toothpick yeah i mean it it goes in my mouth okay i'm gonna keep it as the day went on she kept being really weird towards him and it was finally time to say our goodbyes bye thank you thank you see you later good to meet you okay so was it just me or was that was she kinda that was a little weird she's just following me everywhere she was like touching me oh yeah she's right behind us now but dude is she following us we all said bye right yeah i said bye i don't know what we call the police no she literally showed up in my house ah yeah hey we're we already finished the video we got like another time but just not now you know androids i'm going to tell you she's just an actress i honestly have no idea totally normal we think how did you know my freaking mom's name i looked it up on google oh my god friends all right so today i have a very special guest her name is jojo oh my god i love you thank you thank you thank you so today jojo i want to do something crazy i want to do something never done before what are we doing i want to be you for the day and i think this could be really fun because honestly i would make the best jojo i think okay it's time for joe just do a transformation three and two and one you look amazing no way i am so happy about this all right so right now we're at target and we're gonna we're gonna check it out my favorite jojo product right there jojo underwear what okay wait hold on we all have one pair of those and over here too we got jojo oh no way okay so this is just jojo pajamas and this is my new target collection it's jojo's slumber everything in target is is you check this out that's me we got a lot of bows that's me and then all of this is me too there's you right there that's me yeah lexi it looks like you got yourself a lot of jojo stuff right there i'm very excited one two three they're mistaking um the real jojo for the fake one guys if you ever get hurt just use a jojo siwa band-aid do you guys want some jojo see what band-aids why not there you go okay here we go oh shoot do not i don't have enough wine which one's jojo i don't know why my face is turning red which jojo c would you like better me or jojo siwa [Applause] all right open your eyes open my eyes oh my gosh i thought i was seeing double for a second we got the two for one deal right now so today we're at the mall and we're gonna let people play a game for a chance to win some airpods all right so i have a challenge for you okay you're gonna stand right here and if you make it into the hole i'll give you some airpods thank you you're welcome have a good day guys thank you so much for watching this week's shout out goes to gabriella if you want to be next week's shout out all you have to do is like this video and comment down below done let's try and get to 350 000 likes no 500 000 likes 500 000 500 000 likes and andrew's gonna shave his head i will wait really really i will see you guys next week adios [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 17,816,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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