I Trapped My Friends In My Minecraft Circus...

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we go into the nether just to uh oh my god this is the first time i ever died to a trap in the history of the lifesteal smp this trap was set up by a player called vitalicy and to make things worse prince sam invited me for a tour of his new empire are you going to trap me are you going to try to live no no no no no no are you going to try to lure me in with i have content he's streaming right now no you think you had tour of the prince damn empire what the [ __ ] you know half the traps on the server start with the tour name one more parrot strap where he's showing brick wrap around his his place okay actually you have a really good point my bad but no no stream content i want i want you on my screen all right that's all i want okay it's clickbait i could go up like 500 viewers when this happens all right see this is going at the bottom of the channel stand in this corner okay oh drown trapped drow trap you're gonna die a slow death and you can't oh i don't want to be conscious okay so here are the llamas right there's no gravel traps oh my god i already did that before yeah well why would you do doors again you're doing doors all the time that's fair um also every [ __ ] place we go is this customary is this normal you just break the floor everywhere you go i actually do i legitimately do i've rebuilt my what's it called my uh my door shack for like you know and it's everything it's a trap this time it's not a trap this time there's zero traps like there's no button there this time oh wait oh there is my bed okay there's a bun there but yeah no it doesn't lead to anything clown you're not gonna find anything there's no traps i told you that's that's what this whole place is it's just not a trap all right okay um we also have a farm i wouldn't recommend touching the farm at all the farm's really bad it's um there is no trap under the farm there's no trap under the farm but people have been peeing on it so it's not it's not a good place you don't want to be here all these potatoes are infested you're stepping in pee right now you're stepping in pee eww right this isn't pee yaki yucky you have the well no bathing please okay well that's not okay hell wait what [ __ ] [ __ ] no needless to say these two were now the target of my revenge and i know just the person to help me with this ramsay is an experienced prankster and trapper so i came to him with my idea and we got to work so this is the basic idea and i haven't refined this at all i'm awful at redstone that's like the one minecraft skill tree that i fail so uh okay okay i'm okay at redstone oh like a shifting floor yeah yeah but like i want to do the walls as well the ceiling oh like a whole box of shifting that's pretty good yeah yeah that's totally doable we could totally do that i'm curious who do you want to get revenge on who's your who's your talent okay yeah good good good a bit later ramsay called me and told me he had a prototype ready that is that is really cool i think i'll hire you to uh install more of these types of things in my casino when it opens to the public i mean that is that is just cool that screams like fun but dangerous you know like gambling yeah ramsay started construction on the front house parkour this is how it would work we'd create a difficult parkour ending in three different sections not scary scary and very scary you would have to complete all three courses if you wanted the prize and if you failed the scary jump at any point you would fall straight through the floor into my domain mr ramsay are you ready oh i'm so so ready let's go i've been trying to plant part of this uh one house it is hard oh yeah dude i know it's i might have gone a little overboard with how difficult it is but my thought is you know we'll get them nice and addicted and then they'll be like oh oh is that actually nothing should never be evil you're supposed to like oh i see oh token one all right well i'm i'm happy that i got a second try on camera let's not talk about how many how many tries i did before that our first contestant is going to be leewook as you might know he betrayed my team a little while ago and turned what was supposed to be a 5v1 into a 3v4 against us forcing me to 4v1 at the end i had a score to settle hello laura man learn the audience we've got a thing we gotta do today mr leo mister oh leah you have been selected to be the first ever participant in the okay in the the branzy and clown pierce fun house no yeah yeah congratulations what a big accomplishment for you i have to congratulate you this is honestly i i'd be ecstatic if i were you honestly i wish this was i wish i was you right now i'm kind of jealous i mean i i'm i'm really flattered right now this is this is an amazing opportunity yeah it really really is and just because just for you because you're our first contestant you're going to witness the startup of the machine for the first time the machine the machine machine the machine what fun house was complete without a machine i mean i mean the whole the whole phone house is a machine you know the machine is what's fun all righty yeah oh there he is welcome welcome wait wait wait wait my mom's texting me i gotta give wait a second well she has to congratulate obviously she has to congratulate him yeah yeah i understand leo sorry this is a very unconvenient time have you not spoken to your mother in like six years and you're being reunited i mean like i get it all right i'm ready now hopefully but approximately in 14 minutes and 30 seconds my laundry is gonna be done wow all right well i hope you're you're speedy at fun yeah i hope vegan speed we're in fun welcome lyok welcome to the opening of clown pierce and ramsay's fun house all right check it out check it out you are about to witness you are about to witness the first ever uh running of this machine ramsay you do the honors he's the brilliant engineer who you know made this all possible let's shake hands real quick just for the for the press take a picture come on [Music] it's very good pull the lever crank there we go all right oh my gosh you know at your convenience okay wait wait wait wait no no no no no no not at your convenience check it out ramsay i'll i'll leave this up this is your concoction yeah yeah so leo you're gonna be tasked to find three tokens within our fun house and if you can collect all three tokens you can press this button to win a random prize from this dispenser go ahead and take a look at what you can win from the prize heart fragment totem gapples oh my gosh and a trident oh my gosh oh this is this is exciting this is very good you gotta get all three tokens in order to win a prize so with that leo feel free to give this thing a shot and give it your all all right is there any any rules that i need to know beforehand or is it just like you know go in hey just uh no placing blocks no breaking blocks other than that you know have fun do i like a timer or something or i'm not just going you're just you're just going just go i guess your timer is the laundry okay well you know i'm not off to a horrible start okay maybe i am i lied never mind give me a second it's good oh he's really cool wow you got this okay well that one was not nearly as close all right you gotta come on now yeah you just go i have a good idea i have a good idea i have a good idea okay i didn't work all right okay i'm struggling a little bit i'm just throwing it a little bit here it's a hard jump it's it's kind of right right house okay okay i gotta think about this i gotta think about this i mean i don't think i do i think i just gotta go i think i just gotta go yeah yeah don't think about it i'm i'm pretty sure oh yes i did it congratulations i did this i did it all right all right all right now go ahead either way don't mind the chicken it's just let me ask up for the fun house okay you know there you go there you go all right i think this way is yeah this was the one now you have three choices here and these are where you're gonna find your tokens right it's right between three of those you can go to the not scary at all scary or very scary this one seems very scary it is very scary it is it's so scary i usually lean towards the median but i leave it to you you can go you have to go to all three anyways so whatever one you want to start with well i'm just going to go with the very scary first oh yes i'll get the worst one is going on here please note the walls this took weeks for us to figure this all out i think i know why i have low fps now yeah yeah it's a little intensive but you got it okay well i don't got it oh what the hell yeah oh my god oh leave first one like instantly you're like the only person i've ever seen master that look at you go leo am i supposed to take all the tokens or just one i just take one if you okay okay all right it doesn't matter he's gonna rob us blind if he takes over that's true that's true you don't get multiple prizes okay okay scary room next i actually no no i'm going to that not scary at all yeah okay yeah not scary at all oh my gosh oh yeah i got this [Music] you figured it out a lot of people don't figure that out that you can just get the chest right out so you have two tokens right i do i do have two tokens okay so only one more to go so i will say i'm not gonna lie to you this jump i've only been able to do like one time oh this is this is the tough one this is the toughest one but okay i have faith in you you've proven yourself you did all the other challenges you were gonna start with this one i'd feel kind of nervous but i think you're gonna be okay this is what your training has been for leo are these double neos yeah yeah with the shifting wall right next to you just to throw get you a little dizzy so there's with this much space there's no way i make a double nail with this much space you can i promise oh my gosh okay let me get that let me get that the coordinates out i gotta get the angles right all right oh i i've actually never done that i've never done a double meal i have no clue what i'm doing i'm just i'm just gonna try oh wait there you go there you go oh we got the first one all right you guys gotta get back here you go no oh you go go on the left side all right all right here you go leo remember you just got to really open the chest one two three that's a three block jump i don't even think i have to complete the neo no you just have to just get that chest open really that's the main thing oh that's right okay hmm what what if i just made the nail i feel like that would be way more impressive you know that would be epic i like i said i've only done it once if you do it on your first try dude you you would probably win all the you know if you got if you got it first try all the chests like all the treasures are yours all right okay that's how confident i am that you're not gonna get a first try okay uh here play the app of epic music all right ready okay here it goes two one oh i've got it oh dude [Music] yes yes yes oh my gosh i was actually getting a little nervous that you were going to make it all the way i believe that you made the first neo i have never seen anybody make the first one ever lie i've never made that jump are you kidding me i know so here's although that's like almost an impossible jump with no backspace like jeez i mean i'm pretty proud of myself for that i'm not gonna lie yeah yeah you did but oh my god when it went through your head 24 minutes are you kidding that is so much time what that was that was great well yeah that was awesome good job here high five yeah yeah he is my audio cut out i'm sorry i said no no it's fine i'll make you pay later uh i'm i was saying that back in mlb we used to have these appreciation slaps you know it's just you know but i feel like we're on a little bit more of a you know equal standing so therefore just just casual shakes will do yeah yeah casual shakes yeah very scary you actually you want to get shakes burgers shakes fries yeah so badly before let's go you think mayo with fries is weird you think that's strange with ketchup and dip our fries in it oh my god you're the homie come on let's go let's go get some fries let's go get some fries i heard i heard pang you had a mcdonald's or whatever no it was ashwag let's go you know who i also wouldn't mind uh getting with this whole thing if we have time uh is spectacle oh okay okay spectacle lured me over to something at like midnight the other day like i was just up and he was like hey can you come do my pig race with me i was like sure was supposed to win diamonds and then i beat him in his own game and then instead of paying me diamonds he gave me 10 pieces of lapis and literally disappeared right in front of me and never paid me and then sent me a meme and i was like uh bruh that's a bit of a rip-off i'm gonna get my i'm gonna get my diamonds or i'm gonna get your heart oh i like your thinking all right so my girlfriend makes fun of me for doing mayo and fries i don't know how it's a weird concept or downturn as well it's weird strange strange people crazy canadians next up prince sam he deceived me into trusting him so i will do exactly the same to him he's coming hello hi zam welcome hi welcome prince sam you let me tell you example you are a lucky guy because you are the second pan pick contestant for the brandzy and clown peers fun house oh this is really cool but i'm watching the kanye documentary right pause the documentary okay it's worth it it's totally worth a pause i i told you brandy we shouldn't pick sam he's not worth it look sam i'm just telling you you know ramsay has a lot of faith in you i don't think you should let him down i do okay okay leah got through in 20 minutes hi hi oh you're there all right perfect prince sam hello minecraft you know we've been talking yeah uh and i don't know how to break it to you but my girlfriend oh yeah makes fun of me for you putting mayo on fries don turnt makes fun of me for putting mayon fries now tell me prince sam as a canadian do you think it is strange to put mayo on fries cloud can i tell you something amazing yes like half an hour ago i ordered fries with mayo and got made fun of for it oh my god he's in it you're like you're like a i'm so excited the machine okay rancy i'll let you explain the uh the token system once again when you find three tokens you can come back here and exchange all three for a chance to win any of the prizes in this dispenser oh my god yeah so excited right i'm really excited it works it's definitely legit like it's i'm really excited good all right collect all three you're you're our most enthusiastic contestant yet all right all right are you ready i'm ready go go ahead zam live your best life let's see what you got okay okay can you do it oh it's so close you are so close it's all about time exam oh oh oh oh it's real oh my god leo leo spend a few by the way keep in mind leo did this in 20 minutes all right so if you get it before 20 minutes you'll be the world record holder oh my god i really want the world record that's good that's good oh you you're working towards it but you got you really oh goodness this is really hard oh wow you did it oh my god yeah i'm really fast i've done this i made this i know the secrets he's the he's the constructor [Music] come on zam come on sam wow timing is very important you got it oh he's burning huh huh okay okay okay very scary scary not scary at all i'm gonna go with scary middle route he's going oh my god it's moving yo yeah yeah welcome sam [Music] that was really fun can i play again the trap is working perfectly now the next contestants are going to be interesting you see while we were getting everyone to play on the fun house vitalissy and spectacle were playing parkour together on stream spectacle had scammed branzy in the past so we decided to both get a revenge ramsay and i decided to make a bold move and invite them both over at the same time what happened next can only be described as pure chaos hello welcome to vitality welcome uh why'd you say that in like a really menacing welcome because i am now an esteemed uh circus conductor is that conduct no no that's that's ringmaster i'm the no well i'm a clown i'm all in one you can call it give me a train i'll be a conductor anyway you and spectacle were spectacle guys clown would never kill me right right i've never killed anybody on the server welcome spectacle welcome gentlemen you are the third i guess third and fourth people to have been selected to participate in the frenzy and clown peers fun house hello hello welcome back right gentlemen gentlemen yeah if you would follow welcome by the way welcome yes contrary to the sign you know vitality is welcome as well hey you put that away you put that away that's not the allowed block in here actually you're not allowed to place any blocks in here this is a fun house right no violating the fun house now a set of ground rules spransy i'll let you explain these let me so there are three tokens in the fun house and i bring them here to collect yeah you just give them to me yes you just bring them to me like just to show that you can actually collect all three and then i will let you uh claim your prize and we've already oh well he took the liberty of activating the machine yeah yeah okay let's so let me let me flip the switch and you guys can begin wait so who's going to the competition you guys can go on the same side yeah just just go for it fun oh my god you got it you got it stayed up gary not scary at all oh my god this is crazy oh my okay which one's crazy what oh yeah they're pretty hard they're all pretty hard now hold on let's let's wait for spec if you're you know oh yeah no it's a competition laggy [Music] there's some moving walls and stuff uh you're gonna have to parkour your way up my friend i caught i can't do it no i want the world record better hurry spa vitality's already over here in the the drip leaf section oh wow that's rough to watch you're so close though so close oh my god spectacles wait i don't know i don't want to do that jump oh you're going for the second one okay here you go second one here it is hello vitalicy no what the heck get away from me you're not getting out of here you're not getting out here come on hey this way this way spectacle oh okay [Music] okay you're almost [Music] oh my gosh what the heck is this what the heck oh my god wait am i stuck down here uh no you just use that as a launch pad you're good uh oh uh it's pretty hard here's a bleeding i gotta turn down my volume oh my gosh it's on twenty percent it's like super loud yeah it's pretty bad it's pretty bad i will admit no [Music] [Music] we're having fun we're having fun oh do i get one token i got taken free you got to wait three already yeah like now what do i do i go back [Music] no way oh my gosh you have to go back okay [Music] okay i'm going through the scary though okay go through scary gosh the train with you guys sorry about that see step he's really trying his best to complete this thing i'm also trying jeez this is trippy i know it's pretty crazy what what what no no no no no no no no i got him let's go what [Music] what was that i'm so sorry spectacle i told you i would get my diamond somehow i told you i warned you [Music] what was that [Music] i'm so sorry but i'm also not sorry you know payback and time is grossly for my life yes this is how serious i take your offenses oh my gosh did i win uh you guys got really good times that was under 10 minutes great work although vitality is still playing i think so don't fit i can't believe you've penske i trusted you oh my gosh [Music] i don't remember how to get out of here come we're on getting out here alive vitalicy okay i'm coming back i fell down with four hearts and then i just died instantly oh my god [Music] [Music] oh this is tense this is a 10 sectors moment right here i'm seeing a lot of movement down there [Music] uh sorry i'm so sorry i really am all right but you understand it's like when you work with him yes yes yes you got it payment payment has been returned with their debt collected prince sam vitalicy and leowook are off the hook some say revenge is not the answer i disagreed that was totally awesome i want to do it again
Channel: ClownPierce
Views: 2,766,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, Grian, I Destroyed an Army on this Minecraft SMP, ClownPierce, Minecraft Hardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft revenge, minecraft mods, pvplegacy, deadliest smp, deadliest minecraft smp, last life, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival
Id: 9sPlTp2w6MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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