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how's it going guys alright so in today's video I trapped a hundred skippies and a hundred bad boy Halos there is a real skeppy and a real bad boy Halo and my goal is to figure out which one is the real bad boy Halo he has to do the same for me and if you're able to do so you win but before we get into this video If You Could subscribe and like the video that would be amazing I hope you enjoy and yeah in front of you we have a hundred skippies and a hundred bad boy Halos that's a lot CV now you don't you're this one right here no no I'm gone I'm long gone you have to figure out who I am and I don't know who you are okay okay so you can hit people but they can't hit you and we have the real skeppy finders and the real Babble Halo finder you should go in yours right now what's the point of the bad boy Halo finder because I have to find and you okay all right find me all right I will find you all bad boy Halos stand in a corner now all right bad go stand in the corner okay all right are you in your corner I'm maybe in the corner why no no no no no you have to tell me if you're in a corner okay I am in the corner right now oh my gosh they literally have a pig oh skimpy where are you I'm just enchanting a sword really quick give me a second oh really well all those Guppies go to a corner oh no what the heck I wasn't prepared for that okay wait wait wait wait um um um you obviously have a sword so I can figure that out that way you killed one where are you yeah I just got a bad boy Halo out are we gonna get each other out without revealing who we are you just have smart questions oh my gosh I'm Gonna Catch You no you're not how about this all skippies go to the middle boom I just have to find you all right well all that Apple Halos go into the bad boy Halo finder no yes I got another one oh you'll never catch me you have to go to the bad boy Halo finder I am in the vampire yes I do I literally see you you just ran away oh so that's the game no we get three guesses okay okay where am I hey you have to go inside yeah keep it green I'm killing this guy all right I have a sharpness five swords Skippy you better be careful you know what go to the Skippy finder wait oh no I hate you oh are you gonna go in oh you're in I can kill all these skeppies oh wait no I'm not and oh and oh this one I see you I know who you are taking forever to kill them this is very unproductive right this one's going this one's going no get back here die I was a bad boy Halo in the skeppy finder they buy the skippies no don't oh I got him I got another oh are you out of the scampi binder yes so I can kill all of the ones in the Skippy binder oh I see you I see you again oh you sneaky little muffin all right all right I'm gonna ask all the babble Halos a question we're gonna put three colors down and on green if bad boy Halo is taller stand on red if bad boy Halo is shorter it's got me I've been the answer is obvious okay where are you there's so many skippies on the thing in the doodle bad boy hey let's go to green oh my goodness why are the Baba Halos going over to Red those muffin heads all right Cappies what you know what I'm gonna make my own set of colors wait who are you is this guy you I know I'm just killing all of them I know you're not here or am I Gabby I'm literally over here what I don't kill me really yeppy is only go to Yellow if Skippy is shorter than bad and blue if skeppy is taller which one will Skip and go to obviously I'm gonna go to Blue I'm taller plus if you're not on the finder at all I need to kill these ones why are people going there [Music] maybe because I knew you would listen to me so I can kill all these wait that isn't even me yes I just got a bunch of them for free because I bet you went to Yellow no I didn't I didn't well I just killed a button so I'm happy hey I see you I see you come here just get me on there okay wait why did you type that just to see if you're on your toes oh wait you just told them to go to Yellow yeah did you listen I did listen or did I whoa that's kind of sauce what nothing there's just one bad boy Hill is this you is what me it was that you holding that holding what the lead no I didn't have a lead there's a random Steppy over here he's dead all that way Halo to Green eh hey what if you killed me on accident I knew I wouldn't I'm that good I was literally right there scammy you almost you almost hit me but I didn't oh my goodness okay you know what I can just go stand in the scabby finder and just start killing scabies who run in no no no all skeppies well that one oh no oh no we're all in here oh you're in here which means I can kill these I can you can't do anything oh my gosh actually you know what I could just be on the Green platform you don't know what are you gonna do Skippy oh Skippy scatter I think I saw you run out yeah well long gone pretty sure this ain't you and I'm pretty sure this ain't you boom I just killed three ebh's go-to yellow oh this person's moving and you're typing they're gone dang it where are you I'm gonna find you no you're not yeah oh I see you I see you you're this one no you don't no you don't where am I what I think we should do what build a parkour oh okay hi I see you I see you I see you I see that I'm coming for you where are you did you have a milk bucket maybe I saw you trying to be sneaky over there you better not be killing that boy Halos are you just Kelly you're making a parkour I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you literally just trying to hide all right yuppies get to the end of the parkour all the devil Halos are dumb they're doing it no no no not bbh's any of the bad boy hey look or the skippies who can't make it I can kill oh my gosh it's actually really hard hold on hold on hold on this is really easy scampi this is objectively the easiest part I didn't I did it I don't believe you you're probably doing terrible whoa I see you murdering those Steppy actually I I am one of those captains you're gonna kill me you're gonna kill me I don't believe you wow I'm killing so much I see you with that Anvil now where am I jumped out you literally are in the corner this is you come here nope nope I guess this isn't you I can't kill him yeah well guess what uh oh yeah but I'm not as good as parkour as you are so oh my God I could theoretically be anyone oh my goodness this is hard why did I make this so hard hold you oh did I make it or did I not what you fly I literally did not fly up here so there's a hacker if there's a hacker boy Halo in there oh Skippy can you check the message that I just sent you on telegram please yes okay all right did you check it no oh can you check it on telegram yeah on telegram oh my God are you trolling me right now are you I hate you so much yeah I killed so many you're so annoying I was like why is there no message I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you all right all right all right you know what all that will handle shift right now bad are you shifting are you shifting right now I might be no you have to tell me you have to be honest yes I am I am all right start clapping that's that's really hard to do start clapping right now I don't want that start clapping there I Collapse you can't find me though I'm hiding all BBH to Blue I can't just kill them oh my gosh I was on to something there maybe stand in the exact center all scuffy stand still don't move Japanese shaft double halo shift oh no all right bad right now are you on blue wall I am great I see you I see you oh my God I got to that's good oh you little rap scallion yo I should have run you should come over here and do that again all right I will I'm on my way all babo Halo on grass on grass on grass on grass whoa why are you killing them I told them to get a yellow skimmy because I said on grass but I didn't type it stop stop it you're gonna kill me you're gonna kill me where are you go to skeppy inspector oh almost heavy skinny stop that's me why are the bbhs in the skeppy inspector everyone go to skeppy inspector really fast go oh did you go to the scampi inspector I'm where I should be right now hey you I'm literally doing the parkour I'm with all the steppies right now where are you all skeppies go to skeppy inspector oh my gosh slowly I'm going fast oh oh I saw you Glenn no no you don't know who I am hey I see you I'm gonna kill you hey hey no you can't leave me alone all right all right all skeppies Chef there's way more bubble Halos than skeppies yeah because you keep killing all the skeppies yeah because I'm trying to find the real skeppy what whatever you just stay there stay there no oh I see you yes BBH to the inspector of BBH come on come on my you little I see you you don't know if it's me yeah I literally do no no you don't know I know it's you come on out come on out go kill the VHS I'll go kill all of them oh yeah yeah okay let's play that game you have to stop oh my God okay find a buddy with a Skippy slash BBH then don't move all right let me find my skeppy buddy all right this one I don't have a partner your partner really no bad boy Halo wants to be your skeppy I found one I found one wait what if this is you that's my video if this is you jump right why'd you walk away from me bad I'm with a scuffed batboy Halo I'm killing them I need a bad boy Halo I don't think this is you I think I can probably kill this one I'm with like three battle Hills right now slowly walk to the skeppy inspector wait a second this is evil what I'm just gonna get to find out where you are come on Skippy you have to go in at some point oh Skippy where am I I know you're in here so if you're in here then this ain't you oh oh and I'm already back all right what are you gonna do Skippy I don't think I'm gonna use my guess yet I think I'm gonna use one of mine okay go ahead all right all bad boy Halos stand on red fine I have two more guesses oh my goodness I still have plenty of bbhs there's Gallery a strategy all right where oh where is the skeppy uh where are you which Pig would you pick are you at a pig Skippy yeah I'm at a pig are you at one with a saddle maybe no you have to answer maybe I am maybe I'm not are you on the parkour right now I am on the parkour BBH is if you see skeppy with a sword run did you just fire an arrow yeah oh Two Can Play That Game no no no no no no I'm really limited on skeppies yeah that's not my ball oh my God hey I see that you land me I thought did I really now I know I can hit anyone else no way I moved I moved if you kill me without guessing you're right I got one I got one I'm gonna let you hit me go ahead hit me hit me hit me so many there's nothing there's nothing new about it all bbh's run to inspector or am I Skippy where am I bad you're literally gonna shoot me okay hey I see you I see you I'm going for The Scabies oh my gosh yummies out of inspector come on get out oh listen inspector yes bbh's go-to inspector you jail me stop ow I'm really low now you're gonna kill me [Music] stop it actually stop actually stop stop you're not in I am I am I am I am I am you literally just ran out you ran out I saw that I'm gonna kill them all skinny I'm a girl you won't you won't is this you nope it's not me it's not where are you where are you where are you did you run you're firing on both I got one I thought it was worth it die no I'm making I guess oh you're gonna make a guess there's no way all right all right you're gonna try to trick me I get three guesses right yeah okay are you on a quartz block yeah yeah that wasn't you okay it wasn't it wasn't when I type three jump okay ready one two three jump you can't tell them to do that Stephie you can't tell them you didn't even say it I know that you're breaking the rules maybe they wouldn't have three oh my God is that you that one is that you is that you the only one that jumped answer the questions coming are you the only one who jumped I wanted answers coming yes okay yes did I get you no it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't you I was just kidding no stop all right you have two gases left fine you have to use one of your guesses okay I will come use a gas hey hey hey hey I'll come and finish these guys stop fine fine I'm coming it's me all right all right all right find me so I know where you are because I see strike potions wait you can see that yeah I can see it so I know that you're one of these and now it's gone great oh no where is it where am I I know straight away that guy isn't you because he looks weird goodbye wait there's so many of them there's so many sculpt ones give me stop stop stop okay okay okay all dvh stand on your own blog I'm going to make a guess guys you can't tell them no it's too late yes I can yes I can there's so many how am I gonna make a guess here what the heck wait wait oh there you go spread out there's so many memories everyone nope that's not me get back over there I only have one guess left BBH go-to inspector jeffy's come on Guppies freeze [Music] oh oh I see you I see you wait wait stop moving okay I see you that's you that's you which one which one look at me look at me which one man go to inspector while shifting now you can't give command Skippy you poke your head up once I'm gonna say oh oh I see you guys no no no no no no no no no yeah yeah that's what are you gonna do if you move I can just start killing cafes wow BBH is go to Red is that you is that you oh I'm telling this one are you oh oh my gosh Guppies and BBH find a friend there's not enough stuffies in the world yeah I think I found you so I'm gonna stay with you oh really you found me I'm gonna kill you when the chance presents itself uh-huh I'm sure you will everyone shift go ahead give a command Skippy go ahead I don't want to give a command come on go command no I don't want to you give a command where are you are you one of these how did you type that I literally didn't see anyone's Chef oh I knew everything oh my God oh my God yes no yes oh I got another I got another one no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm gonna get a oh wait which one oh there's three there's three all right I want to make a guess this is so intimidating there's so many bad boy Halos you have two guesses oh wait this is hard all right bat I'm gonna go on the middle block okay all right so this is you yep all right just all right now I'm gonna go to the other block good all right I'm going right now that's that's definitely yeah yep it's me oh I don't know all right here we go go up here they're so bad I have following instructions stand in front of a red circle all right there we go I have three which one will be it a lot of them think the middle is real middle skeppy jump jump okay okay this guppy jump this one is disobedient jump none of them are listening oh I don't know who it is oh hacker on second slash band oh this one looked up when I said that could this be the one that was looking for the hacker hmm why did this one look ah that one hasn't moved it's like this one's being the most careful not to move this one's kind of free-spirited it is moving and then this one's kind of in the middle all right fine I'll tell you skeppy you have to jump jump Skippy you have to oh this gummies aren't listening scary listen in there you have a one in three chance choose right now I'm guessing this one is you guess one am I right nope what kill him it's not me it is you it's not it is I'm killing it that's not you you're one of the other two what how there's no way there's no way you're tricking me okay whatever you have to use your last guess oh what would everyone like this go ahead find me everyone has to go in their own blocks no this is my last guess we have to listen to you oh yeah but you didn't you know what I'll just take my chances whoa whoa whoa if you kill me I win all right all right bad bad bad go in the grass go in the grass oh you're alive aren't you hi baby yes yes all right I'm making my guess no I was why am I in game mode now there's three of them oh no you're literally the worst skeppy you're literally the worst okay we'll pick one go ahead pick one they're not listening I'll get them to listen don't listen bbh's don't listen no don't listen oh my gosh another one the BBH finder oh fudge wait there's another five of us all right all right that if you write a pig it's you what is that you oh my goodness why is this guy going oh my gosh okay okay I want to make my guess I want to make my guess I want to make my guess okay make your guess guys you're one of two people yeah all right I'm doing game mode I'm confident okay that this isn't you you don't think that's me I mean you don't think this is me Skippy you sure you don't think this is me it's not you okay why are you saying it like if you kill me I win though right yep yes yes wait was that you yes it was no way wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you still have to guess which one is me I'm gonna pick I'm gonna pick I'm gonna pick I'm gonna pick okay come over here come over here I'm gonna win this all right let me see let me see let me see let me see all right you go over there you go over there you're separated all right this guppy look at me this Skippy look at me look at me all right guppy the skeppy is not listening yes I am oh you moved you said all right and then you looked at me yeah I'm listening don't tell me you don't like do anything jump I just said don't tell me to do anything shift jump come on oh interesting what's interesting Chef I'm doing literally what you're telling me to do punch oh it's not listening this is a disobedient I just looked to the side and punched I didn't punch you because it would have punched you but because you would have figured that out you know what I mean so I look to the side yeah I've been creative look at me hey shift all right ciao uh you're like putting a delay I feel like this is probably you I feel like you're looking at the other one to see what the other women would do because you were trying to mimic it but there's one way to tell for sure who is the real skeppy don't do this which one is it do the parkour scruffy go ahead come on Chop Chop come on go oh that one did it really easily all right you do the parkour come on that one's you that one's you this one literally didn't even try It's gotta be it's Gotta Be You trying It's gotta be you purposely trying not to try you go back go back oh I don't know ah this is don't look at the other one could this be the real one and this is the fake wait did that one fall but he thinks he's the fake and he's like this one's the real one and he knows that's why he's doing the Shifty fingers that you trying to pretend to be you and trying to pretend that I don't know which one it is doing because that one could be you pretending that this was the real you while this one could be the real you and that was this the fake doing things that it lost oh is the one that filled it real you are not I don't know this is your the one that follows you this is you stop mixing it up it's still this one it's still this one no wait no wait fudge it's that oh was that right I have to kill one is that what you're saying yes I hate you so much jump come on jump you have to jump okay that that one's not you no wait that one is you because it jumped I'm gonna kill this one come here you come here he's running that one's not you this is you which one do I kill do I kill them on the side you or you yummy I need to know we're trying to kill I know the one running is definitely not you oh wait is he gonna run to the scammy finder he's gonna run in no he didn't ruined that isn't you this is camping fighter yes that was you this is Guppies are you serious
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 471,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, try not to laugh, bedwars, hypixel, dream smp, 100 badboyhalos, 100 skeppys, so i trapped 100 skeppys, so i trapped 100 badboyhalos
Id: zWtDypYxSHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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