So I Trapped 100 Skeppy's...

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what's up guys in today's video there are a hundred skippies and I am one of them that way Halo has to figure out which one of the steppies is actually me and if he can do so he wins before we get into this if you could subscribe that would be awesome oh and like the video enjoy you've seen all the steppies down here wait what what there's so many there are a hundred something skeppies down here oh my gosh and today I am testing our friendship no no you can't do this I have to you should know who I am oh okay good well I'm coming down we have the real skeppy thing so if I go in there the wall turns green there's so many skeppies I'm one of the skeppies here I'm a random number here and I'm looking at you right now okay you're looking at me so I can just eliminate anyone who's not looking at me well you can but actually yeah I just like all those people in the corners over there I could just take out should I do it you should if you know it's not me all right all right okay you're not allowed to lie I have to be honest okay okay fine I'll answer is honestly and truthfully as I can I'll follow the rules all right so I basically have to do stuff in order to figure out like who's who you can do whatever you want just don't get it wrong what is skeppy's favorite color between blue and red if anyone goes on red I swear I'm gonna kill all the people who are not on a color here we go there we go that got ready are you not gonna get the red guys oh no I was about to oh but they're gonna get away they're gonna get away no they won't no they won't they did they did no only one did only one kid okay Skelly is really good at parkour yeah yeah I am if you're really good at parkour I should be able to theoretically eliminate anyone who's not good at parkour it depends what type of Parkour you do hmm I know you love this parkour job yup that is my favorite jump everyone who can't do it must be an imposter I didn't say I was good at it if you get eliminated this early well that would be your fault how is that no it'd be your fault no you it would be your fault are you ready skeppy I'm ready to do the parkour boom why are there so many I put ladders like this you just have to do one of them does it matter which one you do nope but I'm gonna put lava down here here is that lava cause you would never mess up oh my God you're actually putting lava you better not mess up Dad I don't want to do it I don't want to do it oh so you're back here no wait I don't know maybe I did do it maybe I'm just messing with you can't be nine Skippy 28 those are the two skippies that delayed a little bit wait a minute Skippy 14 is still right here oh they are see I wouldn't know that get to the end or die go okay is this you is this you where where where oh they're dead all those three just died I think skeppy 14 died no let's see wait a minute there's a skeppy in here and it's not green into the Red Room over here I just realized I can watch them go into the Red Room and kill them one by one you could do that but you wouldn't know who not to kill no they're all moving okay I can get this one oh I think it he's gone oh yeah I can at least get this one come here you go back to Blue you should be good enough that you should be able to do this again so I'm gonna have you do this again there's no way you're making us do this again I'm gonna make you all do it one more time oh my gosh oh oh this guy AFK in the room and it's not you someone went AFK in there are you kidding me wow I just wanted game mode into that chump I can't die maybe you're Skippy 38 there's skeppy 41 could you pick that one 14 backwards oh no why would I do that I would not do that are you still here yeah okay ow oh I know this will get a lot of people is that gonna say 14 no my favorite number [Music] oh this is gonna get a lot of people out wait maybe this is just a math question I have to make it a little tricky okay perfect so how to do this what will people pick skeppy well I don't know the question yet okay maybe I do maybe I do go stand on the stone below Skippy's favorite number that's obvious it is obvious but guess what a lot of people won't know it wait a minute hold on now I'm not sure if I'm right or wrong wait you're not sure I think I know which one it is I know which one it's not um no wait this isn't actually your favorite number times uh haha I'm just kidding Skippy I know it's seven oh you're doing just got so many people out look at all the people who don't know anything about you Stampy but look how many people know about me it's not 14. jump in the Llama that was clever I'm not gonna lie thank you Scotty I'm roasting them oh and they're gone oh oh oh I like the hanging on for Stuffies look at this little Skippy lagging in there oh my God people not dying what the fudge all right this will be this will be funny so how many skippies do I have I have 19 skippies to choose from what is something else that skeppy is good at that I can use to eliminate fake skippies I know a lot about you but I've got to be careful go to a block I got a thing oh there's this gonna be not moving could this be Skippy skeppy doesn't follow directions very well what yes I do I'm on a block ow wait okay okay let's see oh this one has a 14 in their name oh I don't know would you have picked a special number or would you have purposefully tried to pick a not special number everyone go to the stone that corresponds with Skippy's birthday wow look at all the people going to 14. that is so funny why would people go to 14 I don't know okay now everyone's just going to 17. no no no no no no no no no no bill lava 50. there we go okay you definitely weren't one of these so that means you've got to be one of these so I got a thing dang it I delayed a little bit I went and Googled your birthday really quick Justin I knew it was this I just had to double check that's heavy with shifting which one are you shifting Skelly no I'm literally clapping right now can you hear it wait a minute I don't think you're still alive I'm well and alive I'm going in right now right now right now right now right now right now right now oh but I told you okay well you're not skeppy 70. Hello Skelly 70. he's probably like why am I dying nothing get back here wait I can just teleport them out one by one you can't do that I guess I can't do that wow go to Blue you're not scammy 19 they are the first person to leave I'm smart Simon Says shaft this get me 74 was too slow jump scabby 74 just shifted then unshifted do me a favor and clap your hands all right can you hear it no I can't I'm doing it you just can't hear it I'm actually doing it how are you not and shifted I'm clapping okay hmm I didn't see you on shift at all Simon Says jump once go in my gut instinct I'll just judge them based on like how you typically move how awesome so I should be able to pick up there's no way everyone look at me that's not you you wouldn't be doing this this is someone trying to get my attention this guy's not you then kill him if you're so sure kill him I'm not sure run to a random platform oh this is mind games I don't know which one I want to go to honestly I know it's fun with Skippy guy too okay you're definitely not these two two skippies shifting at each other it's a lot of skeppies over here and there's two Skippy shifting over here okay you're definitely not one of the ones you know but wait no I did that when I was one of the Hidden bad boy Halos you definitely wouldn't go somewhere by yourself why not you jump over here all right yeah this guy's not you he's not moving like you at all ah what how did you know that the way he's moving is some skeppy like skeppy would go somewhere where there's another person so I think you're over here yeah yeah I I would do that I'm over there I mean here I feel like you wouldn't pick 14 because it would be too obvious you three go here who I am if I put them here you can't see them oh I can see all right skeppy what are they doing the people who I'm looking at what are they doing yeah these aren't you no are you gonna kill them I'm pretty sure they're not you maybe I'm just tricking you right now okay that's not you that is definitely not you that one's not you they just failed at the easiest Parkour ever this is definitely not you the other one's running too you wouldn't run because you would know I was only killing two of you so far so I successfully eliminated those go to Blue I feel like you'd be hiding amongst hair so I'm gonna test skeppy 704 and 104 and skeppy 82 Thanksgiving 94. getpy Duos all go to Mid for a test so these muffin heads none of them are moving at all Simon Says jump Simon Says jump fights oh I can't tell no I'm not so sure this one I don't think is you they're moving too slow they're not like trying to look at me if they were recording they would do that this one looked at me but this one turned their head slowly they're shaking their head are you the real scabby are you they're shaking their head though I'm gonna kill them it's Gabby are you Skippy 104. I am not skeppy 104. that would just looked at me someone just looked up when they said that this is you this is you you're Skippy 62 aren't you you get a total of three guesses and you've used one wait I've used I didn't know you asked me if I was Steppy 104. come on you could do it with two more guesses there's like barely any of us okay I'm staying very quiet though this is the one that isn't looking at me they're too distracted I don't think this is you this one's kept their eyes on me very well this one's paying attention all five of these are like oh what if I turn around behind them none of them looked at me literally none of them so the question is are any of these like real skeppies oh no this is hard okay I'm gonna do the parkour thing again not the parkour Gabby is good at parkour you two stay I feel like 74. I'm not guessing Okay that one made it hold holy crap all three of them made it all three of those could be scabby okay whichever misses it I'm eliminating okay that guy's not you I've seen you do this jump Skippy and you always do it like this that's so high IQ the problem is all of them did that dang it I know it's one of these go to the door watch your like dead and you've just been meaning the whole time 794 almost like they were paying more attention than the others could it be the others have gotten bored and this is the real scummy [Laughter] together [Music] no that is not fair that is so annoying what would skimpy do in this situation it's gonna be like hold stoically still my two guesses are the only people I'm seeing being active movers are skeppy 74 and it's gonna be 94. I feel like you've got to be one of those unless you're like you're playing the opposite card and you're trying not to move go to Blue let's see let's watch it won't cover out okay fine I'll go over here fine come now I'm not looking scabies all right there we go they're out they're out oh oh this is interesting go up to the red you don't need to move in a group what are they doing okay okay now cfv94 is not trying to move like a skeppy all the others ran up together except scary 94. you've got to meet Kevin 94. you're trying to be different you're trying to stand out oh but is that just someone being quirky go to Blue there's something skeppy would do that the others wouldn't I was expecting someone to like run down here to avoid taking fall damage go to Red I want to get why they're being all together this is annoying the skepi 74 ran out scabby 94 doing it again are they just bad at parkour they might just be bad at parkour they turned away from me okay scabby 94 is acting different wait a minute everyone picks Skippy's favorite number oh this is interesting okay these four are together that's why they're doing that they're all moving together skeby14 it's gonna be 62 and Skippy 52. look up oh my God I just muted okay I'm going to look up skipping 94 is spinning this is so scary did you tell them beforehand to try and be you I didn't say a word I'm so scared right now go to blow feels like there's like four people in a call okay are you trying to like avoid moving or you being scuffy I cannot confirm or deny wait a minute it just occurred to me I know something that skeppy is good at yes oh I'm big brains gappy is good at water drop form a line I honestly don't know why I feel like I'm gonna miss a jump I might have to go in game mode for this I'm not sure yet Skippy 94 you first really you're gonna make Steppy 94 go first okay so far this skeppy is being consistent let's see how they do it Skippy's good at water drop they made it that's one um 52 you're next okay they definitely have water drop experience 74 your turn oh this guy is not going up like a skeppy would or are you just trying to throw me off fudge are you trying to throw me off okay yeah this is definitely not you but it might be ah 62 your turn and they died that's definitely not you one your turn I think I know why that person was being a goofball okay this one's going up like a skeppy was it 52 that was being a goofball or no it was 74 74 was being a good ball okay 144 made it oh my god I didn't even cheat I don't think this is skeppy that didn't look like skeppy at all it was too fluid you have more fun when you're doing parkour I'm making a bet I don't think this is yeah yeah that was definitely not here so I've got four skippies let's test them to the tester oh oh oh I might get a good Glimpse oh oh fights oh wait was it 144 I think it was one four four seven four four oh fudge I'm not sure ah I'm not sure okay all right time for some Sumo matches okay so right now if I had to rank them in order I would say Skippy 94 and scabby 74 are to my top picks but I feel like these two were in the stoic but the way they're facing off here almost looks like they're in the same call together I should fight in Sumo against each of them that's a that's a better idea I am literally staying muted for this ready only one me and one four four three two one go okay now this this person is not that great it's this is not you all right now I'm gonna try it I'm gonna try this person is absolutely terrible all right that's definitely not you let's stick them up here oh my God that was awesome they don't think it's me if that was you Skippy you need to do better I'm just gonna stay muted see what happens here person's doing a lot better they're gonna think it's me that's probably gonna think that's me interesting okay that one was interesting this one's aim is really good I feel like they're trying to do worse for some reason their aim is too good I feel like this one might be you like trying to not do good that one definitely felt a lot like you let's try this one whoa whoa whoa this one started early what to punch okay this one might be you that's something scary would do but you wouldn't make it that obvious 5074 is a legend okay that one definitely oh my God that one could be you so let's rank them I'm gonna do something insane here I'm just gonna walk off I'm just gonna walk off and play my games with him oh my God he's just teleported me right back up he's gonna think something of it TP skeppy one four four bad boy I can't remember what this guy did let's fight him again I'm gonna try really hard oh okay holy this one's going pretty good here we go here we go boom and they're good but they're not good enough to be you what okay I feel like that person was trying but you're better than that so I don't think it could be that wow wow I don't know if that's a compliment or not let's try this one oh he's wrecking you why would you give commentary just on this guy okay why did this guy suddenly all of a sudden get better this felt like it doesn't like me Skippy exactly what I wanted to think I think I've got enough data pretty sure I can remove skept me 74. no way Steffy 74 is a legend all right three two one fight what you said three two one fight but he didn't even wait he definitely thinks that's me oh it was interesting it definitely thinks that's me this one could be you but they're so aggressive I think I've got my data now what is the data he's collecting like what is going on yeah this isn't you it doesn't feel like I'm fighting at all there's no way you can do that all right I'm killing skip A52 oh my goodness bye Skippy 52. wow how did he get that oh they all have a four in them for 14. would you have picked the one with the 14 in it feel like you would do that all right let's go let's go three two one fight this is not you they're not paying attention they just tabbed back in you wouldn't do that unless you were dming someone but you wouldn't do that mid recording especially if you knew I was about to pick you this isn't you this can't be you I'm confident so the question is do I save my gas I have two guesses right yes oh okay oh literally Skippy oh my gosh Diamond says jump once I was so weird these two jumped at the exact same time Simon Says jump twice no no pretty sure this isn't you right yeah I think I'm gonna kill him oh I don't think it's you but the way the raving is so odd ah I have to use my guess it'd be stupid to just kill I'm 90 sure this isn't yet I'm guessing skeppy144 [Music] scampi yeah I'm guessing Skippy one bar four is me or not me I guess I'll just say I don't think it's you right are you using it as a guess yeah I'm using it as a guess bad boy Halo what I am skeppy one four four I literally how does the sun doing it technically you win wait I win I I think so let's go what the heck
Channel: Skep
Views: 4,892,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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