I Transformed This Simple Minecraft House In INSANE Detail

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Wow!!! You demonstrated a level of commitment rarely seen in a build. 30+ hours... Amazing.

And the final product looks absolutely fantastic.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RyokanXen 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
how's it going guys I hope you're all having a lovely lockdown as you've probably seen from the title of the video and the thumbnail we're gonna be making a vanilla house and then we're gonna be transforming it into the most detailed log cabin ever well I think so to start things off we're gonna make a vanilla house I went onto Google and found an image of a log cabin that I'm gonna use as reference so let's begin [Music] [Music] right the vanilla house is done and this is what we got in the end so I'll put the reference image that I used up here somewhere and you can kind of see it's not too far off we got the basic shape down and honestly that's probably all we can achieve in regular Minecraft but we'll have a little look around that don't give you a tool so we got the same on either side we're gonna come up and go inside got a lovely simple interior here we've got downstairs as well all with a nice fireplace I also decided to add this map of the landscape around us and that's about it it's very cozy down here this room is very bare all I did was supports that and a few chests and basic stuff anyway upstairs we've got lovely little rug got the bed we've got bookshelves we've got a little enchanting area I've pretty much tried to make this into a simple lil house anyway with at all done I think that just about covers everything we're gonna transform this thing so obviously I can't use regular minecraft to transform this so I'm gonna use the chisel and bits mod I'll quickly show you an example down there is a chisel and bits stone block and this is 1/16 the size of a regular block and that's what we're gonna be making the house out I don't know the maths exactly but one sixteenth of that block I think it's something like 4,000 of these miniature blocks down here in one block anyway we're gonna be using little blocks like this one down here and we're gonna be transforming the house to make it the absolute most detailed it possibly can be [Music] [Music] just to give you a little update this is where we've currently gone to now as you can tell it's gonna take a long time to do this pretty much so far all I've done is I've made these stone bricks a little bit more three-dimensional so I've dug into the grooves and made them protrude out a little bit more and I've also kind of rounded off the corners to give them a little bit more of a brick shape so I've done that all the way from this side all over the front here and to this side that in itself took probably like 45 minutes and then once that was done I also made these custom window shelves with windows inside and we've also got this door frame and yet even this glass on the inside is made up of the chisel and bits of glass not regular glass panes so in doing that we're actually able to make it sit forward a little bit more whereas usually a glass pane would kind of sit about there in the middle of the block but because it's the mod were able to make it push forward and sit a little bit more flush with the front wall anyway now that we've done that we're gonna start working on the support pillars out front [Music] [Music] right so we've made some custom support pillars that are holding at the balcony here I made these mimicking the reference image I also wanted to give it a little bit more support around the base so we've got a regular stone brick here that we've chiseled in more and then added some great concrete on top as for the actual pillar it's just a case your wood we brought all the way up but we've made it into a cool little pattern and then aside from copying that to the other three I also decided to change the flooring down here a little bit so we've got a little miniature balcony down here as well and not only that but I've also etched into the floor here so we've got a nice cobblestone floor here that then goes into jungle wood slats and again I've dug into these itched into them made them a little three-dimensional you can actually see here on my hotbar I've got the regular block and that's what I use to then make this this is my custom slab die made anyway with the support beams done and the flooring done down here is time to finish off the downstairs [Music] and with that we've actually finished the downstairs so basically I've added this fencing custom fencing that goes all the way around the bottom balcony here so not only do we have this custom fencing but we've also got this little custom stairway as well so this is what an actual jungle stair looks like and that's what I've done down here basically it's just an extra step for each of them so it's the same dimensions basically we've just taken an extra chunk out and then on top of that I've lined it with this fencing that goes all the way around luckily this mod does help and make my life a little bit easier because I'm not actually able to use welded it so I can't copy and paste stuff but if you make one design like this middle fence post here I can middle click copy it and I can paste it around where necessary to the next area and then I just add in the sections in between so that does save a little bit of time having said that this still took about 2 hours so it does help but not by much anyway that's the downstairs done now so we're gonna work upstairs on the second level [Music] right so we complete the bottom balcony down here and because I've already done the fences I basically decided to do it on top as well again remember I'm trying to mimic that reference image that I found so it's not a hundred percent accurate but I'm using it as inspiration anyway with that being said I've done the top fence up here same design that we've got going down there I've just moved up and done up here as well I also decided to add this gray concrete how the texture on top here kind of two actors like that grippy asphalt that you get sometimes on decking other than that we've got some more little custom stairs down here same thing that I did down there and then yeah I've just done it all the way around oh and I've also made these extra little custom supports they're a little bit different to these ones down here they're a little bit thinner but kind of followed the same design but as you can already tell it's really coming together or already it's not really looking like Minecraft so with that being said let's move on to the next step [Music] right now we're getting somewhere look at this it's really looking good now so this is the biggest task it's gotta be said the roof the roof is gonna take a long time this alone just doing this front section to get the base idea down took about two and half hours and so now I have to take this and I also have to do it over the rest of the house so that's gonna take just actually it's getting way longer than what I'm talking about and honestly I think it's looking pretty good you can kind of see where we came from here this was the roof before I've made it a little bit darker so I've used the same gray concrete on the roof at we've got these two separating roofs so we got the main roof which is this peak here and then we've got these little extra roof bits that go over the balcony here which kind of break it up a little bit make it look a little bit more interesting which is good and all but it makes my life a lot harder and because the way that I've done this I've actually etched in as well it looks like roof slats like tiles so once it has done all over I think it's gonna be writing that sweet spot you know [Music] right now we're getting somewhere look at this the roof is done this took way too long I think in total for this entire roof it took about six and a half hours yeah it wasn't a fun one very grueling very laborious but we got there it's done now but I think it's fair to say it paid off it looks really cool doesn't it legit if this wasn't in a Minecraft environment he look down right now this could look like a real house so yeah I basically just copied the main roof all the way back we've got these little custom balcony roofs here same on the other side I did notice there are a few little lighting glitches but I think that's just cuz we're using the mod of the little tiny blocks I can't really handle it with the minecraft lighting so you might see it's very faint but you might see there's a little shadow there for instance and I think you've got it on the other side same as over here with the chimney but I mean you can't really see it now that that's done it's time to move on to the next section [Music] so as you saw we've just finished off the chimney making a look a little bit more real I guess this is one of the remaining things that looks kind of blocky in Minecraft be in it but now that that's done I think it's really starting to pull it together isn't it so pretty much as you already saw I made a staggered design all the way up gave it a little topper and then we just pitched in the cobblestone similarly what we've done down here with the flooring but I decided to do it on here as well just because it makes it a little bit more three-dimensional anyway now that we've done that we come around to the final parts of the build we're going to start working on these walls making them pop a little bit more and then once we've done that I think we're gonna go around do the windows do the doorframe and then I think we're done honestly [Music] so as I said I've gone round and made the wool top a little bit more pretty much done the same technique as we've done with the stone brick and the other wood but this time instead of digging into it I've added the planks on top of the brick but this time instead of digging into it I've actually added the slats on top of the block and then in the little grooves here I decided to turn it into dark wood just to make it well pop but yeah I've done that all the way around and it definitely makes the wood stand out a little bit more makes it look a lot more like actual logs or planks but yeah let's finish things up shall we [Music] look at how detailed this is it's actually kind of mad you only really get the sense of scale for it when I actually pulled back and you notice that it's the size of a normal house but it looks so detailed because of the roofs and everything like that it's actually it's kind of mad like it just sits so flush in the landscape it looks really nice it's really kind of satisfying you know anyway we'll talk about what we've actually done here so as I said I've gone around added little window frames to each of the windows made them into custom windows so they're a little bit bigger than usual then a little custom door frame here as well added some little miniature windows and to that we've got a nice double door thing going on and I've done that all the way around so you've got the door there we've got some windows along the bottom here window at the top I also added these onto each corner of the building as well to kind of show that their logs just made them overhang and kind of stagger down and I kind of like the effect that we've got for that I've added these tiny little supports and the main roof I've done that all the way around as well that's the house done that is probably the most detailed log cabin I've seen in Minecraft well done you did it actually I'm gonna show you around a little bit as well because I've also done some stuff on the inside excuse the delay in opening and closing the door that's just the house that's my house it's a feature now I said I did the inside and I kind of did but I've only done little features that might give you an idea of what you could do in the inside pretty much because this whole house in total has taken me probably about 25 30 hours so far and I can't spend any longer on it but I thought of a few little tips that might help you design the inside yourself so firstly I did the same wooden slats that I did outside but I did them in the inside as well so these are basically half of a slab it's thinner than usual you can see anyway I've done something here and it's very subtle but I wonder if you can notice what it is obviously the chimneys on the inside that's connected to the outside bit as well so that is one thing but the other thing is the carpet so because I couldn't usually place the carpet and then put these custom blocks on top so I have those small 1/16 of a block pieces that I've been using I just added onto the carpet that already existed so if I middle-click this you can actually select it it's just this it's part of the actual block now so you can get some cool designs that sit flush into the environment really well so because I decided to do these half slabs in meant the bed was raised a little bit which is annoying but on top of I've also used these miniature blocks to kind of detail it and actually create a bed frame so we've got one down here for the base of the bed and we've also got it for the head of the bed and I've also added them onto the actual bed itself so it looks like the duvet is draped over the side of the bed which gives that cool extra little detail so the final few things that I decided to add was turning this bush into more of an actual bush whereas usually it would just be a cube like this one I decided to add these custom blocks onto the sides to make it little bit more circular a little bit more natural-looking I very quickly made this frame for the map usually it would just be placed on i''m frames but I decided to do a one-block frame all the way around and it makes it look just a little bit nicer a little bit more clean and then lastly I did this custom little torch it's not that great but it's an alternative you can kind of you get the idea there to give you an idea of what you could do so this is a normal one here that I've got on the wall I've got an item frame that is also holding this little trap door to kind of secure it in place and I've decided to make my own little version of it here out of these blocks this is using glowstone blocks on top it does give a little bit of light off but not a lot you have to add a lot of them to produce a lot of light so it's not ideal but you know it's just to give you an idea but with that being said I hope that you guys enjoyed this build and yeah it's a little bit different from what I usually do because I decided to do with the mods but I wanted to test the wars see what you guys think of it and like I said if you like it enough maybe I'll come back and do some more as well so usually what I tend to do with these builds when they're done is I put them on my patreon and I'll let you guys download them now there is an issue with this one because it's not vanilla minecraft it makes it a little bit more difficult but I'm still gonna release it on my patreon to download but all you need to do is download the chisel and bits mob the same mob that I used here I'll add a link to it down below in the description as well but all you need to do is download that and then you just load the map and you should be fine it's not that simple if you want to get this map I'm gonna ask for ya t what I said a little bit higher if this gets 17,000 likes then I'll release it for free on my patreon so get this video to 17,000 likes I know it's a lot I know I'm asking a lot I hate doing this but get it to 17,000 likes and I'll give you this well for free and I know it comes across as a little bit big but honestly this took a long time to produce and I hope you guys enjoyed it I really do your support means a lot to me obviously and I love seeing you guys interact with the builds so if all that being said I hope you guys enjoyed check out the Instagram if you didn't already know about it I'll leave links to that down below as well I'm gonna post pictures of this on there as well tonight so anyway I'll shut up now but I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: TrixyBlox
Views: 2,177,445
Rating: 4.9414577 out of 5
Keywords: TrixyBlox, Oscip, Minecraft, Build, Timelapse, BSL Shaders, How To Build, Minecraft Building Tips & Tricks, Minecraft Simple Log Cabin Transformation, Log Cabin Minecraft, Minecraft Transformation Build, Chisels & Bits, Chisels & Bits Build, Survival House Minecraft, EXTREME Detail, The Most Detailed House In Minecraft, Minecraft Epic House Transformation, Transforming A Simple Log Cabin With EXTREME Detail, Vanilla, I Transformed This Simple Minecraft House In INSANE Detail
Id: nv1G2X7fYjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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