I Transformed ONE BLOCK into an ENTIRE VILLAGE (Minecraft Hardcore One Block #1)

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welcome to episode one on my hardcore one block series in this episode i transformed one block into an entire village if you guys end up liking this video please subscribe to my channel i will love you forever and let's try to hit 1 million subscribers by the end of april come on guys we are so close like 150 000 away come on cookie army i know we can do it also if you guys want to see some behind the scenes and funny moments from this let's play series go subscribe to my second channel extra cookie you can click the card on the top right or go in the description below go grab yourself a snack and i hope you guys enjoy episode one what's up guys welcome back to another video this video i'm gonna be turning one block into an entire something i have no idea what it's gonna be but my plan is maybe turning it into a biome or maybe like a cool little village but um yeah that is my ideas right now you guys probably know from the title already but right now i'm just going with the flow i think i'm gonna go with a village but um yeah let me know in the comments if you guys like this video but a big thank you to wadzi for inspiring me to make this video he's been making some transforming videos on his hardcore let's play series and they have been so entertaining so i had to do this myself so big thanks to wadzie but anyways let's uh let's keep mining here and get some blocks to expand this island a little bit no my piggy no douglas not again only people who watch my 100 days videos will know douglas douglas the og let me know in the comments if you guys know douglas all right oh yeah another sapling okay well not another that's my first sapling what am i talking about but you know what this means leaves i can build with leaves now let's go okay i'm gonna place a block here expand so i don't fall off like my first 100 days video and i will place this right here and hopefully i get some leaves and by the way this video will basically be my 100 days videos on one block but in a series form so you guys will have more videos to watch throughout the week okay i got a water bucket so now i can grab the gravel that i've been that has been falling into the void and we are good to go all right another chest that moaned at me alright some oak logs and another sapling okay i'll take it i love me some saplings can't complain it looks like my two saplings are making love right now because there's like hearts between them okay maybe maybe i'm just tripping right now all right another upgrade let's go i don't know why i'm seeing another upgrade it's my first upgrade i keep thinking i'm in the 100 block series so i keep saying like another one now i'm in the planes phase one oh yeah another pig what's up douglas is back douglas v2 okay please don't fall off i need you here okay um i'm gonna place this chest so don't lose anything again i definitely do not want to fall off and uh let's get expanding all right i made a little platform here and if i'm gonna turn this into an entire village i'm gonna need like a town center so this is probably gonna be like the center of the village and i'm gonna put like a whole bunch of houses over here some farms and section it all off and hopefully get some villagers and i can throw them in there oh okay hi cow mr girlfriend here on my uh day 100 fans girlfriend girlfriend sister but if you guys have any ideas for this village i'm gonna make please let me know in the comments and let me know if you guys want a series because i can easily continue this and make a pretty awesome let's play series so let me know guys chicken let's go pop oh there's two let's go they're twins all right we got a popeyes mr popeyes and mr kfc over here if only these trees would grow come on grow yeah talk to your plants for them to grow oh oh it worked actually oh my god the theory is true guys if you talk to your plants they will grow oh my god oh i wish i had iron so i could get these leaves i don't have iron no i'm just gonna watch these leaves slowly disappear that is actual pain oh right when the leaves disappeared another fat tree grew and i still don't have any iron well at least there's more wood so i can expand the island here but i'm missing out on leaves guys please give me a chicken please give me a chicken please give me a chicken have i got a chicken i'm oh i got a chicken hey give me a name in the comments guys what should i name this little chicken okay i'm gonna make some more slabs here i'm gonna expand this island here all right so i got a little uh tree farm here just only six blocks but that should be good just to remove all of these and get these out the way all right i went afk for a bit and looks like my chicken just had a pooping fest there's eggs everywhere but uh let me just collect them i don't mind collecting your eggs that sounded really weird but all my trees grew and i literally have no more wood left i'm gonna use this and make myself an axe here and uh let's mine these trees let's replant these trees here and i got myself 36 oak logs which isn't too bad i can expand the island with that i'm going to collect 16 eggs and have a whole stack and i'm just going to eat them into the air and hopefully i get more chickens because then i'll get more eggs to throw around all right i'm going to make a farm for all of these animals because they're just roaming around my island and pooping all over it like these chickens so i'm gonna have to make them a little enclosure and trap them in prison i mean in a beautiful farm so let me make some fences i'm not gonna use these birch planks because i literally have no use for this at all so i'm gonna make some fences here that is not enough all right that might be too many now i made too many oh no okay well what do you want why are you why are you pushing me all right let's uh trap him in here okay it looks like this guy already wants in i'm just going to put all the animals in the same fence because i don't even want to try to separate them okay how do i get these guys in there i guess i have some seeds so i'll leader the chickens in there come on chickies i'm in oh yeah look at them hop up come on oh one of the baby chickens grew oh i don't know which one the baby chick is now no all right now i can't get uh i'm a part of the animals now okay let me just break my way out of here oh my god that looks uh i'm gonna leave it there just to piss someone off i know someone in the comments is gonna be really triggered by that but i'm gonna leave it in now i need to get this cow in there where did my other cow go i swear i had two right okay get in there buddy slowly get in there almost oh he needs to jump oh come on man work with me here come on i know you want to jump i know you weigh like 300 pounds but like just click space bar and jump onto this fence please just punch him oh no no no no don't leave all right i'm gonna whip up my axe and show him the hammer time uh he doesn't want to go in my boy keeps eating my grass how much money i spent on this lawn okay i'm gonna just leave these guys here because they're being like reluctant so i'm gonna leave them there and let's work on a little farm here so i can uh get some wheat so i can lure these guys into the farm because they aren't uh really cooperating well so let's start making a farm here okay put some dirt down perfect put some water down and now i need to make it hoe hold all this dirt here i'm gonna grab my seeds i only have three i have a carrot so i'll use that um i probably won't use the melons because it doesn't really heal you a lot all right i got myself a farm let's go we're slowly getting out of the stone age i mean we're not even in the stone age yet we don't have stone tools okay looks like i'm living off of melons today all right so i'm going to spend the next couple of days just minding this infinite block so i can get enough materials to start expanding the island and start working on a village because that is the main goal i gotta make a village put a whole bunch of houses around and soon that'll be an entire city maybe in a couple episodes because this might take a while oh yeah another cow let's go my cow's got a friend now this is my boyfriend here i mean i'm just kidding please don't quote that in the comments i did not say that okay move fatty i am taking the boyfriend applications in the comments so if you guys you know if you guys are interested i mean i'm just kidding guys oh yeah another boyfriend let's go all right get over there with your friends we're gonna have mcdonald's soon over here it's gonna be so awesome once we get like everything built i can make like a mcdonald's over there kfc over there and like dedicate that area for the cows and the chickens that'd be so awesome okay another pig oh yeah more seeds not bad not bad all right i'm gonna place these five seeds over here perfect the farm is expanding let's go we're making progress here okay another sheep oh yeah more chickens i just want to collect as much dirt as i can on this plane phase and the next phase will be i think it's the underground phase so it gives you a bunch of stone and i can finally upgrade my tools because these wood tools are so slow like i thought my brain was slow like this is just the next level jeez okay oh sweet berries and more seeds let's go gotta plant down these oh some eggs give me some of that we almost have a stack of eggs i'm gonna throw all these eggs into the air like it's paintball and see how many chickens i get oh yeah okay oh i got a grass block that's awesome oh we gotta upgrade all right let's go we're done with the planes now we're on to the underground phase i think so now we can upgrade our tools and i don't have that much dirt so that's basically all the dirt i'm gonna get this entire series because dirt is pretty hard to come by after i'm done with the phase it just spawns in randomly now i think but now we're on the underground so on the underground phase monsters can spawn so i'm gonna have to make a little trap here so i don't get demolished by mobs again so good thing i made these uh birch fences here i'm gonna trap the mobs in here okay please get out the way why why please get out of there like what they want the grass so much please oh man they're just knobbing on it they're just eating it all you fatties man okay i made a fence gate here hopefully they fit through this please fit through okay good get out this is a restricted zone all right i'm just keeping you guys out of harm's way i gotta remove this chest so they can't get up there and put it over here all right let's continue mining hopefully noah mobs spawn but if they do they will be trapped in this little fence cage so hopefully i don't get uh completely killed okay i got my first iron ore and i can't mine it with my wooden pickaxe so i'm gonna have to finally upgrade thank god i'm gonna make a stone pickaxe here let's go we're in the stone age and let's get the first piece of iron so i can make shears to get myself some leaves okay i got two iron oars you already know i'm making shears as fast as possible and smelt this oh yeah we almost got some shears boys all right we got two iron ingots and you already know i'm not saving this i'm using it to get cheers baby let's go please baby yes yes i love me some leaves i should rename my youtube channel to a leaf god strip all the trees naked oh yeah now unlimited building blocks guys this is actually the biggest brain move i got two stacks and 28 of oak leaves that is amazing you guys gotta start getting some leaves for yourself guys it's the best building block in the game if only there was a cookie block my entire island would be a cookie how in the world do these animals keep getting in here i the fence gate is closed and these three animals somehow got inside kiddo i'm so sick of dealing with you guys i'm trying to save your life right now mobs could spawn at any moment from this one block and just completely wipe you guys out please get up the grass is not yeah that's right see this chick that's why you should love chickens man they just listen to you you don't need to push them and force them out they just do it themselves all right since i've been making an entire village i'm gonna need a lot of wood to expand and make a huge platform so i'm gonna expand this tree farm here and uh yeah let's get it started let's expand this thing all right i finished the tree farm and i have 22 saplings i'm not sure if it'll fill up the entire thing but let's just give it a try and this will just help me expand move move man everyone's in the way if you get on what all right this guy's just moonwalking he's he's just moonwalking all right i kind of fill up half of it but this will help me expand this entire platform and this entire island a lot because i'm gonna need a lot of wood to make this village and while i wait for these cheese to grow i'm gonna try to move all these animals into the little pen here because they're just too many animals roaming the island and it's getting kind of annoying so let's try to get these animals into the fences all right how is almost there one more jump one you got it this guy is so close come on just jump over the fence man and then you make it with your friends i'm gonna give him a little push come on get up no no you're so close yeah i'm gonna need some wheat to get these guys into this pen here because having all these animals here is getting annoyed i'm gonna grab a seed which will lure the chickens in and there's only one chicken left so oh there's two this guy was hiding behind the crafting table all right come on buddies come say hi to your family oh there's three in there i have a lot more chickens than i thought i did come on i know you want the seed keep coming yes yes there we go all the chickens are in and the kfc is coming soon boys you know what i should make some fence gates that will help i think all right i made three fence gates and this should help a little bit hopefully i'm gonna place them right here let's test it here this is my test object my girlfriend okay open the fan skates no no we gotta escape oh man okay maybe it will work get in i could get them in but they could also come out which isn't good hey get back in there come on bacon open the gates and get in there yeah that's right oh yes that's a full grown wheat right i'm pretty sure that is okay perfect now i have wheat okay so now i can use the wheat to lure the cows in oh and the sheep all right we're good okay come on guys i'm in yes yes everyone's coming in okay close the gate oh no he ate my wheat no no i pushed one up put it back in get back in before no no no punch him in no physical abuse here you guys didn't see that and i'll punch him in okay you guys did not see that no animal abuse here and just like that we have all our animals inside the pen uh except this guy this guy is come on man what do pigs eat they eat carrots okay i have one full grown carrot here so i'm gonna snatch that oh it gave me five okay come on piggy oh here he smells it oh he wants it bad he's running quick okay jump in let's go come in oh yeah all right perfect and i'm gonna sneak out here and all our animals are in the fence let's go so now we got a massive tree farm to get enough wood to expand and start working on the village and over here i got the animals and my crops making some good progress boys all right and i do have 16 eggs and i said if i get a stack i'm gonna eat them into the air and see how many chickens i get out of this so i'm gonna go into the farm here and i'm just gonna throw all of these into the air and just pray and get some chickens so let's go we gotta expand the kfc farm okay here it comes come on come on okay go oh i did not get one okay i just hit the chickens and the cow my luck is poo maybe these are the lucky four all right never mind i'm just unlucky today all right but anyways i'm gonna keep mining while i wait for all these trees to grow oh i got a mushroom cow yes oh he could feed me now just like the 100 days all right the mushroom cow be a really good source of food okay you are really special all right i'll keep you safe okay push you out of here damn that's a fat tree i'm hoping mushrooms also eat wheat oh and then i don't even have a wheat one of these guys slurped up the wheat okay i'm just gonna have to manually push him one big guy imagine i push him off the edge by accident oh he doesn't like those other animals he's trying to run from them all right fine i'll let you stay on the island just because you're special okay oh i got another one all right now we got a guy and a girl well they could both be guys but let's just assume they're different genders so we can uh make a little baby here well not we i mean them i'm not i'm not making a baby with them all right both of them can stay on my island hopefully they don't just like die actually that might not be a good idea they could suffocate from these trees so i'm gonna have to wait for a wheat to grow here i'm just gonna watch and speak to these wheat and hopefully they'll grow because it happened over there it happened before it can happen now all right we grew let's go okay let me grab the wheat and lure these guys in okay where's the other guy is he hiding oh there he is all right let's go guys come join the family a big happy family all right and punch you guys both in there all right this is gonna be really packed soon gonna be packed full of animals well let's get back to mining oh all right two zombies spawn good thing i got them fenced off so now they can't haunt me yeah i outsmarted you guys this time oh that's kind of cute they're holding hands before they die sucks you guys are dying today yes let's go and not a single heart taken okay i got two more zombies looks like they brought in their friends for backup but it sucks because you guys still can't touch me i can't touch this i can't touch this what just oh rabbits i was like what spawn i didn't see anything but four rabbit spawned or four bunnies look at them they're so cute oh my god they could jump over the fence these boys gonna hop all right welcome to the island what should we name these bunnies guys put four names in the comments okay we'll just spawn more more bunnies spawned holy my entire island's gonna be full of bunnies okay come on guys there's too many of you guys you guys are all too cute are these baby bunnies or baby rabbits or is this like full size because they look pretty small and now my entire island is infested by uh bunnies or rabbits great oh i also got a helmet from killing those zombies i'm gonna put that on don't mind me yeah my head's gonna be nice and warm now and a whole bunch of trees grew and that is a fat tree right there i kind of want to make a tree house that'd be kind of cool but i'm gonna need the wood so let's uh let's break down all these trees and try to collect some saplings from these leaves and place them down and i'm gonna have a whole bunch of more trees all right i got about a stack of logs just from a couple of trees which is pretty good this will make me like six stacks of slabs so that would definitely be enough to start expanding and now i just gotta wait for these leaves to decay and get more saplings and just uh plant some more trees and i'm gonna be a tree god soon all right most of the leaves decayed and all the saplings are down so let's pick them all up all right i got 29 saplings that should be able to fill up this entire area we got a massive tree farm boys let's go okay so let's take all the slabs here and let's start expanding this island and start working on the village oh did did i just catch that like what i just started recording one of the ravages hopped off the edge please tell me i caught that on video please i just saw one of the rapids just eat himself off into the void bro what is it what what the heck i literally just started recording poor guy i mean he kind of did it to himself but uh wow maybe i lost some more rabbits they just don't know where they're going how many rabbits do i have left on this island one two do you only have two rabbits left there's no way there's no way all my ravages yielded themselves off the island i can't even find a single one oh there's one guy right there there's no way all of them just jumped off the island am i that bad of an owner i didn't feed them for a couple days but like well looks like you're the lone survivor bro oh this boy's stuck you good hope he has a new home now i guess that's it oh and that guy quick i'm worried he's gonna jump off the edge now i might need to make him a home put these fences around here no oh no he left i'm trying to save you guys come here okay okay yes i got him we got one rabbit trapped now he's safe he's also in prison but that's that's not the important part at least he's safe from jumping off into the void all right let's start expanding this island and start working on the village area let's go [Music] all right just finished the platform and we have a slight problem here we got a whole bunch of mobs that are spawning and those creepers i do not want to deal with i do not want them to blow up my platform so i think i'm just going to wait till the sun rises and let the sun deal with it because they just burn and yeah the sun is coming you guys better watch out oh there you go that's wait a second how is one burning in one knot um what how do you stop burning oh there you go i'm not sure how this guy isn't burning this guy's chilling all right once the skeleton dies i'm going to take out these two creepers here they got one and got the second and see you later spider all right but i got the platform here so i can start making the village and i was just thinking i might start the village around here actually because i kind of want the one block in the middle of the village instead of having this the town center actually i don't really know i'm kind of stuck on the fence here okay yeah i think i'm gonna make the town hall here so this will be the steps up and it'll be like a big town hall or city hall or whatever you want to call it and i'm gonna make the castle or village area right here so i was looking at my tree farm and it looks like some of my logs haven't got a tan yet they're kind of pale i'm just kidding i thought i was funny i'm losing feeling in my legs on my legs again the pins and needles in my legs i fell asleep you know you know the meme like when you sit on the toilet for too long and your legs are like like all it's like i forgot to explain it put a photo on the screen my toes are tingling feels like there's needles poking it oh no oh no go away phantom you don't want this i'm telling you you don't want this you're dead okay is there another log in here i missed this like play hide and seek there must be a log in there oh i see it right there gotcha that better be the only one okay yeah it's rndk good oh it didn't blow up oh my god i didn't have my hand on my keyboard oh my i got scared my heart actually dropped you sneaky one 360. yeah i gotta kill him in style that was not style that was not the style that was not the style i was talking about at least he didn't blow up my entire island but that is embarrassing gonna be cool and then that happens now that's gonna bother someone right there that is gonna bother someone but i'm gonna leave it oh yes i got spruce saplings let's go okay i love building with spruce wood just because it's dark and it adds like an accent to the wood so yes let's go i'm really happy about spruce saplings i'm gonna plant them actually i got another upgrade alright i don't really remember what's after the underground it might be the ocean or the desert i'm not sure hopefully it's the desert so i can like get some sand to make some glass three two one it's icy tundra oh this is a snow i hate this one so much you don't get anything good except snow it's useless all right since i don't really care about this bomb too much it won't help me make my village i'm gonna start working on the village here so let's gather up my materials and start a building [Music] all right this is the outline i got for the house it's pretty simple i don't have a lot of blocks to make a really big house but it is a village so i guess a small house would work but i got some windows here got a door and that's pretty much it i got a two leaf blocks here but i'm planning on making like a triangle roof here but i need some spruce wood so i'll be right back and i'm gonna grab some spruce wood i'm gonna make the floor spruce slabs here just because it accents the oak and i was planning on having a little overhang here so i'm not sure how to design this i was thinking of something like this i'll put these little support beams here so it looks like it's supporting up this little canopy all right it doesn't look too bad i think you know what will make it better adding some leaves with some leaves around here and now it looks like a professional house all right look at that guys look at that it's coming along all right i'm gonna make like a little window right here it'll be like the upstairs part of the house so make a little window all right i got the upstairs part of the house and now i'm gonna try my best to make a rooftop i'm not sure how but i'm gonna try my best [Music] all right i ran out of spruce stairs and spruce wood but this is what i got so far it doesn't look too bad just the outline i'm gonna make this uh rooftop overhang a little bit and this rooftop kind of goes around like this and i'm definitely gonna need a lot more spruce wood but i think it's a pretty good starting house for a village tell me what you guys think in the comments guys i think it looks pretty good i'm not really sure what to put in here maybe like some chests or some furnaces i'm gonna try to dedicate each single house that i build in this village to something different one house would be chests one house would be like only furnaces and smelting the next house would be like a farm i might do like a barn or something but uh yeah it looks pretty good you know what will also look really good in this some hay bales grab all this wheat here no i just scared the bunny the bunny was eating the characters i just startled him and he jumped off into the void no no i lost i just witnessed two of my bunnies jump off into the void this episode i'm gonna have to make a buddy memorial soon i should just make a house just to remember the bunnies that jumped off the void and i think i can only make one hay bale let's go only one where should i put this now bam hey it already looks ten times better and you know what will also make this look really good some barrels i got three right here and they will look good anywhere you put them so i'm just gonna place them all around here and they're just gonna make it look way better that looks amazing already all right to finish off this house i'm gonna need to do a lot of mining so i'm gonna make a whole bunch of extra tools and just grind it out that will make two pickaxes another axe and one more shovel and let's start grinding [Music] oh oh i got a friend let's go i got a wolf hey buddy he doesn't want to look at me hey what's up bro i'll let you out to freedom let's go gotta tame them please tell me i have enough bones i have two bones it's gotta work come here buddy this guy's living on the edge right now yes it worked i got him by two bones let's go i got a friend now what should we name him i should name him dwayne johnson the rock since he's my best friend i'm gonna have to make him an entire separate house just for him and he walks away as i said that okay but i'm gonna need a lot of materials for that house so let's get back to grinding oh no oh no oh what are those the whole oh he's aimbot the homoskeletons are back i only have a helmet and a wooden sword hello oh man oh i got a plan snowball fight gonna do damage oh they're fighting all right it worked my plan worked oh no my mushroom cow you get up the crossfire there's an intense battle between the homoskeletons oh they're doing like ringing around the rosies right now they're just spinning around no the mushroom cow died no at least one died there's only one guy left all right i'm coming die oh no yes i got him okay that plan was actually genius using the snowballs i was just throwing it for jokes but it actually worked oh they're back what oh mobs are spawning over there too this is not good everything's just going bad i don't even have food i'm gonna have to make a sneak attack on them okay i'm going in oh he's quick okay i got him hopefully those mobs don't notice i'm over here i'm surprised they don't see me because uh their vision must be pretty bad but but i think they claim the home for themselves oh no oh no that boy has a sword and he's coming in oh i'm out of here monkey mo time time to hide in the trees quick quick quick get up get up i'm hiding in the trees that boy has an iron sword i don't even have that yet hey be careful doggy be careful dwayne johnson even though you are doing johnson you could probably take him but like he has a sword okay i'm just gonna wait here until it turns day time again just like before and uh wait till they burden the sun and despawn i'll be right back oh my oh i just came back oh my i'm so lucky i just came back in time i was in the kitchen i was in the kitchen trying to find a snack to feed my fat oh okay okay i'm sorry oh man this is not good where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go oh there's coming in hot kratom i just killed him oh my god i came back right on time i'm hiding in the tree i'm actually hiding in the tree this time this is straight monkey mode i'm gonna hide right here and wait till the sun comes out oh my fast got some food all right i'm back hopefully uh there's no more mobs around hopefully they're all dead coast looks clear my dog's still alive let's hop down here like a shirt up monkey that's the only time i'm using these blocks to build with because that's when you know you're desperate for blocks when you start using these blocks to build with all right let's start mining away these trees oh what's that called again oh i'm bringing fire brain fart uh a zombie villager there's a zombie villager right there that is golden okay he sees me oh i don't have a name tag though he's gonna despawn i can turn him back into a villager this would be perfect come in here okay perfect i got him all right all right i got him okay block him from the sun hopefully he doesn't despawn he probably will but if i stay in like the area and the island isn't too big he should stay there i i'm praying he does but if i can turn him back into a normal villager that would be golden i got a lot of more oak logs i have like nine stacks now this is unreal okay i have way too many oak logs i'm gonna need more spruce logs you only have 14. all right while i wait for these trees to grow let's uh keep mining again repeat the same process okay there's gold here and i can't mine it with a stone pickaxe i think it's going really slow yeah i definitely can't so let's make a iron pickaxe here oh i got another one no way all the sun's coming up come quick come quick very hurry okay hurry i need you okay come on come on come on get in there get in there cover them up oh let's go i got two no way let's go i got two i like how they're just the little innocent bunnies stuck down here and then there's just two zombies above him he has no idea what's above him i should probably let him free let him be with his friends actually i don't think he has any friends left i think all of them jumped off the void all right but anyways i'm gonna make an iron pickaxe so let's mount this iron ore here and get iron pickaxe so i can mine this gold all right i got 20 iron ingots that's the most iron ingots i've ever had so let's make a quick pickaxe here all right there you go and you already know the rest of the 17 are going to cheers let's go 17 in this nah just kidding imagine if i made eight cheers how many hate comments i would get all right let's get my first piece of gold let's go i don't even know what i'm gonna do with this oh i got a winter fox or a wolf or a i don't remember what they're called but um i don't really like these guys that much will he fight my oh i thought he's gonna go attack my my boy dwayne johnson here sorry i'm gonna have to kill him guys i i'm not i don't i don't trust this guy here oh why does he squeal like that sorry bro oh that's the saddest death ever let's just forget about that and go back to mining all right i got my second piece of gold i'm balling now richer than the bank of america let's go oh no not again oh my lord that is a big beast right there okay hello sir do i kill him what should i do dwayne johnson oh he nodded you just see that quick nod all right you're gonna have to go after you do a dance for me all right more gold okay i'm running low on food i might have to kill some of my animals here i should probably breed them actually okay i'm gonna take some of the wheat here i'm gonna breathe the cows make my girlfriends make love because i do have three girlfriends right here okay oh i don't i don't even need to kill any animals i forgot i have mushrooms i can just make mushroom stew don't mind me let me milk your little nipples that down there sounded really really weird i should not say that again and drink it up tastes amazing oh my there's a whole family reunion of creepers that's not good at all i'm just gonna let my mushroom cow um deal with that there's five i think jump out the window quick it's your time to escape jump up you can escape the creepers okay i i guess not you're gonna all right all right i made some more spruce stairs and slabs and let's start working on the roof again let's finish this bad boy up i already ran out of spruce stairs you run out like crazy holy all right let's go check out what it looks like from the bottom okay not bad i'm liking it so far by the end of the episode i definitely want to finish this house and possibly make another house over here let's uh let's keep grinding for some wood here because it takes a lot of spruce logs for the roof over there so let's collect all these and let's plant all the saplings down i'm gonna need a butt ton of spruce wood so hopefully these trees grow like right now because i kind of need it i'm getting impatient come on please please grow please please but luckily both my zombie villagers are both alive and that is a really good sign i'm gonna have some villagers living in these houses in no time you know what i've never done before i've never stripped wood before that i mean i do that every morning that sounds kind of kind of inaccurate but uh let me strip this wood here i've never looked at how spruce log looks stripped naked so let me strip this down oh oh i can actually build with that actually looks pretty good how about this okay it's just a lighter version of that i actually really like how logs look naked i mean that's is that is that weird i don't think it's a weird thing is weird dwayne johnson oh yeah he agreed he nodded his head i guess he agrees oh another friend dwayne johnson jr meet your dad meet your son i mean you should have met him like when he was born but okay let's see if i have any bones anywhere oh yeah i got five all right this guy's stubborn yo i have one bone left come on you ate all my bones oh my dear boy this boy is stubborn his face even says it oh my he ate all my bones this guy just slurped them all up where the hell did you come from this baby cow just came around the corner like it's normal oh my that's why i was like why is there so many animals i left the gate open okay um oh baby chicken i guess so i get so distracted so easily like oh squirrel yeah there's a i guess there's animals everywhere now i gotta get them back in come on you guys belong in captivity come on what happened to your lit my egg this guy just pooped off the edge that is littering bro my boy's legs are broken yo what's wrong what's wrong with your legs are you good bro definitely not overcrowded and crammed at all just don't worry about it i hope there's no animal rights activists in the comments i'm just kidding guys i'll make them a special farm over there a really nice farm for them back to mining oh no monster parties oh no okay no i hate these monster parties okay i have no armor and no shield and the wandering villager just spawned okay this is not the time bro it's not the time to be trading all right i'm gonna have to go in go and go oh oh they trolled themselves oh they're okay i thought they weren't mad at me okay fall in the holes okay fall in they literally played themselves let's go i didn't have to do anything oh my god this is life is too easy sometimes let's see what this villager wants what is going on that's going through the floor okay can i kill him for these leads those llamas are spitting on me ow they actually take damage get away this is like invisible man can't ever see that movie i feel bad i'm talking to paul right now if you guys don't know him not paul gg i'm dming him on discord and he was recording a hundred days he recorded 10 days and his power went out so his 10 days got corrupted and right now he's trying to recover the files and he's telling me to buy a battery pack before it's too late prayers up for uh paul in the comments guys pray yours up for paul all my youtube buddies out there watching this video knows the pain of losing files and having them corrupt is the worst pain ever okay but most of my trees grew here and uh let's just start mining them again all right i got a stack and a half of spruce logs and i'm just gonna wait till all these leaves decay so i can get some saplings and plant even more because i love me some wood i planted all the saplings and it's time to wait for them all to grow once again but while i wait let's uh keep working on this roof here because i really want to finish this bro with this boy on the ceiling man are you getting too bored of living in the house you're just chilling on the ceiling now or the roof bruh like what are you looking at me for all right i think we're done the rooftop all right let's take a look from the bottom all right let's go the roof is finished our first house on the village is finished about 500 more houses to go i'm not the best builder this is probably one of my first houses i've made in a long time but it looks pretty good i'm not the best builder but another tip these trapdoors look amazing on builds like if you just place them like this i think it looks amazing it just adds like a little bit of umph you know like a little little cuteness to it i don't know that's the correct way of explaining it but you guys know what i mean the mushroom cow literally claimed this house as his like he literally lives here now he's been in this house all day anyways let's start working on the interior here so that would be the second floor i'm not really sure where to build the staircase oh here we go oh here we go spiral staircase it up i love me some spiral staircases all right look at that we got spyro staircase up to the second floor and voila we got the first house baby how do you like it how do you like it all right i guess i made it so bad and so ugly he wants out he moved out all right i guess this house is for sale if anyone wants it let me know this house is for sale whenever i think of doors you guys know that drake and josh episode the treehouse when drake and josh got stuck in the tree house and drake forgot to cut a door open in the treehouse so like they were stuck in the house and yeah that was probably one of the best moments in childhood history i'm pretty sure no one even knows what i'm talking about but if you do you guys are awesome if you guys know what drake and josh episode i'm talking about and i'm gonna put a sign saying for sale 50 and 69 cents so go to my patreon page and become a master in the description below for your name to be on this house and if i do get 50 patreons in total i will run a private live stream for all 50 of you guys and we can just chill i'll buy a server and we can just play games or run a challenge link in the description below alright that was just a quick plug sorry guys oh i cannot forget about these baby oh yeah this i've been waiting for this moment let's go leaves yes now this house is looking absolutely amazing oh my god that's beautiful that that is a masterpiece right there someone's probably watching this video that's like a pro builder and just like thinking to himself man cookie sucks that building like that's probably what he's thinking all right before i start making another house i'm gonna have to expand this island even more this island's getting pretty big on the first episode guys i'm pretty uh pretty excited so let's start expanding this island all right now i gotta work on expanding this pathway i'll do the second house i got the pathway expanded a bit i'm running out of leaves i need more leaves to uh add to this pathway but i think i'm gonna make a little farm over here like a little wheat farm so uh let's start working on that i'm gonna use up all my dirt just for this there we go we got a little platform of dirt here that's okay i'm relocating the farm take this water grab all this the water there and hold all this all right perfect and now we just gotta wait and watch them grow all right i'm gonna take some bone meal and try to get some nice little flowers to put around here just to add some color i just need roses and dandelions oh yeah let's go okay i'm gonna take this rose here and put it right here oh yeah we got flowers guys and the mushroom cow is on the roof again like he's like looking to his brothers in the prison cell over there all right but i did finish one house over here looks pretty good not the best in the world but it's uh it's decent i think i got a little farm right here and i'm planning to expand this village by making a whole bunch of houses this way and some houses over here and we're gonna have an entire village guys but this is the start of turning my one block into an entire village i'm pretty excited all right but thank you so so much for watching this video if this isn't one of my 100 days videos but if you guys enjoyed this video please like the video please comment down below if you guys watch to the end of the video come on you guys you guys have to subscribe help me out i really appreciate it thank you so much i love all of you guys check out my patreon the link below the first 50 people will get a private live stream on youtube or twitch let me know in the comments if you guys want a part two or episode two on this one block series and i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 1,358,846
Rating: 4.9600081 out of 5
Keywords: i transformed one block into an entire village, i transformed one block into a village, acookiegod, acookiegod one block, one block hardcore minecraft, hardcore one block, minecraft one block, minecraft one block episode 1, minecraft hardcore one block, one block hardcore mode, one block skyblock, one block acookiegod, hardcore one block skyblock, one block episode 1, transforming one block into an entire village, turning one block into an entire village, transforming one block
Id: OdD7Bs75l6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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