The BEST START EVER in Minecraft Hardcore 1.17 (#1)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
literally everybody has been asking me to start a normal minecraft hardcore series well i really hope you guys enjoy welcome everybody to my first ever episode on minecraft hardcore on the brand new 1.17 caves and cliffs update so hop onto the ride and let's experience my journey together on my hardcore world starting off with episode one also please don't forget to subscribe because this series is gonna be a fun one all right we are into the first 1.17 world snapshot thingy this is gonna be my first ever survival world i haven't played a normal survival world in years it's been so long so welcome aboard to the journey guys i hope you guys enjoy this entire series i'm looking to make this a long journey i really want to transform this entire world into something beautiful so all we gotta do is start out with getting some wood and i'm really excited about this series because it's just been so long since i've played normal survival so this is pretty exciting guys so i hope you guys are excited too because a lot of you guys have been asking for a normal hardcore series and here you guys go this is gonna be a very fun journey but this is 1.17 though i haven't really explored much about 1.17 so the first thing i want to do is go into the caves because this is the caves and cliffs update and i really want to find one of those ammonist structure thingies in the ground so let's kill some cows first because i normally get pretty hungry oh there's abandon another portal over there let's go check it out hello squids don't know don't hurt me all right what's inside this chest here oh this is actually finishable what i just need two blocks right here i got silk touch hoe flint and steel some flint and some golden carrots all right not too bad but that's a pretty good nether port i'm gonna steal this gold block actually since i'm already here i have a gold i have a wooden pickaxe never mind okay we found a little cave here let's see what's in here and okay minecraft really baiting me like that huh oh over here now we're talking this is looking pretty uh promising right here it's so dark i can't even see anything i see some cool right here so mine that there we go now we have light oh look at the new texture for coal it looks like i'm using a texture pack right now looks so different i still hate mining it though all right and it wasn't even a nice cave wow i'm getting baited by everything right now hello piggies let me take out the entire population of bacon popeyes that sounds kind of good okay this is looking actually promising all right here we go there's some iron right there look at the texture of the iron it's so different okay let's make a furnace really quickly so i can smell some food okay my first ever encounter with the mob and he's dead yes sir there we go we're monster slayers now make a furnace i smelt up some food oh yes now that is tasty let's upgrade my tools here though bam bam throw all that garbage away all right let's go mine some iron whoa what is this it gives me raw iron what do i do with this i i have never even seen the new update yet so i'm pretty new i'm pretty blind to this cuz i smelt it oh does it turn to ingots please don't turn the ingots please please please please please and it is gonna turn into oh actually iron ingot okay that makes life so much harder i gotta smelt the raw iron to get iron ingots now life was already okay oh i might die here oh okay i might die here okay okay okay heal up here i need to make a shield right away i almost died let's make a shield some dream speed bam and equipped all right there we go yeah i wasn't scared of that skeleton you guys were scared i don't get to get around here this is a minecraft blo block game does this go oh my god as i was saying uh so how's your day going oh where are they coming from so as i was saying uh how are your guys's day going whoa what is this looks like someone just had lasagna and just threw up what what is this let me mind it what is this new ore that was added i'm guessing it's copper oh it is copper raw copper okay that's kind of cool i'm not really sure what you do with it but i mean i'll take it i'm so excited to find the ammonist little structure things that spawn the clusters i have no idea what's called ammonist english is not my forte the purple blocks the shiny purple blocks all right everybody knows what i'm talking about don't make fun of me english is my fourth language but let's get all this iron here add some coal all right so all this raw iron up and i'm guessing you could smell raw copper too let's make another furnace here and slap that down and smell some rock copper oh you can't smell rock copper someone tell me in the comments what you do with rock copper guys let me know in the comments i have no idea what you do with this i'm just collecting someone's throw up okay this cave splits into left or right where should i go guys i feel like i'm dora which way should i go guys left or right and the comments picked right let's go if it leads me into like five creepers i'm blaming you guys okay what's down here oh whoa what is that that looks like an alien block what the what is that i'm not sure why that's the first thing i think of but it kind of looks like one okay there's a skeleton here guarding the alien block so maybe it's something important go away oh there's more alien blocks oh there's a ton a ton over here all right let's mine it up let's see what this uh let's see what this is holding let's see what kind of wait this it's not even a block it's just a vine oh my gosh so baited i got baited so hard i really thought that was a block i really thought that was a block oh my god i was getting kind of excited but hey i mean there's a rock hopper so i mean there's always a bright side i thought that was gonna be something really cool all right my pickaxe just broke so let's head back up to my furnace and start making some iron tools look how beautiful the copper looks let me let me turn this into a block oh my god look at this that looks beautiful it's so opposite from shiny but it's still pretty nice we are out of the stone age guys and i have more iron to smelt listen to the sound it makes when you break it it kind of sounds like a tin can i'm not even sure why that's the first thing i think all right and we finally got it and let's make some armor and we got armory guys we are suited up let's go all right and the quest begins to find an ammonist amnesty whatever the structure that spawns how do we say that a methodist or amethyst i was saying amethyst right i think i was something along those lines okay i'm sure this is really rare to find so this is going to take a quite a long time i might not be able to find it my first time so let's make the goal of this first episode to find the amethyst i'm not going to sing it right anymore the goals are to find the amethyst structure and to start my very own home whoa whoa what is this what did i just run into that kind of scared me seeing this new block come on look at my crusty toenail skin cobbled deep slate oh listen to the sound that's fancy i turn this in the smooth oh polish deep slate oh that looks beautiful okay i'm gonna have to take some of these i'm gonna have to use all the new 1.17 blocks for my house that's i just have to i have to fit the 1.17 theme even redstone looks different oh whoa is that gold gold is actually looking like gold it looked like gold before but this is fancy whoa let me let me mine this whoa okay it gives you a raw gold oh this is so much better minecraft's becoming so much more realistic instead of giving you gold ore you get raw gold um liking this it looks like my molar tooth if i get enough of these i can have a whole grill i have no idea why that's the thing i think of when i see gold i'm sure no one on the planet thought of that it's just me i'm just that weird what the a glowing ink sack that's what i saw okay i guess it doesn't look glow but that is so weird how did a squid get in the cave to drop a glow ink sack what did the 1.17 update do to the squids no way i got chills down my spine we found it i was gonna give up with this cave and just leave it and i just found it oh that's so awesome i actually got chills down my spine we found it boys we found it okay okay this is a full-grown cluster i think this is just a root amethyst oh that noise so beautiful now we got amethyst shards all right let's monster let's hear what it sounds like oh that that is that is a sound and we robbed the caves out of its beautiful amethyst blocks we robbed it all i took each and every single block what block is this though i haven't mined this yet what is this oh what does this do smooth calcite okay you can't you can't make smooth calcite so i'm not sure what this is but it looks nice and creamy so i'm gonna take it well hold up this basalt in the overworld wait a second this is basalt i thought you could only find it in the nether oh so there's a salt layer and then a calcium layer and then the amethyst layer oh that's kind of interesting not really i'm just trying to sound smart but let's mine some of this uh this cream maybe i can use this cream for one of my builds and just like that it looks like a normal cave and it's like nothing was even here oh i just robbed everything you know what it still doesn't look like a normal minecraft cave there's just something about it that just doesn't look normal that is more like it that only took five iron pickaxes to mine on this entire thing all right i finally made it to the surface that took quite a long time and it's night time so there's gonna be a lot of mobs but take a look at my inventory guys it's so op i have so much op stuff in here well let's try to survive the night and i'm looking for a village right now because one there is a bed and two there's hay cause i need food i'm slowly running out of food to eat right now oh speaking about a bed there's a conveniently three sheep placed right in front of me all right let me just uh quickly take out these sheep here oh my god there's so many mobs okay oh they're everywhere they are everywhere get on top of this tree like a monkey hide up here okay okay i'm hiding in a little hole right now place down the crafting table and let's make a bed and let's place the bed down and let's sleep oh yeah sweet dreams and good morning everybody all right now the adventure is to go find a spot to set home i want a nice flat and grassy air to start my base because i'm gonna be building a lot of stuff around there and i'm pretty picky on where i'm gonna start so let's begin the journey to find the perfect spot oh i wasn't even looking for a village anymore but guess what i just remembered you can make spy glasses right you just need copper ingots and uh oh yes spyglass what does this do whoa that's so cool can i see the stars all right we definitely gotta wait oh look at me that's so cool that's not really on my eye but i mean it's like right in the middle of my face oh my god yo yo yo relax i'll save you i'll save your steve come here come here i'll see if he'll save you oh you'll quit running don't quit moving oh there you go oh my god this village is being engulfed by lava there's a lot of hay bales over here i'm gonna have to grab those all right i'm gonna collect all these hay bales for food in the future because i'm fat and i know i'm gonna eat all of this steak like with what my whole already broke i know i'm fat i'm gonna eat all this steak within seconds all right i read it every single home and there's basically nothing in this village all right let's continue the quest to go find a place to call home hold up is that another village right over there let me pull up my spy glass no that is another village all right that's the village i just raided and right over here is another village i've never seen two villagers so close together before hello everybody oh they're having a family gathering over here what is going on i just want some bookshelves come on come on there's a blacksmith what's in here and some armor or another pickaxe and a sword all right unfortunately there was nothing good in this village so let's continue the journey maybe i need to cross the sea to find what i'm looking for post on christopher columbus right here so let's make a boat and let's head out and i'm a pretty picky person so i did a lot of running and exploring i wanted to make sure i had a really nice spot to start this entire series and then i ran to this place and immediately i thought this was the spot i'm surrounded by islands that look amazing they're pretty small but they look amazing there's like flower biomes everywhere which i love by the way and guess what's right in the middle a ocean monument right in the middle surrounded by all of these islands guys i might have to set my home here that is pretty amazing there's islands spread across all around here they're pretty small islands though which is the sad part what do you guys think should i make my base here with all of these islands and each island could be like a dedicated spot there's no chance no shot there's another ocean monument right there i came across three different ocean monuments what is happening i mean a lot of potential for guardian farms whoa whoa whoa what is this world generation why is this looking like amplified minecraft what is going on and just a quick 15 second break you guys should definitely follow all of my social medias because i'm not gonna lie it's a it's it's pretty dry over there on twitter and instagram and twitch so please do me a favor and go follow me everywhere all the links will be in the description below i love you guys so much anyways enjoy the rest of the video alright i'm finally on land but i still cannot find the biome i'm looking for those islands back there in the ocean though are pretty freaking amazing i'm so tempted to go back there and set my home there i just don't want to build above water all right guys i think i might have found the spot there's a big section of ocean right here with a lot of beaches around there's a village right over there and there's a village right over there as well and the bottom i've been searching for the entire time is right there the flower forest i love these volumes so much they're just so bright and vibrant and there's even a spruce forest right there and if you guys watch my videos you guys know i love building with spruce wood so this might be the spot guys this might be the spot all right but i have to make sure so let's take a closer look hmm it's not it's not too bad i just don't like how it's so bumpy all these mountains are pretty steep these flower forests are the most beautiful biomes in minecraft yeah yeah i like flowers bro yeah i'm kind of liking this spot as well it's just like a big body of water surrounded by all these different biomes there's like a forest biome there's the spruce biome or whatever that is there's just a plains biome with this little island smack in the middle all right i think i'm gonna pull the trigger and make my house right by the beach right here so i think i'm just gonna start building here we have officially claimed this land and what is this bat doing here and i think it's time to start working on my first ever house of my hardcore world all right these are the main blocks i want to focus this house on we got some wood we got some of these new blocks and we got leaves obviously so let's get going but before i start i'm kind of tired so let's let's go to bed all right now that i'm well and rested now it's time to start building all right you guys are probably wondering what these things are i want to make it like a waterfall so this would be my house right here and i just want to make two waterfalls on each side that will go into the ocean just to spice up my home a little bit you know make it a little bit unique so this is the design that came out for the front of the house not too bad i'm gonna have some little windows right here and i'm just gonna have to work on the backside because there's literally nothing back here so let's continue working oh we got a wandering trader what do you what does he have to offer and literally nothing so this is the layout i got for the house it's kind of small but and you know it's kind of cozy i kind of like it so let's remove that grass and let's work on the floor and there we go we got the floor finished okay it's not too bad the house is a pretty simple right now i definitely want to add some detail in the front and all the sides but it's not looking too bad let me strip all these logs and that is the outline i have it's not the best but you know what it works it works all right now let's get enough blocks to make a ceiling because i don't want it to rain into my house obviously also if you guys are enjoying this video so far please drop a like it means a lot more than you think help me push through the youtube algorithm all right there we go we got the rooftop covered up and now we just got to recreate this thing on that side and that's gonna be kind of tough because this is a there's a lot of detail to this all right there we go the back side is complete and now we just gotta finish off these sides because it looks like a uh a bald haircut to be honest it looks like a bowl cut or something to me so let's finish off this side here and i think i'm just gonna do something simple here let's just make a long slab thingy right across like that alright now that the outside is completely finished honestly this might be the first house i've ever complete i don't think i've ever completed a house in minecraft in the 10 years i've been playing like this is pretty crazy so this is a pretty big accomplishment but now since it's all complete let's start decorating the front and the sides and all around because it's bothering me how simple this looks just like that a small little detail but i mean i think it does it does a lot and just like that i think everything is decorated this is the most decoration i've ever added to one house and it's such a small house but it looks so amazing i got a nice little touch of flowers here got some lights all around and you guys probably thought i forgot but nope i never forget my leaves let's cover this entire house with leaves come on guys that looks so good if you guys don't think leaves just make it look ten times better you guys just might have to stop watching the video and click off right now no i'm just kidding please don't click off i need you guys to watch but come on it looks so good with leaves everywhere let me know in the comments guys if you guys use leaves in your builds as well but we're almost finished here i need a door and i need to finish this waterway and we are done with the first ever house on my hardcore series it's a pretty fancy house to be my first house i must say i'm not the best builder but hey it looks it looks pretty good all right i got the little waterways in what do you guys think let me know in the comments it's a nice little touch i think to the house just like a waterway from here going into the ocean and this is what it looks like what do you guys think guys let me know it's not the greatest looking house but hey it's pretty good but i'm forgetting one thing for this build you guys know what it is it is a door i forgot the one only thing which is the door let's add the door in pop and we have a complete house i hope you guys enjoyed episode one on my hardcore series if you guys want to episode 2 please drop a like and comment down below also don't forget to subscribe and if you guys haven't seen my other videos go check them out because i spend a lot of time on these videos to make it really high quality for you guys anyways thank you so much again and i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 4,656,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 1.17, minecraft cave update, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.17 update, minecraft hardcore 1.17, the best start ever in minecraft, the best start ever in hardcore minecraft, minecraft, minecraft hardcore lets play series, minecraft hardcore ep 1, minecraft hardcore but the best start ever, minecraft cave and cliff update, minecraft 1.17 lets play ep 1, i had the best start ever in minecraft hardcore, acookiegod, a cookie god, minecraft 1.17 episode 1, minecraft ep 1
Id: dcXjLUMrnv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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