I took weapon upgrades to new extremes! (GTA 5 DLC Bike)

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a brand new bike has been added to gta 5 and we're going to be checking it out media and crane are each going to upgrade it and then it's up to you guys in the conversation to decide who has the best upgraded bike where's crainer uh oh uh oh uh oh we've got a brand new bike this looks cool this is a cool car right crainer look at this car oh crain wait wait you've got something you might no man i knew all right let's go afraid you might think this thing looks cool now well we're gonna upgrade this i can't wait to be the last one at the just at the customs again are you struggling with talking right now don't worry yes i am all right guys this is it's getting a little bit dark so i think i'll see you guys there are you guys here hey all right check this out the nagasaki shinobi that is a cool sounding bike all right first we're gonna repair it i think that's probably a good thing to do and then we're gonna look at some armor upgrades nice okay that doesn't actually change anything visually and we've got okay so bodywork this is the secondary i guess we'll change the secondary for now i don't want to add any carbon until we sort of figure out what we're doing with the rest of it okay so super breaks engine upgrade um oh look at the size of those exhausts okay um actually kind of like the basic one but hmm which one to go for it's kind of tough i mean the stock double looks kind of cool i mean we could always change this later so let's put these off the market double exhausts on and then see what we do uh we don't need any explosives oh wow we can completely carbon this out maybe we should do that i mean that must look really cool okay carbon rear facing yep okay i think i know what i want to do now um so do we want to change yeah no that's that looks good front mud guards carbon i mean we do want some red in this i think i guess we'll turn that all to carbon and we can adjust some parts later carbon tank okay this is so intense all right we're gonna put a massive truck horn on this because we'd love to do that and then upgrade the headlights okay good and now we've got some deliveries so how does this work with the carbon black shinobi graphics where is it actually putting that just at the back okay um i don't think there's any of these that i'm abs oh okay there's this one i think we'll skip on that one um yeah no i don't think there's any that i particularly want but they do look quite cool okay we're gonna do the yellow on black play and then let's have a look so the wreath spray currently is red the secondary i think we'll make this red because that will change the bits at the front yep there we go got some red in it there then we'll do an upgrade of the transmission we'll give it some turbo tuning wheel type okay so we could probably put some some red in here potentially um there's only two types of ones we can do we don't want chrome are these all custom i don't know if i've seen these ones before actually you know what we should do let's change the color oh we need to change it change it so we can change the color oh these are these ones are carbon fiber god they're kind of hard to see okay we'll go with racer so we'll put that on the front and the back eraser there we go now i don't think that changing the color is gonna do anything oh oh we can change a bit around the outside okay that looks cool nice i like that okay tires i don't think we want custom designed tires they look silly we do need bulletproof tyres though and we do need red tyre smoke okay and there we go so let's have a look is there any adjustments we can make we could make the back a little bit red not really a big fan of that fuel tank now this could look quite cool as red i mean it means it's not completely black i suppose and we could keep a little bit of carbon fiber on it okay i'm gonna go with that i think that looks quite cool all right and there we go i think that's our bike let's uh go see what jelly and crainer have done all right boys hello can you not park it's so close let me back this up yeah maybe back it up don't look at this first get it he's parking it okay who who are we looking at first guys that's my bike you're messing up mine look at mine look at mine tell you my first your bike he's got a suit jelly this needs to be not happening behave okay yeah so funny joke yes let me let me pick your bike up crane i got you okay jelly i'm gonna take that away from you in a second jelly okay okay i apologize put it away playing is over we're not gonna get anywhere with this behavior children okay let's do a redo at this okay oh look at this this is my bike all right show us around yellow carbon bike cool and white and also white oh wow he's gonna shoot me again no he won't stop him no also there's got some orange in there as well josh you have to stop him oh yeah guys stop pointing guns at each other he started first josh this is not a gun i will hit you with a it was a wrench i didn't know he would die from a hit shot as you can see i've got a carbon fiber with some red trim i think it looks pretty cool to be honest okay back to the fun stuff julie all right and jenna are you going to take us through your bike yeah yeah yeah green nice no that's my bike you can't shoot me anyway loser all right uh yeah that all right my bike is now gone had enough i've had enough of you both okay can i ride on your yes you can get on the back of mine [Music] it doesn't fit more people than one oh all right hey my bike idiot [Laughter] we're supposed to be reviewing this well you exploded mine yeah because i i'll get this car i'll i'll okay that sounds fair i'll review a random all right i'm gonna drive this now to check out the performance no let me get in whoa what the heck what was that i don't even know what is going on guys let me get a car all right we're gonna take it for jelly what did you just do all right i'm taking the food test drive let's go brand new sit down okay this is pretty good watch out pedestrian all right so oh i got polices out dang this is fast crashing into things guys i'm trying to review the bike here i'm trying to review my brand new sedan oh that didn't quite done i don't know how you got it come on i'm getting shot left i'm right all right uh josh yeah speed speed is good yeah it's really good in this sedan yeah it's fair it is really fast this might be the new best uh seater brand new four-seater this pipe it's very good wow wait what yeah so i want to say my sedan has been my personal vehicle has been impounded it does very well on road it drives over josh's head really well i couldn't even feel the crushing off his skull underneath my tires and overall 10 out of 10 car would say guys this is just this is a mess how about we you guys both call in your bikes all right it's impounded i have to go and break it out yeah i i i'm kind of fine with my mission get our bikes back is a go yeah shoot it everybody stop we're trying to get rid of the cops oh we have to go back to where our bikes are crainer does your bike get impounded no we don't really care about crane look we just need to get our bikes back okay i don't care about crainer either all right jelly bike is not oh wait dude let's parachute oh no no no no wait a second wait a second yeah we need the car don't go yet guys yeah wait wait hey hey why am i not jumping i was pressing i was pressing why okay i see my bike i see my bike where's yours jelly oh wait no no no mine's behind okay all right yes got my bike i got my bike hey crane open up gate i can't jump the fence yeah that's true hey josh is the gate opening yes yes all right let's go straight away from me [Music] he can't get on his own car come here i can't get on your thing dude okay get on the train get on the train impounded by trainer let's go no am i driving the right way no i don't deserve this all right well j crane follow me okay follow me we're gonna go to the airport jenny we'll meet you there okay jelly take a sedan i really recommend that what are you doing josh going to the airport how did you whoa yeah all right i got i got i got myself a similar looking bike guys josh i can't swag like that dude ow okay josh wait for me i'm going to the airport figure out how to get there man josh wait i mean i'm i'm not waiting for you please okay fine i'll come back up i'll come back up to the road coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming yeah i'm here josh i think where did you go to the tunnel i can't tell you exactly everywhere to go all the time well you can wait for me so i can see it okay you're on the right track hey buddy did you get my joke yeah yeah that was good okay so yeah we're gonna meet jelly he's having a hard time we'll meet him at the airport no problem yeah yeah yeah where is julie he's we're meeting him at the airport great let's jump in josh i did a back flip all right let's wait for jelly telly why are you guys so slow what is that bike but that's a terrible bike all right all right okay guys bye mine no all right thank you so our first challenge is to try the ramp isn't that right yes well usually speed but crap did it okay i'll do it on this one no there's a little wrap crane [Applause] hey look at this guys it's my turn all right crainer you do a backflip ready yeah all right you should have put a helmet on you're dead um how many points do i get guys you died so minus points terrible okay what's the next test what's the next test who would test them airplane wing oh no i'm on my bike what is the net where is this the final test get to the end of the runway okay okay oh i'll be on the other end i'm gonna take off ow and why don't my wheels up and then touch the ground and you're gonna use the airplane as a ramp okay this sounds like an awful idea all you need to do is do it definitely gonna work you're gonna do wheels up and then drag on the ground exactly and i'm gonna be in the dead center okay and you need to be a little bit on the side to hit my wing you guys aren't even on the same runway right now here we are okay oh okay three two one go this sounds awful this is john i'm going for your left wing okay here is jaws coming in right there all right aha and i honestly have no idea wait you landed that yeah i did i mean not on my feet um but yeah all right well there you go that's our testing complete hey we love the sedan it's a good new sudan what what's a bike crate well i used to sedan most of the yeah that's true hello to my little friend where are you wow oh oh that's awesome oh good job that was cool good shot thanks for watching head over to soil.com for the merch and click the video on the screen to watch more
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,522,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, gat 5, grand theft auto 5, jelly, crainer, dlc, new bike, weapon upgrades
Id: JAc0lVHsI4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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