I Became A Getaway Driver In A Submarine Car on GTA 5 RP

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I became a Gateway driver in GTA 5 RP but in a submarine car that I used to surprise my customers when I drove in the water so we got our submarine car here and uh today we're gonna be using this thing to become a getaway driver but before we do that I want to show you guys how it works so all you do is drive in the water and then activate the submarine ability there we go and just like that we're under the water so we're gonna go ahead and put out an ad out under water to become a getaway driver so we're gonna say getaway Services call me if you like mermaids I'm gonna go ahead and submit that and we're gonna wait for somebody to call oh we're getting a customer it's Rod yo yo Casey it's Rod what's good bro I am in a little bit of a pickle again again yeah I need you man I need you to be my getaway driver once again this seems to be happening a lot Rob what's your what's your location listen I trust you all right listen I you know got a little I got a little itch in me I didn't want to rob a bank but I'm robbing a liquor store right by burger shop right now and I only expected one or two cops and there's like over 10 here I'm gonna need your help all right dude I'm on my way right now all right okay what are you driving I'm about to run out and just hop in the car um a blue car that's all I'm gonna say perfect I'll see you soon please hurry okay I'm literally like here oh I see you oh my God okay goodbye you should be right here there he is get in partner oh there's so many cops here yeah what is this thing this thing is you know it's my secret weapon oh this thing is dude I didn't expect this many cops oh my God there's so many of them that's what I'm saying it's in this car you know you'd be surprised what this car can do you ready I'm ready look at that boom whoa we got a boost on this thing oh I love that oh my God I watched it so we could actually slow down and then hey guys hey guys calm down calm down watch this watch this WOW hey man oh my God hold on yo that is insane I love this car we also got missiles but we're not going to use them unless we're in danger all right you got what oh my God we got missiles missiles yep if a cop goes in front of us I'm blowing them up you go in front of me I'm blowing you up Sir look at you go dude oh what is he doing look at all the cops dude look at this power drift watch this one watch this one you ready damn oh oh my god oh oh that was planned I literally planned that I meant for that to happen okay you know I want to boost them away I'm sure you did hey man sure don't do it don't do it don't do what oh my God yo they're going crazy oh my God I'm telling you man yo oh chill God damn bruh look at all of them you ready for this all right you ready for this one and boom wait there's more there's more oh oh my God yo could you imagine if I got one of them oh man I can't believe you just backflipped the car I've never I backflipped and shot a rocket I'm gonna try to shoot Air1 out of this guy with this you ready hold on you're ready I'm ready you ready boom wait wait wait line it up oh I'm not gonna be able to line it up hit the cops hit the cops I can't I can't if we went sideways oh God ouch yeah he's insane what is this called it's called a Toradora man it's got some weird name oh look at him all right you know what dude I'm sick of everyone I don't know about you but I'm sick of them I am I am sick of them here we go you ready here we go back flip here we go boom Oh I missed completely oh wait on the freeway almost hit that car ouch all right we got we got it we gotta use our secret weapon we got a secret weapon in this car Rod you know this car can do more than just boost actually believe it or not listen this thing breaks very easily so um just get ready all right yeah we're already we're already red engine this is not good what's this power drift boom oh there we go oh out ouch ouch oh oh please unbox me in Hey sir how's it going you seem to be the only one on us right now hello we didn't do nothing uh you know what screw you oh we spun them around listen all the way I can do this anymore man we're gonna have to steal a boat over here I can't do it anymore bro there's no way I'm gonna Escape him I don't have no one listen hold your breath okay oh I'm sorry ah just kidding and we're submarine oh look we can still boost all right listen now from here we can choose wherever we want to go I say we go north I agree you gotta just Cruise in the water for a bit because uh I don't know where they're at I want to see if they flew in I want to see if they went in the water actually nice it's pretty calming down here I must shoot a rocket in here what happened oh oh damn look at that it's going so slow all right here we go boom oh look at that dude this car was worth it watch this boom Oh now we're chilling let's just there's a cop behind us is it really oh I see him shoot the rocket all right hold on I'm gonna Aim It Up oh oh my God I just cut the helicopter ah oh we gotta go back to the water oh hold on hold on shooting a rocket hopefully that gets one of them all right we're back in the water we are back in the water this is insane I don't know who you bought this from but I'm gonna need to get in contact with him I bought it from uh the dealership yeah they sell it for 10 million I'll make that soon yeah you're gonna keep robbing banks well how come you rob the store man you're up to store this time I don't like you I had an itch you know after after the big million dollar look I thought I was gonna be done for a while and you know I think I'm just an adrenaline junkie okay all right I say we go back to the land over here and we use one of the slopes over here to go back up to the mountains what do you think oh they're here hey I trust you 100 I mean they're here I see them but get ready here we go what where did that boat just come from oh my God that's a cop goodbye oh God oh God all right here we go we gotta go oh my God oh my God got a blast Jesus Christ you're ready oh wait wait wait oh my God dude we're almost out of fuel good luck catching this I don't think there's no way they're behind us yeah they got to be long gone by now long freaking gun yeah I don't see him all right we gotta just land up here somewhere um please don't break the car this is a far drop oh we're good we're chilling dude so how much you make from that Soul robbery huh um I'm I'm gonna be honest with you I made about twenty five hundred dollars dude listen what if we just split it 2500 yeah dude 12 12.50 each what do you think all right all right all right we got we gotta get to a safe place first hold on let me go to a safe place oh my God I'm having way too much fun with this yo this thing is crazy I think you should just tune it so it doesn't break as easily yeah that's a good idea Hey listen you got my coat or what all right bro I know it was a small deal and it was just too crazy for me to get out of that alone I appreciate you helping me once again I think I'm gonna slow down on the store Robbies and stick to the big jobs from now on I think that's a good idea honestly hey hey you're scared me over 250 here there's your cut hey game with me am I too fitty okay trying to scam me all right here you go you can't scan me you know what I'm leaving you out here because you did that goodbye I'm just gonna leave him here now listen dude you wanted to scam so now you're getting left here no you can't do this oh my God you gotta get out of here take this little ramp and boom oh god oh ouch there we go all right we left him on the mountain we're gonna go ahead and get this thing fixed up get some gas and then we'll wait for another customer to call oh my God that was a clean backflip oh wait hold on hold on 360. uh not quite not quite all right let's wait for another customer to call oh we're getting a customer that was midair yo yo hello boys now I think I need a pickup all right what's your uh what's your location Bank yeah kinda I kind of rock why are you robbing banks I just I need help all right Tony Tempo listen I'm on my way right knee all right I'll be there very shortly I'm on my way don't you worry all right um um we are stuck in the tree oh my God we made it all right we gotta go pick this customer you should be right here yeah here he is get in oh my god let's go let's go Hey sir I love your car what do you do for a living boom Oh boosting away I got you man yeah we got a rocket yo they have two helicopters oh my God yay what are you from the movie or what damn okay yeah I think I've seen you on in a movie before or something airplane of the Apes yeah yeah yeah I'm a huge fan of your movie sir I think get ready for this you ready this is the boat this is the best move right here boom Oh yeah we uh don't worry we're gonna be good watch this boom oh oh oh now we're chilling look at that boom look at that we got a few cops on us Mana are you nervous a little bit why are you nervous why are you nervous huh you caught the best ghetto driver and your nervous are serious right now ow all right you know what you're making me angry is he making you angry a little bit yeah hold on there we go screw you sir yeah oh my God now watch this ready wait for it ready for it wait for it wait for it oh watch out don't go in front of me don't go in front of me look at that oh my God this thing costs 10 million dollars you know that right 10 million but watch this you ready boom wait and then boom oh my God I almost got the helicopter yo that would have been insane dude the greatest shot that would have been the greatest shot of all time I'll be honest brake checking and then push them away oh I didn't work yo imagine that work Hey sir yeah we're not recommend going in front of me man I got Rockets remember to watch yourself oh you want to test it you want to test it sir no no oh yeah that's what I thought officer that's what I thought watch this though wait backflip boom Oh we went the other way oh oh my God we almost got him it's close oh come on I'm really close that was a really good try now I'm gonna use a lot of jumps that I used in previous videos but we're gonna spice them up because we got Rockets now I'm just gonna hit this jump but just go boom look at that real full back flip hit everyone out of the sky oh no way it worked ah truly unfortunate oh hello sir hey man hey man you ever seen a rocket before oh now you now he has the break their ankles ready oh I broke him look at him dude uh he's struggling poor guy hey man oh you know what that's what I gotta do oh my God that's exactly what I gotta do I gotta you know I gotta do a little thing and then we just gotta boost them away so if they go in for pit I'm just gonna boost away and they're gonna go flying back I hope I was one of these cops I would just go home and see what this car could do yeah I would too Hey sir well you backing up why are you backing up why are you backing up he's not backing up now he's backing up hey man ouch sir I would not do that I would not recommend doing that I got machine guns I got machine guns too look at that yeah all right you know what you know what watch this no boost kickflip oh oh boost oh we're good ouch yeah sir our car is almost dead our car's almost dead sir listen it's gonna be all right you understand me not even worried not worried at all all right listen I'm gonna get out and use a repair kit all right stay in yeah there we go there we go we're fixed oh he's threatening us he's threatening us did you hear that he threatened us he threatened us I don't like that I don't know about you I don't like that oh we got two air ones on us I've never seen that actually we did have him earlier but we we shot one down they brought out another one I mean I mean I mean I'll be honest they have a good reason to bring out their two air ones you know we're flying everywhere damn that was a sick drift what were they called though that Pilot's definitely not gonna know what things again yeah he does not know what he's in for I think what the plan is is I'm gonna go on top of this parking garage and I'm going to rock it all the way into the water I'm gonna see if I can make it all the way to the water if I can't it was a good try going all the way to the top man before you do that watch this Hey sir oh my God that's a oh all right are you ready what is this guy what does he think he's doing dude like what are you doing like what are you doing of course I'm gonna do that you know what I'm saying you ready watch this see you later watch this boom oh Oh Land on the road over here oh we didn't quite make it to the water it's okay though don't do that don't hey wait you flip oh look at that our car's breaking again man oh my God screw this guy oh I missed him oh should we spare him now I can't spare him oh my God okay maybe he needs to be spared after that you know that that's a sign to spare him what do you think the guy that's flipped yeah the guy that hit us no no we need to get him I don't know where he went though he sends us flying Hey sir ow hey man hey man goodbye oh my God look at that oh that was perfect smooth as butter all right you know what I'm done with them I'm done with them are you done with them get ready we're stuck in the water stuck in the water kidding we're a submarine baby oh my God we're gonna make it to the water you ready boom oh my God make it make it make it ah there we go look at that dude we're underwater now they'll never catch us all right listen I feel bad for air one so you know we'll let him follow for a little he doesn't he doesn't even know where we look at him do he doesn't even know where we're at but yeah let's jump like a dolphin you ready here we go boom look at that we're like a dolphin all right you know what I'm tired of them we're going down all right we're going all the way to the bottom of the ocean you ever been to the bottom of the ocean I have not me either I was gonna spam the Boost here cause uh you know we're going we're going kind of fast 50 miles an hour it's not bad at all oh front flip oh my God oh I can't steer he knows where we're at again oh yeah he sees us that's okay that's okay all right I'm just going to send it North and not go above the water at all just so that they can't see us at all yo so you know how much money you get from that bank by the way I forgot to ask you I know I don't know 150k 150k all right listen you know normally I'd ask for half but you know you want to just give me 69 420 we call it even yeah you got a deal all right now we're gonna send it out of the water here oh I don't see any helicopters on us I don't know about you but I'm not seeing them yep we're gonna go ahead and make our way back towards the uh oh God where's the shore here go a bit faster right above the water and then we're gonna hit the beach there we go look at that dude all right right under here there we go so you got my 69 420 or what I appreciate it yeah go ahead and uh there should be a car up there you can steal and uh regard separate ways I'm gonna go back in the water so they don't see me all right thanks boss all right have a good one man there we go just like that another customer is satisfied so we're gonna go ahead and go back in the water here and we're gonna take this thing to a repair shop and wait for another customer to call oh we're getting a customer yo yo I'm rolling the girly store I need I need to pick up now now okay dude I'm on my way right now goodbye okay okay all right that is aggressive all right we gotta hurry this guy seems like he's in trouble he's about to die or something we're rolling up to the scene there's a lot of cops here hey man oh they're shooting get in they're shooting oh my God why are they shooting bro yo what did you do Devin it's like all the jewelry in that store right there dude they're shooting why are they shooting I don't know hey guys hey guys cops are shooting at us oh he doesn't they're kind of angry at me because I've already done you know I've already helped two customers before this so uh they're gonna be pretty aggressive man the oh my God they're shooting make sure you got your seatbelt on sir it's on it's on go go go don't panic that's all I ask it's rule one hey I'm shaking here but I won't stop panicking everything's gonna be all right sir I need to calm down break in rule one if you have uh oh my God you're breaking rule one we're just don't panic no no no does it might be a little bit difficult but just don't panic okay get me out listen man that's a y50 when the helicopter dude they're they're deadly I'll be honest with you oh my God there's two oh my God they're hitting us bro listen everything's gonna be all right man you understand me oh my God everything's gonna be all right sir oh we're not making this jump psych I lied oh dude we're Landing in the casino parking lot boom ouch that hurt right above us we're gonna get him we're gonna get him you ready get ready watch this boom wait there's more oh no I hit the bridge backflip though that was kind of sick back flips yep yep yep Hey sir he said I don't know about you but I kind of want to get rid of this helicopter what do you think I do too I do too okay okay we're gonna do a backflip but we're gonna shoot a rocket midair you ready a rocket no way watch this watch this boom okay wait oh I missed oh gotta turn it around and let's do another one oh my god let's go there's no way dude nah that was crazy yo that's gotta be shot of the year right there yeah it didn't lock onto him or anything that was X Games that really was watch this you ready there's more get ready and boom there's uh there's no exit here I'll be honest with you don't tell me this is gonna be your foot chase nope nope listening for that do not get out of the car man all right I won't I will not get out of the car I trust you okay okay here we go here we go boom oh that didn't work oh wait it worked oh oh it did work oh oh my God we're good let's go oh they're on the still it's okay watch this 360. wait wait there's more goodbye sir oh my God oh my God oh my God I almost got him we're gonna do a little that guy you turn here and boom Oh his life is gone dude I'm like I'm like a hot shot right now oh there's another heli there where's he at better not be that one oh there better not be another heli oh no oh dude you're right there's another heli oh God oh God power drift oh it's like you're from the movies hey man hey man hey what do you do for a living what do you do for a living hey so I'm going in front of me dude you're not gonna like it no goodbye Haley got low he wants him yeah he wants it dude hello sir Goodbye Oh I got him too excuse me local sir oh no no rocket oh oh my God we gotta get out of here he's shooting his own units jump over this guy oh oh oh my God ouch oh my God all right sir listen our car's a little broken all right oh God oh God they're breaking it more those bullets are too close for comfort yeah but you know what's closer us to the water you know what's around I don't think we're getting out of here man I don't think we're getting out of here man oh no oh my God we knocked us in the water or no uh my car might break oh our car's gonna break our car's gonna break just kidding we're a submarine oh God for a submarine stop panicking sir you're breaking rule one man you know we're good now dude you could stop panicking listen our car might be almost broken but it's okay I don't see any cops I don't either we're gonna go all the way around all right Yep they're right here it's here it's gonna be okay man it's gonna be okay listen they're shooting at us but it's all good oh my God I shot a rock on accident okay we're good here we're good we're good for now he's he's pre-firing us look at him gotta make a quick turn boost go go go go go go it's Ryan man I'm trying another turn oh oh God oh God he's breaking our car we gotta go into the water here oh turn turn turn turn there we go all right we gotta just stick underneath the water he still sees us God those bullets are there's a boat here look at him hello sir oh got him we're gonna go all the way around here it is a little bit scary you know Rockets flying everywhere they're shooting at us with machine guns on helicopters you know it's kind of wild out here I'll be honest with you I kind of got have to go back to my wife and kids you're gonna make it back to them dude don't you worry you know I had to take all that jewelry you know from from them you know speaking of jewelry how much you know how much jewelry you get from that uh I think it's like 150k worth so you want you want to pay me just clean cash 75k and you just sell it and then boom sure sure that works for me man of course we got to get out of here though I don't know what's going on yeah I don't know if they're above us still or not check let's check all right here we go keep your eyes open nope I don't see it oh they're way back there they could have saw that though they could have saw that oh ouch that hurt wait did they oh they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming get down they know dude they know oh he's coming dude look at him he knows oh they got a boat out too and everything no please all right you know what we're going this way look at him oh we faked them we faked them you see that yeah you gotta go this way now just Spam I'm just spamming the Boost dude all right let's let's take a peek peek ready you see I don't say I didn't see anything did you no I don't see it it's very quick but let's see let's check again no I don't see anything I think I hear the heli though I don't see anything I think that's just us I don't think I'm here in the heli oh yeah we're good we're good all right we're gonna stay above the water so we can go faster they probably got units on the beach so we should probably just keep going north oh I see the heli by the airport no no no we are long am I almost home safe almost we out I think we're out we're gonna send it up here like this oh God where they see us right no no no we're chilling little ground units or nothing oh we're good dude we're good look at that dude professional definitely was not close at all oh look at that Perfect Landing that's why uh I always call you for the getaways man the best in town dude there's no one even close like that oh too far oh uh listen the car broke here all right you're gonna have to give me the money here all right man you know give me that 75k now I will I will there you go there you go thank you man Hey listen there's some cars up there go ahead and steal it I gotta fix my eyes repair kit on this car real quick all right yes sir yes sir all right see you later bro and there we go just like that all of our customers are satisfied so let's go ahead and get this car out of here away from everything and take our profits there we go just like that we made it back if you guys enjoyed that video make sure to leave a like on it subscribe to the channel if you guys enjoyed the content let me know if you guys have any ideas down in the comments below and I will see you guys in the next video peace oh my God my car's gone
Channel: CrazyCasey
Views: 2,234,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrazyCasey, gta5, gtarp, gtaroleplay, gtaonline, funny, action, gtav, gta5rp, fivem, getaway driver, baby driver, submarine car, submarine
Id: 50Gva3TkJ4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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