GTA 5 Added This MEGA STEALTH HELI! (dlc)

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it's gta 5 time and today we're going to be checking out a brand new stealth helicopter that has been added to the game and this thing is awesome obviously we can fully customize it and that's what we're going to be doing today with jelly and crainer each of us are going to customize our helicopters and we're going to see who has made the best one that is going to be decided by you guys in the comments section down below and if you want us to check out some more crazy vehicles in the gta update click the like button it's as simple as that 50k likes we'll do another one check this out helicopter stealth that looks so cool that is awesome all right it hasn't been it hasn't been upgraded yet no you could not get in my helicopter we can't get in we all have one each we're gonna customize that that's right that looks the best we'll win okay what do they win jelly what do they win they win 10 billion gta dollars whoa i'm holding up no i'm holding it higher okay you two you two get out get out i want to customize now i know this is just nobody i'm gonna customize my own get out all right i'll see you guys there see ya see ya alright so let's check out my brand new helicopter obviously we need to jump in to begin the customizing process and there we go modify all right so it's kind of like a really dark color right now i think because it's obviously like a stealth heli but we might not keep it that way first of all we're going to do our basic upgrades that's going to include an armor upgrade so that's armor upgrade to 100 percent we're not going to go with 80 60 40 20 we don't care about those we care about the hundreds only now going on to engine i guess this is going to make it faster yeah optimizing engines for increased air speed that's what we would like to see handling for some reason we have race handling sport handling smooth handling i'm guessing race just means the best so that's what we're going to go with i wonder how much this actually changes i don't really know all right now we're on to the interesting stuff we've got camos oh i can barely see him okay you know what i think let me just flick through these okay there's some cool ones i think what we need to do is switch our normal color over here to red first and then we can see what they actually look like so let's do that now all right there's the red and then let's go back to our liveries oh okay that's what we're talking about now oh should we we should add our secondary color to something very yeah we'll add it to white that way we can just see what it is i think it's the underside okay so livery okay we've got basic camo we've got zancudo camo then we've got like a green one all right there's some interesting options here i don't know which one i'm gonna go with though and then these ones are locked for us at the moment so we can't actually use those i think we definitely should go with a a camo just not sure exactly which to pick i mean this looks cool it's kind of a bit crazy but we can do a little bit of crazy sometimes winter camo is now the secondary color that's the other side do we keep that red white or red this is our red or we go for white i say we go for a white i think that looks pretty cool now secondary weapons mounted oh okay okay barrage or homing i actually kind of like the idea of having barrage not really sure what the other two are gonna do though barrage definitely sounds a lot crazier all right let's go with barrage missiles we can obviously change that and i think there we go we are done okay interesting all right craig are you going to show us first wow yeah this is my helicopter as you can see can you give us a tour yellow okay okay that is yellow jelly you see this see this see this jelly jelly this here i said it looks like a giant banana you see this jelly this is yellow that's why are you saying that john oh i just was just pointing it out that's all i know my color's done okay okay well if you guys would care for more info i got the uh raised controls in it the razors yeah yeah we've all got that move on i don't care about that helicopter yeah it's a real quick what are these that's the homing ones yeah those are kind of basically so how do they work huh how do they how does how do homing whistles work trainer they seek out heat and then they hit heat okay you have no idea all right um on to my one next i went for a kind of crazy color scheme of mine ketchup on it that's exactly what i was going for this must even look good okay josh has either flown okay banana man look all right he loves catching hey don't call me banana man all right so for my one i've gone with the barrage missiles oh so they should be kind of crazy um but other than that it's pretty much wait what do you mean copy there's only two options i also have barack wait you're lost jenny you're lost are you copying me technically that doesn't make any sense yes it does it's simple okay you guys need to stop arguing okay what is this i went for the digital camo nice cop do you guys like the way that looks it's very pixelated you know it reminds me of minecraft it's kind of like your videos like low quality yeah i mean yeah that's what it reminds me of two ways because you're on every single one of them oh okay guys this is a mod this is a wholesome vehicle with you we're not going to create it you're the new guy here you can't tell us what this is and see how they can either control yeah i mean i'm excited to try my whole game no guys oh do we when you get when you enter your helicopter guys and missiles we also have a stealth mode what is a stealth mode okay so if you click right click on the d-pad we should probably check that out first it will go into stealth mode am i in stealth mode how do i know something goes in on the side of it i guess the mini guns go in oh you can't shoot you do so you can't shoot when you're in stealth mode basically nobody can see us so now y'all so basically look on the map you can't see each other right you're invisible that's pretty cool whoa how do you go out of it yeah and then cook it again can't shoot his homie stealth mode there you go wow well my missiles haven't come out no wait what no not gonna miss wait what jelly i don't know how to do this but okay just don't worry about it so if you guys click a um you can also shoot your miniguns or whatever oh you almost hit me dude whoa look i'm an upside down helicopter no crainer training so handling wise this is honestly really nice like i really like this is amazing have you guys noticed if you ever check your wheels there's kind of like two tiny little skis oh yeah look at the skis oh yeah i think it's a i think it's a footstep for the past i i would have thought that they would go in but i guess it's because the doors are open i like that how do i make it guys okay so we just click x you can switch to your missiles all right so how does barrage work i can just shoot and alone okay whoa i think that is amazing that's powerful i want to see your homing missiles i'm trying to figure out how to get out of stealth mode click right click on the d-pad the same button you click to activate it am i in now no right click on the d-pad i'm doing it okay okay how do i know which one i've selected oh it says just just okay i got it what do i do now we gotta look for something for like a heat source so potentially another plane or okay i mean i'm down the street no not us you cannot shoot us okay i won't shoot you just go lower go lower missiles okay i'm going lower you should be able why do i feel like this is going to go wrong oh here we go oh crap bring it out down real quick train up really is it oh yeah i don't know shoot hey slow down hey what am i why [Music] i just shot the car did you see that all right i'm going to try out my barrage i guess whoa that is sick crain you can come in don't shoot at us i'm done don't shoot at us yeah but uh i said i was gonna try out my barrage you just sort of got in the way josh that was very dumb all right don't worry i'd much rather he go in my helicopter and just mess around then watch it you're gonna control all the guns don't get in there jelly you can can you control the guns yeah he can control all of my weapons wait wait creator really you're getting him get out craig now this thing is way cooler than yours josh okay i'll get it out get out get out okay come on get in get in oh jeez dude stop jelly stop get in stop messing around man are you sure get in the sun no get in the front you loser okay jelly okay you should be able to take control of the guns now how do i shoot him i'm like okay or something he's got guns all right should we land on the maze banks yeah let's go to the mississippi building hey yeah i don't i think he's just shooting his pistol out the window i don't know wait yeah he's just like wait it's just not click x and switch oh you are so useless click x and switch crane i thought i was using that gta just doesn't go very well together all right you still want to exist wait wait did you just take over control of the helicopter why am i in first person wait what it just pushed me into first person that was weird it's really not letting me shoot anything what are you doing i'm trying but it weirdly took over all right crainer yeah that's me we're gonna land on the race bank let me learn first otherwise we're gonna have problems land on the base bank guys you got my problem then is it hey how are we gonna we gotta make some space i'll make some space all right there we go okay okay crane it wait jelly stay still stay still yeah all right craig get out space get out now okay what did you think was going to happen i didn't see i'm not looking that well ah now i'm here guys okay let me just go pick up the child again again i still haven't figured out how to shoot the things okay well i guess we can all get in mind now yep yeah all in jellies kelly yo i have no whoa daddy come and pick me up i am still the first person how do i get out of this i don't know i just spammed it and then it was like jenny come down okay no that's a bridge i'm down here no i'm on can i lie here no i can't see anything guys yeah he landed you're good oh i [Laughter] oh yeah sorry about it i need picking up he's there's a building he just hit a building oh i'm good i'm good it's okay the helicopter land here i've got cops on me what is happening here where are you going i'm down lower off the bridge oh he slammed that into the ground didn't he get in quick hurry all right i'm getting shot by cops i'm getting it i'm gonna get him get it okay no kenny you hit me what are you guys doing get it it's the worst i am dead we don't have any helicopters do you guys understand what we're supposed to be doing in this video hey jelly catch oh my goodness can we please focus can we please get a helicopter get out my face right now can i just please get my helicopter okay look okay we need to do we need to do tests as well okay i'm still going to test out the heli no trying to just get in my car okay no i got it no get in train it get in nope okay i'm getting in all right here we are yeah now let's get these things back okay all right we're back hey what's up what's up guys finally we can fly again stealth mode trainer i highly suggest because otherwise you're probably gonna kill us with those homies oh yeah i actually didn't mean to do it so i genuinely want to see crainer try and land on the maze bank i know we're miles away first let's go to the mainstream i think that's a good challenge our challenge for ukraine is simple land on the tallest tower in the city okay which is uh this one right yes land on it and to succeed and to get modus points you have to land it safely and also you need to get out oh my god he's doing it how do i get the wheels out left click whatever you missed it okay turning around you missed it well this is gonna be quite the experience okay oh geez this is way tougher than i thought it would be guys crying out yeah just come out quite a slowly yeah pull up pull up slowly oh my god that's not landing oh no wait it's how much that doesn't count you need to slow down and go down speed crater yeah just you know helicopters can like kind of be still in the air that's what you got to do yeah to succeed you need to park it it needs to stop moving and then you need to get out don't have to go okay forwards to land on this thing okay he's just swinging around like a crazy person all right all right try again just get above it and then just go down okay all right okay come on craig you can do it you can do it greater you can do it a okay bit more forward now yeah forwards yeah yes down down down yeah a bit rough on the landing now get out get out okay you did it guys all right and now your prize i knew it [Laughter] all right well i think that's the end of the video at least over here at least i landed on the maze bank wow come on jelly sorry crane we're having a little bit of a mid-air battle right now oh i think i got you i'm used to this well i'm gonna get you just no no oh you lucky thing are you a lucky thing how are we so bad okay that's the end of the video now fighter one i was trying to find you guys and shoot a homing missile at you but i couldn't thanks for watching the video remember to let me know in the comments who you thought had the best helicopter and if you want to watch another video there's some on the screen tap those videos and it'll take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,422,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, grand theft auto 5, gta 5, stealth heli, new vehicle
Id: QwHi-QkssyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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